/*++ Copyright (c) 1994-7 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: netinfp.h Abstract: This file contains the structures and prototypes necessary for the netcard inf parser handler. Author: Andy Herron (andyhe) 12-Mar-1998 Environment: User Mode - Win32 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _NETINFP_ #define _NETINFP_ #define NETINF_VENDOR_STRING L"VEN_" #define NETINF_REVISION_STRING L"REV_" #define NETINF_DEVICE_STRING L"DEV_" #define NETINF_IOSUBS_STRING L"SUBSYS_" #define NETINF_BUS_TYPE_PCI 2 #define NETINF_BUS_TYPE_ISAPNP 3 #define NETCARD_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 17 extern CRITICAL_SECTION NetInfLock; #define RNDM_CONSTANT 314159269 /* default scrambling constant */ #define RNDM_PRIME 1000000007 /* prime number for scrambling */ // // Compute a string hash value that is invariant to case // #define COMPUTE_STRING_HASH( _pus, _phash ) { \ PWCHAR _p = _pus; \ ULONG _chHolder =0; \ \ while( *_p != L'\0' ) { \ _chHolder = 37 * _chHolder + (unsigned int) *(_p++); \ } \ \ *(_phash) = abs(RNDM_CONSTANT * _chHolder) % RNDM_PRIME; \ } #define HASH_TO_INF_INDEX( _hash ) ((_hash) % NETCARD_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) // // this is the block that we keep for every install directory that we // process INF files for. We then keep the list of configurations as a list // off of the NetCardEntryList. // typedef struct _NETCARD_INF_BLOCK { ULONG ReferenceCount; LIST_ENTRY InfBlockEntry; // list entry for global list // table of list of NETCARD_RESPONSE_DATABASE, hashed by DeviceHw string LIST_ENTRY NetCardEntries[ NETCARD_HASH_TABLE_SIZE ]; ULONG Architecture; ULONG StatusFromScan; PNETINF_CALLBACK FileListCallbackFunction; LPVOID FileListCallbackContext; CRITICAL_SECTION Lock; WCHAR InfDirectory[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; // inf directory to search } NETCARD_INF_BLOCK, *PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK; // // NetInfGetAllNetcardInfo parses all the INF files in the given directory // and sets up a structure containing all the data. Be sure to call // NetInfCloseNetcardInfo when you're all done with the structure. // ULONG NetInfAllocateNetcardInfo ( PWCHAR InfPath, ULONG Architecture, PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK *pNetCards ); // // This frees all resources associated with the parsing of the INF files. // Any entries that are in use will not be deleted until they're explicitely // dereferenced using NetInfDereferenceNetcardEntry. // ULONG NetInfCloseNetcardInfo ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards ); // // This finds a specific driver for a given hardware description. // Be sure to call NetInfDereferenceNetcardEntry when you're done with the // entry. // ULONG FindNetcardInfo ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards, ULONG CardInfoVersion, NET_CARD_INFO UNALIGNED * CardIdentity, PNETCARD_RESPONSE_DATABASE *pInfEntry ); ULONG GetSetupLineWideText ( PINFCONTEXT InfContext, HINF InfHandle, PWCHAR Section, PWCHAR Key, PWCHAR *String, PULONG SizeOfAllocation OPTIONAL ); ULONG GetSetupWideTextField ( PINFCONTEXT InfContext, DWORD FieldIndex, PWCHAR *String, PULONG SizeOfAllocation OPTIONAL ); ULONG GetHexValueFromHw ( PWCHAR *String, // this is updated. PULONG longValue, PUSHORT shortValue ); BOOLEAN IsSubString ( PWCHAR subString, PWCHAR target, BOOLEAN ignoreCase ); ULONG CheckHwDescription ( PWCHAR HardwareID ); ULONG GetNetCardList ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards ); ULONG ProcessInfFile ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards, HINF InfHandle, PWCHAR InfFileName ); ULONG ParseCardDetails ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards, HINF InfHandle, PWCHAR InfFileName, PINFCONTEXT DeviceEnumContext ); ULONG GetExtendedSectionName ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards, HINF InfHandle, PWCHAR InfFileName, PNETCARD_RESPONSE_DATABASE pEntry ); ULONG GetServiceAndDriver ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards, HINF InfHandle, PWCHAR InfFileName, PNETCARD_RESPONSE_DATABASE pEntry ); ULONG ProcessCopyFilesSubsection ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards, HINF InfHandle, PWCHAR InfFileName, PNETCARD_RESPONSE_DATABASE pEntry, PWCHAR SectionToParse ); ULONG GetRegistryParametersForDriver ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards, HINF InfHandle, PWCHAR InfFileName, PNETCARD_RESPONSE_DATABASE pEntry ); ULONG ProcessRegistrySubsection ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards, HINF InfHandle, PWCHAR InfFileName, PNETCARD_RESPONSE_DATABASE pEntry, PWCHAR SectionToParse ); VOID DereferenceNetcardInfo ( PNETCARD_INF_BLOCK pNetCards ); ULONG CreateListOfCardIdentifiers ( NET_CARD_INFO UNALIGNED * CardIdentity, PWCHAR *CardIdentifiers ); VOID ConvertHexToBuffer ( PWCHAR Buff, USHORT Value ); #endif _NETINFP_