#include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "log.h" #include "acl.hxx" // critical section needed to safely write to the logfile CRITICAL_SECTION critical_section; //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: constructor //* //*************************************************************************** MyLogFile::MyLogFile(void) { _tcscpy(m_szLogFileName, _T("")); _tcscpy(m_szLogFileName_Full, _T("")); _tcscpy(m_szLogPreLineInfo, _T("")); _tcscpy(m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T("")); m_bDisplayTimeStamp = TRUE; m_bDisplayPreLineInfo = TRUE; m_bFlushLogToDisk = FALSE; m_hFile = NULL; // initialize the critical section INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( &critical_section ); } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: destructor //* //*************************************************************************** MyLogFile::~MyLogFile(void) { DeleteCriticalSection( &critical_section ); } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: //* //*************************************************************************** int MyLogFile::LogFileCreate(TCHAR *lpLogFileName ) { int iReturn = FALSE; TSTR strDriveOnly( _MAX_DRIVE ); TSTR strPathOnly( MAX_PATH ); TSTR strFileNameOnly( MAX_PATH ); TSTR strFileNameBackup( MAX_PATH ); LPWSTR pwsz = NULL; CSecurityDescriptor LogFileSD; // because of the global flags and such, we'll make this critical EnterCriticalSection( &critical_section ); if (lpLogFileName == NULL) { TSTR strModuleFileName; if ( !strFileNameOnly.Resize( MAX_PATH ) ) { return FALSE; } // if a logfilename was not specified then use the module name. if (0 == GetModuleFileName(NULL, strModuleFileName.QueryStr(), _MAX_PATH)) { // Use Default Name if ( !strFileNameOnly.Copy( _T("iis6.log") ) ) { return FALSE; } } else { // get only the filename _tsplitpath( strModuleFileName.QueryStr() , NULL, NULL, strFileNameOnly.QueryStr(), NULL); if ( !strFileNameOnly.Append( _T(".LOG") ) ) { return FALSE; } } _tcsncpy( m_szLogFileName, strFileNameOnly.QueryStr(), sizeof(m_szLogFileName)/sizeof(m_szLogFileName[0]) ); m_szLogFileName[ ( sizeof(m_szLogFileName) / sizeof(m_szLogFileName[0]) ) - 1 ] = _T('\0'); } else { _tcsncpy( m_szLogFileName, lpLogFileName, sizeof(m_szLogFileName)/sizeof(m_szLogFileName[0]) ); m_szLogFileName[ ( sizeof(m_szLogFileName) / sizeof(m_szLogFileName[0]) ) - 1 ] = _T('\0'); } if (GetWindowsDirectory(m_szLogFileName_Full, sizeof(m_szLogFileName_Full)/sizeof(m_szLogFileName_Full[0]))) { AddPath(m_szLogFileName_Full, m_szLogFileName); if (GetFileAttributes(m_szLogFileName_Full) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // there is a current .log file already there. // if it is larger than 2megs then rename it. DWORD dwSize1 = ReturnFileSize(m_szLogFileName_Full); if (dwSize1 == 0xFFFFFFFF || dwSize1 > 2000000) { // unable to retrieve the size of one of those files // or the size is bigger than 2megs. // backup the old one. // Make a backup of the current log file _tsplitpath( m_szLogFileName_Full, strDriveOnly.QueryStr(), strPathOnly.QueryStr(), strFileNameOnly.QueryStr(), NULL); if ( !strFileNameBackup.Copy( strDriveOnly ) && !strFileNameBackup.Append( strPathOnly ) && !strFileNameBackup.Append( strFileNameOnly ) && !strFileNameBackup.Append( _T(".bak") ) ) { return FALSE; } SetFileAttributes(strFileNameBackup.QueryStr(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile( strFileNameBackup.QueryStr() ); if ( MoveFile(m_szLogFileName_Full, strFileNameBackup.QueryStr()) == 0 ) { // This failed //MyMessageBox(NULL,_T("LogFile MoveFile Failed"),_T("LogFile Error"), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } } } #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) pwsz = m_szLogFileName_Full; #else pwsz = MakeWideStrFromAnsi( m_szLogFileName_Full); #endif // Create a Security Descriptor with only Administrators and Local System, then open // the file with it if ( LogFileSD.AddAccessAcebyWellKnownID( CSecurityDescriptor::GROUP_ADMINISTRATORS, CSecurityDescriptor::ACCESS_FULL, TRUE, FALSE ) && LogFileSD.AddAccessAcebyWellKnownID( CSecurityDescriptor::USER_LOCALSYSTEM, CSecurityDescriptor::ACCESS_FULL, TRUE, FALSE ) ) { // Open existing file or create a new one. m_hFile = CreateFile( m_szLogFileName_Full, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | WRITE_DAC, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, LogFileSD.QuerySA(), //NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_hFile = NULL; //MyMessageBox(NULL, _T("Unable to create iis setup log file"), _T("LogFile Error"), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else { SetFilePointer( m_hFile, NULL, NULL, FILE_END ); iReturn = TRUE; } //LogFileTimeStamp(); LogFileWrite(_T("LogFile Open. [***** Search on FAIL/MessageBox keywords for failures *****].\r\n")); } } // safe to leave the critical section LeaveCriticalSection( &critical_section ); return iReturn; } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: //* //*************************************************************************** int MyLogFile::LogFileClose(void) { if (m_hFile) { LogFileWrite(_T("LogFile Close.\r\n")); CloseHandle(m_hFile); m_hFile = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: add stuff to logfile //* //*************************************************************************** void MyLogFile::LogFileTimeStamp() { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; GetLocalTime(&SystemTime); m_bDisplayTimeStamp = FALSE; m_bDisplayPreLineInfo = FALSE; LogFileWrite(_T("[%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d]\r\n"),SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay, SystemTime.wYear,SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond); m_bDisplayTimeStamp = TRUE; m_bDisplayPreLineInfo = TRUE; } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: //* //*************************************************************************** #define LOG_STRING_LEN 1000 void MyLogFile::LogFileWrite(TCHAR *pszFormatString, ...) { if (m_hFile) { // because of the global flags and such, we'll make this critical EnterCriticalSection( &critical_section ); va_list args; TCHAR pszFullErrMsg[ LOG_STRING_LEN ]; char pszFullErrMsgA[ LOG_STRING_LEN ]; strcpy(pszFullErrMsgA, ""); DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; if (_tcslen(pszFormatString) > LOG_STRING_LEN) { // this will overrun our buffer, just get out goto MyLogFile_LogFileWrite_Exit; } __try { va_start(args, pszFormatString); if (!_vsntprintf(pszFullErrMsg, LOG_STRING_LEN, pszFormatString, args)) { goto MyLogFile_LogFileWrite_Exit; } // Null terminate just incase _vsntprintf did not pszFullErrMsg[ LOG_STRING_LEN - 1 ] = '\0'; va_end(args); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { goto MyLogFile_LogFileWrite_Exit; } if (*pszFullErrMsg) { #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) // convert to ascii then write to stream WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (TCHAR *)pszFullErrMsg, -1, pszFullErrMsgA, LOG_STRING_LEN, NULL, NULL ); #else // the is already ascii so just copy the pointer strcpy(pszFullErrMsgA,pszFullErrMsg); #endif // If the Display timestap is set then display the timestamp if (m_bDisplayTimeStamp == TRUE) { // Get timestamp SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; GetLocalTime(&SystemTime); char szDateandtime[50]; sprintf(szDateandtime,"[%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d] ",SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay, SystemTime.wYear,SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond); // Write time to stream if (m_hFile) {WriteFile(m_hFile,szDateandtime,strlen(szDateandtime),&dwBytesWritten,NULL);} } char szPrelineWriteString[100]; char szPrelineWriteString2[100]; // If the Display timestap is set then display the timestamp if (m_bDisplayPreLineInfo == TRUE) { if (_tcscmp(m_szLogPreLineInfo,_T("")) != 0) { #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) // convert to ascii WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (TCHAR *)m_szLogPreLineInfo, -1, szPrelineWriteString, 100, NULL, NULL ); #else // the is already ascii so just copy strcpy(szPrelineWriteString, m_szLogPreLineInfo); #endif if (m_hFile) {WriteFile(m_hFile,szPrelineWriteString,strlen(szPrelineWriteString),&dwBytesWritten,NULL);} } if (_tcscmp(m_szLogPreLineInfo2,_T("")) != 0) { #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) // convert to ascii WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (TCHAR *)m_szLogPreLineInfo2, -1, szPrelineWriteString2, 100, NULL, NULL ); #else // the is already ascii so just copy strcpy(szPrelineWriteString2, m_szLogPreLineInfo2); #endif if (m_hFile) {WriteFile(m_hFile,szPrelineWriteString2,strlen(szPrelineWriteString2),&dwBytesWritten,NULL);} } } // if it does not end if '\r\n' then make one. int nLen = strlen(pszFullErrMsgA); if ( ( nLen >=1 ) && ( nLen < ( sizeof(pszFullErrMsgA) - sizeof("\r\n") ) ) && ( pszFullErrMsgA[nLen-1] != '\n' ) ) { strcat(pszFullErrMsgA, "\r\n"); } else { if ( ( nLen >= 2 ) && ( nLen < ( sizeof(pszFullErrMsgA) - sizeof("\r\n") ) ) && ( pszFullErrMsgA[nLen-2] != '\r' ) ) { char * pPointer = NULL; pPointer = pszFullErrMsgA + (nLen-1); strcpy(pPointer, "\r\n"); } } // Write Regular data to stream if (m_hFile) { WriteFile(m_hFile,pszFullErrMsgA,strlen(pszFullErrMsgA),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); // since setup can get the rug pulled out from under it from anything // make sure the file is flushed to disk if (m_bFlushLogToDisk) { FlushFileBuffers(m_hFile); } } // if m_hFile } } // if m_hFile MyLogFile_LogFileWrite_Exit: // safe to leave the critical section LeaveCriticalSection( &critical_section ); }