[Fonts.Upgrade] system.ini,386Enh,,woafont=app950.fon @@:win.ini,Fonts,"細明體 (TrueType)=" [StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete] 1,%eudcedit_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%UCharMap_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%OSK_dup%,%accessibility%,0 1,%CharMap%,%accessories%,0 1,%iexplorer_40%,"",0 1,%cblock_351%,%games%,0 1,"Internet Mail",,0 1,"Internet News",,0 @*: Lines marked with @w: are for workstation only @*: Lines marked with @s: are for server only @*: Lines marked with @@: or nothing are for both [Accessibility] %magnifier% = magnify.exe,magnify.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22553","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22041 @*: The following line should be removed on all non-US builds. ;%reader% = narrator.exe,narrator.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22560","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22048 %screenkeyboard% = osk.exe,osk.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22564","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22052 %utilman% = utilman.exe,"utilman.exe /start",,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22577","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22065 [Accessories] %CHAREDIT% = eudcedit.exe,eudcedit.exe,,0,%charedit_infotip% [EarlyOleControlDlls] 11,,Lodctr.exe,,,"/c:prfd0404.dat /h:prfi0404.dat /l:004" [Strings] @*:ref the names in localized NT 4.0 UCharMap_40 = "Unicode 字元對應表" OSK_dup = "螢幕協助鍵盤" eudcedit_40="造字程式" iexplorer_40="Internet Explore" cblock_351 = "中文輸入法練習" ; ; Names of program groups ; main = "主群組" games = "遊樂場" accessories = "附屬應用程式" accessories_entertainment = "附屬應用程式\娛樂" accessories_communications = "附屬應用程式\通訊" prexp_accessories_games = "附屬應用程式\遊樂場" accessories_multimedia = "附屬應用程式\多媒體" accessibility = "附屬應用程式\協助工具" systemtools = "附屬應用程式\系統工具" startup = "啟動" admintools = "系統管理工具" nt4admintools = "NT 4.0 系統管理工具" @s:netadmintools = "網路系統管理" startmenucommon = "::0x0016::" ; ; Names of program group items ; old_srv_config = "系統管理工具首頁" srv_config = "設定您的伺服器" srv_manage = "管理您的伺服器" srvwiz_infotip = "安裝並設定網路的 Windows 服務" windowsupdate = "Windows Update" windowscatalog = "Windows Catalog" @w:configureprograms = "設定程式存取及預設值" windowstour = "導覽 Windows XP" synchronize = "同步處理" sync_manager = "同步處理管理員" winfile = "檔案管理員" control = "控制台" printman = "列印管理員" clipbrd = "剪貼本檢視器" dialer = "電話撥號員" cmd = "命令提示字元" explorer = "Windows NT 檔案總管" setup = "Windows NT 安裝程式" pifedit = "PIF 編輯程式" intro = "Windows NT 簡介" readme = "讀我檔案" ntbooks = "線上叢書" cmdref = "Windows NT 說明" windisk = "磁碟系統管理者" perfmon = "效能監視器" ntbackup = "備份" compatwizard = "程式相容性精靈" @w:@i:migwiz_desc = "檔案及設定轉移精靈" eventvwr = "事件檢視器" dcomcnfg = "DCOM 設定" winmsd = "Windows NT 診斷器" musrmgr = "使用者管理員" @s:upedit = "使用者設定檔編輯器" @s:usrmgr = "網域使用者管理員" @s:nwconv = "NetWare 遷移工具" @s:srvmgr = "伺服器管理員" pbrush = "調色盤" paint = "小畫家" winchat = "談天" terminal = "終端機" charedit = "TrueType 造字程式" notepad = "記事本" cardfile = "名片盒" calc = "小算盤" clock = "小時鐘" charmap = "字元對應表" mplayer = "媒體播放機" sndrec32 = "錄音機" sndvol32 = "音量控制" sndvol32old = "音量控制" cdplayer = "CD 播放機" cdplayerold = "CD 播放機" write = "小作家" packgr32 = "物件封裝程式" hyperterm = "超級終端機" sol = "接龍" winmine = "踩地雷" freecell = "新接龍" hearts = "傷心小棧" spider = "連環新接龍" pinball = "彈珠台" magnifier = "放大鏡" @*: These next lines needed only to support XP Beta 2 -> XP RTM upgrades ihearts = "網際網路傷心小棧" ispades = "網際網路西式拱豬" ibackgammon = "網際網路西洋骰子棋" icheckers = "網際網路西洋棋" ireversi = "網際網路黑白棋" @*: End of lines needed only to support XP Beta 2 -> XP RTM upgrades reader = "朗讀程式" screenkeyboard = "螢幕小鍵盤" utilman = "公用程式管理員" @s:netclientadmin = "網路用戶端系統管理員" @s:licmanager = "使用權管理員" @s:licmanager2 = "授權" @s:ntwksvcmgmt = "網路服務管理" certmgr = "憑證管理員" rasadmin = "遠端存取系統管理" du_networking = "撥號網路" network_and_dialup = "網路及撥號連線" admin_wiz = "管理精靈" compmgmt = "電腦管理" fsmgmt = "檔案服務管理" neweventvwr = "事件檢視器" devmgmt = "裝置管理" svcmgmt = "系統服務管理" sysmon = "效能" @s:dirmgmt = "目錄管理" @s:dommgmt = "網域目錄管理" @s:dnsmgmt = "DNS 管理" @s:dssite = "Active Directory 站台及服務管理員" diskmgmt = "磁碟管理" ciadmin = "Index Server 管理" mediasvc = "卸除式存放管理" @s:dfsmgr = "分散式檔案系統" @s:dfsadmin="Dfs 系統管理員" @e:enterprise_installer = "Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition Installer.cmd" datasrcodbc = "資料來源 (ODBC)" @@:@a:datasrcodbcx86 = "資料來源 (ODBC) (x86)" scheduled_tasks = "排定的工作" maint_wiz = "維護精靈" locsecpol = "本機安全性原則" @*:msinfo = "System Information" services = "服務" tlntadmn = "Telnet 伺服器管理" @@:@i:oobe_desc = "啟用 Windows" oldnetcon = "網路及撥號連線" @@:@3:remote_assistance = "遠端協助" @*: @*: Infotips @*: @@:@i:oobe_infotip = "向 Microsoft 啟用 Windows" charedit_infotip = "使用造字程式修改螢幕上所顯示的字元。" cmd_infotip = "執行文字為主的 (命令列) 功能。" compmgmt_infotip = "管理磁碟並提供其他工具來管理本機及遠端電腦。" magnifier_infotip = "放大選取文字及其他螢幕項目。" neweventvwr_infotip = "顯示 Windows 和其他程式的監視訊息和疑難排解訊息。" notepad_infotip = "建立和編輯文字 (.txt) 檔案。" ntbackup_infotip = "備份資料以防備意外的資料遺失" reader_infotip = "如果您安裝了喇叭及音效卡的話,它會大聲唸出螢幕上的文字,對話方塊,功能表及按鈕。" @@:@3:remote_assistance_infotip = "讓您邀請朋友連線到您的電腦並協助您解決問題。" screenkeyboard_infotip = "在螢幕上顯示鍵盤,您可用滑鼠或切換輸入裝置來控制它。" synchronize_infotip = "更新已在離線時修改過的網路複本,例如文件,月曆及電子信件。" utilman_infotip = "從視窗啟動並設定協助工具。" windowsupdate_infotip = "為系統更新 Windows 新功能,裝置驅動程式及 Microsoft 的系統更新項目。" sysmon_infotip = "顯示系統效能圖表並設定警示及資料記錄。" datasrcodbc_infotip = "新增,移除及設定 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) 資料來源及驅動程式。" licmanager_infotip = "管理用戶端對伺服器產品的存取授權。" dfsmgr_infotip = "建立及管理分散式檔案系統,它可以從不同的電腦連線到共用資料夾。" locsecpol_infotip = "檢視和修改如使用者權利和稽核原則等的本機安全性原則。" @*:msinfo_infotip = "System Information infotip" services_infotip = "啟動以及停止服務。" tlntadmn_infotip = "檢視和修改 telnet 伺服器的設定和連線。" compatwizard_infotip = "使較舊的程式能在 Windows XP 上執行" ProgramF = "Program Files" SharedTools = "Common Files\Microsoft Shared" MShared = "Microsoft Shared" @*: Folder name for IE5 appDir, same as ie.txt MSIE4 = "Internet Explorer" MP2 = "Windows Media Player" DisplayName = "Vector Graphics Rendering (VML)" SRCHASST = "srchasst" Dialer_DIR = "Windows NT"