/*++ Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: http.hxx Abstract: Contains the client-side HTTP handle class Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 03-Jan-1996 Revision History: 03-Jan-1996 rfirth Created --*/ // // manifests // #include "hdrstr.hxx" #include "hdrbuf.hxx" #include "hdrparse.hxx" // // macros // #define IS_VALID_HTTP_STATE(p, api, ref) \ (p)->CheckState(HTTPREQ_STATE_ ## api ## _OK) #define IsValidHttpState(api) \ CheckState(HTTPREQ_STATE_ ## api ## _OK) extern PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL * g_pGlobalProxyInfo; // // types // typedef enum { HTTP_HEADER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, HTTP_HEADER_TYPE_ACCEPT } HTTP_HEADER_TYPE; // // HTTP state is no longer stored as an enum. There are 4 related pieces // of data associated with the HTTP state: // 1) state // 2) allowed actions // 3) has WinHttpReceiveResponse been called // 4) is WinHttpWriteData call needed to send additional optional data // // 2 is directly tied to the state value. 3 stores whether or not // the client has called WinHttpReceiveResponse, which is now required. // 4 marks whether if there is additional optional data (indicated by having // the total optional length greater than the optional length/data passed // to WinHttpSendRequest. typedef enum { // // The request handle is in the process of being created // HttpRequestStateCreating = 0 | HTTPREQ_STATE_ANYTHING_OK, // // The request handle is open, but the request has not been sent to the // server // HttpRequestStateOpen = 1 | HTTPREQ_STATE_CLOSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ADD_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_SEND_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_READ_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_QUERY_REQUEST_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_QUERY_RESPONSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ANYTHING_OK, // // The request has been sent to the server, but the response headers have // not been received // HttpRequestStateRequest = 2 | HTTPREQ_STATE_CLOSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_QUERY_REQUEST_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_WRITE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ANYTHING_OK, // // The response headers are being received, but not yet completed // HttpRequestStateResponse = 3 | HTTPREQ_STATE_CLOSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_WRITE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ANYTHING_OK, // // The response headers have been received, and there is object data // available to read // // // QFE 3576: It's possible that we're init'ing a new request, // but the previous request hasn't been drained yet. // Since we know it will always be drained, the lowest // impact change is to allow headers to be replaced // if we're in a state with potential data left to receive. HttpRequestStateObjectData = 4 | HTTPREQ_STATE_CLOSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ADD_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_READ_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_QUERY_REQUEST_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_QUERY_RESPONSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_REUSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ANYTHING_OK, // // A fatal error occurred // HttpRequestStateError = 5 | HTTPREQ_STATE_CLOSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ANYTHING_OK, // // The request is closing // HttpRequestStateClosing = 6 | HTTPREQ_STATE_ANYTHING_OK, // // the data has been drained from the request object and it can be re-used // HttpRequestStateReopen = 7 | HTTPREQ_STATE_CLOSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ADD_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_READ_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_QUERY_REQUEST_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_QUERY_RESPONSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_REUSE_OK | HTTPREQ_STATE_ANYTHING_OK } HTTPREQ_STATE, FAR * LPHTTPREQ_STATE; // // general prototypes // HTTP_METHOD_TYPE MapHttpRequestMethod( IN LPCSTR lpszVerb ); DWORD MapHttpMethodType( IN HTTP_METHOD_TYPE tMethod, OUT LPCSTR * lplpcszName ); DWORD CreateEscapedUrlPath( IN LPSTR lpszUrlPath, OUT LPSTR * lplpszEncodedUrlPath ); #if INET_DEBUG LPSTR MapHttpMethodType( IN HTTP_METHOD_TYPE tMethod ); #endif // // forward references // class CFsm; class CFsm_HttpSendRequest; class CFsm_MakeConnection; class CFsm_OpenConnection; class CFsm_OpenProxyTunnel; class CFsm_SendRequest; class CFsm_ReceiveResponse; class CFsm_HttpReadData; class CFsm_HttpWriteData; class CFsm_ReadData; class CFsm_HttpQueryAvailable; class CFsm_DrainResponse; class CFsm_Redirect; class CFsm_ReadLoop; // // classes // // // flags for AddHeader // #define CLEAN_HEADER 0x00000001 // if set, header should be cleaned up #define ADD_HEADER_IF_NEW HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW // only add the header if it doesn't already exist #define ADD_HEADER HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD // if replacing and header not found, add it #define COALESCE_HEADER_WITH_COMMA HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_COALESCE_WITH_COMMA // headers of the same name will be coalesced #define COALESCE_HEADER_WITH_SEMICOLON HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_COALESCE_WITH_SEMICOLON // headers of the same name will be coalesced #define REPLACE_HEADER HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE // not currently used internally struct WINHTTP_REQUEST_CREDENTIALS { DWORD _AuthScheme; PSTR _pszRealm; PSTR _pszUserName; PSTR _pszPassword; WINHTTP_REQUEST_CREDENTIALS(DWORD AuthScheme, PCSTR pszRealm, PCSTR pszUserName, PCSTR pszPassword) { _AuthScheme = AuthScheme; _pszRealm = pszRealm ? NewString(pszRealm) : NULL; _pszUserName = pszUserName ? NewString(pszUserName) : NULL; _pszPassword = pszPassword ? NewString(pszPassword) : NULL; } ~WINHTTP_REQUEST_CREDENTIALS(void) { if (_pszRealm) { FREE_MEMORY(_pszRealm); } if (_pszUserName) { FREE_MEMORY(_pszUserName); } if (_pszPassword) { FREE_MEMORY(_pszPassword); } } }; /*++ Class Description: This class defines the HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT. Private Member functions: None. Public Member functions: --*/ class HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT : public INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT { public: CServerInfo * _ServerInfo; CServerInfo * _OriginServer; LPSTR _CacheUrlName; // String properties, e.g. auth creds XSTRING _xsProp[NUM_INTERNET_STRING_OPTION]; DWORD _ReadBufferSize; DWORD _WriteBufferSize; WINHTTP_REQUEST_CREDENTIALS* _pProxyCreds; WINHTTP_REQUEST_CREDENTIALS* _pServerCreds; DWORD _PreferredScheme; DWORD _SupportedSchemes; DWORD _AuthTarget; LPSTR _pszRealm; private: DWORD _SecurityLevel; BOOL m_fPPAbortSend; // // m_lPriority - relative priority used to determine which request gets the // next available connection // LONG m_lPriority; // // _Socket - this is the socket we are using for this request. It may be a // pre-existing keep-alive connection or a new connection (not necessarily // keep-alive) // ICSocket * _Socket; // // _bKeepAliveConnection - if TRUE, _Socket is keep-alive, else we must // really close it // BOOL _bKeepAliveConnection; // // _bNoLongerKeepAlive - if this ever gets set to TRUE its because we began // with a keep-alive connection which reverted to non-keep-alive when the // server responded with no "(Proxy-)Connection: Keep-Alive" header // BOOL _bNoLongerKeepAlive; // // _QueryBuffer - buffer used to query socket data available // LPVOID _QueryBuffer; // // _QueryBufferLength - length of _QueryBuffer // DWORD _QueryBufferLength; // // _QueryOffset - offset of next read from _QueryBuffer // DWORD _QueryOffset; // // _QueryBytesAvailable - number of bytes we think are available for this // socket in the query buffer // DWORD _QueryBytesAvailable; // // _OpenFlags - flags specified in HttpOpenRequest() // DWORD _OpenFlags; // // _State - the HTTP request/response state // WORD _State; // // HTTP request information // // // _RequestHeaders - collection of request headers, including the request // line // HTTP_HEADERS _RequestHeaders; // // _RequestMethod - (known) method used to make HTTP request // HTTP_METHOD_TYPE _RequestMethod; // // Values for optional data saved offin handle when in negotiate stage. // DWORD _dwOptionalSaved; LPVOID _lpOptionalSaved; BOOL _fOptionalSaved; // Value to provide information on whether Writes are required, to the FSM kicked off by ReceiveResponse // during a redirect. Since this FSM doesn't have the information, we squirrel it away in the handle: BOOL _bIsWriteRequired; // // HTTP response information // // // _ResponseHeaders - collection of response headers, including the status // line // HTTP_HEADER_PARSER _ResponseHeaders; // // _StatusCode - return status from the server // DWORD _StatusCode; // // _ResponseBuffer - pointer to the buffer containing part or all of // response, starting with headers (if >= HTTP/1.0, i.e. if IsUpLevel) // LPBYTE _ResponseBuffer; // // _ResponseBufferLength - length of _ResponseBuffer // DWORD _ResponseBufferLength; // // _BytesReceived - number of bytes received into _ResponseBuffer // DWORD _BytesReceived; // // _ResponseScanned - amount of response buffers scanned for eof headers // DWORD _ResponseScanned; // // _ResponseBufferDataReadyToRead - special length of response buffer, // set if we've parsed it from a chunk-transfer stream, this will be // the correct length // DWORD _ResponseBufferDataReadyToRead; // // _DataOffset - the offset in _ResponseBuffer at which the response data // starts (data after headers) // DWORD _DataOffset; // // _BytesRemaining - number of _ContentLength bytes remaining to be read by // application // DWORD _BytesRemaining; // // _ContentLength - as parsed from the response headers // DWORD _ContentLength; // // _BytesInSocket - if content-length, the number of bytes we have yet to // receive from the socket // DWORD _BytesInSocket; // // _ResponseFilterList - transfer and content encoding filters to process // e.g. chunked and compression // FILTER_LIST _ResponseFilterList; // _bViaProxy - TRUE if the request was made via a proxy // move this to request handle BYTE _bViaProxy; // // _fTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy - We're talking SSL, but // actually we're connected through a proxy so things // need to be carefully watched. Don't send a Proxy // Username and Password to the the secure sever. // BOOL _fTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy; // // _fRequestUsingProxy - TRUE if we're actually using the proxy // to reach the server. Needed to keep track of whether // we're using the proxy or not. // BOOL _fRequestUsingProxy; // // _bWantKeepAlive - TRUE if we want a keep-alive connection // BOOL _bWantKeepAlive; // // _dwQuerySetCookieHeader - Passed to HttpQueryInfo to track what // cookie header we're parsing. // DWORD _dwQuerySetCookieHeader; // // _Union - get at flags individually, or as DWORD so they can be zapped // union { // // Flags - several bits of information gleaned from the response, such // as whether the server responded with a "connection: keep-alive", etc. // struct { DWORD Eof : 1; // we have received all response DWORD DownLevel : 1; // response is HTTP/0.9 DWORD UpLevel : 1; // response is HTTP/1.0 or greater DWORD Http1_1Response : 1; // response is HTTP/1.1 or greater DWORD KeepAlive : 1; // response contains keep-alive header DWORD ConnCloseResponse : 1; // response contains connection: close header DWORD PersistServer : 1; // have persistent connection to server DWORD PersistProxy : 1; // have persistent connection to proxy DWORD Data : 1; // set if we have got to the data part DWORD ContentLength : 1; // set if we have parsed Content-Length DWORD ChunkEncoding : 1; // set if we have parsed a Transfer-Encoding: chunked DWORD BadNSServer : 1; // set when server is bogus NS 1.1 DWORD ConnCloseChecked : 1; // set when we have checked for Connection: Close DWORD ConnCloseReq : 1; // set if Connection: Close in request headers DWORD ProxyConnCloseReq : 1; // set if Proxy-Connection: Close in request headers //DWORD CookieUI : 1; // set if we're doing Cookie UI } Flags; // // Dword - used in initialization and ReuseObject // DWORD Dword; } _Union; // // Filter, authentication related members. // AUTHCTX* _pAuthCtx; // authentication context AUTHCTX* _pTunnelAuthCtx; // context for nested request AUTH_CREDS* _pCreds; // AUTH_CREDS* for Basic, Digest authctxt union { struct { // AuthState: none, negotiate, challenge, or need tunnel. DWORD AuthState : 2; // TRUE if KA socket should be flushed with password cache. DWORD IsAuthorized : 1; // TRUE if this handle should ignore general proxy settings, // and use the proxy found in this object DWORD OverrideProxyMode : 1; // TRUE, if we are using a proxy to create a tunnel. DWORD IsTunnel : 1; // TRUE, if a method body is to be transmitted. DWORD MethodBody : 1; // TRUE, if NTLM preauth is to be disabled. DWORD DisableNTLMPreauth : 1; } Flags; // // Dword - used in initialization ONLY, do NOT use ELSEWHERE ! // DWORD Dword; } _NoResetBits; // // Proxy, and Socks Proxy Information, used to decide if need to go through // a proxy, a socks proxy, or no proxy at all (NULLs). // LPSTR _ProxyHostName; DWORD _ProxyHostNameLength; INTERNET_PORT _ProxyPort; LPSTR _SocksProxyHostName; DWORD _SocksProxyHostNameLength; INTERNET_PORT _SocksProxyPort; // // _ProxySchemeType - Used to determine the proxy scheme, in proxy override mode. // //INTERNET_SCHEME _ProxySchemeType; // // InternetReadFileEx data // #ifndef unix DWORD _ReadFileExData; #else BYTE _ReadFileExData; #endif /* unix */ BOOL _HaveReadFileExData; INTERNET_BUFFERS _BuffersOut; // // _AddCRLFToPost - TRUE if we need to add a CRLF to the POST. // BOOL _AddCRLFToPOST; // // info we used to keep in the secure socket object // SECURITY_CACHE_LIST_ENTRY *m_pSecurityInfo; // // _RTT - round-trip time for this request // DWORD _RTT; // Timeout and retry parameters DWORD _dwResolveTimeout; DWORD _dwConnectTimeout; DWORD _dwConnectRetries; DWORD _dwSendTimeout; DWORD _dwReceiveTimeout; // WinHttpSetOption enable feature flags DWORD _dwEnableFlags; // Helpers for synchronizing request work items BOOL _fAsyncFsmInProgress; CCritSec _AsyncCritSec; CTList _FsmWorkItemList; // // private response functions // PRIVATE BOOL FindEndOfHeader( IN OUT LPSTR * lpszResponse, IN LPSTR lpszEnd, OUT LPDWORD lpdwHeaderLength ); PRIVATE VOID CheckForWellKnownHeader( IN LPSTR lpszHeader, IN DWORD dwHeaderLength, IN DWORD iSlot ); PRIVATE DWORD CheckWellKnownHeaders( VOID ); VOID ZapFlags(VOID) { // // clear out all bits // _Union.Dword = 0; } public: HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT( INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT *Parent, HINTERNET Child, CLOSE_HANDLE_FUNC wCloseFunc, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwContext ); virtual ~HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT(VOID); virtual HINTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE GetHandleType(VOID) { return TypeHttpRequestHandle; } // // request headers functions // DWORD AddRequest( IN LPSTR lpszVerb, IN LPSTR lpszObjectName, IN LPSTR lpszVersion ) { return _RequestHeaders.AddRequest(lpszVerb, lpszObjectName, lpszVersion ); } DWORD ModifyRequest( IN HTTP_METHOD_TYPE tMethod, IN LPSTR lpszObjectName, IN DWORD dwObjectNameLength, IN LPSTR lpszVersion OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwVersionLength ) { DWORD error; error = _RequestHeaders.ModifyRequest(tMethod, lpszObjectName, dwObjectNameLength, lpszVersion, dwVersionLength ); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetMethodType(tMethod); } return error; } BOOL PPAbort(void) const { return m_fPPAbortSend; } VOID SetPPAbort(BOOL fToAbort) { m_fPPAbortSend = fToAbort; } VOID SetMethodType(IN LPCSTR lpszVerb) { _RequestMethod = MapHttpRequestMethod(lpszVerb); } VOID SetMethodType(IN HTTP_METHOD_TYPE tMethod) { _RequestMethod = tMethod; } HTTP_METHOD_TYPE GetMethodType(VOID) const { return _RequestMethod; } LPSTR CreateRequestBuffer( OUT LPDWORD lpdwRequestLength, IN LPVOID lpOptional, IN DWORD dwOptionalLength, IN BOOL bExtraCrLf, IN DWORD dwMaxPacketLength, OUT LPBOOL lpbCombinedData ); DWORD AddRequestHeader( IN LPSTR lpszHeaderName, IN DWORD dwHeaderNameLength, IN LPSTR lpszHeaderValue, IN DWORD dwHeaderValueLength, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { return _RequestHeaders.AddHeader(lpszHeaderName, dwHeaderNameLength, lpszHeaderValue, dwHeaderValueLength, dwIndex, dwFlags ); } DWORD AddRequestHeader( IN DWORD dwQueryIndex, IN LPSTR lpszHeaderValue, IN DWORD dwHeaderValueLength, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { return _RequestHeaders.AddHeader(dwQueryIndex, lpszHeaderValue, dwHeaderValueLength, dwIndex, dwFlags ); } DWORD ReplaceRequestHeader( IN LPSTR lpszHeaderName, IN DWORD dwHeaderNameLength, IN LPSTR lpszHeaderValue, IN DWORD dwHeaderValueLength, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { return _RequestHeaders.ReplaceHeader(lpszHeaderName, dwHeaderNameLength, lpszHeaderValue, dwHeaderValueLength, dwIndex, dwFlags ); } DWORD ReplaceRequestHeader( IN DWORD dwQueryIndex, IN LPSTR lpszHeaderValue, IN DWORD dwHeaderValueLength, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { return _RequestHeaders.ReplaceHeader(dwQueryIndex, lpszHeaderValue, dwHeaderValueLength, dwIndex, dwFlags ); } DWORD QueryRequestHeader( IN LPCSTR lpszHeaderName, IN DWORD dwHeaderNameLength, IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwModifiers, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwIndex ); DWORD QueryRequestHeader( IN DWORD dwQueryIndex, IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwModifiers, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwIndex ); // // response headers functions // VOID ReplaceStatusHeader( IN LPCSTR lpszStatus ); DWORD ReplaceResponseHeader( IN DWORD dwQueryIndex, IN LPSTR lpszHeaderValue, IN DWORD dwHeaderValueLength, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN DWORD dwFlags) { return _ResponseHeaders.ReplaceHeader(dwQueryIndex, lpszHeaderValue, dwHeaderValueLength, dwIndex, dwFlags ); } DWORD AddInternalResponseHeader( IN DWORD dwHeaderIndex, IN LPSTR lpszHeader, IN DWORD dwHeaderLength ); DWORD UpdateResponseHeaders( IN OUT LPBOOL lpbEof ); DWORD CreateResponseHeaders( IN OUT LPSTR* ppszBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferLength ); DWORD FindResponseHeader( IN LPSTR lpszHeaderName, OUT LPSTR lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); DWORD QueryResponseVersionDword( IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwVersionMajor, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwVersionMinor ); DWORD QueryResponseVersion( IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); DWORD QueryStatusCode( IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwModifiers ); DWORD QueryStatusText( IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); DWORD FastQueryResponseHeader( IN DWORD dwQueryIndex, OUT LPVOID *lplpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN OUT DWORD dwIndex ) { return _ResponseHeaders.FastFindHeader( (LPSTR)_ResponseBuffer, dwQueryIndex, lplpBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, dwIndex ); } DWORD FastQueryRequestHeader( IN DWORD dwQueryIndex, OUT LPVOID *lplpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN OUT DWORD dwIndex ) { return _RequestHeaders.FastFindHeader( (LPSTR)_ResponseBuffer, dwQueryIndex, lplpBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, dwIndex ); } DWORD QueryResponseHeader( IN LPCSTR lpszHeaderName, IN DWORD dwHeaderNameLength, IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwModifiers, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwIndex ) { // // this is the slow manner for finding a header, avoid doing this by calling // the faster method // return _ResponseHeaders.FindHeader((LPSTR)_ResponseBuffer, lpszHeaderName, dwHeaderNameLength, dwModifiers, lpBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, lpdwIndex ); } DWORD QueryResponseHeader( IN DWORD dwQueryIndex, IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwModifiers, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwIndex ) { return _ResponseHeaders.FindHeader((LPSTR)_ResponseBuffer, dwQueryIndex, dwModifiers, lpBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, lpdwIndex ); } BOOL IsResponseHeaderPresent(DWORD dwQueryIndex) const { return _ResponseHeaders.IsHeaderPresent(dwQueryIndex); } BOOL IsRequestHeaderPresent(DWORD dwQueryIndex) const { return _RequestHeaders.IsHeaderPresent(dwQueryIndex); } DWORD QueryRawResponseHeaders( IN BOOL bCrLfTerminated, OUT LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); HEADER_STRING * GetStatusLine(VOID) const { // // _StatusLine is just a reference for the first response header // return _ResponseHeaders.GetFirstHeader(); } // // general headers methods // DWORD QueryInfo( IN DWORD dwInfoLevel, IN LPCSTR lpszName, OUT LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwIndex ); DWORD QueryFilteredRawResponseHeaders( LPSTR *lplpFilterList, DWORD cListElements, BOOL fExclude, BOOL fSkipVerb, BOOL bCrLfTerminated, OUT LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ) { return (_ResponseHeaders.QueryFilteredRawHeaders( (LPSTR)_ResponseBuffer, lplpFilterList, cListElements, fExclude, fSkipVerb, bCrLfTerminated, lpBuffer, lpdwBufferLength)); }; DWORD QueryRequestHeadersWithEcho( BOOL bCrLfTerminated, OUT LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); // // connection-oriented methods // DWORD InitBeginSendRequest( IN LPCSTR lpszHeaders OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwHeadersLength, IN LPVOID *lplpOptional, IN LPDWORD lpdwOptionalLength, IN DWORD dwOptionalLengthTotal ); DWORD QueueAsyncSendRequest( IN LPVOID lpOptional OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwOptionalLength, IN AR_TYPE arRequest, IN FARPROC lpfpAsyncCallback ); DWORD HttpBeginSendRequest( IN LPVOID lpOptional OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwOptionalLength ); DWORD HttpEndSendRequest( VOID ); DWORD SockConnect( IN LPSTR TargetServer, IN INTERNET_PORT TcpipPort, IN LPSTR SocksHostName, IN INTERNET_PORT SocksPort ); DWORD OpenConnection( IN BOOL NoKeepAlive, IN BOOL fNoCreate = FALSE ); DWORD OpenConnection_Fsm( IN CFsm_OpenConnection * Fsm ); DWORD CloseConnection( IN BOOL ForceClosed ); VOID ReleaseConnection( IN BOOL bClose, IN BOOL bIndicate, IN BOOL bDelete ); DWORD AbortConnection( IN BOOL bForce ); DWORD OpenProxyTunnel( VOID ); DWORD OpenProxyTunnel_Fsm( IN CFsm_OpenProxyTunnel * Fsm ); DWORD CloneResponseBuffer( IN HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pChildRequestObj ); DWORD HttpReadData_Fsm( IN CFsm_HttpReadData * Fsm ); DWORD HttpWriteData_Fsm( IN CFsm_HttpWriteData * Fsm ); DWORD ReadResponse( VOID ); DWORD ReadData( OUT LPVOID lpBuffer, IN DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesRead, IN BOOL fNoAsync, IN DWORD dwSocketFlags ); DWORD ReadData_Fsm( IN CFsm_ReadData * Fsm ); DWORD WriteData( OUT LPVOID lpBuffer, IN DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToWrite, OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten ); DWORD QueryDataAvailable( OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable ); DWORD QueryAvailable_Fsm( IN CFsm_HttpQueryAvailable * Fsm ); DWORD DrainResponse( OUT LPBOOL lpbDrained ); DWORD DrainResponse_Fsm( IN CFsm_DrainResponse * Fsm ); DWORD Redirect( IN HTTP_METHOD_TYPE tMethod, IN BOOL fRedirectToProxy ); DWORD Redirect_Fsm( IN CFsm_Redirect * Fsm ); DWORD BuildProxyMessage( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG * pProxyMsg, IN OUT URL_COMPONENTS * pUrlComponents ); DWORD QueryProxySettings( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT * pInternet, IN OUT URL_COMPONENTS * pUrlComponents ); DWORD CheckForCachedProxySettings( IN AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG *pProxyMsg, OUT CServerInfo **ppProxyServerInfo ); DWORD ProcessProxySettings( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, IN OUT URL_COMPONENTS * pUrlComponents, OUT LPSTR * lplpszRequestObject, OUT DWORD * lpdwRequestObjectSize ); DWORD UpdateRequestInfo( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, IN LPSTR lpszObject, IN DWORD dwcbObject, IN OUT URL_COMPONENTS * pUrlComponents, IN OUT CServerInfo **ppProxyServerInfo ); DWORD UpdateProxyInfo( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, IN BOOL fCallback ); BOOL FindConnCloseRequestHeader( IN DWORD dwHeaderIndex ); VOID RemoveAllRequestHeadersByName( IN DWORD dwQueryIndex ); // // response buffer/data methods // BOOL IsBufferedData(VOID) { BOOL fIsBufferedData; //INET_ASSERT(IsData()); fIsBufferedData = (_DataOffset < _BytesReceived) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ( fIsBufferedData && IsChunkEncoding() && _ResponseBufferDataReadyToRead == 0 ) { fIsBufferedData = FALSE; } return (fIsBufferedData); } DWORD BufferedDataLength(VOID) { return (DWORD)(_BytesReceived - _DataOffset); } DWORD BufferDataAvailToRead(VOID) { return ( IsChunkEncoding() ) ? _ResponseBufferDataReadyToRead : BufferedDataLength() ; } VOID ReduceDataAvailToRead(DWORD dwReduceBy) { if ( IsChunkEncoding() ) { _ResponseBufferDataReadyToRead -= dwReduceBy; } //else //{ _DataOffset += dwReduceBy; //} } LPVOID BufferedDataStart(VOID) { return (LPVOID)(_ResponseBuffer + _DataOffset); } VOID SetCookieQuery(DWORD QueryIndex) { _dwQuerySetCookieHeader = QueryIndex; } DWORD GetCookieQuery(VOID) const { return _dwQuerySetCookieHeader; } VOID SetContentLength(DWORD ContentLength) { _ContentLength = ContentLength; } DWORD GetContentLength(VOID) const { return _ContentLength; } DWORD GetBytesInSocket(VOID) const { return _BytesInSocket; } DWORD GetBytesRemaining(VOID) const { return _BytesRemaining; } DWORD GetStatusCode(VOID) const { return _StatusCode; } void SetStatusCode(DWORD StatusCode) { _StatusCode = StatusCode; } VOID FreeResponseBuffer(VOID) { if (_ResponseBuffer != NULL) { _ResponseBuffer = (LPBYTE)FREE_MEMORY((HLOCAL)_ResponseBuffer); INET_ASSERT(_ResponseBuffer == NULL); } _ResponseBufferLength = 0; _BytesReceived = 0; _DataOffset = 0; } VOID FreeQueryBuffer(VOID) { if (_QueryBuffer != NULL) { _QueryBuffer = (LPVOID)FREE_MEMORY((HLOCAL)_QueryBuffer); INET_ASSERT(_QueryBuffer == NULL); _QueryBuffer = NULL; _QueryBufferLength = 0; _QueryOffset = 0; _QueryBytesAvailable = 0; } } BOOL HaveQueryData(VOID) { return (_QueryBytesAvailable != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } DWORD CopyQueriedData(LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength) { INET_ASSERT(lpBuffer != NULL); INET_ASSERT(dwBufferLength != 0); DWORD len = min(_QueryBytesAvailable, dwBufferLength); if (len != 0) { memcpy(lpBuffer, (LPVOID)((LPBYTE)_QueryBuffer + _QueryOffset), len ); _QueryOffset += len; _QueryBytesAvailable -= len; } return len; } VOID ResetResponseVariables(VOID) { _StatusCode = 0; _BytesReceived = 0; _ResponseScanned = 0; _ResponseBufferDataReadyToRead = 0; _DataOffset = 0; _BytesRemaining = 0; _ContentLength = 0; _BytesInSocket = 0; ZapFlags(); } DWORD GetBufferSize(IN DWORD SizeIndex) { switch (SizeIndex) { case WINHTTP_OPTION_READ_BUFFER_SIZE: return _ReadBufferSize; case WINHTTP_OPTION_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE: return _WriteBufferSize; default: // // BUGBUG - global default // return (4 K); } } VOID SetBufferSize(IN DWORD SizeIndex, IN DWORD Size) { switch (SizeIndex) { case WINHTTP_OPTION_READ_BUFFER_SIZE: _ReadBufferSize = Size; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE: _WriteBufferSize = Size; break; } } // // flags methods // VOID SetEof(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.Eof = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsEof(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.Eof; } VOID SetDownLevel(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.DownLevel = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsDownLevel(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.DownLevel; } BOOL IsRequestHttp1_1() { return (_RequestHeaders.MajorVersion() > 1) ? TRUE : (((_RequestHeaders.MajorVersion() == 1) && (_RequestHeaders.MinorVersion() >= 1)) ? TRUE : FALSE); } BOOL IsRequestHttp1_0() { return ((_RequestHeaders.MajorVersion() == 1) && (_RequestHeaders.MinorVersion() == 0)); } VOID SetResponseHttp1_1(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.Http1_1Response = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsResponseHttp1_1(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.Http1_1Response; } VOID SetUpLevel(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.UpLevel = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsUpLevel(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.UpLevel; } VOID SetKeepAlive(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.KeepAlive = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsKeepAlive(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.KeepAlive; } VOID SetConnCloseResponse(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.ConnCloseResponse = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsConnCloseResponse(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.ConnCloseResponse; } VOID SetData(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.Data = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsData(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.Data; } VOID SetOpenFlags(DWORD OpenFlags) { _OpenFlags = OpenFlags; } DWORD GetOpenFlags(VOID) const { return _OpenFlags; } VOID SetEnableFlags(DWORD dwEnableFlags) { _dwEnableFlags = dwEnableFlags; } DWORD GetEnableFlags(VOID) const { return _dwEnableFlags; } VOID SetHaveChunkEncoding(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.ChunkEncoding = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsChunkEncoding(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.ChunkEncoding; } BOOL IsDecodingFinished(VOID) { return _ResponseFilterList.IsFinished(); } VOID SetHaveContentLength(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.ContentLength = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsContentLength(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.ContentLength; } VOID SetBadNSServer(BOOL Value) { _Union.Flags.BadNSServer = Value ? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsBadNSServer(VOID) const { return _Union.Flags.BadNSServer ? TRUE : FALSE; } VOID SetCheckedConnCloseRequest(BOOL bProxy, BOOL bFound) { _Union.Flags.ConnCloseChecked = 1; if (bProxy) { _Union.Flags.ProxyConnCloseReq = bFound ? 1 : 0; } else { _Union.Flags.ConnCloseReq = bFound ? 1 : 0; } } BOOL CheckedConnCloseRequest(VOID) { return (_Union.Flags.ConnCloseChecked == 1) ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL IsConnCloseRequest(BOOL bProxyHeader) { return bProxyHeader ? (_Union.Flags.ProxyConnCloseReq == 1) : (_Union.Flags.ConnCloseReq == 1); } VOID SetBadNSReceiveTimeout( VOID ); VOID SetOverrideProxyMode(BOOL Value) { _NoResetBits.Flags.OverrideProxyMode = (Value ? TRUE : FALSE ); } BOOL IsOverrideProxyMode() const { return _NoResetBits.Flags.OverrideProxyMode; } VOID SetWantKeepAlive(BOOL Value) { _bWantKeepAlive = Value; } BOOL IsWantKeepAlive(VOID) const { return _bWantKeepAlive; } VOID SetAddCRLF(BOOL Value) { _AddCRLFToPOST = Value; } // // Bit to distinguish nested request for establishing a tunnel. // VOID SetTunnel (VOID) { _NoResetBits.Flags.IsTunnel = 1; } BOOL IsTunnel(VOID) const { return (BOOL) _NoResetBits.Flags.IsTunnel; } // // secure (socket) methods // VOID SetSecureFlags(DWORD Flags) { if(m_pSecurityInfo) { m_pSecurityInfo->SetSecureFlags(Flags); } } VOID SetSecurityLevel(DWORD SecurityLevel) { _SecurityLevel = SecurityLevel; } DWORD GetSecureFlags(VOID) { if(m_pSecurityInfo) { return m_pSecurityInfo->GetSecureFlags(); } return 0; } VOID SetStatusFlags(DWORD Flags) { if(m_pSecurityInfo) { m_pSecurityInfo->SetStatusFlags(Flags); } } DWORD GetStatusFlags(VOID) { if(m_pSecurityInfo) { return m_pSecurityInfo->GetStatusFlags(); } return 0; } DWORD GetSecurityLevel(VOID) { return _SecurityLevel; } BOOL LockHeaders(VOID) { return _RequestHeaders.LockHeaders(); } VOID UnlockHeaders(VOID) { _RequestHeaders.UnlockHeaders(); } // // GetCertChainList (and) // SetCertChainList - // Sets and Gets Client Authentication Cert Chains. // CERT_CONTEXT_ARRAY* GetCertContextArray(VOID) { if(m_pSecurityInfo) { return m_pSecurityInfo->GetCertContextArray(); } return NULL; } VOID SetCertContextArray(CERT_CONTEXT_ARRAY* pNewCertContextArray) { if(m_pSecurityInfo) { m_pSecurityInfo->SetCertContextArray(pNewCertContextArray); } } // // function to get SSL Certificate Information // DWORD GetSecurityInfo(LPINTERNET_SECURITY_INFO pInfo) { if(m_pSecurityInfo) { m_pSecurityInfo->CopyOut(*pInfo); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } // // authentication related methods // VOID SetAuthCtx (AUTHCTX *pAuthCtx) { _pAuthCtx = pAuthCtx; } AUTHCTX* GetAuthCtx (VOID) { return _pAuthCtx; } VOID SetCreds (AUTH_CREDS *pCreds) { _pCreds = pCreds; } AUTH_CREDS* GetCreds (VOID) { return _pCreds; } AUTHCTX* GetTunnelAuthCtx (VOID) { return _pTunnelAuthCtx; } BOOL SilentLogonOK(PSTR pszHost) { if ( !_stricmp(pszHost, "localhost") || !_stricmp(pszHost, "loopback") || ! strcmp(pszHost, "") ) { return TRUE; } if (_SecurityLevel == WINHTTP_AUTOLOGON_SECURITY_LEVEL_LOW) { return TRUE; } if (_SecurityLevel == WINHTTP_AUTOLOGON_SECURITY_LEVEL_HIGH) { return FALSE; } if (_SecurityLevel == WINHTTP_AUTOLOGON_SECURITY_LEVEL_MEDIUM) { if (g_pGlobalProxyInfo->HostBypassesProxy(INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP, pszHost, strlen(pszHost))) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } DWORD GetAuthState (void) { return _NoResetBits.Flags.AuthState; } void SetAuthState (DWORD dw) { INET_ASSERT( dw <= AUTHSTATE_LAST ); _NoResetBits.Flags.AuthState = dw; } void SetAuthorized (void) { _NoResetBits.Flags.IsAuthorized = 1; } BOOL IsAuthorized (void) { return _NoResetBits.Flags.IsAuthorized; } void SetMethodBody (void) { _NoResetBits.Flags.MethodBody = 1; } BOOL IsMethodBody (void) { return _NoResetBits.Flags.MethodBody; } void SetDisableNTLMPreauth (BOOL fVal) { _NoResetBits.Flags.DisableNTLMPreauth = (DWORD) (fVal ? TRUE : FALSE); } BOOL IsDisableNTLMPreauth (void) { return _NoResetBits.Flags.DisableNTLMPreauth; } BOOL GetUserAndPass (BOOL fProxy, LPSTR *pszUser, LPSTR *pszPass); LPSTR GetProp (DWORD nIndex) { INET_ASSERT (nIndex < NUM_INTERNET_STRING_OPTION); return _xsProp[nIndex].GetPtr(); } BOOL SetProp (DWORD nIndex, LPSTR pszIn) { INET_ASSERT (pszIn); INET_ASSERT (nIndex < NUM_INTERNET_STRING_OPTION); return _xsProp[nIndex].SetData(pszIn); } VOID FreeURL(VOID) { if (_CacheUrlName != NULL) { _CacheUrlName = (LPSTR)FREE_MEMORY(_CacheUrlName); INET_ASSERT(_CacheUrlName == NULL); } } LPSTR GetURL(VOID) { return _CacheUrlName; } BOOL SetURL(LPSTR lpszUrl); BOOL SetURLPtr(LPSTR* ppszUrl); // // proxy methods // VOID SetViaProxy(BOOL bValue) { _bViaProxy = bValue? 1 : 0; } BOOL IsViaProxy(VOID) const { return _bViaProxy; } BOOL IsTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy(VOID) const { return _fTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy; } VOID SetIsTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy(BOOL fTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy) { _fTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy = fTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy; } VOID SetRequestUsingProxy(BOOL fRequestUsingProxy) { _fRequestUsingProxy = fRequestUsingProxy; } BOOL IsRequestUsingProxy(VOID) const { return _fRequestUsingProxy; } VOID GetProxyName( OUT LPSTR* lplpszProxyHostName, OUT LPDWORD lpdwProxyHostNameLength, OUT LPINTERNET_PORT lpProxyPort ); VOID SetProxyName( IN LPSTR lpszProxyHostName, IN DWORD dwProxyHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT ProxyPort ); VOID GetSocksProxyName( LPSTR *lplpszProxyHostName, DWORD *lpdwProxyHostNameLength, LPINTERNET_PORT lpProxyPort ) { *lplpszProxyHostName = _SocksProxyHostName; *lpdwProxyHostNameLength = _SocksProxyHostNameLength; *lpProxyPort = _SocksProxyPort; } VOID SetSocksProxyName( LPSTR lpszProxyHostName, DWORD dwProxyHostNameLength, INTERNET_PORT ProxyPort ) { _SocksProxyHostName = lpszProxyHostName; _SocksProxyHostNameLength = dwProxyHostNameLength; _SocksProxyPort = ProxyPort; } VOID ClearPersistentConnection (VOID) { _Union.Flags.PersistProxy = 0; _Union.Flags.PersistServer = 0; } VOID SetPersistentConnection (BOOL fProxy) { if (fProxy) { _Union.Flags.PersistProxy = 1; } else { _Union.Flags.PersistServer = 1; } } BOOL IsPersistentConnection (BOOL fProxy) { return fProxy ? _Union.Flags.PersistProxy : _Union.Flags.PersistServer; } // // functions to get/set state // VOID SetState(HTTPREQ_STATE NewState) { DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("SetState(): current state %#x [%s], new state %#x [%s]\n", _State, InternetMapHttpState(_State), NewState, InternetMapHttpState(NewState) )); // Preserve state flags that transcend beyond a particular state. _State = (NewState | (_State & HTTPREQ_FLAG_MASK)); } WORD GetState() { return (_State & ~HTTPREQ_FLAG_MASK); } BOOL CheckState(WORD Flag) { DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("CheckState(): current state %#x [%s], checking %#x [%s] - %B\n", _State, InternetMapHttpState(_State), Flag, InternetMapHttpStateFlag(Flag), (_State & Flag) ? TRUE : FALSE )); return (_State & Flag) ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL CheckReceiveResponseState() { DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("CheckReceiveResponseState(): current recv response - %B\n", _State, InternetMapHttpState(_State), (_State & HTTPREQ_FLAG_RECV_RESPONSE_CALLED) ? TRUE : FALSE )); return (_State & HTTPREQ_FLAG_RECV_RESPONSE_CALLED) ? TRUE : FALSE; } VOID SetReceiveResponseState(BOOL fCalled) { DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("SetReceiveResponseState(): current recv response state %B - %B\n", (_State & HTTPREQ_FLAG_RECV_RESPONSE_CALLED) ? TRUE : FALSE, fCalled )); _State = fCalled ? (_State | HTTPREQ_FLAG_RECV_RESPONSE_CALLED) : (_State & ~HTTPREQ_FLAG_RECV_RESPONSE_CALLED); } BOOL CheckWriteDataNeeded() { DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("CheckWriteDataNeeded(): current write data state - %B\n", _State, InternetMapHttpState(_State), (_State & HTTPREQ_FLAG_WRITE_DATA_NEEDED) ? TRUE : FALSE )); return (_State & HTTPREQ_FLAG_WRITE_DATA_NEEDED) ? TRUE : FALSE; } VOID SetWriteDataNeeded(BOOL fNeeded) { DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("SetWriteDataNeeded(): current write data state %B - %B\n", (_State & HTTPREQ_FLAG_WRITE_DATA_NEEDED) ? TRUE : FALSE, fNeeded )); _State = fNeeded ? (_State | HTTPREQ_FLAG_WRITE_DATA_NEEDED) : (_State & ~HTTPREQ_FLAG_WRITE_DATA_NEEDED); } VOID ReuseObject( VOID ); DWORD ResetObject( IN BOOL bForce, IN BOOL bFreeRequestHeaders ); VOID SetNoLongerKeepAlive(VOID) { _bNoLongerKeepAlive = TRUE; } BOOL IsNoLongerKeepAlive(VOID) const { return _bNoLongerKeepAlive; } // // send.cxx methods // DWORD HttpSendRequest_Start( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm ); DWORD HttpSendRequest_Finish( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm ); DWORD MakeConnection_Fsm( IN CFsm_MakeConnection * Fsm ); DWORD SendRequest_Fsm( IN CFsm_SendRequest * Fsm ); DWORD ReceiveResponse_Fsm( IN CFsm_ReceiveResponse * Fsm ); LPINTERNET_BUFFERS SetReadFileEx(VOID) { _BuffersOut.lpvBuffer = (LPVOID)&_ReadFileExData; // // receive ONE byte // _BuffersOut.dwBufferLength = 1; return &_BuffersOut; } VOID SetReadFileExData(VOID) { _HaveReadFileExData = TRUE; } VOID ResetReadFileExData(VOID) { _HaveReadFileExData = FALSE; } BOOL HaveReadFileExData(VOID) { return _HaveReadFileExData; } BYTE GetReadFileExData(VOID) { ResetReadFileExData(); return (BYTE)_ReadFileExData; } // // cookie.cxx methods // int CreateCookieHeaderIfNeeded( VOID ); DWORD ExtractSetCookieHeaders( LPDWORD lpdwHeaderIndex ); // // priority methods // LONG GetPriority(VOID) const { return m_lPriority; } VOID SetPriority(LONG lPriority) { m_lPriority = lPriority; } // // Round Trip Time methods // VOID StartRTT(VOID) { _RTT = GetTickCountWrap(); } VOID UpdateRTT(VOID) { _RTT = (GetTickCountWrap() - _RTT); CServerInfo * pServerInfo = GetOriginServer(); if (pServerInfo != NULL) { pServerInfo->UpdateRTT(_RTT); } } DWORD GetRTT(VOID) const { return _RTT; } VOID SetAuthenticated(); BOOL IsAuthenticated(); // // diagnostic info // SOCKET GetSocket(VOID) { return (_Socket != NULL) ? _Socket->GetSocket() : INVALID_SOCKET; } DWORD GetSourcePort(VOID) { return (_Socket != NULL) ? _Socket->GetSourcePort() : 0; } DWORD GetDestPort(VOID) { return (_Socket != NULL) ? _Socket->GetPort() : 0; } BOOL FromKeepAlivePool(VOID) const { return _bKeepAliveConnection; } BOOL IsSecure(VOID) { return (_Socket != NULL) ? _Socket->IsSecure() : FALSE; } BOOL SetTimeout(DWORD dwTimeoutOption, DWORD dwTimeoutValue); DWORD GetTimeout(DWORD dwTimeoutOption); BOOL SetTimeouts( IN DWORD dwResolveTimeout, IN DWORD dwConnectTimeout, IN DWORD dwSendTimeout, IN DWORD dwReceiveTimeout ); DWORD SetObjectName( IN LPSTR lpszObjectName, IN LPSTR lpszExtension, IN URLGEN_FUNC * procProtocolUrl ); CServerInfo * GetServerInfo(VOID) const { return _ServerInfo; } CServerInfo * GetOriginServer(VOID) const { return (_OriginServer != NULL) ? _OriginServer : _ServerInfo; } VOID SetOriginServer( IN CServerInfo * pServerInfo ); VOID SetOriginServer(VOID) { SetOriginServer(_ServerInfo); } DWORD SetServerInfo( CServerInfo * pReferencedServerInfo ) { if (_ServerInfo != NULL) { ::ReleaseServerInfo(_ServerInfo); } // // WARNING:: THIS ASSUMES a pre-referenced // ServerInfo // _ServerInfo = pReferencedServerInfo; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } DWORD SetServerInfo( IN LPSTR lpszServerName, IN DWORD dwServerNameLength ); DWORD SetServerInfo( IN BOOL bDoResolution, IN OPTIONAL BOOL fNtlm = FALSE ) { return SetServerInfoWithScheme(GetSchemeType(), bDoResolution, fNtlm); } DWORD SetServerInfoWithScheme( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN BOOL bDoResolution, IN OPTIONAL BOOL fNtlm = FALSE ); BOOL LockAsync() { return _AsyncCritSec.Lock(); } VOID UnlockAsync() { return _AsyncCritSec.Unlock(); } VOID SetWorkItemInProgress(BOOL fBusy) { _fAsyncFsmInProgress = fBusy; } BOOL IsWorkItemInProgress() { return _fAsyncFsmInProgress; } BOOL IsWorkItemListEmpty() { return (_FsmWorkItemList.GetCount() == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); } DWORD ScheduleWorkItem(); DWORD BlockWorkItem(CFsm *pFsm) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::BlockWorkItem", NULL )); DWORD dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; if (_FsmWorkItemList.AddToTail(pFsm)) { DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("Blocked work item %#x with %d blocked async work items remaining\n", pFsm, _FsmWorkItemList.GetCount() )); dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } DEBUG_LEAVE(dwError); return dwError; } VOID FlushWorkItemList() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::FlushWorkItemList", NULL )); if (LockAsync()) { while (_FsmWorkItemList.GetCount() > 0) { ScheduleWorkItem(); } UnlockAsync(); } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } VOID SetWriteRequired(BOOL bIsWriteRequired) { _bIsWriteRequired = bIsWriteRequired; } BOOL IsWriteRequired() { return _bIsWriteRequired; } };