#include "sdsutils.h" #include "inseng.h" #define MsgBox(title, msg) ModalDialog(TRUE);\ MessageBeep(0xffffffff);\ MessageBox(m_hwnd, msg, title, MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_SETFOREGROUND);\ ModalDialog(FALSE) // MS trust key defines, this are bit fields to determine which one to add/delete #define MSTRUSTKEY1 0x1 #define MSTRUSTKEY2 0x2 #define MSTRUSTKEY3 0x4 #define MSTRUSTKEY4 0x8 #define MSTRUSTKEY5 0x10 #define MSTRUSTKEY6 0x20 #define MSTRUSTKEY7 0x40 #define MSTRUSTKEY8 0x80 #define MSTRUSTKEY9 0x100 #define MSTRUSTKEY10 0x200 #define MSTRUSTKEY11 0x400 #define MSTRUST_ALL MSTRUSTKEY1 | MSTRUSTKEY2 | MSTRUSTKEY3 | MSTRUSTKEY4 | MSTRUSTKEY5 | MSTRUSTKEY6 | MSTRUSTKEY7 | MSTRUSTKEY8 | MSTRUSTKEY9 | MSTRUSTKEY10 | MSTRUSTKEY11 extern HFONT g_hFont; BOOL MyRestartDialog(HWND, BOOL); int ErrMsgBox(LPSTR pszText, LPCSTR pszTitle, UINT mbFlags); int LoadSz(UINT id, LPSTR pszBuf, UINT cMaxSize); BOOL KeepTransparent(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *lres); void WriteMSTrustKey(BOOL bSet, DWORD dwSetMSTrustKey, BOOL bForceMSTrust = FALSE); DWORD MsTrustKeyCheck(); BOOL IsSiteInRegion(IDownloadSite *pISite, LPSTR pszRegion); #ifdef TESTCERT void UpdateTrustState(); void ResetTestrootCertInTrustState(); #endif void WriteActiveSetupValue(BOOL bSet); BOOL BrowseForDir( HWND hwndParent, LPSTR pszFolder, LPSTR pszTitle); #define EVENTWAIT_QUIT 0 #define EVENTWAIT_DONE 1 DWORD WaitForEvent(HANDLE hEvent, HWND hwnd); void SetControlFont(); void SetFontForControl(HWND hwnd, UINT uiID);