Microsoft Windows Graphic

To restore a UDDI Services database


  1. From the computer hosting the UDDI Services database you want to restore, open Command Prompt.
  2. At the command prompt, type:

    CD UDDI_Services_Installation_Directory\Data

    The default UDDI Services installation directory is:


  3. If you have not already done so, copy the database backup file (UDDI.Database.bak) that you want to restore into this directory.
  4. Type:

    UDDI.database.restore.cmd [Database_Instance_Name]

    Value Description
    Database_Instance_Name The name of the local MSDE2000 or SQL Server database instance where the UDDI Services database component is installed. If none is specified, the default database instance is used.
    For example, to restore to a database instance named UDDI, type:

    uddi.database.restore.cmd UDDI

The backup data replaces the existing data in this database instance.


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