This is a brief description of what is in the ml*.mas MMX monolithic routines. All monolithics handle both Gouraud and Flat shading (although Flat shading is no faster). 16 bit Z Buffer (Less Than or equal) 565 color output mode, 565 texture input 1. No Texture 2. Non Perspective Texturing Point 3. Perspective Texturing Point 4. Perspective Texturing Bilinear 5. Non Perspective Texturing Point Modulate 6. Perspective Texturing Point Modulate 7. Perspective Texturing Bilinear Modulate No Z Buffer 565 color output mode, 565 texture input 8. No Texture 9. Non Perspective Texturing Point 10. Perspective Texturing Point 11. Perspective Texturing Bilinear 12. Non Perspective Texturing Point Modulate 13. Perspective Texturing Point Modulate 14. Perspective Texturing Bilinear Modulate 16 bit Z Buffer (Less Than or equal) 32 bit color output mode, 32 bit texture input 15. No Texture 16. Non Perspective Texturing Point 17. Perspective Texturing Point 18. Perspective Texturing Bilinear 19. Non Perspective Texturing Point Modulate 20. Perspective Texturing Point Modulate 21. Perspective Texturing Bilinear Modulate No Z Buffer 32 bit color mode, 32 bit texture input 22. No Texture 23. Non Perspective Texturing Point 24. Perspective Texturing Point 25. Perspective Texturing Bilinear 26. Non Perspective Texturing Point Modulate 27. Perspective Texturing Point Modulate 28. Perspective Texturing Bilinear Modulate