using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using UDDI.API;
using UDDI;
using UDDI.Diagnostics;
namespace UDDI.Replication
[SoapDocumentService( ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Bare, RoutingStyle = SoapServiceRoutingStyle.RequestElement )]
[WebService( Namespace=UDDI.Replication.Constants.Namespace )]
public class ReplicationMessages
/// ****************************************************************
/// public GetChangeRecords
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Web method for getting change records
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// An instance of the get_changeRecords message
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns a changeRecords element
/// ****************************************************************
[WebMethod, SoapDocumentMethod( Action = "\"\"", RequestElementName = "get_changeRecords" )]
[UDDIExtension( transaction = true, https = true, certificate = true, messageType = "get_changeRecords" )]
public ChangeRecordDetail GetChangeRecords( UDDI.Replication.GetChangeRecords message )
// Log more information than for a usual message to help diagnose possible replication errors.
StartOperatorMessageLog( "GetChangeRecords", message );
Debug.VerifySetting( "OperatorKey" );
// Make sure the request is allowed by the communication graph.
ControlledMessage.Test( message.RequestingNode,
Config.GetString( "OperatorKey" ),
MessageType.GetChangeRecords );
// Retrieve the change records.
ChangeRecordDetail detail = new ChangeRecordDetail();
detail = message.Get();
EndOperatorMessageLog( "GetChangeRecords", detail );
catch( Exception e )
DispositionReport.Throw( e );
EndOperatorMessageLog( "GetChangeRecords", e );
return detail;
/// ****************************************************************
/// public NotifyChangeRecordsAvailable
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// An instance of the notify_changeRecordsAvailable message.
/// ****************************************************************
[WebMethod, SoapDocumentMethod( Action = "\"\"", RequestElementName = "notify_changeRecordsAvailable" )]
[UDDIExtension( transaction = true, https = true, certificate = true, messageType = "notify_changeRecordsAvailable" )]
public DispositionReport NotifyChangeRecordsAvailable( UDDI.Replication.NotifyChangeRecordsAvailable message )
// Log more information than for a usual message to help diagnose possible replication errors.
StartOperatorMessageLog( "NotifyChangeRecordsAvailable", message );
Debug.VerifySetting( "OperatorKey" );
DispositionReport dr = new DispositionReport();
// Make sure the request is allowed by the communication graph.
ControlledMessage.Test( message.NotifyingNode,
Config.GetString( "OperatorKey" ),
MessageType.GetChangeRecords );
EndOperatorMessageLog( "NotifyChangeRecordsAvailable", null );
catch( Exception e )
DispositionReport.Throw( e );
EndOperatorMessageLog( "NotifyChangeRecordsAvailable", e );
return dr;
/// ****************************************************************
/// public DoPing
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// An instance of the do_ping message
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns an operator element with details on this operator
/// node.
/// ****************************************************************
[WebMethod, SoapDocumentMethod( Action = "\"\"", RequestElementName = "do_ping" )]
[UDDIExtension( transaction = true, https = true, certificate = true, messageType = "do_ping" )]
[return: XmlElement( "operatorNodeID", Namespace=UDDI.Replication.Constants.Namespace, IsNullable=false )]
public string DoPing( UDDI.Replication.DoPing message )
StartOperatorMessageLog( "DoPing", message );
// Retrieve the change records.
string detail = null;
detail = message.Ping();
EndOperatorMessageLog( "DoPing", detail );
catch( Exception e )
DispositionReport.Throw( e );
EndOperatorMessageLog( "DoPing", e );
return detail;
/// ****************************************************************
/// public GetHighWaterMarks
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// An instance of the get_highWaterMarks message
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns a list of high water marks seen by this node.
/// ****************************************************************
[WebMethod, SoapDocumentMethod( Action = "\"\"", RequestElementName = "get_highWaterMarks" )]
[UDDIExtension( transaction = true, https = true, certificate = true, messageType = "get_highWaterMarks" )]
public HighWaterMarkDetail GetHighWaterMarks( UDDI.Replication.GetHighWaterMarks message )
// Log more information than for a usual message to help diagnose possible replication errors.
StartOperatorMessageLog( "GetHighWaterMarks", message );
// Retrieve the change records.
HighWaterMarkDetail detail = null;
detail = message.Get();
EndOperatorMessageLog( "GetHighWaterMarks", detail );
catch( Exception e )
DispositionReport.Throw( e );
EndOperatorMessageLog( "GetHighWaterMarks", e );
return detail;
// The methods below help us log more information about the replication requests. We need this information in order
// to diagnose any possible problems that we have when replicating with other nodes.
private void StartOperatorMessageLog( string operationName, object message )
WriteOperatorMessage( "Started " + operationName + " request at ", message );
private void EndOperatorMessageLog( string operationName, object response )
WriteOperatorMessage( "Ended " + operationName + " request at ", response );
private void WriteOperatorMessage( string message, object payload )
UTF8EncodedStringWriter writer = new UTF8EncodedStringWriter();
writer.Write( message );
writer.Write( " " );
writer.WriteLine( DateTime.Now );
writer.WriteLine( "\r\nRaw Request:" );
writer.WriteLine( "" );
if( null != payload )
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( payload.GetType() );
serializer.Serialize( writer, payload );
writer.WriteLine( "Unable to serialize payload." );
Debug.OperatorMessage( SeverityType.Info,
writer.ToString() );