//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2000 // // File: H N C S T R S . C P P // // Contents: Constant string definitions // // Notes: // // Author: jonburs 21 June 2000 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pch.h" #pragma hdrstop const OLECHAR c_wszNamespace[] = L"\\\\.\\Root\\Microsoft\\HomeNet"; const OLECHAR c_wszWQL[] = L"WQL"; const OLECHAR c_wszStar[] = L"*"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetConnection[] = L"HNet_Connection"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetProperties[] = L"HNet_ConnectionProperties"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetApplicationProtocol[] = L"HNet_ApplicationProtocol"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetPortMappingProtocol[] = L"HNet_PortMappingProtocol"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetConnectionPortMapping[] = L"HNet_ConnectionPortMapping2"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetFWLoggingSettings[] = L"HNet_FirewallLoggingSettings"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetIcsSettings[] = L"HNet_IcsSettings"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetResponseRange[] = L"HNet_ResponseRange"; const OLECHAR c_wszPath[] = L"Path"; const OLECHAR c_wszMaxFileSize[] = L"MaxFileSize"; const OLECHAR c_wszLogDroppedPackets[] = L"LogDroppedPackets"; const OLECHAR c_wszLogConnections[] = L"LogConnections"; const OLECHAR c_wszDhcpEnabled[] = L"DhcpEnabled"; const OLECHAR c_wszDnsEnabled[] = L"DnsEnabled"; const OLECHAR c_wszName[] = L"Name"; const OLECHAR c_wszDeviceName[] = L"DeviceName"; const OLECHAR c_wszEnabled[] = L"Enabled"; const OLECHAR c_wszBuiltIn[] = L"BuiltIn"; const OLECHAR c_wszOutgoingIPProtocol[] = L"OutgoingIPProtocol"; const OLECHAR c_wszOutgoingPort[] = L"OutgoingPort"; const OLECHAR c_wszResponseCount[] = L"ResponseCount"; const OLECHAR c_wszResponseArray[] = L"ResponseArray"; const OLECHAR c_wszIPProtocol[] = L"IPProtocol"; const OLECHAR c_wszStartPort[] = L"StartPort"; const OLECHAR c_wszEndPort[] = L"EndPort"; const OLECHAR c_wszPort[] = L"Port"; const OLECHAR c_wszId[] = L"Id"; const OLECHAR c_wszConnection[] = L"Connection"; const OLECHAR c_wszProtocol[] = L"Protocol"; const OLECHAR c_wszTargetName[] = L"TargetName"; const OLECHAR c_wszTargetIPAddress[] = L"TargetIPAddress"; const OLECHAR c_wszTargetPort[] = L"TargetPort"; const OLECHAR c_wszNameActive[] = L"NameActive"; const OLECHAR c_wszIsLanConnection[] = L"IsLanConnection"; const OLECHAR c_wszIsFirewalled[] = L"IsFirewalled"; const OLECHAR c_wszIsIcsPublic[] = L"IsIcsPublic"; const OLECHAR c_wszIsIcsPrivate[] = L"IsIcsPrivate"; const OLECHAR c_wszIsBridgeMember[] = L"IsBridgeMember"; const OLECHAR c_wszIsBridge[] = L"IsBridge"; const OLECHAR c_wszPhonebookPath[] = L"PhonebookPath"; const OLECHAR c_wszGuid[] = L"Guid"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetFwIcmpSettings[] = L"HNet_FwIcmpSettings"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable[] = L"AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowOutboundSourceQuench[] = L"AllowOutboundSourceQuench"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowRedirect[] = L"AllowRedirect"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowInboundEchoRequest[] = L"AllowInboundEchoRequest"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowInboundRouterRequest[] = L"AllowInboundRouterRequest"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowOutboundTimeExceeded[] = L"AllowOutboundTimeExceeded"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowOutboundParameterProblem[] = L"AllowOutboundParameterProblem"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowInboundTimestampRequest[] = L"AllowInboundTimestampRequest"; const OLECHAR c_wszAllowInboundMaskRequest[] = L"AllowInboundMaskRequest"; const OLECHAR c_wszDefault[] = L"Default"; const OLECHAR c_wszDefaultIcmpSettingsPath[] = L"HNet_FwIcmpSettings.Name=\"Default\""; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetConnectionIcmpSetting[] = L"HNet_ConnectionIcmpSetting"; const OLECHAR c_wszIcmpSettings[] = L"IcmpSettings"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetBridgeMember[] = L"HNet_BridgeMember"; const OLECHAR c_wszBridge[] = L"Bridge"; const OLECHAR c_wszMember[] = L"Member"; const OLECHAR c_wszSelect[] = L"SELECT"; const OLECHAR c_wszFrom[] = L"FROM"; const OLECHAR c_wszWhere[] = L"WHERE"; const OLECHAR c_wsz__Path[] = L"__Relpath"; const OLECHAR c_wszReferencesOf[] = L"REFERENCES OF {"; const OLECHAR c_wszWhereResultClass[] = L"} WHERE ResultClass = "; const OLECHAR c_wszAssociatorsOf[] = L"ASSOCIATORS OF {"; const OLECHAR c_wszWhereAssocClass[] = L"} WHERE AssocClass = "; const OLECHAR c_wszPortMappingProtocolQueryFormat[] = L"Port = %u AND IPProtocol = %u"; const OLECHAR c_wszApplicationProtocolQueryFormat[] = L"OutgoingPort = %u AND OutgoingIPProtocol = %u"; const OLECHAR c_wszConnectionPropertiesPathFormat[] = L"HNet_ConnectionProperties.Connection=\"HNet_Connection.Guid=\\\"%s\\\"\""; const OLECHAR c_wszBackupIpConfiguration[] = L"HNet_BackupIpConfiguration"; const OLECHAR c_wszEnableDHCP[] = L"EnableDHCP"; const OLECHAR c_wszInterfaces[] = L"Interfaces"; const OLECHAR c_wszIPAddress[] = L"IPAddress"; const OLECHAR c_wszSubnetMask[] = L"SubnetMask"; const OLECHAR c_wszDefaultGateway[] = L"DefaultGateway"; const OLECHAR c_wszTcpipParametersKey[] = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip" L"\\Parameters"; const OLECHAR c_wszZeroIpAddress[] = L""; const OLECHAR c_wszSharedAccess[] = L"SharedAccess"; const OLECHAR c_wszDevice[] = L"\\Device\\"; const OLECHAR c_wszServiceCheckQuery[] = L"SELECT * FROM HNet_ConnectionProperties WHERE IsFirewalled != FALSE" L" or IsIcsPublic != FALSE or IsIcsPrivate != FALSE"; const OLECHAR c_wszHnetConnectionAutoconfig[] = L"HNet_ConnectionAutoconfig"; // ICS Upgrade named event (has to be the same name in net\config\shell\netsetup\icsupgrd.h) const OLECHAR c_wszIcsUpgradeEventName[] = L"IcsUpgradeEventName_"; // // Commonly used string lengths. Generating these at compile time // saves us a large number of wcslen calls. On debug builds, these // values are compared with the output of wcslen, and an assertion is // raised if the values do not match. // #define STRING_LENGTH(pwz) \ (sizeof((pwz)) / sizeof((pwz)[0]) - 1) const ULONG c_cchSelect = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszSelect); const ULONG c_cchFrom = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszFrom); const ULONG c_cchWhere = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszWhere); const ULONG c_cchReferencesOf = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszReferencesOf); const ULONG c_cchWhereResultClass = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszWhereResultClass); const ULONG c_cchAssociatorsOf = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszAssociatorsOf); const ULONG c_cchWhereAssocClass = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszWhereAssocClass); const ULONG c_cchConnection = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszConnection); const ULONG c_cchConnectionPropertiesPathFormat = STRING_LENGTH(c_wszConnectionPropertiesPathFormat); // // Bindings-related strings // const WCHAR c_wszSBridgeMPID[] = L"ms_bridgemp"; const WCHAR c_wszSBridgeSID[] = L"ms_bridge"; const WCHAR *c_pwszBridgeBindExceptions[] = { L"ms_ndisuio", // Need NDISUIO for wireless adapters; want the wireless UI // even when the adapter is bridged. NULL }; // // String constants used for IsRrasConfigured. // const WCHAR c_wszRrasConfigurationPath[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess"; const WCHAR c_wszRrasConfigurationValue[] = L"ConfigurationFlags"; // // Strings that are used in WinBom homenet install // const TCHAR c_szEnableFirewall[] = _T("EnableFirewall"); const TCHAR c_szYes[] = _T("Yes"); const TCHAR c_szNo[] = _T("No");