#ifndef __METAEXP_UTIL__ #define __METAEXP_UTIL__ #include #include #include #include // COM Interface header file. #include "common.h" #define IS_NETBIOS_NAME(lpstr) (*lpstr == _T('\\')) // // Return the portion of a computer name without the backslashes // #define PURE_COMPUTER_NAME(lpstr) (IS_NETBIOS_NAME(lpstr) ? lpstr + 2 : lpstr) DWORD GetKeyNameFromPath(const WCHAR *pMBPath, WCHAR *pName, DWORD dwSize); HRESULT SetBlanket(LPUNKNOWN pIUnk, WCHAR* user, WCHAR* domain, WCHAR* password); BOOL IsKeyType(IMSAdminBase* pIMeta, METADATA_HANDLE hKey, wchar_t * pwszPath, wchar_t * key); HRESULT GetKeyTypeProperty(IMSAdminBase* pIMeta, METADATA_HANDLE hKey, wchar_t * pwszPath, wchar_t *pwszBuffer, DWORD dwMDDataLen ); long GetAvailableSiteID(IMSAdminBase* pIMeta, METADATA_HANDLE hRootKey); DWORD NET(WCHAR* device, WCHAR* user, WCHAR* password); HRESULT SetPropertyData(IMSAdminBase* pIMeta, METADATA_HANDLE hKey, wchar_t *pwszMDPath, DWORD dwMDIdentifier, DWORD dwMDAttributes, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType, VOID * pData, DWORD dwDataLen); HRESULT GetPropertyData(IMSAdminBase* pIMeta, METADATA_HANDLE hKey, wchar_t *pwszMDPath, DWORD dwMDIdentifier, DWORD dwMDAttributes, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType, VOID * pData, DWORD *dwDataBuf); DWORD MyCreateProcess( LPTSTR appName, LPTSTR cmdLine, DWORD dwCreationFlags, DWORD dwTimeOut ); BOOL IsServerLocal( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer ); #endif