/*========================================================================== * * Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: DNLProc.cpp * Content: DirectPlay Lobby Process Functions *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 02/21/00 mjn Created * 05/08/00 rmt Bug #33616 -- Does not run on Win9X * 06/28/00 rmt Prefix Bug #38082 * 07/12/00 rmt Fixed lobby launch so only compares first 15 chars (ToolHelp limitation). * 08/05/00 RichGr IA64: Use %p format specifier in DPFs for 32/64-bit pointers and handles. *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/ #include "dnlobbyi.h" //********************************************************************** // Constant definitions //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // Macro definitions //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // Structure definitions //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // Variable definitions //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // Function prototypes //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // Function definitions //********************************************************************** #define PROCLIST_MAX_PATH 15 #undef DPF_MODNAME #define DPF_MODNAME "DPLCompareFilenames" BOOL DPLCompareFilenames(WCHAR *const pwszFilename1, WCHAR *const pwszFilename2) { WCHAR *p1; WCHAR *p2; DNASSERT(pwszFilename1 != NULL); DNASSERT(pwszFilename2 != NULL); // Skip path if ((p1 = wcsrchr(pwszFilename1,L'\\')) == NULL) p1 = pwszFilename1; else p1++; if ((p2 = wcsrchr(pwszFilename2,L'\\')) == NULL) p2 = pwszFilename2; else p2++; // if (wcsnicmp(p1,p2,dwLen)==0) // return(TRUE); // return(FALSE); /*dwLen = wcslen(p1); if (dwLen == 0 || dwLen != wcslen(p2) ) return(FALSE); while(dwLen) { if (towupper(*p1) != towupper(*p2)) return(FALSE); p1++; p2++; dwLen--; }*/ return (_wcsnicmp(p1,p2,PROCLIST_MAX_PATH) == 0); } // ToolHelp Function Pointers. #ifdef WINCE typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNPROCESS32FIRSTW)(HANDLE,LPPROCESSENTRY32); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNPROCESS32NEXTW)(HANDLE,LPPROCESSENTRY32); #else typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNPROCESS32FIRSTW)(HANDLE,LPPROCESSENTRY32W); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNPROCESS32NEXTW)(HANDLE,LPPROCESSENTRY32W); #endif // WINCE #undef DPF_MODNAME #define DPF_MODNAME "DPLGetProcessList" HRESULT DPLGetProcessList(WCHAR *const pwszProcess, DWORD *const prgdwPid, DWORD *const pdwNumProcesses) { HRESULT hResultCode; BOOL bReturnCode; HANDLE hSnapshot = NULL; // System snapshot PROCESSENTRY32 processEntry; DWORD dwNumProcesses; PWSTR pwszExeFile = NULL; DWORD dwExeFileLen; DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: pwszProcess [0x%p], prgdwPid [0x%p], pdwNumProcesses [0x%p]", pwszProcess,prgdwPid,pdwNumProcesses); // Set up to run through process list hResultCode = DPN_OK; dwNumProcesses = 0; hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS|TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD,0); if (hSnapshot < 0) { DPFERR("Could not create Snapshot"); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CLEANUP_GETPROCESS; } // Search SnapShot for process list dwExeFileLen = 0; pwszExeFile = NULL; processEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); bReturnCode = Process32First(hSnapshot,&processEntry); DPFX(DPFPREP, 7," dwSize cntUsg PID cntThrds PPID PCB Flags Process"); while (bReturnCode) { #ifdef UNICODE pwszExeFile = processEntry.szExeFile; #else // Grow ANSI string as required if (strlen(processEntry.szExeFile) + 1 > dwExeFileLen) { if (pwszExeFile) DNFree(pwszExeFile); dwExeFileLen = strlen(processEntry.szExeFile) + 1; if ((pwszExeFile = static_cast(DNMalloc(dwExeFileLen * sizeof(WCHAR)))) == NULL) { DPFERR("Could not allocate filename conversion buffer"); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CLEANUP_GETPROCESS; } } if( FAILED( STR_jkAnsiToWide( pwszExeFile, processEntry.szExeFile, dwExeFileLen ) ) ) { DPFERR( "Error converting ANSI filename to Unicode" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_CONVERSION; goto CLEANUP_GETPROCESS; } #endif // !UNICODE // Valid process ? if (DPLCompareFilenames(pwszProcess,pwszExeFile)) { // Update lpdwProcessIdList array if (prgdwPid != NULL && dwNumProcesses < *pdwNumProcesses) { prgdwPid[dwNumProcesses] = processEntry.th32ProcessID; } else { hResultCode = DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; } // Increase valid process count dwNumProcesses++; DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"%8lx %4lx %8lx %4lx %8lx %8lx %8lx %hs", processEntry.dwSize,processEntry.cntUsage,processEntry.th32ProcessID, processEntry.cntThreads,processEntry.th32ParentProcessID, processEntry.pcPriClassBase,processEntry.dwFlags,processEntry.szExeFile); } // Get next process bReturnCode = Process32Next(hSnapshot,&processEntry); } if( *pdwNumProcesses < dwNumProcesses ) { hResultCode = DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; } else { hResultCode = DPN_OK; } *pdwNumProcesses = dwNumProcesses; CLEANUP_GETPROCESS: if( hSnapshot != NULL ) { #if defined(WINCE) && !defined(WINCE_ON_DESKTOP) CloseToolhelp32Snapshot(hSnapshot); #else // !WINCE CloseHandle(hSnapshot); #endif // WINCE } #ifndef UNICODE if (pwszExeFile) { DNFree(pwszExeFile); } #endif // UNICODE return hResultCode; }