TARGETNAME=dpnlobby TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK DLLENTRY=DllMain DLLDEF=..\dplobby.def # This causes any other directory that is building in a concurrent thread to finish # before this directory is built. This is necessary to ensure that dpnet.lib has # been produced since we use it prior to the link phase via LINKLIBS. Apparently # when a DLL forwards to another DLL, the DEF file is parsed at compile time and the # LIB being forwarded to is needed at that time. SYNCHRONIZE_DRAIN=1 LINKLIBS=$(LINKLIBS) \ !IF !$(FREEBUILD) && defined( DIRECTX_REDIST ) ..\..\..\core\$(PLAT_DIR)\$(O)\dpnetd.lib !ELSE ..\..\..\core\$(PLAT_DIR)\$(O)\dpnet.lib !ENDIF INCLUDES=..\;$(DXROOT)\inc;$(SDK_INC_PATH) SOURCES= \ dplobby.rc \ dpldllmain.cpp