/*========================================================================== * * Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: newdpf.h * Content: new debug printf *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 10-oct-95 jeffno initial implementation *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __DEBUGPF_H #define __DEBUGPF_H #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef DPF_MODNAME extern char * DPF_MODNAME; #endif #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DBG) #undef DEBUG_TOPIC #define DEBUG_TOPIC(flag,name) flag, typedef enum DEBUG_TOPICS { A=1, /* For API Usage */ #include "DBGTOPIC.H" LAST_TOPIC }; #line 21 /* #undef DBG #define DBG 1 */ #undef DEBUG #define DEBUG #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined(WINNT) #define DEBUG_BREAK() _try { _asm { int 3 } } _except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {;} #else #define DEBUG_BREAK() DebugBreak() #endif /* * DEBUG_TOPIC * This structure describes a debugging topic and associates a single-letter key to it. */ #define DEBUG_TOPIC_NAME_LENGTH 59 typedef struct { DWORD dwSize; //for versioning char cKey; char cName[DEBUG_TOPIC_NAME_LENGTH]; } DPF_DEBUG_TOPIC; /* * PROC_STATS * This struct saves statistics about each proc as maintained by DebugEnterProc */ typedef struct { char cName[DEBUG_TOPIC_NAME_LENGTH]; DWORD dwCalls; #ifdef WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER liTotalTime; LARGE_INTEGER liLastEnteredAt; #else DWORD dwFiller[8]; #endif } DPF_PROC_STATS; #define MAX_PROC_ORDINAL 100 /* * Debugging output/flow-control calls */ typedef struct { UINT stat_ThrottleRate; UINT stat_BytesSent; UINT stat_BackLog; UINT stat_BytesLost; UINT stat_RemBytesReceived; UINT stat_Latency; UINT stat_MinLatency; UINT stat_AvgLatency; UINT stat_AvgDevLatency; UINT stat_USER1; UINT stat_USER2; UINT stat_USER3; UINT stat_USER4; UINT stat_USER5; // remote tDelta UINT stat_USER6; // Remote tDelta sign (0=+ve, 1=-ve) } IN_WRITESTATS, *PIN_WRITESTATS; typedef struct { UINT hr; } OUT_WRITESTATS, *POUT_WRITESTATS; extern void DbgWriteStats(PIN_WRITESTATS pIn); extern void DebugSetTopicsAndLevels(char * pcTopicsAndLevelsToDisplay); extern void DebugHalt(void); //Break if control level allows extern int DebugSetFileLineEtc(LPSTR szFile, DWORD dwLineNumber,LPSTR szFnName); extern int DebugPrintf(volatile DWORD dwDetail, ...); extern void DebugSetMute(BOOL bMuteFlag); extern void DebugPrintfInit(void); extern void DebugEnterAPI(char *,LPDWORD); extern void _DDAssert(LPCSTR szFile, int nLine, LPCSTR szCondition); #define dprintf(a,b) DebugPrintf(a,b); #define DPFINIT() DebugPrintfInit(); #define DPF DebugSetFileLineEtc(__FILE__,__LINE__,DPF_MODNAME),DebugPrintf #define DPF_ERR(a) DebugSetFileLineEtc(__FILE__,__LINE__,DPF_MODNAME),DebugPrintf( 0, a ) #define DPF_ENTERAPI(pIface) DebugEnterAPI(DPF_MODNAME,(LPDWORD)pIface) #define DPF_APIRETURNS(hr) DPF(3," %s returns %08x (%d)",DPF_MODNAME,hr,hr&0xfff) #define DDASSERT(condition) if (!(condition)) _DDAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, #condition) #define DPF_MUTEWHEN(c) {DebugSetMute((BOOL) (c) );} #define DPF_SPEWWHEN(c) {DebugSetMute((BOOL) (!(c)) );} #define DPF_SETTOPICS(t) #define DPF_STRUCT(level,topic,struct_identifier,struct_ptr) {extern void DUMP_##struct_identifier(DWORD,DWORD,LP##struct_identifier);\ DUMP_##struct_identifier(level,topic,struct_ptr);} #else #pragma warning(disable:4002) #define DbgWriteStats() #define dprintf() #define DPFINIT() #define DPFFINI() #define DPF() #define DPF_ENTERAPI() #define DPF_APIRETURNS() #define DPF_DUMP() #define DPF_DUMPHEX() #define DPF_DUMPGUID() #define DDASSERT() #define DPF_ERR() #define DEBUG_BREAK() #define DPF_MUTEWHEN() #define DPF_SPEWWHEN() #define DPF_SETTOPICS() #define DPF_DUMPGUID() #define DPF_STRUCT() #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef DEBUG __inline DWORD myclockrate() {LARGE_INTEGER li; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&li); return li.LowPart;} __inline DWORD myclock() {LARGE_INTEGER li; QueryPerformanceCounter(&li); return li.LowPart;} #define TIMEVAR(t) DWORD t ## T; DWORD t ## N #define TIMEZERO(t) t ## T = 0, t ## N = 0 #define TIMESTART(t) t ## T -= myclock(), t ## N ++ #define TIMESTOP(t) t ## T += myclock() #define TIMEFMT(t) ((DWORD)(t) / myclockrate()), (((DWORD)(t) * 1000 / myclockrate())%1000) #define TIMEOUT(t) if (t ## N) DPF(1, #t ": %ld calls, %ld.%03ld sec (%ld.%03ld)", t ## N, TIMEFMT(t ## T), TIMEFMT(t ## T / t ## N)) #else #define TIMEVAR(t) #define TIMEZERO(t) #define TIMESTART(t) #define TIMESTOP(t) #define TIMEFMT(t) #define TIMEOUT(t) #endif #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //__DEBUG_PF