' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' VBScript Source File ' ' Script Name: IIsWeb.vbs ' Option Explicit On Error Resume Next ' Error codes Const ERR_OK = 0 Const ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE = 1 ''''''''''''''''''''' ' Messages Const L_BindingConflict_ErrorMessage = "(ERROR: BINDING CONFLICT)" Const L_SitesNotFound_ErrorMessage = "Site(s) not found." Const L_IsAlready_Message = "Server %1 is already %2" Const L_CannotStart_Message = "%1: Server cannot be started in its current state" Const L_CannotStart2_Message = "(%1 server is %2)" Const L_CannotStop_Message = "%1: Server cannot be stopped in its current state" Const L_CannotStop2_Message = "(%1 server is %2)" Const L_CannotPause_Message = "%1: Server cannot be paused in its current state" Const L_CannotPause2_Message = "(%1 server is %2)" Const L_HasBeen_Message = "Server %1 has been %2" Const L_All_Text = "ALL" Const L_AllUnassigned_Text = "ALL UNASSIGNED" Const L_NotSpecified_Text = "NOT SPECIFIED" Const L_Server_Text = "Server" Const L_SiteName_Text = "Site Name" Const L_MetabasePath_Message = "Metabase Path" Const L_IP_Text = "IP" Const L_Host_Text = "Host" Const L_Port_Text = "Port" Const L_Root_Text = "Root" Const L_Status_Text = "Status" Const L_NA_Text = "N/A" Const L_Error_ErrorMessage = "Error &H%1: %2" Const L_UnexpectedState_ErrorMessage = "Unexpected state" Const L_GetRoot_ErrorMessage = "Could not obtaing ROOT virtual dir of site %1" Const L_RecursiveDel_ErrorMessage = "Could not recursively delete application site %1" Const L_SiteGet_ErrorMessage = "Could not obtain web site %1" Const L_Stop_ErrorMessage = "Could not stop web site %1" Const L_SiteDel_ErrorMessage = "Could not delete web site %1" Const L_GetWebServer_ErrorMessage = "Error trying to obtain WebServer object." Const L_CannotCreateDir_ErrorMessage = "Could not create root directory" Const L_DirFormat_ErrorMessage = "Root directory format unknown. Please use the" Const L_DirFormat2_ErrorMessage = "':\' format." Const L_CannotControl_ErrorMessage = "Server cannot be controled in its current state" Const L_FailChange_ErrorMessage = "Failed to change status of server %1" Const L_OperationRequired_ErrorMessage = "Please specify an operation before the arguments." Const L_MinInfoNeeded_ErrorMessage = "Need at least to create a site." Const L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage = "Not enough parameters." Const L_Query_ErrorMessage = "Error occurred while querying WMI provider." Const L_OnlyOneOper_ErrorMessage = "Please specify only one operation at a time." Const L_ServerInstance_ErrorMessage = "Error trying to create a new web server instance." Const L_ServerPut_ErrorMessage = "Error trying to save new web server instance." Const L_VDirInstance_ErrorMessage = "Error trying to create a new virtual directory instance." Const L_VDirPut_ErrorMessage = "Error trying to save new virtual directory instance." Const L_ScriptHelper_ErrorMessage = "Could not create an instance of the IIsScriptHelper object." Const L_CmdLib_ErrorMessage = "Could not create an instance of the CmdLib object." Const L_ChkCmdLibReg_ErrorMessage = "Please register the Microsoft.CmdLib component." Const L_ChkScpHelperReg_ErrorMessage = "Please register the Microsoft.IIsScriptHelper component." Const L_InvalidIP_ErrorMessage = "Invalid IP Address. Please check if it is well formated and" Const L_InvalidIP2_ErrorMessage = "belongs to this machine." Const L_InvalidPort_ErrorMessage = "Invalid port number." Const L_MapDrive_ErrorMessage = "Could not map network drive." Const L_PassWithoutUser_ErrorMessage = "Please specify /u switch before using /p." Const L_WMIConnect_ErrorMessage = "Could not connect to WMI provider." Const L_InvalidSwitch_ErrorMessage = "Invalid switch: %1" Const L_Admin_ErrorMessage = "You cannot run this command because you are not an" Const L_Admin2_ErrorMessage = "administrator on the server you are trying to configure." ''''''''''''''''''''' ' Help ' General help messages Const L_SeeHelp_Message = "Type IIsWeb /? for help." Const L_SeeStartHelp_Message = "Type IIsWeb /start /? for help." Const L_SeeStopHelp_Message = "Type IIsWeb /stop /? for help." Const L_SeePauseHelp_Message = "Type IIsWeb /pause /? for help." Const L_SeeCreateHelp_Message = "Type IIsWeb /create /? for help." Const L_SeeDeleteHelp_Message = "Type IIsWeb /delete /? for help." Const L_SeeQueryHelp_Message = "Type IIsWeb /query /? for help." Const L_Help_HELP_General01_Text = "Description: Start, Stop, Pause, Delete, Query, or Create a" Const L_Help_HELP_General01a_Text = " Web Site" Const L_Help_HELP_General02_Text = "Syntax: IIsWeb [/s [/u [/p ]]]" Const L_Help_HELP_General03_Text = " / [arguments]" Const L_Help_HELP_General04_Text = "Parameters:" Const L_Help_HELP_General05_Text = "" Const L_Help_HELP_General06_Text = "Value Description" Const L_Help_HELP_General07_Text = "/s Connect to machine " Const L_Help_HELP_General07a_Text = " [Default: this system]" Const L_Help_HELP_General08_Text = "/u Connect as \ or" Const L_Help_HELP_General09_Text = " [Default: current user]" Const L_Help_HELP_General10_Text = "/p Password for the user" Const L_Help_HELP_General11_Text = " /start Starts a site(s) on given" Const L_Help_HELP_General11a_Text = " IIS Server." Const L_Help_HELP_General12_Text = " /stop Stops a site(s) from running" Const L_Help_HELP_General13_Text = " on a given IIS Server." Const L_Help_HELP_General14_Text = " /pause Pauses a site(s) that is" Const L_Help_HELP_General15_Text = " running on a given IIS Server." Const L_Help_HELP_General18_Text = " /delete Deletes IIS configuration" Const L_Help_HELP_General19_Text = " from an existing Web Site." Const L_Help_HELP_General19a_Text = " Content will not be deleted." Const L_Help_HELP_General20_Text = " /create Creates a Web Site." Const L_Help_HELP_General21_Text = " /query Queries existing Web Sites." Const L_Help_HELP_General22_Text = "For detailed usage:" Const L_Help_HELP_General23_Text = "IIsWeb /start /?" Const L_Help_HELP_General24_Text = "IIsWeb /stop /?" Const L_Help_HELP_General25_Text = "IIsWeb /pause /?" Const L_Help_HELP_General27_Text = "IIsWeb /delete /?" Const L_Help_HELP_General28_Text = "IIsWeb /create /?" Const L_Help_HELP_General29_Text = "IIsWeb /query /?" ' Common to all status change commands Const L_Help_HELP_Status03_Text = "Parameters:" Const L_Help_HELP_Status09_Text = " Use either the site name or metabase" Const L_Help_HELP_Status09p1_Text = " path to specify the site" Const L_Help_HELP_Status10_Text = "Examples:" ' Start help messages Const L_Help_HELP_Start01_Text = "Description: Starts a site(s) on a given IIS Server." Const L_Help_HELP_Start02_Text = "Syntax: IIsWeb [/s [/u [/p ]]]" Const L_Help_HELP_Start02p1_Text = " /start [ ...]" Const L_Help_HELP_Start11_Text = "IIsWeb /start ""Default Web Site""" Const L_Help_HELP_Start12_Text = "IIsWeb /start w3svc/1" Const L_Help_HELP_Start13_Text = "IIsWeb /start w3svc/2 ""Default Web Site"" w3svc/10" Const L_Help_HELP_Start14_Text = "IIsWeb /s Server1 /u Administrator /p p@ssWOrd /start w3svc/4" ' Stop help messages Const L_Help_HELP_Stop01_Text = "Description: Stops a site(s) on a given IIS Server." Const L_Help_HELP_Stop02_Text = "Syntax: IIsWeb [/s [/u [/p ]]]" Const L_Help_HELP_Stop02p1_Text = " /stop [ ...]" Const L_Help_HELP_Stop11_Text = "IIsWeb /stop ""Default Web Site""" Const L_Help_HELP_Stop12_Text = "IIsWeb /stop w3svc/1" Const L_Help_HELP_Stop13_Text = "IIsWeb /stop w3svc/2 ""Default Web Site"" w3svc/10" Const L_Help_HELP_Stop14_Text = "IIsWeb /s Server1 /u Administrator /p p@ssWOrd /stop w3svc/4" ' Pause help messages Const L_Help_HELP_Pause01_Text = "Description: Pauses a site(s) on a given IIS Server." Const L_Help_HELP_Pause02_Text = "Syntax: IIsWeb [/s [/u [/p ]]]" Const L_Help_HELP_Pause02p1_Text = " /pause [ ...]" Const L_Help_HELP_Pause11_Text = "IIsWeb /pause ""Default Web Site""" Const L_Help_HELP_Pause12_Text = "IIsWeb /pause w3svc/1" Const L_Help_HELP_Pause13_Text = "IIsWeb /pause w3svc/2 ""Default Web Site"" w3svc/10" Const L_Help_HELP_Pause14_Text = "IIsWeb /s Server1 /u Administrator /p p@ssWOrd /pause w3svc/4" ' Delete help messages Const L_Help_HELP_Delete01_Text = "Description: Deletes IIS configuration for an existing web" Const L_Help_HELP_Delete01p1_Text = " site. Content will not be deleted." Const L_Help_HELP_Delete02_Text = "Syntax: IIsWeb [/s [/u [/p ]]]" Const L_Help_HELP_Delete02p1_Text = " /delete [ ...]" Const L_Help_HELP_Delete11_Text = "IIsWeb /delete ""Default Web Site""" Const L_Help_HELP_Delete12_Text = "IIsWeb /delete w3svc/1" Const L_Help_HELP_Delete13_Text = "IIsWeb /delete w3svc/2 ""Default Web Site"" w3svc/10" Const L_Help_HELP_Delete14_Text = "IIsWeb /s Server1 /u Administrator /p p@ssWOrd /delete w3svc/4" ' Create help messages Const L_Help_HELP_Create01_Text = "Description: Creates a web site." Const L_Help_HELP_Create02_Text = "Syntax: IIsWeb [/s [/u [/p ]]]" Const L_Help_HELP_Create02p1_Text = " /create [/d ] [/b ]" Const L_Help_HELP_Create02p2_Text = " [/i ] [/dontstart]" Const L_Help_HELP_Create09_Text = " Root directory for the new server. If" Const L_Help_HELP_Create09p1_Text = " this directory does not exist, it" Const L_Help_HELP_Create09p2_Text = " will be created." Const L_Help_HELP_Create10_Text = " The name that appears in the Microsoft" Const L_Help_HELP_Create10p1_Text = " Management Console (MMC)." Const L_Help_HELP_Create11_Text = "/d The host name to assign to this site." Const L_Help_HELP_Create11p1_Text = " WARNING: Only use host name if DNS" Const L_Help_HELP_Create11p2_Text = " is set up to find the server" Const L_Help_HELP_Create12_Text = "/b The number of the port to which the" Const L_Help_HELP_Create12p1_Text = " new server should bind. [Default: 80]" Const L_Help_HELP_Create13_Text = "/i The IP address to assign to the new" Const L_Help_HELP_Create13p1_Text = " server. [Default: All Unassigned]" Const L_Help_HELP_Create15_Text = "/dontstart Don't start this site after it is created." Const L_Help_HELP_Create22_Text = "IIsWeb /create c:\inetpub\wwwroot ""My Site"" /b 80" Const L_Help_HELP_Create23_Text = "IIsWeb /s Server1 /u Administrator /p p@assWOrd /create c:\inetpub\wwwroot" Const L_Help_HELP_Create23p1_Text = " ""My Site""" Const L_Help_HELP_Create24_Text = "IIsWeb /create c:\inetpub\wwwroot ""My Site"" /i /b 80" Const L_Help_HELP_Create24p1_Text = " /d www.mysite.com" ' Query help messages Const L_Help_HELP_Query01_Text = "Description: Queries existing web sites." Const L_Help_HELP_Query02_Text = "Syntax: IIsWeb [/s [/u [/p ]]]" Const L_Help_HELP_Query02p1_Text = " /query [ ...]" Const L_Help_HELP_Query11_Text = "IIsWeb /query ""Default Web Site""" Const L_Help_HELP_Query12_Text = "IIsWeb /query w3svc/1" Const L_Help_HELP_Query13_Text = "IIsWeb /query" Const L_Help_HELP_Query14_Text = "IIsWeb /query ""Default Web Site"" ""Sample Site"" w3svc/1" Const L_Help_HELP_Query15_Text = "IIsWeb /s Server1 /u Administrator /p p@ssW0rd /query ""Default Web Site""" ' Status Const L_Started_Text = "started" Const L_Stopped_Text = "stopped" Const L_Paused_Text = "paused" Const L_Continued_Text = "continued" Const L_Deleted_Text = "deleted" '''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim SiteStatus SiteStatus = Array("", "", L_Started_Text, "", L_Stopped_Text, "", L_Paused_Text, L_Continued_Text, L_Deleted_Text) ' Operation codes Const OPER_START = 1 Const OPER_STOP = 2 Const OPER_PAUSE = 3 Const OPER_DELETE = 4 Const OPER_CREATE = 5 Const OPER_QUERY = 6 ' ServerState codes Const SERVER_STARTING = 1 Const SERVER_STARTED = 2 Const SERVER_STOPPING = 3 Const SERVER_STOPPED = 4 Const SERVER_PAUSING = 5 Const SERVER_PAUSED = 6 Const SERVER_CONTINUING = 7 ' ' Main block ' Dim oScriptHelper, oCmdLib Dim strServer, strUser, strPassword, strSite Dim intOperation, intResult Dim strRoot, strName, strHost, strPort, strIP Dim bDontStart Dim aArgs, arg Dim strCmdLineOptions Dim oError ' Default values strServer = "." strUser = "" strPassword = "" intOperation = 0 strSite = "" strName = "" bDontStart = False ' Instantiate the CmdLib for output string formatting Set oCmdLib = CreateObject("Microsoft.CmdLib") If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo L_CmdLib_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_ChkCmdLibReg_ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If Set oCmdLib.ScriptingHost = WScript.Application ' Instantiate script helper object Set oScriptHelper = CreateObject("Microsoft.IIsScriptHelper") If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo L_ScriptHelper_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_ChkScpHelperReg_ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If Set oScriptHelper.ScriptHost = WScript ' Check if we are being run with cscript.exe instead of wscript.exe oScriptHelper.CheckScriptEngine ' Minimum number of parameters must exist If WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then WScript.Echo L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If strCmdLineOptions = "[server:s:1;user:u:1;password:p:1];start::n;stop::n;pause::n;delete::n;" & _ "[create:c:1;domain:d:1;port:b:1;ip:i:1;dontstart::0];query:q:n" Set oError = oScriptHelper.ParseCmdLineOptions(strCmdLineOptions) If Not oError Is Nothing Then If oError.ErrorCode = oScriptHelper.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS Then ' Not enough arguments for a specified switch WScript.Echo L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage If oError.SwitchName = "create" Then WScript.Echo L_SeeCreateHelp_Message Else WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message End If Else ' Invalid switch oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_InvalidSwitch_ErrorMessage, Array(oError.SwitchName) WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message End If WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If If oScriptHelper.GlobalHelpRequested Then DisplayHelpMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_OK) End If For Each arg In oScriptHelper.Switches Select Case arg Case "server" ' Server information strServer = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) Case "user" ' User information strUser = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) Case "password" ' Password information strPassword = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) Case "start" If (intOperation <> 0) Then WScript.Echo L_OnlyOneOper_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If intOperation = OPER_START If oScriptHelper.IsHelpRequested(arg) Then DisplayStartHelpMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_OK) End If aArgs = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) If UBound(aArgs) = -1 Then WScript.Echo L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeStartHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If Case "stop" If (intOperation <> 0) Then WScript.Echo L_OnlyOneOper_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If intOperation = OPER_STOP If oScriptHelper.IsHelpRequested(arg) Then DisplayStopHelpMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_OK) End If aArgs = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) If UBound(aArgs) = -1 Then WScript.Echo L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeStopHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If Case "pause" If (intOperation <> 0) Then WScript.Echo L_OnlyOneOper_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If intOperation = OPER_PAUSE If oScriptHelper.IsHelpRequested(arg) Then DisplayPauseHelpMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_OK) End If aArgs = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) If UBound(aArgs) = -1 Then WScript.Echo L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeePauseHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If Case "create" If (intOperation <> 0) Then WScript.Echo L_OnlyOneOper_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If intOperation = OPER_CREATE If oScriptHelper.IsHelpRequested(arg) Then DisplayCreateHelpMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_OK) End If strRoot = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) aArgs = oScriptHelper.NamedArguments If strRoot = "" Or UBound(aArgs) = -1 Then WScript.Echo L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeCreateHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If strName = aArgs(0) strHost = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch("domain") strPort = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch("port") strIP = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch("ip") If oScriptHelper.Switches.Exists("dontstart") Then bDontStart = True End If Case "delete" If (intOperation <> 0) Then WScript.Echo L_OnlyOneOper_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If intOperation = OPER_DELETE If oScriptHelper.IsHelpRequested(arg) Then DisplayDeleteHelpMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_OK) End If aArgs = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) If UBound(aArgs) = -1 Then WScript.Echo L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeDeleteHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If Case "query" If (intOperation <> 0) Then WScript.Echo L_OnlyOneOper_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If intOperation = OPER_QUERY If oScriptHelper.IsHelpRequested(arg) Then DisplayQueryHelpMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_OK) End If aArgs = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg) End Select Next ' Check Parameters If intOperation = 0 Then WScript.Echo L_OperationRequired_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If ' Check if /p is specified but /u isn't. In this case, we should bail out with an error If oScriptHelper.Switches.Exists("password") And Not oScriptHelper.Switches.Exists("user") Then WScript.Echo L_PassWithoutUser_ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End If ' Check if /u is specified but /p isn't. In this case, we should ask for a password If oScriptHelper.Switches.Exists("user") And Not oScriptHelper.Switches.Exists("password") Then strPassword = oCmdLib.GetPassword End If ' Initializes authentication with remote machine intResult = oScriptHelper.InitAuthentication(strServer, strUser, strPassword) If intResult <> 0 Then WScript.Quit(intResult) End If ' Choose operation Select Case intOperation Case OPER_START intResult = ChangeWebSiteStatus(aArgs, SERVER_STARTED) Case OPER_STOP intResult = ChangeWebSiteStatus(aArgs, SERVER_STOPPED) Case OPER_PAUSE intResult = ChangeWebSiteStatus(aArgs, SERVER_PAUSED) Case OPER_DELETE intResult = DeleteWebSite(aArgs) Case OPER_CREATE 'intResult = CreateWebSite(aArgs) intResult = CreateWebSite(strRoot, strName, strHost, strPort, strIP, bDontStart) Case OPER_QUERY intResult = QueryWebSite(aArgs) End Select ' Return value to command processor WScript.Quit(intResult) ''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' End Of Main Block ''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' DisplayHelpMessage ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sub DisplayHelpMessage() WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General01_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General01a_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General02_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General03_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General04_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General05_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General06_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General08_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General10_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General11_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General11a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General12_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General13_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General14_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General15_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General18_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General19_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General19a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General20_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General21_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General22_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General23_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General24_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General25_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General27_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General28_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General29_Text End Sub Sub DisplayStartHelpMessage() WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Start01_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Start02_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Start02p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status03_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General06_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General08_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General10_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status10_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Start11_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Start12_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Start13_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Start14_Text End Sub Sub DisplayStopHelpMessage() WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Stop01_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Stop02_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Stop02p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status03_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General06_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General08_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General10_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status10_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Stop11_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Stop12_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Stop13_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Stop14_Text End Sub Sub DisplayPauseHelpMessage() WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Pause01_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Pause02_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Pause02p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status03_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General06_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General08_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General10_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status10_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Pause11_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Pause12_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Pause13_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Pause14_Text End Sub Sub DisplayDeleteHelpMessage() WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Delete01_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Delete01p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Delete02_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Delete02p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status03_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General06_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General08_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General10_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status10_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Delete11_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Delete12_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Delete13_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Delete14_Text End Sub Sub DisplayCreateHelpMessage() WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create01_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create02_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create02p1_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create02p2_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status03_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General06_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General08_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General10_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create09p1_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create09p2_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create10_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create10p1_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create11_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create11p1_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create11p2_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create12_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create12p1_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create13_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create13p1_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create15_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status10_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create22_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create23_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create23p1_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create24_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Create24p1_Text End Sub Sub DisplayQueryHelpMessage() WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Query01_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Query02_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Query02p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status03_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General06_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07a_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General08_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General10_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status09p1_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Status10_Text WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Query11_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Query12_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Query13_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Query14_Text WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_Query15_Text End Sub ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ChangeWebSiteStatus ' ' Try to change the status of a site ' to the one specified ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Function ChangeWebSiteStatus(aArgs, newStatus) Dim Server, strSiteName Dim intResult, i, intNewStatus Dim aSites Dim providerObj, ServiceObj Dim bNonFatalError On Error Resume Next bNonFatalError = False oScriptHelper.WMIConnect If Err.Number Then WScript.Echo L_WMIConnect_ErrorMessage oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) ChangeWebSiteStatus = Err.Number Exit Function End If Set providerObj = oScriptHelper.ProviderObj intResult = 0 ' Quick check to see if we have permission Set ServiceObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebService='W3SVC'") If Err.Number Then Select Case Err.Number Case &H80070005 WScript.Echo L_Admin_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_Admin2_ErrorMessage Case Else WScript.Echo Err.Description End Select ChangeWebSiteStatus = Err.Number Exit Function End If aSites = oScriptHelper.FindSite("Web", aArgs) If IsArray(aSites) Then If UBound(aSites) = -1 Then WScript.Echo L_SitesNotFound_ErrorMessage intResult = ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE End If Else ' Got duplicate sites. We should quit. ChangeWebSiteStatus = intResult Exit Function End If For i = LBound(aSites) to UBound(aSites) strSiteName = aSites(i) bNonFatalError = False ' Grab site state before trying to start it Set Server = providerObj.Get("IIsWebServer='" & strSiteName & "'") If (Err.Number <> 0) Then WScript.Echo L_GetWebServer_ErrorMessage oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) intResult = Err.Number End If If (Server.ServerState = newStatus) Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_IsAlready_Message, Array(strSiteName, UCase(SiteStatus(newStatus))) Else If (Server.ServerState = SERVER_STARTING or Server.ServerState = SERVER_STOPPING or _ Server.ServerState = SERVER_PAUSING or Server.ServerState = SERVER_CONTINUING) Then WScript.Echo L_CannotControl_ErrorMessage intResult = ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE Else Select Case newStatus Case SERVER_STARTED If (Server.ServerState = SERVER_STOPPED) Then intNewStatus = SERVER_STARTED Server.Start Else If (Server.ServerState = SERVER_PAUSED) Then intNewStatus = SERVER_CONTINUING Server.Continue Else oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_CannotStart_Message, Array(strSiteName) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_CannotStart2_Message, Array(strSiteName, SiteStatus(Server.ServerState)) bNonFatalError = True End If End If Case SERVER_STOPPED If (Server.ServerState = SERVER_STARTED) Then intNewStatus = SERVER_STOPPED Server.Stop Else oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_CannotStop_Message, Array(strSiteName) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_CannotStop2_Message, Array(strSiteName, SiteStatus(Server.ServerState)) bNonFatalError = True End If Case SERVER_PAUSED If (Server.ServerState = SERVER_STARTED) Then intNewStatus = SERVER_PAUSED Server.Pause Else oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_CannotPause_Message, Array(strSiteName) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_CannotPause2_Message, Array(strSiteName, SiteStatus(Server.ServerState)) bNonFatalError = True End If Case Else WScript.Echo L_UnexpectedState_ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE) End Select ' Error checking If (Err.Number <> 0) Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_FailChange_ErrorMessage, Array(strSite) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) intResult = Err.Number Else If (bNonFatalError = False) Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_HasBeen_Message, Array(strSiteName, UCase(SiteStatus(intNewStatus))) End If End If End If End If Next Set Server = Nothing ChangeWebSiteStatus = intResult End Function ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' DeleteWebSite ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Function DeleteWebSite(aArgs) Dim strSiteName Dim RootVDirObj, WebServerObj Dim aSites Dim providerObj, ServiceObj On Error Resume Next oScriptHelper.WMIConnect If Err.Number Then WScript.Echo L_WMIConnect_ErrorMessage oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) DeleteWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If Set providerObj = oScriptHelper.ProviderObj ' Quick check to see if we have permission Set ServiceObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebService='W3SVC'") If Err.Number Then Select Case Err.Number Case &H80070005 WScript.Echo L_Admin_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_Admin2_ErrorMessage Case Else WScript.Echo Err.Description End Select DeleteWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If aSites = oScriptHelper.FindSite("Web", aArgs) If IsArray(aSites) Then If UBound(aSites) = -1 Then WScript.Echo L_SitesNotFound_ErrorMessage intResult = ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE End If Else ' Got duplicate sites. We should quit. ChangeWebSiteStatus = intResult Exit Function End If For Each strSiteName in aSites ' First delete application in this site Set RootVDirObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebVirtualDir='" & strSiteName & "/ROOT'") If (Err.Number <> 0) Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_GetRoot_ErrorMessage, Array(strSiteName) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) DeleteWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If RootVDirObj.AppDelete(True) If (Err.Number <> 0) Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_RecursiveDel_ErrorMessage, Array(strSiteName) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) DeleteWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If ' Next, stop and delete the web site itself Set WebServerObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebServer='" & strSiteName & "'") If (Err.Number <> 0) Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_SiteGet_ErrorMessage, Array(strSiteName) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) DeleteWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If WebServerObj.Stop If (Err.Number <> 0) Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Stop_ErrorMessage, Array(strSiteName) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) DeleteWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If WebServerObj.Delete_ If (Err.Number <> 0) Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_SiteDel_ErrorMessage, Array(strSiteName) oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) DeleteWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_HasBeen_Message, Array(strSiteName, L_Deleted_Text) Next DeleteWebSite = ERR_OK End Function ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' CreateWebSite ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Function CreateWebSite(strRoot, strName, strHost, strPort, strIP, bDontStart) Dim strSitePath Dim strSiteObjPath Dim Bindings Dim objPath, serviceObj Dim serverObj, vdirObj Dim strStatus Dim providerObj On Error Resume Next ' Default port If (strPort = "") Then strPort = "80" ' Verify port number If Not oScriptHelper.IsValidPortNumber(strPort) Then WScript.Echo L_InvalidPort_ErrorMessage CreateWebSite = ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE Exit Function End If ' Verify IP Address If strIP <> "" Then If Not oScriptHelper.IsValidIPAddress(strIP) Then WScript.Echo L_InvalidIP_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_InvalidIP2_ErrorMessage CreateWebSite = ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE Exit Function End If End If ' Create physical directory oScriptHelper.CreateFSDir strRoot If Err.Number Then Select Case Err.Number Case &H8007000C WScript.Echo L_DirFormat_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_DirFormat2_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_SeeCreateHelp_Message CreateWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function Case &H8007000F WScript.Echo L_MapDrive_ErrorMessage CreateWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function Case Else WScript.Echo L_CannotCreateDir_ErrorMessage oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) CreateWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End Select End If ' Time to connect to the IIS namespace oScriptHelper.WMIConnect If Err.Number Then WScript.Echo L_WMIConnect_ErrorMessage oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) CreateWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If Set providerObj = oScriptHelper.ProviderObj ' Build binding object Bindings = Array(0) Set Bindings(0) = providerObj.get("ServerBinding").SpawnInstance_() Bindings(0).IP = strIP Bindings(0).Port = strPort Bindings(0).Hostname = strHost Set serviceObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebService='W3SVC'") If Err.Number Then Select Case Err.Number Case &H80070005 WScript.Echo L_Admin_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_Admin2_ErrorMessage Case Else WScript.Echo Err.Description End Select CreateWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If strSiteObjPath = serviceObj.CreateNewSite(strName, Bindings, strRoot) If Err Then oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) CreateWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If ' Parse site ID out of WMI object path Set objPath = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemObjectPath") objPath.Path = strSiteObjPath strSitePath = objPath.Keys.Item("") ' Set web virtual directory properties Set vdirObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebVirtualDirSetting='" & strSitePath & "/ROOT'") vdirObj.AuthFlags = 5 ' AuthNTLM + AuthAnonymous vdirObj.EnableDefaultDoc = True vdirObj.DirBrowseFlags = &H4000003E ' date, time, size, extension, longdate vdirObj.AccessFlags = 513 ' read, script vdirObj.Put_() If Err Then WScript.Echo L_VDirPut_ErrorMessage oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) providerObj.Delete(strSiteObjPath) CreateWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If ' Site should be stopped - CreateNewSite stops it by default Set serverObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebServer='" & strSitePath & "'") ' Should we start the site? If Not bDontStart Then serverObj.Start ' If we cannot start the server, check for error stating the port is already in use If Err.Number = &H80070034 Or Err.Number = &H80070020 Then strStatus = UCase(SiteStatus(4)) & " " & L_BindingConflict_ErrorMessage Else strStatus = UCase(SiteStatus(2)) End If Else strStatus = UCase(SiteStatus(4)) End If If (strServer = ".") Then strServer = oScriptHelper.GetEnvironmentVar("%COMPUTERNAME%") End If If (strIP = "") Then strIP = L_AllUnassigned_Text If (strHost = "") Then strHost = L_NotSpecified_Text ' Post summary WScript.Echo L_Server_Text & Space(14 - Len(L_Server_Text)) & "= " & UCase(strServer) WScript.Echo L_SiteName_Text & Space(14 - Len(L_SiteName_Text)) & "= " & strName WScript.Echo L_MetabasePath_Message & Space(14 - Len(L_MetabasePath_Message)) & "= " & strSitePath WScript.Echo L_IP_Text & Space(14 - Len(L_IP_Text)) & "= " & strIP WScript.Echo L_Host_Text & Space(14 - Len(L_Host_Text)) & "= " & strHost WScript.Echo L_Port_Text & Space(14 - Len(L_Port_Text)) & "= " & strPort WScript.Echo L_Root_Text & Space(14 - Len(L_Root_Text)) & "= " & strRoot WScript.Echo L_Status_Text& Space(14 - Len(L_Status_Text)) & "= " & strStatus CreateWebSite = intResult End Function ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' QueryWebSite ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Function QueryWebSite(aArgs) Dim Servers, Server, strQuery Dim ServerObj, ServiceObj Dim i, intResult, firstLen, secLen, thirdLen, fourthLen Dim bindings, binding Dim line, strIP, strPort, strHost, strState Dim providerObj Dim bFirstIteration On Error Resume Next oScriptHelper.WMIConnect If Err.Number Then WScript.Echo L_WMIConnect_ErrorMessage oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) QueryWebSiteStatus = Err.Number Exit Function End If Set providerObj = oScriptHelper.ProviderObj intResult = 0 ' Quick check to see if we have permission Set ServiceObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebService='W3SVC'") If Err.Number Then Select Case Err.Number Case &H80070005 WScript.Echo L_Admin_ErrorMessage WScript.Echo L_Admin2_ErrorMessage Case Else WScript.Echo Err.Description End Select QueryWebSite = Err.Number Exit Function End If If (UBound(aArgs) = -1) Then strQuery = "select Name, ServerComment, ServerBindings from IIsWebServerSetting" Else strQuery = "select Name, ServerComment, ServerBindings from IIsWebServerSetting where " For i = LBound(aArgs) to UBound(aArgs) strQuery = strQuery & "(Name='" & aArgs(i) & "' or ServerComment='" & aArgs(i) & "')" If (i <> UBound(aArgs)) Then strQuery = strQuery & " or " End If Next End If ' Semi-sync query. (flags = ForwardOnly Or ReturnImediately = &H30) Set Servers = providerObj.ExecQuery(strQuery, , &H30) If (Err.Number <> 0) Then WScript.Echo L_Query_ErrorMessage oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Error_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description) WScript.Quit(Err.Number) End If bFirstIteration = True For Each Server in Servers bindings = Server.ServerBindings If bFirstIteration Then WScript.Echo L_SiteName_Text & " (" & L_MetabasePath_Message & ")" & _ Space(40 - Len(L_SiteName_Text & L_MetabasePath_Message) + 3) & _ L_Status_Text & Space(2) & L_IP_Text & Space(14) & L_Port_Text & Space(2) & L_Host_Text WScript.Echo "==============================================================================" End If ' Get server status from the element instance Set ServerObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebServer='" & Server.Name & "'") strState = UCase(SiteStatus(ServerObj.ServerState)) If (IsArray(bindings)) Then For i = LBound(bindings) to UBound(bindings) If (bindings(i).IP = "") Then strIP = L_All_Text Else strIP = bindings(i).IP End If strPort = bindings(i).Port If (bindings(i).Hostname = "") Then strHost = L_NA_Text Else strHost = bindings(i).Hostname End If ' If this is the first binding list, print server comment and server name If (i = LBound(bindings)) Then firstLen = 40 - Len(Server.ServerComment & Server.Name) + 3 secLen = 8 - Len(strState) thirdLen = 16 - Len(strIP) fourthLen = 6 - Len(strPort) If (firstLen < 1) Then firstLen = 1 End If If (secLen < 1) Then secLen = 1 End If If (thirdLen < 1) Then thirdLen = 1 End If If (fourthLen < 1) Then fourthLen = 1 End If line = Server.ServerComment & " (" & Server.Name & ")" & _ Space(firstLen) & strState & _ Space(secLen) & strIP & Space(thirdLen) & strPort & _ Space(fourthLen) & strHost Else line = Space(54) & strIP & Space(thirdLen) & strPort & Space(fourthLen) & strHost End If WScript.Echo line Next End If bFirstIteration = False Next If bFirstIteration Then WScript.Echo L_SitesNotFound_ErrorMessage End If End Function