#ifndef __METAEXP_MBASE__ #define __METAEXP_MBASE__ #include #include #include #include // COM Interface header file. #include "common.h" void TraceProperty( PMETADATA_RECORD pmRec, WCHAR* pwszMDPath ); HRESULT EnumProperties(IMSAdminBase* pIMetaSource, METADATA_HANDLE hKeySource, wchar_t* SourceMDPath, IMSAdminBase* pIMetaTarget, METADATA_HANDLE hKeyTarget, wchar_t* TargetMDPath ); HRESULT CreateAndCopyKey( IMSAdminBase* pIMetaSource, METADATA_HANDLE hMDSourceHandle, //metabase handle to the source key. wchar_t* pszMDSourcePath, //path of the source relative to hMDSourceHandle. IMSAdminBase* pIMetaTarget, METADATA_HANDLE hMDDestHandle, //metabase handle to the destination. wchar_t* pszMDDestPath, //path of the destination, relative to hMDDestHandle. BOOL bMDCopySubKeys //whether to copy all subkey data ); HRESULT CopyIISConfig(COSERVERINFO *pCoServerInfoSource,COSERVERINFO *pCoServerInfoTarget, WCHAR *pwszSourceKey, _bstr_t &bstrTargetKey ); HRESULT AppPoolFixUp(COSERVERINFO *pCoServerInfo, WCHAR * pwszKey, WCHAR * pwszAppPoolID ); HRESULT CreateAppPool(IMSAdminBase* pIMeta,METADATA_HANDLE hKey,WCHAR *pAppPoolID); HRESULT ApplyMBFixUp(COSERVERINFO *pCoServerInfo, WCHAR * pwszKey, WCHAR * pwszAppPoolID, PXCOPYTASKITEM pXCOPYList, WCHAR * pwszServerBinding, BOOL bApplyFPSE); #endif