/*++ Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: optapi.c --*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is used to test the api options part of the api. Date: April 15 1997 Author: RameshV (VK) Description: This program is used to test the options api part of the client options. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some variables. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define OMAP_MAX_OPTIONS 256 // The options to request. BYTE Request[OMAP_MAX_OPTIONS]; int nGlobalOptionsRequested = 0; // The return values BYTE *pObtained = NULL; int nObtained = 0, opt_data_size = 0; BYTE *options_data; // USAGE #define USAGE "Usage: %s \n\t" \ "The currently supported cmd's and arguments are:\n\t" \ "\t \n\t" \ "\tGetOptions RequestList_in_Hex // such as 010503a1\n\t" \ "\tTestEvents RequestList_in_Hex // such as 010503a1\n\t" \ "\tRelease AdapterName // ipconfig /release\n\t" \ "\tRenew AdapterName // ipconfig /renew \n\t" \ "\tEnumClasses AdapterName // enumerate dhcpclasses\n\t"\ "\tSetClass AdapterName ClassName // set user class\n\t"\ "\n\n" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse a hex list of options. (such as 0105434421 ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int // nOptionsRequested; GetOptionList(char *s, char *Request) { int nOptionsRequested = 0; while(s && *s & *(s+1)) { *s = (UCHAR) tolower(*s); if(!isdigit(*s) && ((*s) < 'a' || (*s) > 'f') ) { fprintf(stderr, "found obscene character <%c> when looking for hex!\n", *s); fprintf(stderr, "bye\n"); exit(1); } if(isdigit(*s)) Request[nOptionsRequested] = (*s) - '0'; else Request[nOptionsRequested] = (*s) - 'a' + 10; Request[nOptionsRequested] *= 0x10; // Now do the same for the next digit. s ++; *s = (UCHAR) tolower(*s); if(!isdigit(*s) && (*s) < 'a' && (*s) > 'f' ) { fprintf(stderr, "found obscene character <%c> when looking for hex!\n", *s); fprintf(stderr, "bye\n"); exit(1); } if(isdigit(*s)) Request[nOptionsRequested] += (*s) - '0'; else Request[nOptionsRequested] += (*s) - 'a' + 10; s ++; nOptionsRequested ++; } if(*s) { fprintf(stderr, "ignoring character <%c>\n", *s); } return nOptionsRequested; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Here is the function that does the GetOptions command. // It parses the adaptername and then converts it to LPWSTR and // it also parses the requestlist and then it calls DhcpRequestOptions. // It prints out the data it gets back. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OptApiGetOptions(int argc, char *argv[]) { WCHAR AdapterName[100]; PIP_INTERFACE_INFO IfInfo; UCHAR Buffer[4000]; ULONG BufLen = sizeof(Buffer); DWORD Error; // first check if we have the right command. if(_stricmp(argv[1], "GetOptions")) { fprintf(stderr, "Internal inconsistency in OptApiGetOptions\n"); exit(1); } // Now check and see if there are the correct number of arguments. if(argc != 3 ) { fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]); exit(1); } // Now first get the list of options requested. { nGlobalOptionsRequested = GetOptionList(argv[2], Request); { int i; printf("Requesting %d options: ", nGlobalOptionsRequested); for( i = 0 ; i < nGlobalOptionsRequested; i ++) printf("%02x ", (int)Request[i]); } } // // get the adaptername // IfInfo = (PIP_INTERFACE_INFO)Buffer; Error = GetInterfaceInfo(IfInfo, &BufLen); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { printf("GetInterfaceInfo: 0x%lx\n", Error); exit(1); } if( IfInfo->NumAdapters == 0 ) { printf("No adapters !!\n"); exit(1); } if( wcslen(IfInfo->Adapter[0].Name) <= 14 ) { printf("Invalid adapter name? : %ws\n", IfInfo->Adapter[0].Name); exit(1); } wcscpy(AdapterName, &IfInfo->Adapter[0].Name[14]); // now call the function to get options. printf(" from adapter <%ws>\n", AdapterName); { DWORD result; result = DhcpRequestOptions( //L"El59x1", RAMESHV-P200's adapter // L"IEEPRO1", SUNBEAM, KISSES (or CltApi) machine's adapter //L"NdisWan4", // SUNBEAM, KISSES's wan adapter: does not have ip address. AdapterName, Request, nGlobalOptionsRequested, &options_data, &opt_data_size, &pObtained, &nObtained ); printf("Result is: %d; Obtained: %d\nList size is %d\n", result, nObtained, opt_data_size); if(result) { fprintf(stderr, "function call failed\n"); return; } printf("Data: "); while(opt_data_size--) printf("%02x ", *options_data++); printf("\n"); } // done printf("bye\n"); } void OptApiRelease(int argc, char *argv[]) { WCHAR AdapterName[256]; // Check for the size and # of arguments. if( argc != 3 ) { fprintf(stderr, USAGE , argv[0]); exit(1); } // Now create a WSTR out of argv[2]. if( strlen(argv[2]) != mbstowcs(AdapterName, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert %s to LPWSTR! sorry\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } AdapterName[strlen(argv[2])] = L'\0'; printf("Return Value = %ld\n", DhcpReleaseParameters(AdapterName)); } void OptApiRenew(int argc, char *argv[]) { WCHAR AdapterName[256]; // Check for the size and # of arguments. if( argc != 3 ) { fprintf(stderr, USAGE , argv[0]); exit(1); } // Now create a WSTR out of argv[2]. if( strlen(argv[2]) != mbstowcs(AdapterName, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert %s to LPWSTR! sorry\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } AdapterName[strlen(argv[2])] = L'\0'; printf("Return Value = %ld\n", DhcpAcquireParameters(AdapterName)); } void OptApiTestEvents(int argc, char *argv[]) { WCHAR AdapterName[100]; // first check if we have the right command. if(_stricmp(argv[1], "TestEvents")) { fprintf(stderr, "Internal inconsistency in OptApiGetOptions\n"); exit(1); } // Now check and see if there are the correct number of arguments. if(argc != 4 ) { fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]); exit(1); } // Now first get the list of options requested. { nGlobalOptionsRequested = GetOptionList(argv[3], Request); { int i; printf("Testing Events for %d options: ", nGlobalOptionsRequested); for( i = 0 ; i < nGlobalOptionsRequested; i ++) printf("%02x ", (int)Request[i]); } } // Now get the adapter. if(strlen(argv[2]) != mbstowcs(AdapterName, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert %s to LPWSTR! sorry\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } // null terminate the string. AdapterName[strlen(argv[2])] = L'\0' ; // now call the function to get options. printf(" from adapter <%s>\n", argv[2]); { DWORD result; HANDLE Handle; result = DhcpRegisterOptions( AdapterName, Request, nGlobalOptionsRequested, &Handle ); printf("result is %d, Handle = 0x%p\n", result, Handle); if(result) { fprintf(stderr, "function call failed\n"); return; } printf("Please use another window to do a ipconfig /renew and obtain\n"); printf("one of the above options...\n"); printf("WaitForSingleObject(Handle,INFINITE) = "); switch(WaitForSingleObject(Handle, INFINITE)) { case WAIT_ABANDONED: printf("WAIT_ABANDONED! Giving up\n"); return; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 : printf("WAIT_OBJECT_0 ! proceeding\n"); break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT : printf("WAIT_TIMEOUT ! Giving up\n"); return; case WAIT_FAILED : printf("WAIT_FAILED (%d); giving up\n", GetLastError()); return; default: printf("XXXX; this should not happen at all!\n"); return; } // Okay the object was signalled. So, now we have to do a request on this. result = DhcpRequestOptions( AdapterName, Request, nGlobalOptionsRequested, &options_data, &opt_data_size, &pObtained, &nObtained ); printf("Result is: %d; Obtained: %d\nList size is %d\n", result, nObtained, opt_data_size); if(result) { fprintf(stderr, "function call failed\n"); return; } printf("Data: "); while(opt_data_size--) printf("%02x ", *options_data++); printf("\n"); // Now deregister this object. result = DhcpDeRegisterOptions(Handle); printf("DeRegister(0x%p) = %ld\n", Handle, result); } // done printf("bye\n"); } void OptApiEnumClasses(int argc, char *argv[]) { WCHAR AdapterName[256]; DHCP_CLASS_INFO *Classes; ULONG Size, RetVal; ULONG i; // Check for the size and # of arguments. if( argc != 3 ) { fprintf(stderr, USAGE , argv[0]); exit(1); } // Now create a WSTR out of argv[2]. if( strlen(argv[2]) != mbstowcs(AdapterName, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert %s to LPWSTR! sorry\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } AdapterName[strlen(argv[2])] = L'\0'; Size = 0; Classes = NULL; RetVal = DhcpEnumClasses( 0, AdapterName, &Size, Classes); if( ERROR_MORE_DATA != RetVal ) { printf("Return Value for first call = %ld\n", RetVal); return; } printf("Size required is %ld\n", Size); if( 0 == Size ) return ; Classes = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, Size); if( NULL == Classes ) { printf("Could not allocate memory: %ld\n", GetLastError()); return; } RetVal = DhcpEnumClasses(0, AdapterName, &Size, Classes); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RetVal ) { printf("Return value for second call = %ld\n", RetVal); return; } printf("Returned # of classes = %ld\n", Size); for( i = 0; i != Size ; i ++ ) { ULONG j; printf("Class [%ld] = <%ws, %ws> Data[%ld] : ", i, Classes[i].ClassName, Classes[i].ClassDescr, Classes[i].ClassDataLen); for( j = 0; j != Classes[i].ClassDataLen ; j ++ ) { printf("%02X ", Classes[i].ClassData[j]); } printf("\n"); } } void OptApiSetClass(int argc, char *argv[]) { WCHAR AdapterName[256]; WCHAR UserClass[256]; HKEY InterfacesKey, AdapterKey; DHCP_PNP_CHANGE Changes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE }; ULONG Size, RetVal; ULONG i; // check for the size and # of arguments if( argc != 4 ) { fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]); exit(1); } // Now create a WSTR out of argv[2] and argv[3] if( strlen(argv[2]) != mbstowcs(AdapterName, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert %s to LPwSTR! sorry\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } UserClass[strlen(argv[3])] = L'\0'; if( strlen(argv[3]) != mbstowcs(UserClass, argv[3], strlen(argv[3]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert %s to LPwSTR! sorry\n", argv[3]); exit(1); } UserClass[strlen(argv[3])] = L'\0'; RetVal = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &InterfacesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RetVal ) { printf("Couldn't open Tcpip\\Interfaces key: %ld\n", RetVal); return; } RetVal = RegOpenKeyExW( InterfacesKey, AdapterName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &AdapterKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RetVal ) { printf("Couldn't open Tcpip\\Interfaces\\%ws key : %ld\n", AdapterName, RetVal); return; } RetVal = RegSetValueExW( AdapterKey, L"DhcpClassId", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)UserClass, (wcslen(UserClass)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RetVal ) { printf("RegSetValueExW(DhcpClassId): %ld\n", RetVal); return; } RetVal = DhcpHandlePnPEvent( 0, 1, AdapterName, &Changes, NULL ); printf("DhcpHandlePnPEvent: %ld\n", RetVal); } void __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]); exit(1); } if(!_stricmp(argv[1], "GetOptions")) { OptApiGetOptions(argc, argv); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[1], "TestEvents")) { OptApiTestEvents(argc, argv); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[1], "Release") ) { OptApiRelease(argc, argv); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[1], "Renew") ) { OptApiRenew(argc, argv); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[1], "EnumClasses" ) ){ OptApiEnumClasses(argc, argv); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[1], "SetClass" ) ) { OptApiSetClass(argc, argv); } else { // currently support for no other command. fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]); exit(1); } exit(0); }