/*++ Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: iwinsock.cxx Abstract: Contains functions to load sockets DLL and entry points. Functions and data in this module take care of indirecting sockets calls, hence _I_ in front of the function name Contents: IwinsockInitialize IwinsockTerminate LoadWinsock UnloadWinsock SafeCloseSocket Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 12-Apr-1995 Environment: Win32(s) user-mode DLL Revision History: 12-Apr-1995 rfirth Created 08-May-1996 arthurbi Added support for Socks Firewalls. 05-Mar-1998 rfirth Moved SOCKS support into ICSocket class. Removed SOCKS library loading/unloading from this module (revert to pre-SOCKS) --*/ #include #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif //#define RLF_DEBUG 1 #if INET_DEBUG #ifdef RLF_DEBUG #define DPRINTF dprintf #else #define DPRINTF (void) #endif BOOL InitDebugSock( VOID ); VOID TerminateDebugSock( VOID ); #else #define DPRINTF (void) #endif // // private types // typedef struct { LPSTR FunctionOrdinal; FARPROC * FunctionAddress; } SOCKETS_FUNCTION; // // global data // GLOBAL SOCKET (PASCAL FAR * _I_accept)( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr FAR *addr, int FAR *addrlen ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_bind)( SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr FAR *addr, int namelen ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_closesocket)( SOCKET s ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_connect)( SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr FAR *name, int namelen ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_gethostname)( char FAR * name, int namelen ) = NULL; GLOBAL LPHOSTENT (PASCAL FAR * _I_gethostbyname)( LPSTR lpHostName ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_getsockname)( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr FAR *name, int FAR * namelen ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_getsockopt)( SOCKET s, int level, int optname, char FAR * optval, int FAR *optlen ); GLOBAL u_long (PASCAL FAR * _I_htonl)( u_long hostlong ) = NULL; GLOBAL u_short (PASCAL FAR * _I_htons)( u_short hostshort ) = NULL; GLOBAL unsigned long (PASCAL FAR * _I_inet_addr)( const char FAR * cp ) = NULL; GLOBAL char FAR * (PASCAL FAR * _I_inet_ntoa)( struct in_addr in ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_ioctlsocket)( SOCKET s, long cmd, u_long FAR *argp ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_listen)( SOCKET s, int backlog ) = NULL; GLOBAL u_short (PASCAL FAR * _I_ntohs)( u_short netshort ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_recv)( SOCKET s, char FAR * buf, int len, int flags ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_WSARecv)( SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRecvd, LPDWORD lpFlags, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_recvfrom)( SOCKET s, char FAR * buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr FAR *from, int FAR * fromlen ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_select)( int nfds, fd_set FAR *readfds, fd_set FAR *writefds, fd_set FAR *exceptfds, const struct timeval FAR *timeout ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_send)( SOCKET s, const char FAR * buf, int len, int flags ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_WSASend)( SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_sendto)( SOCKET s, const char FAR * buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr FAR *to, int tolen ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_setsockopt)( SOCKET s, int level, int optname, const char FAR * optval, int optlen ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_shutdown)( SOCKET s, int how ) = NULL; GLOBAL SOCKET (PASCAL FAR * _I_socket)( int af, int type, int protocol ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_WSAStartup)( WORD wVersionRequired, LPWSADATA lpWSAData ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_WSACleanup)( void ) = NULL; //VENKATKBUG-remove later - for now trap any errors GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * __I_WSAGetLastError)( void ) = NULL; int ___I_WSAGetLastError( VOID ) { int nError = __I_WSAGetLastError(); /* VENKATK_BUG - OK to have WSAENOTSOCK - could happen for timeout situations. INET_ASSERT (nError != WSAENOTSOCK); */ return nError; } GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I_WSAGetLastError)( void ) = ___I_WSAGetLastError; GLOBAL void (PASCAL FAR * _I_WSASetLastError)( int iError ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _I___WSAFDIsSet)( SOCKET, fd_set FAR * ) = NULL; #if INET_DEBUG void SetupSocketsTracing(void); #endif // // private data // // // InitializationLock - protects against multiple threads loading WSOCK32.DLL // and entry points // PRIVATE CCritSec InitializationLock; // // hWinsock - NULL when WSOCK32.DLL is not loaded // PRIVATE HINSTANCE hWinsock = NULL; // // WinsockLoadCount - the number of times we have made calls to LoadWinsock() // and UnloadWinsock(). When this reaches 0 (again), we can unload the Winsock // DLL for real // PRIVATE DWORD WinsockLoadCount = 0; // // SocketsFunctions - this is the list of entry points in WSOCK32.DLL that we // need to load for WININET.DLL // PRIVATE SOCKETS_FUNCTION SocketsFunctions[] = { "accept", (FARPROC*)&_I_accept, "bind", (FARPROC*)&_I_bind, "closesocket", (FARPROC*)&_I_closesocket, "connect", (FARPROC*)&_I_connect, "getsockname", (FARPROC*)&_I_getsockname, "getsockopt", (FARPROC*)&_I_getsockopt, "htonl", (FARPROC*)&_I_htonl, "htons", (FARPROC*)&_I_htons, "inet_addr", (FARPROC*)&_I_inet_addr, "inet_ntoa", (FARPROC*)&_I_inet_ntoa, "ioctlsocket", (FARPROC*)&_I_ioctlsocket, "listen", (FARPROC*)&_I_listen, "ntohs", (FARPROC*)&_I_ntohs, "recv", (FARPROC*)&_I_recv, "recvfrom", (FARPROC*)&_I_recvfrom, "select", (FARPROC*)&_I_select, "send", (FARPROC*)&_I_send, "sendto", (FARPROC*)&_I_sendto, "setsockopt", (FARPROC*)&_I_setsockopt, "shutdown", (FARPROC*)&_I_shutdown, "socket", (FARPROC*)&_I_socket, "gethostbyname", (FARPROC*)&_I_gethostbyname, "gethostname", (FARPROC*)&_I_gethostname, "WSAGetLastError", (FARPROC*)&__I_WSAGetLastError, "WSASetLastError", (FARPROC*)&_I_WSASetLastError, "WSAStartup", (FARPROC*)&_I_WSAStartup, "WSACleanup", (FARPROC*)&_I_WSACleanup, "__WSAFDIsSet", (FARPROC*)&_I___WSAFDIsSet, "WSARecv", (FARPROC*)&_I_WSARecv, "WSASend", (FARPROC*)&_I_WSASend }; // // private prototypes // #if INET_DEBUG void SetupSocketsTracing(void); #endif // // functions // BOOL IwinsockInitialize( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Performs initialization/resource allocation for this module Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { BOOL fResult; // // initialize the critical section that protects against multiple threads // trying to initialize Winsock // fResult = InitializationLock.Init(); #if INET_DEBUG if (fResult) fResult = InitDebugSock(); #endif return fResult; } VOID IwinsockTerminate( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Performs termination & resource cleanup for this module Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { InitializationLock.FreeLock(); #if INET_DEBUG TerminateDebugSock(); #endif } DWORD LoadWinsock( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Dynamically loads Windows sockets library Arguments: None. Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - Win32 error e.g. LoadLibrary() failure WSA error e.g. WSAStartup() failure --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Dword, "LoadWinsock", NULL )); DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; // // ensure no 2 threads are trying to modify the loaded state of winsock at // the same time // if (!InitializationLock.Lock()) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; } if (hWinsock == NULL) { BOOL failed = FALSE; // // BUGBUG - read this value from registry // hWinsock = LoadLibrary("ws2_32"); if (hWinsock == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("failed to load ws2_32.dll")); hWinsock = LoadLibrary("wsock32"); } if (hWinsock != NULL) { // // load the entry points // for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(SocketsFunctions); ++i) { FARPROC farProc; farProc = GetProcAddress( hWinsock, (LPCSTR)SocketsFunctions[i].FunctionOrdinal ); if (farProc == NULL) { failed = TRUE; break; } *SocketsFunctions[i].FunctionAddress = farProc; } if (!failed) { // // although we need a WSADATA for WSAStartup(), it is an // expendible structure (not required for any other sockets // calls) // WSADATA wsaData; error = _I_WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsaData); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("winsock description: %q\n", wsaData.szDescription )); int stringLen; stringLen = lstrlen(wsaData.szDescription); if (strnistr(wsaData.szDescription, "novell", stringLen) && strnistr(wsaData.szDescription, "wsock32", stringLen)) { DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("running on Novell Client32 stack\n" )); GlobalRunningNovellClient32 = TRUE; } #if INET_DEBUG SetupSocketsTracing(); #endif } else { failed = TRUE; } } } else { failed = TRUE; } // // if we failed to find an entry point or WSAStartup() returned an error // then unload the library // if (failed) { // // important: there should be no API calls between determining the // failure and coming here to get the error code // // if error == ERROR_SUCCESS then we have to get the last error, else // it is the error returned by WSAStartup() // if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = GetLastError(); INET_ASSERT(error != ERROR_SUCCESS); } UnloadWinsock(); } } else { // // just increment the number of times we have called LoadWinsock() // without a corresponding call to UnloadWinsock(); // ++WinsockLoadCount; } InitializationLock.Unlock(); // // if we failed for any reason, need to report that TCP/IP not available // if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } VOID UnloadWinsock( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Unloads winsock DLL and prepares hWinsock and SocketsFunctions[] for reload Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, None, "UnloadWinsock", NULL )); // // ensure no 2 threads are trying to modify the loaded state of winsock at // the same time // if (!InitializationLock.Lock()) { goto quit; } // // only unload the DLL if it has been mapped into process memory // if (hWinsock != NULL) { // // and only if this is the last load instance // if (WinsockLoadCount == 0) { INET_ASSERT(_I_WSACleanup != NULL); if (_I_WSACleanup != NULL) { // // need to terminate async support too - it is reliant on // Winsock // //called only from LoadWinsock which is called only from INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT() //so not in dynamic unload, so alrite to cleanup. TerminateAsyncSupport(TRUE); int serr = _I_WSACleanup(); if (serr != 0) { DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, ERROR, ("WSACleanup() returns %d; WSA error = %d\n", serr, (_I_WSAGetLastError != NULL) ? _I_WSAGetLastError() : -1 )); } } for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(SocketsFunctions); ++i) { *SocketsFunctions[i].FunctionAddress = (FARPROC)NULL; } FreeLibrary(hWinsock); hWinsock = NULL; } else { // // if there have been multiple virtual loads, then just reduce the // load count // --WinsockLoadCount; } } InitializationLock.Unlock(); quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } DWORD SafeCloseSocket( IN SOCKET Socket ) /*++ Routine Description: closesocket() call protected by exception handler in case winsock DLL has been unloaded by system before Wininet DLL unloaded Arguments: Socket - socket handle to close Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - socket error mapped to ERROR_WINHTTP_ error --*/ { int serr; __try { serr = _I_closesocket(Socket); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { serr = 0; } ENDEXCEPT return (serr == SOCKET_ERROR) ? MapInternetError(_I_WSAGetLastError()) : ERROR_SUCCESS; } CWrapOverlapped* GetWrapOverlappedObject(LPVOID lpAddress) { return CONTAINING_RECORD(lpAddress, CWrapOverlapped, m_Overlapped); } #if INET_DEBUG // // debug data types // SOCKET PASCAL FAR _II_socket( int af, int type, int protocol ); int PASCAL FAR _II_closesocket( SOCKET s ); SOCKET PASCAL FAR _II_accept( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr FAR *addr, int FAR *addrlen ); GLOBAL SOCKET (PASCAL FAR * _P_accept)( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr FAR *addr, int FAR *addrlen ) = NULL; GLOBAL int (PASCAL FAR * _P_closesocket)( SOCKET s ) = NULL; GLOBAL SOCKET (PASCAL FAR * _P_socket)( int af, int type, int protocol ) = NULL; #define MAX_STACK_TRACE 5 #define MAX_SOCK_ENTRIES 1000 typedef struct _DEBUG_SOCK_ENTRY { SOCKET Socket; DWORD StackTraceLength; PVOID StackTrace[ MAX_STACK_TRACE ]; } DEBUG_SOCK_ENTRY, *LPDEBUG_SOCK_ENTRY; CCritSec DebugSockLock; DEBUG_SOCK_ENTRY GlobalSockEntry[MAX_SOCK_ENTRIES]; DWORD GlobalSocketsCount = 0; #define LOCK_DEBUG_SOCK() (DebugSockLock.Lock()) #define UNLOCK_DEBUG_SOCK() (DebugSockLock.Unlock()) HINSTANCE NtDllHandle; typedef USHORT (*RTL_CAPTURE_STACK_BACK_TRACE)( IN ULONG FramesToSkip, IN ULONG FramesToCapture, OUT PVOID *BackTrace, OUT PULONG BackTraceHash ); RTL_CAPTURE_STACK_BACK_TRACE pRtlCaptureStackBackTrace; BOOL InitDebugSock( VOID ) { memset( GlobalSockEntry, 0x0, sizeof(GlobalSockEntry) ); GlobalSocketsCount = 0; if (!DebugSockLock.Init()) { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } VOID TerminateDebugSock( VOID ) { DebugSockLock.FreeLock(); } VOID SetupSocketsTracing( VOID ) { if (!(InternetDebugCategoryFlags & DBG_TRACE_SOCKETS)) { return ; } if (!IsPlatformWinNT()) { return ; } if ((NtDllHandle = LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll")) == NULL) { return ; } if ((pRtlCaptureStackBackTrace = (RTL_CAPTURE_STACK_BACK_TRACE) GetProcAddress(NtDllHandle, "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace")) == NULL) { FreeLibrary(NtDllHandle); return ; } //#ifdef DONT_DO_FOR_NOW _P_accept = _I_accept; _I_accept = _II_accept; _P_closesocket = _I_closesocket; _I_closesocket = _II_closesocket; _P_socket = _I_socket; _I_socket = _II_socket; //#endif } VOID AddSockEntry( SOCKET S ) { DWORD i; DWORD Hash; if (!(InternetDebugCategoryFlags & DBG_TRACE_SOCKETS)) { return ; } LOCK_DEBUG_SOCK(); // // search for a free entry. // for( i = 0; i < MAX_SOCK_ENTRIES; i++ ) { if( GlobalSockEntry[i].Socket == 0 ) { DWORD Hash; // // found a free entry. // GlobalSockEntry[i].Socket = S; // // get caller stack. // #if i386 Hash = 0; GlobalSockEntry[i].StackTraceLength = pRtlCaptureStackBackTrace( 2, MAX_STACK_TRACE, GlobalSockEntry[i].StackTrace, &Hash ); #else // i386 GlobalSockEntry[i].StackTraceLength = 0; #endif // i386 GlobalSocketsCount++; DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("socket count = %ld\n", GlobalSocketsCount )); DPRINTF("%d sockets\n", GlobalSocketsCount); UNLOCK_DEBUG_SOCK(); return; } } // // we have reached a high handle limit, which is unusal, needs to be // debugged. // INET_ASSERT( FALSE ); UNLOCK_DEBUG_SOCK(); return; } VOID RemoveSockEntry( SOCKET S ) { DWORD i; if (!(InternetDebugCategoryFlags & DBG_TRACE_SOCKETS)) { return ; } LOCK_DEBUG_SOCK(); for( i = 0; i < MAX_SOCK_ENTRIES; i++ ) { if( GlobalSockEntry[i].Socket == S ) { // // found the entry. Free it now. // memset( &GlobalSockEntry[i], 0x0, sizeof(DEBUG_SOCK_ENTRY) ); GlobalSocketsCount--; #ifdef IWINSOCK_DEBUG_PRINT DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("count(%ld), RemoveSock(%lx)\n", GlobalSocketsCount, S )); #endif // IWINSOCK_DEBUG_PRINT DPRINTF("%d sockets\n", GlobalSocketsCount); UNLOCK_DEBUG_SOCK(); return; } } #ifdef IWINSOCK_DEBUG_PRINT DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("count(%ld), UnknownSock(%lx)\n", GlobalSocketsCount, S )); #endif // IWINSOCK_DEBUG_PRINT // // socket entry is not found. // // INET_ASSERT( FALSE ); UNLOCK_DEBUG_SOCK(); return; } SOCKET PASCAL FAR _II_socket( int af, int type, int protocol ) { SOCKET S; S = _P_socket( af, type, protocol ); AddSockEntry( S ); return( S ); } int PASCAL FAR _II_closesocket( SOCKET s ) { int Ret; RemoveSockEntry( s ); Ret = _P_closesocket( s ); return( Ret ); } SOCKET PASCAL FAR _II_accept( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr FAR *addr, int FAR *addrlen ) { SOCKET S; S = _P_accept( s, addr, addrlen ); AddSockEntry( S ); return( S ); } VOID IWinsockCheckSockets( VOID ) { DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("GlobalSocketsCount = %d\n", GlobalSocketsCount )); for (DWORD i = 0; i < MAX_SOCK_ENTRIES; ++i) { SOCKET sock; if ((sock = GlobalSockEntry[i].Socket) != 0) { DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("Socket %#x\n", sock )); } } } #endif // INET_DEBUG #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif