/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Header : nshipsec.rc // // Purpose : String Table definitions for commands, // help and error codes. // // Developers Name : Bharat/Radhika // // History : // // Date Author Comments // 06-06-2002 DBeder Major Overhaul // 10-08-2001 Radhika Initial Version. V1.0 // 26-11-2001 Sai Updated to V1.1 // 07-12-2001 Sai Reduced HLP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "resource.h" STRINGTABLE { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Help strings for Static context // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HLP_STATIC_GROUP_ADD "Creates new policies and related information.\n" HLP_STATIC_GROUP_SET "Modifies existing policies and related information.\n" HLP_STATIC_GROUP_DELETE "Deletes policies and related information.\n" HLP_STATIC_GROUP_SHOW "Displays details of policies and related information.\n" HLP_STATIC_EXPORTPOLICY "Exports all the policies from the policy store.\n" HLP_STATIC_EXPORTPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n exportpolicy [ file = ] \ \n\ \n Exports all the policies to a file.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the file into which the policies are exported.\ \n\ \nRemarks: .ipsec extension is by default added to the filename.\ \n\ \nExamples: exportpolicy Policy1\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_RESTOREDEFAULTS "Restores the default example policies.\n" HLP_STATIC_RESTOREDEFAULTS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n restorepolicyexamples [release = ] (win2k | win2003)\ \n\ \n Restores the default policies.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n release -OS release type, for default policies examples.\ \n\ \nRemarks: This command is only valid for the local computer policy store.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. restorepolicyexamples release=win2003\ \n 2. restorepolicyexamples release=win2k\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_IMPORTPOLICY "Imports the policies from a file to the policy store.\n" HLP_STATIC_IMPORTPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n importpolicy [ file = ] \ \n\ \n Imports policies from the specified file.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the file from which the policies are imported.\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExamples: importpolicy Policy1.ipsec\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_POLICY "Creates a policy with a default response rule.\n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_POLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n policy [ name = ] \ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmpfs = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ qmpermm = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmlifetime = ] ]\ \n [ [ activatedefaultrule = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ pollinginterval = ] ]\ \n [ [ assign = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ mmsecmethods = ] (sec#1 sec#2 ... sec#n) ]\ \n\ \n Creates a policy with the specified name.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the policy.\ \n description -Brief information about the policy.\ \n mmpfs -Option to set master perfect forward secrecy.\ \n qmpermm -Number of quick mode sessions per main mode\ \n session of IKE.\ \n mmlifetime -Time in minutes to rekey for main mode of IKE.\ \n activatedefaultrule -Activates or deactivates the default response rule.\ \n pollinginterval -Polling Interval, time in minutes for policy agent\ \n to check for changes in policy store.\ \n assign -Assigns the policy as active or inactive. \ \n mmsecmethods -List of one or more space separated security\ \n methods in the form of ConfAlg-HashAlg-GroupNum,\ \n where ConfAlg can be DES or 3DES,\ \n HashAlg is MD5 or SHA1.\ \n GroupNum can be 1 (Low), 2 (Med), 3 (DH2048).\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. If mmpfs is specified, qmpermm is set to 1.\ \n 2. If the store is 'domain' then ‘assign’ will have no effect.\ \n\ \nExamples: add policy Policy1 mmpfs= yes assign=yes\ \n mmsec=""3DES-SHA1-3 DES-MD5-3 3DES-MD5-2""\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_FILTERLIST "Creates an empty filter list.\n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_FILTERLIST_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filterlist [ name = ] \ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n\ \n Creates an empty filter list with the specified name.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the filter list.\ \n description -Brief information about the filter list.\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExamples: add filterlist Filter1\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_FILTER "Adds a filter to filter list.\n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_FILTER_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filter [ filterlist = ] \ \n [ srcaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ dstaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n [ [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) ]\ \n [ [ mirrored = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ srcport = ] ]\ \n [ [ dstport = ] ]\ \n\ \n Adds a filter to the specified filter list.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n filterlist -Name of the filter list to which the filter is added.\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n description -Brief information about the filter.\ \n protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer.\ \n mirrored -‘Yes’ creates two filters, one in each direction.\ \n srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n srcport -Source port of the packet. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n dstport -Destination port of the packet. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. If the filter list does not exist it will be created.\ \n 2. To specify the current computer address, set srcaddr/dstaddr=me\ \n To specify all computer addresses, set srcaddr/dstaddr=any\ \n 3. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY.\ \n 4. If source is a server type, then dest is 'me' and vice-versa.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. add filter filterlist=Filter1\ \n srcmask=24 dstmask=32\ \n 2. add filter filterlist=Filter1 srcaddr=DHCP dstaddr=\ \n protocol=ICMP srcmask= dstmask=\ \n 3. add filter filterlist=Filter1 srcaddr=me dstaddr=any\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_FILTERACTIONS "Creates a filter action.\n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_FILTERACTIONS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filteraction [ name = ] \ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n [ [ qmpfs = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ inpass = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ soft = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ action = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ qmsecmethods = ] (neg#1 neg#2 ... neg#n) ]\ \n\ \n Creates a filter action.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the filter action.\ \n description -Brief information about the type of filter action.\ \n qmpfs -Option to set quick mode perfect forward secrecy.\ \n inpass -Accept unsecured communication, but always respond\ \n using IPSec. This takes a value of either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.\ \n soft -Allow unsecured communication with non-IPSec-aware\ \n computers. This takes a value of either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.\ \n action -This takes permit, block or negotiate.\ \n qmsecmethods -IPSec offer in one of the following formats:\ \n ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]+ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n where ConfAlg can be DES or 3DES or None.\ \n where AuthAlg can be MD5 or SHA1 or None.\ \n where HashAlg is MD5 or SHA1.\ \n where k is Lifetime in kilobytes.\ \n where s is Lifetime in seconds.\ \n\ \nRemarks: Quick mode security methods are ignored if the action is not\ \n ‘negotiate’\ \nExamples: add filteraction name=FilterA qmpfs=yes soft=y action=negotiate\ \n qmsec=""AH[MD5]:204800k/300s ESP[DES,SHA1]:30000k/480s""\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_RULE "Creates a rule for the specified policy.\n" HLP_STATIC_ADD_RULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n rule [ name = ] \ \n [ policy = ] \ \n [ filterlist = ] \ \n [ filteraction = ] \ \n [ [ tunnel = ] (ip | dns) ]\ \n [ [ conntype = ] (lan | dialup | all) ]\ \n [ [ activate = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n [ [ kerberos = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ psk = ] ]\ \n [ [ rootca = ] "" certmap:(yes | no) excludecaname:(yes | no)"" ]\ \n\ \n Creates a rule with the specified filter list and filter action.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the rule.\ \n policy -Name of the policy the rule belongs to.\ \n filterlist -Name of the filter list to be used.\ \n filteraction -Name of the filter action to be used.\ \n tunnel -Tunnel end point IP address.\ \n conntype -Connection type can be lan, dialup or ‘all’.\ \n activate -Activates the rule in the policy if ‘yes’ is specified.\ \n description -Brief information about the rule.\ \n kerberos -Provides Kerberos authentication if ‘yes’ is specified.\ \n psk -Provides authentication using a specified preshared key.\ \n rootca -Provides authentication using a specified root certificate,\ \n attempts to map the cert if certmap:Yes is specified,\ \n excludes the CA name if excludecaname:Yes is specified.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Certificate, mapping, and CA name settings are all to be within\ \n quotes; embedded quotes are to be replaced with \'.\ \n 2. Certificate mapping is valid only for domain members.\ \n 3. Multiple certificates can be provided by using the rootca\ \n parameter multiple times.\ \n 4. The preference of each authentication method is determined by\ \n its order in the command.\ \n 5. If no auth methods are stated, dynamic defaults are used.\ \n 6. Excluding the root certification authority (CA) name prevents\ \n the name from being sent as part of the certificate request.\ \n\ \nExamples: add rule name=Rule policy=Policy filterlist=Filterlist\ \n filteraction=FilterAction kerberos=yes psk=""my key""\ \n rootca=""C=US,O=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Authenticode(tm) Root Authority""\ \n rootca=""C=US,O=MSFT,CN=\\’Microsoft North, South, East, and West Root\ \n Authority\\’ certmap:yes excludecaname:no""\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SET_POLICY "Modifies a policy.\n" HLP_STATIC_SET_POLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n policy [ name = ] | [ guid = ] \ \n [ [ newname = ] ]\ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmpfs = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ qmpermm = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmlifetime = ] ]\ \n [ [ activatedefaultrule = ] ( yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ pollinginterval = ] ]\ \n [ [ assign = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ gponame = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmsecmethods = ] (sec#1 sec#2 ... sec#n) ]\ \n\ \n Modifies a policy.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | guid -Name of the policy, or guid.\ \n newname -New name.\ \n description -Brief information.\ \n mmpfs -Sets master perfect forward secrecy.\ \n qmpermm -Number of quick modes per main mode.\ \n mmlifetime -Time in minutes to rekey.\ \n activatedefaultrule -Activates the default response rule.\ \n pollinginterval -Time in minutes to check for change in policy store.\ \n assign -Assigns the policy.\ \n gponame -Local AD group policy object name to which the policy\ \n can be assigned. Valid when the store is domain.\ \n mmsecmethods -List of one or more space separated security\ \n methods in the form of ConfAlg-HashAlg-GroupNum.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. If mmpfs is specified, qmpermm is set to 1.\ \n 2. A GPO name can only be specified if the store is set to domain.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. set policy name=Policy mmpfs=y gpo=DomainPolicy assign=y\ \n 2. set policy guid={11E6E97E-0031-49f5-AC7D-5F2FE99BABAF}\ \n newname=NewName gpo=DefaultDomainPolicy assign=y\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SET_FILTERLIST "Modifies a filter list.\n" HLP_STATIC_SET_FILTERLIST_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filterlist [ name = ] | [ guid = ] \ \n [ [ newname = ] ]\ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n\ \n Modifies a filter list name and description.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | guid -Name of the filter list or guid.\ \n newname -New name of the filter list.\ \n description -Brief information about the filter list.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. set filterlist Filter1 desc=NewFilter1\ \n 2. set filterlist guid={11E6E97E-0031-49f5-AC7D-5F2FE99BABAF}\ \n newname=FilterName\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SET_FILTERACTIONS "Modifies a filter action.\n" HLP_STATIC_SET_FILTERACTIONS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filteraction [ name = ] | [ guid = ] \ \n [ [ newname = ] ]\ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n [ [ qmpfs = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ inpass = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ soft = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ action = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ qmsecmethods = ] (neg#1 neg#2 ... neg#n) ]\ \n\ \n Modifies a filter action.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | guid -Name or guid of the filter action.\ \n newname -New name of the filter action.\ \n description -Brief information about the filter action.\ \n qmpfs -Option to set quick mode perfect forward secrecy.\ \n inpass -Accept unsecured communication, but always respond\ \n using IPSec. This takes a value of either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.\ \n soft -Allow unsecured communication with non-IPSec-aware computers.\ \n This takes a value of either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.\ \n action -This takes permit or block or negotiate.\ \n qmsecmethods -IPSec offer in one of the following formats:\ \n ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]+ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n where ConfAlg can be DES or 3DES or None.\ \n where AuthAlg can be MD5 or SHA1 or None.\ \n where HashAlg is MD5 or SHA1.\ \n where k is lifetime in kilobytes.\ \n where s is lifetime in seconds.\ \n\ \nExamples:1. set filteraction name=test qmsec=ESP[3DES,MD5]:100000k/2000s\ \n 2. set filteraction guid={11E6E97E-0031-49f5-AC7D-5F2FE99BABAF}\ \n inpass=y\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SET_RULE "Modifies a rule.\n" HLP_STATIC_SET_RULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n rule [ name = ] | [id= ] \ \n [ policy = ] \ \n [ [ newname = ] ]\ \n [ [ description = ] ]\ \n [ [ filterlist = ] ]\ \n [ [ filteraction = ] ]\ \n [ [ tunnel = ] (ip | dns) ]\ \n [ [ conntype = ] (lan | dialup | all) ]\ \n [ [ activate = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ kerberos = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ psk = ] ]\ \n [ [ rootca = ] "" certmap:(yes | no) excludecaname:(yes | no)"" ]\ \n\ \n Modifies a rule in a policy.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | id -Name or ID of the rule.\ \n policy -Name of the policy, the rule belongs to.\ \n newname -New name of the rule.\ \n description -Brief information about the rule.\ \n filterlist -Name of the filter list to be used.\ \n filteraction -Name of the filter action to be used.\ \n tunnel -Tunnel ip address or dns name.\ \n conntype -Connection type can be ‘lan’, ‘dialup’ or ‘all’.\ \n activate -Activates the rule in the policy if ‘yes’ is specified.\ \n kerberos -Provides Kerberos authentication if ‘yes’ is specified.\ \n psk -Provides authentication using a specified preshared key.\ \n rootca -Provides authentication using a specified root certificate,\ \n attempts to map the cert if certmap:Yes is specified,\ \n excludes the CA name if excludecaname:Yes is specified.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Certificate, mapping, and CA name settings are all to be within\ \n quotes; embedded quotes are to be replaced with \'.\ \n 2. Certificate mapping is valid only for domain members.\ \n 3. Multiple certificates can be provided by using the rootca\ \n parameter multiple times.\ \n 4. The preference of each authentication method is determined by\ \n its order in the command.\ \n 5. If no auth methods are stated, dynamic defaults are used.\ \n 6. All authentication methods are overwritten with the stated list.\ \n 7. Excluding the root certification authority (CA) name prevents\ \n the name from being sent as part of the certificate request.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. set rule name=Rule policy=Policy activate=yes\ \n rootca=""C=US,O=MSFT,CN=\\’Microsoft North, South, East, and West\ \n Root Authority\\’ certmap:yes excludecaname:no""\ \n 2. set rule id=3 Policy newname=RuleNew tunnel=\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SET_STORE "Sets the current policy store.\n" HLP_STATIC_SET_STORE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n store [location = ] (local | persistent | domain)\ \n [ [ domain = ] ]\ \n\ \nSets the current IPSec policy storage location.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n location Location of the IPSec policy store.\ \n domain Domain name (only applies to the domain location).\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. The persistent store contains IPSec policies that can be\ \n assigned to secure this computer at start time. An assigned\ \n persistent policy remains active even after the local policy or\ \n domain policy is applied.\ \n 2. The local store contains IPSec policies that can be assigned to\ \n secure this computer. If a domain policy is available, the\ \n domain policy is applied instead of the local policy.\ \n 3. The domain store contains IPSec policies that can be assigned to\ \n secure groups of computers in a domain.\ \n 4. It is recommended that the persistent policy be the most\ \n restrictive of all policies. Domain policies and local policies\ \n should complement persistent policies.\ \n 5. Use the 'set machine' command to configure a remote computer.\ \n 6. The default store is Local. Changes to the store setting persist\ \n only as long as the current Netsh session. If you need to run\ \n multiple commands in the same store from a batch file, use the\ \n ‘Netsh Exec’ when executing your batch file.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. set store location=local\ \n - uses the local store of the current computer.\ \n 2. set store location=persistent\ \n - uses the persistent store of the current computer.\ \n 3. set store location=domain domain=example.microsoft.com\ \n - uses the domain policy store for example.microsoft.com.\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SET_DEFAULTRULE "Modifies the default response rule of a policy.\n" HLP_STATIC_SET_DEFAULTRULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n defaultrule [ policy = ] \ \n [ [ qmpfs = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ activate = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ qmsecmethods = ] (neg#1 neg#2 ... neg#n) ]\ \n [ [ kerberos = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ psk = ] ]\ \n [ [ rootca = ] "" certmap:(yes | no) excludecaname:(yes | no)"" ]\ \n\ \n Modifies the default response rule of the specified policy.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n policy -Name of the policy for which the default response rule is\ \n to be modified.\ \n qmpfs -Option to set quick mode perfect forward secrecy.\ \n activate -Activates the rule in the policy if ‘yes’ is specified.\ \n qmsecmethods -IPSec offer in one of the following formats:\ \n ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]+ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n where ConfAlg can be DES, or 3DES or None.\ \n where AuthAlg can be MD5, or SHA1 or None.\ \n where HashAlg is MD5 or SHA1.\ \n where k is lifetime in kilobytes.\ \n where s is lifetime in seconds.\ \n kerberos -Provides Kerberos authentication if ‘yes’ is specified.\ \n psk -Provides authentication using a specified preshared key.\ \n rootca -Provides authentication using a specified root certificate,\ \n attempts to map the cert if certmap:Yes is specified,\ \n excludes the CA name if excludecaname:Yes is specified.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Certificate, mapping, and CA name settings are all to be within\ \n quotes; embedded quotes are to be replaced with \'.\ \n 2. Certificate mapping is valid only for domain members.\ \n 3. Multiple certificates can be provided by using the rootca\ \n parameter multiple times.\ \n 4. The preference of each authentication method is determined by\ \n its order in the command.\ \n 5. If no auth methods are stated, dynamic defaults are used.\ \n\ \nExamples: set defaultrule Policy1 activate=y\ \n qmsec=""AH[MD5]+ESP[3DES,MD5]:100000k/2000s""\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_ALL "Deletes all policies, filter lists, and filter actions.\n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_ALL_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n all\ \n\ \n Deletes all policies, filter lists, and filter actions.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExamples: delete all\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_POLICY "Deletes a policy and its rules.\n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_POLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n policy [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n\ \n Deletes the policy and all its associated rules.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | all -Name of the policy or ‘all’.\ \n\ \nRemarks: If 'all' is specified, all policies are deleted.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. delete policy all\ \n - deletes all policies.\ \n 2. delete policy name=Policy1\ \n - deletes the policy named Policy1.\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_FILTERLIST "Deletes a filter list.\n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_FILTERLIST_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filterlist [name = ] | [ all ]\ \n\ \n Deletes the filter list and all of its associated filters.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | all -Name of the filter list or ‘all’.\ \n\ \nRemarks: If 'all' is specified, all filter lists are deleted.\ \n\ \nExamples: delete filterlist all\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_FILTER "Deletes a filter from a filter list.\n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_FILTER_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filter [ filterlist = ] \ \n [ srcaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ dstaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) ]\ \n [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ srcport = ] ]\ \n [ [ dstport = ] ]\ \n [ [ mirrored = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Deletes a filter from a filter list\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n filterlist -Name of the filter list to which the filter was added.\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer.\ \n srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n srcport -Source port of the packet. A value of 0 means any port\ \n dstport -Destination port of the packet. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n mirrored -‘Yes’ creates two filters, one in each direction.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Deletes the exact match filter from the filter list.\ \n 2. To specify the current computer address, set srcaddr/dstaddr=me\ \n To specify all computer addresses, set srcaddr/dstaddr=any\ \n 3. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY.\ \n 4. If source is a server, then dest is set to 'me' and vice-versa.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. delete filter FilterList1 src=fum.com dst=fum.com\ \n 2. delete filter Filter1 srcaddr=me dstaddr=any proto=TCP\ \n 3. delete filter Filter1 srcaddr=GATEWAY dstaddr= proto=TCP\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_FILTERACTIONS "Deletes a filter action.\n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_FILTERACTIONS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filteraction [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n\ \n Deletes a filter action.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | all -Name of the filter action or ‘all’.\ \n\ \nRemarks: If 'all' is specified, all filter actions are deleted.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. delete filteraction FilterA\ \n 2. delete filteraction all\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_RULE "Deletes a rule from a policy.\n" HLP_STATIC_DELETE_RULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n rule [ name = ] | [ id = ] | [ all ]\ \n [ policy = ] \ \n\ \n Deletes a rule from a policy.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | id | all -Name of the rule, ID of the rule, or ‘all’\ \n policy -Name of the policy.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. If 'all' is specified, deletes all rules from the policy except\ \n the default response rule.\ \n 2. The default response rule cannot be deleted.\ \n 3. The IDs will change with every delete.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. delete rule id=1 Policy1\ \n -deletes the rule with id=1 from Policy1.\ \n 2. delete rule all Policy1\ \n -deletes all the rules from Policy1.\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_POLICY "Displays policy details.\n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_POLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n policy [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n [ [ level = ] (verbose | normal) ]\ \n [ [ format = ] (list | table) ]\ \n [ [ wide = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays the details of a policy\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | all -Name of the policy or ‘all’.\ \n level -Verbose or normal.\ \n format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format.\ \n wide -If set to ‘no’, the name and description are truncated\ \n to fit the screen width of 80 characters.\ \n\ \nRemarks: If 'all' is specified, all policy details are displayed.\ \n\ \nExamples: show policy Policy1 wide=yes format=table\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_FILTERLIST "Displays filter list details.\n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_FILTERLIST_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filterlist [ name = ] | [ rule = ] | [ all ]\ \n [ [ level = ] (verbose | normal) ]\ \n [ [ format = ] (list | table) ]\ \n [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ wide = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays the details of a filter list\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | rule | all -Name of the filter list, rule name, or ‘all’.\ \n level -Verbose or normal.\ \n format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format.\ \n resolvedns -Value of ‘yes’ will force the verbose output to show\ \n the current dns mapping for ip addresses and dns\ \n names that are stored in the filter fields.\ \n wide -If set to ‘no’, the name and description are truncated\ \n to fit the screen width of 80 characters.\ \n\ \nRemarks: If 'all' is specified, all filter lists are displayed.\ \n\ \nExamples: show filterlist Filterlist=Filterlist1 resolvedns=yes wide=yes\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_FILTERACTIONS "Displays filter action details.\n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_FILTERACTIONS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n filteraction [ name = ] | [ rule = ] | [ all ]\ \n [ [ level = ] (verbose | normal) ]\ \n [ [ format = ] (list | table) ]\ \n [ [ wide = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays the details of a filter action\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | rule | all -Name of the filter action, rule name, or ‘all’.\ \n level -Verbose or normal.\ \n format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format\ \n wide -If set to ‘no’, the name and description are truncated\ \n to fit the screen width of 80 characters.\ \n\ \nRemarks: If 'all' is specified, all filter actions are displayed.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show filteraction FilterAction1\ \n - shows the details of the filter action named FilterAction1\ \n 2. show filteraction rule=Rule1\ \n - shows the filter action used by the rule named Rule1\ \n 3. show filteraction all\ \n - shows all filter actions\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_RULE "Displays rule details.\n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_RULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n rule [ name = ] | [ id = ] ] | [ all ] | [default]\ \n [ policy = ] \ \n [ [ type = ] (tunnel | tranport) ]\ \n [ [ level = ] (verbose | normal) ]\ \n [ [ format = ] (list | table) ]\ \n [ [ wide = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays the details of rules for the policy.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | id | all | default -Name of the rule, its id, ‘all’, or ‘default’.\ \n policy -Name of the policy.\ \n type -Rule type is ‘transport’ or ‘tunnel’.\ \n level -Verbose or normal.\ \n format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format.\ \n wide -If set to ‘no’, the name and description are\ \n truncated to fit the screen width of 80\ \n characters.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. If ‘all’ is specified, all rules are displayed.\ \n 2. If the type parameter is specified, 'all' needs to be specified.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show rule all type=transport policy=Policy1\ \n - shows all the transport rules of the policy named Policy1.\ \n 2. show rule id=1 policy=Policy1\ \n - shows the first rule of the policy.\ \n 3. show rule default policy=Policy1\ \n - shows the details of the default response rule of Policy1.\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_GPOASSIGNEDPOLICY "Displays details of a group assigned policy.\n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_GPOASSIGNEDPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n gpoassignedpolicy [name = ] \ \n\ \n Displays the details of the active policy for the specified GPO.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n Name -Local AD Group policy object name.\ \n\ \n\nRemarks: 1. if the current store is domain, the name parameter\ \n is required, otherwise it is not allowed\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show gpoassignedpolicy name=GPO1\ \n - shows the assigned domain policy to GPO1.\ \n 2. show gpoassignedpolicy\ \n - shows currently assigned policy on this computer.\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_ALL "Displays details of all policies and related information.\n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_ALL_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n all [ [ format = ] (list | table) ]\ \n [ [ wide = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays all policies, filter lists, and filter actions.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format.\ \n wide -If set to ‘no’, the name and description are truncated\ \n to fit the screen width of 80 characters.\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExamples: show all\ \n\ \n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_STORE "Displays the current policy store.\n" HLP_STATIC_SHOW_STORE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n store\ \n\ \nExamples: show store\ \n\ \n" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Help strings for Dynamic context // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HLP_DYNAMIC_GROUP_ADD "Adds policy, filter, and actions to SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_GROUP_SET "Modifies policy, filter, and actions in SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_GROUP_DELETE "Deletes policy, filter, and actions from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_GROUP_SHOW "Displays policy, filter, and actions from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_ADD_MMPOLICY "Adds a main mode policy to SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_ADD_QMPOLICY "Adds a quick mode policy to SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_ADD_MMFILTER "Adds a main mode filter to SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_ADD_QMFILTER "Adds a quick mode filter to SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_ADD_RULE "Adds a rule and associated filters to SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_ADD_MMPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n mmpolicy [ name = ] \ \n [ [ qmpermm = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmlifetime = ] ]\ \n [ [ softsaexpirationtime = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmsecmethods = ] (sec#1 sec#2 ... sec#n) ]\ \n\ \n Adds a main mode policy to SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the main mode policy.\ \n qmpermm -Number of quick mode sessions per main mode session\ \n of IKE.\ \n mmlifetime -Time in minutes to rekey for main mode of IKE.\ \n softsaexpirationtime -Time in minutes for an unprotected SA to expire.\ \n mmsecmethods -List of one or more space separated security\ \n methods in the form of ConfAlg-HashAlg-GroupNum.\ \n where ConfAlg can be DES or 3DES\ \n where HashAlg can be MD5 or SHA1\ \n GroupNum can be 1 (Low) or 2 (Med) or 3 (DH2048).\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExamples: add mmp name=mmp qmpermm=10 mmlifetime=300 softsa=20\ \n mmsec=""3DES-SHA1-3 DES-SHA1-2 3DES-MD5-3""\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_ADD_QMPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n qmpolicy [ name = ] \ \n [ [ soft = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ pfsgroup = ] (GRP1 | GRP2 | GRP3 | GRPMM | NOPFS) ]\ \n [ [ qmsecmethods = ] (neg#1 neg#2 ... neg#n) ]\ \n\ \n Adds a quick mode policy to SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the quick mode policy.\ \n soft -Allow unsecured communication with non-IPSec-aware\ \n computers.\ \n This takes a value of either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.\ \n pfsgroup -GRP1,GRP2,GRP3,GRPMM,NOPFS(default).\ \n qmsecmethods -IPSec offer in one of the following formats:\ \n ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]+ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n where ConfAlg can be DES or 3DES or None.\ \n where AuthAlg can be MD5 or SHA1 or None.\ \n where HashAlg is MD5 or SHA1.\ \n where k is lifetime in kilobytes.\ \n where s is lifetime in seconds.\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExamples: add qmpolicy name=qmp\ \n qmsec=""AH[MD5]:10000k/24800s ESP[DES,SHA1]:30000k/300s""\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_ADD_RULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n rule [ srcaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ dstaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ mmpolicy = ] \ \n [ [ qmpolicy = ] ]\ \n [ [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) ]\ \n [ [ srcport = ] ]\ \n [ [ dstport = ] ]\ \n [ [ mirrored = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ conntype = ] (lan | dialup | all) ]\ \n [ [ actioninbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ actionoutbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ tunneldstaddress = ] (ip | dns) ]\ \n [ [ kerberos = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ psk = ] ]\ \n [ [ rootca = ] "" certmap:(yes | no) excludecaname:(yes | no)"" ]\ \n\ \n Adds a Rule.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n mmpolicy -Main mode policy\ \n qmpolicy -Quick mode policy\ \n protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer.\ \n srcport -Source port(0 means any port)\ \n dstport -Destination port(0 means any port)\ \n mirrored -‘Yes' creates two filters, one in each direction.\ \n conntype -Connection type\ \n actioninbound -Action for inbound packets\ \n actionoutbound -Action for outbound packets\ \n srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n tunneldstaddress -Tunnel destination ip address or dns name.\ \n kerberos -Provides kerberos authentication if ‘yes’ is specified.\ \n psk -Provides authentication using a specified preshared key.\ \n rootca -Provides authentication using a specified root certificate,\ \n attempts to map the cert if certmap:Yes is specified,\ \n excludes the CA name if excludecaname:Yes is specified.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Port valid for TCP and UDP.\ \n 2. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY\ \n 3. Default for actioninbound and actionoutbound is ‘negotiate’.\ \n 4. For tunnel rules, mirrored must be set to 'no'.\ \n 5. Certificate, mapping, and CA name settings are all to be within\ \n quotes; embedded quotes are to be replaced with \'.\ \n 6. Certificate mapping is valid only for domain members.\ \n 7. Multiple certificates can be provided by using the rootca\ \n parameter multiple times.\ \n 8. The preference of each authentication method is determined by its\ \n order in the command.\ \n 9. If no auth methods are stated, dynamic defaults are used.\ \n 10. Excluding the root certification authority (CA) name prevents the\ \n name from being sent as part of the certificate request.\ \n\ \nExample: add rule srcaddr= dstaddr= mmpolicy=mmp\ \n qmpolicy=qmp mirrored=no srcmask=32 dstmask=\ \n rootca=""C=US,O=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Authenticode(tm) Root Authority""\ \n rootca=""C=US,O=MSFT,CN=\\’Microsoft North, South, East, and West Root\ \n Authority\\’ certmap:yes excludecaname:no""\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_QMPOLICY "Modifies a quick mode policy in SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_MMPOLICY "Modifies a main mode policy in SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_QMFILTER "Modifies a quick mode filter in SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_MMFILTER "Modifies a main mode filter in SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_RULE "Modifies a rule and associated filters in SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_CONFIG "Sets the IPSec configuration and boot time behavior.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_MMPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n mmpolicy [ name = ] \ \n [ [ qmpermm = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmlifetime = ] ]\ \n [ [ softsaexpirationtime = ] ]\ \n [ [ mmsecmethods = ] (sec#1 sec#2 ... sec#n) ]\ \n\ \n Modifies a main mode policy with the new parameters in SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the main mode policy.\ \n qmpermm -Number of quick mode sessions per main mode session\ \n of IKE.\ \n mmlifetime -Time in minutes to rekey for main mode of IKE.\ \n softsaexpirationtime -Time in minutes for an unprotected SA to expire.\ \n mmsecmethods -List of one or more space separated security\ \n methods in the form of ConfAlg-HashAlg-GroupNum,\ \n where ConfAlg can be DES or 3DES,\ \n HashAlg is MD5 or SHA1,\ \n GroupNum can be 1 (Low) or 2 (Med) or 3 (DH2048).\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExample: set mmpolicy name=mmp qmpermm=10 mmlife=10 mmsecmethod=3DES-MD5-3\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_QMPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n qmpolicy [ name = ] \ \n [ [ soft = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ pfsgroup = ] (GRP1 | GRP2 | GRP3 | GRPMM | NOPFS) ]\ \n [ [ qmsecmethods = ] (neg#1 neg#2 ... neg#n) ]\ \n\ \n Modifies a quick mode policy in SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the quick mode policy.\ \n soft -Allow unsecured communication with\ \n non-IPSec-aware computers.\ \n This takes a value of either 'yes' or 'no'.\ \n pfsgroup -GRP1,GRP2,GRP3,GRPMM,NOPFS(default).\ \n qmsecmethods -IPSec offer in one of the following formats:\ \n ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]:k/s\ \n AH[HashAlg]+ESP[ConfAlg,AuthAlg]:k/s\ \n where ConfAlg can be DES, or 3DES or None.\ \n where AuthAlg can be MD5, or SHA1 or None.\ \n where HashAlg is MD5 or SHA1.\ \n where k is lifetime in kilobytes.\ \n where s is lifetime in seconds.\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExample: set qmpolicy name=qmp pfsg=grp3\ \n qmsec=""AH[MD5]:100000k/29999s+ESP[DES,SHA1]""\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_RULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n rule [ srcaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ dstaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | )\ \n [ srcport = ] \ \n [ dstport = ] \ \n [ mirrored = ] (yes | no)\ \n [ conntype = ] (lan | dialup | all)\ \n [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ tunneldstaddress = ] (ip | dns) ]\ \n [ [ mmpolicy = ] ]\ \n [ [ qmpolicy = ] ]\ \n [ [ actioninbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ actionoutbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ kerberos = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n [ [ psk = ] ]\ \n [ [ rootca = ] "" certmap:(yes | no) excludecaname:(yes | no)"" ]\ \n\ \n Modifies a rule and associated filters in SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer.\ \n srcport -Source port (0 means any port)\ \n dstport -Destination port (0 means any port)\ \n mirrored -'Yes' creates two filters, one in each direction.\ \n conntype -Connection type\ \n srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n tunneldstaddress -Tunnel destination ip address or dns name.\ \n mmpolicy -Main mode policy\ \n qmpolicy -Quick mode policy\ \n actioninbound -Action for inbound packets\ \n actionoutbound -Action for outbound packets\ \n kerberos -Provides kerberos authentication if ‘yes’ is specified\ \n psk -Provides authentication using a specified preshared key\ \n rootca -Provides authentication using a specified root certificate,\ \n attempts to map the cert if certmap:Yes is specified,\ \n excludes the CA name if excludecaname:Yes is specified.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Mmpolicy, qmpolicy, actioninbound, actionoutbound\ \n and authmethods can be set; other fields are identifiers.\ \n 2. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY\ \n 3. Certificate, mapping, and CA name settings are all to be within\ \n quotes; embedded quotes are to be replaced with \'.\ \n 4. Certificate mapping is valid only for domain members.\ \n 5. Multiple certificates can be provided by using the rootca\ \n parameter multiple times.\ \n 6. The preference of each authentication method is determined by\ \n its order in the command.\ \n 7. If no auth methods are stated, dynamic defaults are used.\ \n 8. All authentication methods are overwritten with the stated list.\ \n 9. Excluding the root certification authority (CA) name prevents\ \n the name from being sent as part of the certificate request.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. set rule srca=WINS dsta= srcmask=32 dstmask=32\ \n tunneldst=\ \n proto=tcp srcport=80 dstport=80 mir=no con=lan\ \n qmp=qmp actionin=negotiate actionout=permit\ \n 2. set rule srcaddr= dstaddr=\ \n mmpolicy=mmp qmpolicy=qmp mirrored=no srcmask=32\ \n rootca=""C=US,O=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Authenticode(tm) Root Authority""\ \n rootca=""C=US,O=MSFT,CN=\\’Microsoft North, South, East, and West\ \n Root Authority\\’ certmap:yes excludecaname:no""\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SET_CONFIG_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n config [ property = ] (ipsecdiagnostics | ipsecexempt | ipsecloginterval | \ \n ikelogging | strongcrlcheck | bootmode | bootexemptions) ]\ \n [ value = ] | | ]\ \n\ \n Configures the parameters for IPSec.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n property -Property name.\ \n value -Value that corresponds to the property.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Valid values for the properties are:\ \n ipsecdiagnostics - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\ \n ikelogging - 0, 1\ \n strongcrlcheck - 0, 1, 2\ \n ipsecloginterval - 60 to 86400 sec\ \n ipsecexempt - 0, 1, 2, 3\ \n bootmode - stateful, block, permit\ \n bootexemptions - none, ""exemption#1 exemption#2 ... exemption#n""\ \n where the quoted string specifies a list of\ \n protocols and ports to always allow during\ \n boot mode in the following format:\ \n Protocol:SrcPort:DstPort:Direction\ \n where protocol is ICMP, TCP, UDP,\ \n RAW, or \ \n where direction is inbound or outbound\ \n 2. SrcPort and DstPort are only valid for TCP and UDP, with other\ \n protocols the format of the exemption is Protocol:Direction.\ \n 3. A port setting of 0 allows for traffic for any port.\ \n 4. ikelogging and strongcrlcheck are activated immediately;\ \n all other properties take effect on next boot.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. set config property=ipsecdiagnostics value=0\ \n 2. set config property=bootmode value=stateful\ \n 3. set config property=bootexemptions value=none\ \n 4. set config property=bootexemptions\ \n value=""ICMP:inbound TCP:80:80:outbound""\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_DELETE_QMPOLICY "Deletes a quick mode policy from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_DELETE_MMPOLICY "Deletes a main mode policy from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_DELETE_RULE "Deletes a rule and associated filters from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_DELETE_ALL "Deletes all policies, filters, and actions from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_DELETE_MMPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n mmpolicy [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n\ \n Deletes a main mode policy from SPD.\ \n If 'all' is specified, all main mode policies are deleted.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the main mode policy.\ \n\ \nRemarks: To delete a main mode policy, any associated main mode filters must\ \n first be deleted.\ \n\ \nExamples: delete mmpolicy name=mmp\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_DELETE_QMPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n qmpolicy [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n\ \n Deletes a quick mode policy from SPD.\ \n If 'all' is specified, all quick mode policies are deleted.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the quick mode policy.\ \n\ \nRemarks: To delete a quick mode policy, any associated quick mode filters\ \n must first be deleted.\ \n\ \nExamples: delete qmpolicy name=qmp\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_DELETE_ALL_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n all\ \n\ \n Deletes all policies, filters, and authentication methods from SPD.\ \n\ \nExample: delete all\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_DELETE_RULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n rule [ srcaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ dstaddr = ] (ip | dns | server)\ \n [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | )\ \n [ srcport = ] \ \n [ dstport = ] \ \n [ mirrored = ] (yes | no)\ \n [ conntype = ] (lan | dialup | all)\ \n [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ tunneldstaddress = ] (ip | dns) ]\ \n\ \n Deletes a rule from SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer.\ \n srcport -Source port. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n dstport -Destination port. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n mirrored -‘Yes’ creates two filters, one in each direction.\ \n conntype -Connection type can be lan, dialup or ‘all’.\ \n srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n tunneldstaddress -Tunnel destination ip address or dns name.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. To specify the current computer address, set srcaddr/dstaddr=me\ \n To specify all computer addresses, set srcaddr/dstaddr=any\ \n 2. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY\ \n\ \nExamples: delete rule srca= dsta=\ \n tunneldsta=\ \n proto=tcp srcport=80 dstport=80 mirror=no conntype=lan\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_ALL "Displays policies, filters, SAs, and statistics from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMPOLICY "Displays main mode policy details from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMPOLICY "Displays quick mode policy details from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMFILTER "Displays main mode filter details from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMFILTER "Displays quick mode filter details from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS "Displays IPSec and IKE statistics from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS "Displays main mode security associations from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS "Displays quick mode security associations from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_REGKEYS "Displays IPSec configuration and boot time behavior.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_RULE "Displays rule details from SPD.\n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_ALL_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n all [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays details of all policies, filters, SAs, and statistics from SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n resolvedns -Value of 'yes' displays the resolved dns name.\ \n\ \nRemarks: Default value of resolvedns is ‘no’.\ \n\ \nExamples: show all yes\ \n - shows all information with dns resolution\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n mmpolicy [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n\ \n Displays main mode policy details from SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the main mode policy.\ \n\ \nRemarks: If 'all' is specified, all main mode policies are displayed.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show mmpolicy name=mmp\ \n 2. show mmpolicy all\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMPOLICY_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n qmpolicy [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n\ \n Displays quick mode policy details from SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the quick mode policy.\ \n\ \nRemarks: If 'all' is specified, all quick mode policies are displayed.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show qmpolicy name=qmp\ \n 2. show qmpolicy all\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMFILTER_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n mmfilter [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n [ [ type = ] (generic | specific) ]\ \n [ [ srcaddr = ] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ dstaddr = ] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays main mode filter details from SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name | all -Name of the main mode filter or ‘all’.\ \n type -Type of filter to display, either specific or generic.\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n resolvedns -Value of 'yes' displays the resolved dns name.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Default for the type parameter is ‘generic’.\ \n 2. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY.\ \n 3. If 'all' is specified, all main mode filters are displayed.\ \n 4. If source address or destination address is specified,\ \n only filters associated with that address are displayed.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show mmfilter name=mmf\ \n 2. show mmfilter all srcaddr=wins dstaddr=\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMFILTER_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n qmfilter [ name = ] | [ all ]\ \n [ [ type = ] (generic | specific) ]\ \n [ [ srcaddr = ] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ dstaddr = ] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) ]\ \n [ [ srcport = ] ]\ \n [ [ dstport = ] ]\ \n [ [ actioninbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ actionoutbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays quick mode filter details from SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n name -Name of the quick mode filter.\ \n type -Type of filter to display, either specific or generic.\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer.\ \n srcport -Source port. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n dstport -Destination port. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n actioninbound -Action for inbound packets.\ \n actionoutbound -Action for outbound packets.\ \n resolvedns -Value of 'yes' displays the resolved dns name.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Default for the type parameter is ‘generic’.\ \n 2. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show qmfilter name=qmf\ \n 2. show qmfilter all srcaddr= proto=TCP\ \n 3. If 'all' is specified, all quick mode filters are displayed.\ \n 4. If source or destination address name is specified,\ \n only filters associated with that address are displayed.\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_RULE_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n rule [ [ type = ] (transport | tunnel) ]\ \n [ [ srcaddr = ] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ dstaddr = ] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ]\ \n [ [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) ]\ \n [ [ srcport = ] ]\ \n [ [ dstport = ] ]\ \n [ [ actioninbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ actionoutbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ]\ \n [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays rule details from SPD.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n type -Type of rule to display, either transport or tunnel.\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32.\ \n protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer.\ \n srcport -Source port. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n dstport -Destination port. A value of 0 means any port.\ \n actioninbound -Action for inbound packets.\ \n actionoutbound -Action for outbound packets.\ \n resolvedns -Value of 'yes' displays the resolved dns name.\ \n\ \nRemarks: 1. Default for the type parameter is ‘transport’.\ \n 2. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY.\ \n 3. If source or destination address name is specified,\ \n only rules associated with that address are displayed.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show rule\ \n - shows both transport and tunnel rules\ \n 2. show rule type=transport srcaddr= proto=TCP\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n stats [ [type =] (all | ike | ipsec) ]\ \n\ \n Displays details of IPSec and IKE statistics.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n type -ipsec, ike, or all (which displays both ipsec and ike)\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show stats all\ \n 2. show stats type=ipsec\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n mmsas [ [ all ] ]\ \n [ [ srcaddr =] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ dstaddr =] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ format = ] (list | table) ]\ \n [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays the main mode security associations for a specified address.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n all -Display all main mode security associations.\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format.\ \n resolvedns -Value of 'yes' displays the resolved dns name.\ \n\ \nRemarks: Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show mmsas all\ \n 2. show mmsas srca= dsta=\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n qmsas [ [ all ] ]\ \n [ [ srcaddr =] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ dstaddr =] (ip | dns | server) ]\ \n [ [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) ]\ \n [ [ format = ] (list | table) ]\ \n [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ]\ \n\ \n Displays the quick mode security associations for a specified address.\ \n\ \nParameters:\ \n\ \n Tag Value\ \n all -Displays all quick mode security associations.\ \n srcaddr -Source ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n dstaddr -Destination ip address, dns name, or server type.\ \n protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer.\ \n format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format.\ \n resolvedns -Value of 'yes' displays the resolved dns name.\ \n\ \nRemarks: Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY.\ \n\ \nExamples: 1. show qmsas all\ \n 2. show qmsas srca= dsta=\ \n\ \n" HLP_DYNAMIC_SHOW_REGKEYS_EX "\ \nUsage:\ \n config\ \n\ \n Displays current settings of IPSec configuration parameters.\ \n\ \nRemarks:\ \n\ \nExample: show config\ \n\ \n" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Legend // // /* L*/ This RC String is for Localization // // /*NL*/ This RC String need Not be Localized // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Strings for Dynamic Show // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_POLNAME "\nIKE MM Policy Name : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_SOFTSA "\nIKE Soft SA Lifetime : %1!u! secs" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_NEWLINE "\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_ICMP " ICMP " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TCP " TCP " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_UDP " UDP " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_RAW " RAW " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_ANY " ANY " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_NO_MMP_ERROR_MSG "Mainmode Policies not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_SPECIFIED_MMP_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Specified Mainmode Policy not available\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_COLUMN_HEADING "\nEncryption Integrity DH Lifetime (Kb:secs) QM Limit Per MM" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_COLUMN_HEADING_UNDERLINE "\n---------- --------- ---- ------------------ ---------------" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_ESP_NONE_ALGO " NONE " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_ESP_DES_ALGO " DES " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_ESP_UNKNOWN_ALGO " UNKNOWN " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_ESP_3DES_ALGO " 3DES " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_AH_NONE_ALGO " NONE " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_AH_MD5_ALGO " MD5 " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_AH_SHA1_ALGO " SHA1 " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_DH_LIFE_QMLIMIT " %1!-5lu! %2!lu!:%3!lu! %4!-10lu! " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_DH_LIFE_QMLIMIT_MMPFS " %1!-5lu! %2!lu!:%3!lu! 1 (MMPFS) " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_NO_QMP_ERROR_MSG "Quickmode Policies not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_SPECIFIED_QMP_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Specified Quickmode Policy not available\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_NEGOTIATION_NAME "\nQM Negotiation Policy Name : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_COLUMN_HEADING "\n Security Methods Lifetime (Kb:secs) PFS DH Group" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_COLUMN_HEADING_UNDERLINE "\n------------------------- --------------------- ------------\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_AH_MD5_ALGO " AH[MD5] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_AH_SHA1_ALGO " AH[SHA1] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_AH_NONE_ALGO " AH[NONE] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_ESP_DES_ALGO " ESP[ DES," /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_ESP_ERR_ALGO " ESP[ ERR," /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_ESP_3DES_ALGO " ESP[3DES," /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_ESP_NONE_ALGO " ESP[NONE," /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_MD5_ALGO "MD5] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SHA1_ALGO "SHA1] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_NONE_ALGO "NONE] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_PFS_NONE " " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_LIFETIME " %1!10lu!:%2!-10lu!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_MM_DH_GROUP " Main Mode Derived" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_DH_GROUP_LOW " Low (1) " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_DH_GROUP_MEDIUM " Medium (2) " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_DH_GROUP_HIGH " High (2048) " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_AH_ERR_SPACE " AH[ERR] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_ERR_SPACE "ERR] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_ERROR_ALGO " ERROR " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_AH_MD5 " AH[MD5] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_AH_SHA1 " AH[SHA1]" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_AH_NONE " AH[NONE]" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_AH_ERR " AH[ERR] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_MD5 "MD5] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SHA1 "SHA1]" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_NONE "NONE]" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_ERR "ERR] " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_PLUS "+" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_MD5_NONE_NONE_ALGO " MD5(%1!02lu!/%2!-02lu!) None None " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_SHA1_NONE_NONE_ALGO "SHA1(%1!02lu!/%2!-02lu!) None None " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_NONE_NONE_NONE_ALGO " None None None " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_NONE_DES_ALGO " None DES (%1!02lu!/%2!-02lu!) " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_NONE_UNKNOWN_ALGO " None Unknown " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_NONE_3DES_ALGO " None 3DES(%1!02lu!/%2!-02lu!) " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_NONE_NONE_ALGO " None None " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_MD5_ALGO " MD5 " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_SHA1_ALGO " SHA1 " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_NONE_ALGO " None " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_SAS_NONE_SPACE_ALGO " None " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_NAME "\n\ \nFilter name : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_GENERIC_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Generic Mainmode Filters not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_SPECIFIC_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Specific Mainmode Filters not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_SPECIFIED_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Specified Mainmode Filter not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_SUB_HEADING "\nMain Mode Filters: " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_GENERIC_HEADING "Generic " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_UNDERLINE "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_SPECIFIC_HEADING "Specific " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OUTBOUND_HEADING "Outbound " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_INBOUND_HEADING "Inbound " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_FILTER_WEIGHT "\nWeight : %1!d!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_NO_OF_GENERIC_FILTERS "\n\ \n%1!d! Generic Filter(s)" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_NO_OF_SPECIFIC_OUTBOUND "\n\ \n%1!d! Specific Outbound Filter(s)" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_NO_OF_SPECIFIC_INBOUND "\n\ \n%1!d! Specific Inbound Filter(s)" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_CONN_ALL " ALL " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_CONN_LAN " LAN " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_CONN_DIALUP " DIALUP " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_CONN_UNKNOWN "UNKNOWN " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_UNKNOWN_CERT " Unknown" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_CONN_HEADING "\nConnection Type :" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_AUTH_HEADING "\nAuthentication Methods :" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_PRE_KEY_HEADING "\n\tPreshared key" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_CERT_MAP_DISPLAY "certmap" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_CERT_CRP_DISPLAY "excludecaname" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_YES_DISPLAY "yes" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_NO_DISPLAY "no" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_KERB "\n\tKerberos" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_SEC_METHOD_HEADING "\nSecurity Methods : " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OFFER_CNT "%1!d!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_DEFAULT_OFFER "(default)" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OFFER_NONE_ALGO "\tNONE/" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OFFER_DES_ALGO "\tDES/" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OFFER_UNKNOWN_ALGO "\tUNKNOWN/" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OFFER_3DES_ALGO "\t3DES/" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OFFER_AH_NONE_ALGO "NONE/" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OFFER_MD5_ALGO "MD5/" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_OFFER_SHA1_ALGO "SHA1/" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_DH_QMLIMIT "DH%1!lu!/%2!lu!/QMlimit=%3!lu! " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMF_NEWLINE_TAB "\n\t" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMF_GENERIC_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Generic Quickmode Filters not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMF_SPECIFIC_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Specific Quickmode Filters not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMF_SPECIFIED_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Specified Quickmode Filter not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TRANSPORT_HEADING "\nQuick Mode Filters(Transport): " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TRANSPORT_RULE_HEADING "\nTransport Rules " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TUNNEL_RULE_HEADING "\nTunnel Rules " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMFILTER_NAME "\nMM Filter Name : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMF_NAME "\nQM Filter Name : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMP_NAME "\nMain Mode Policy : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_NO_OF_TRANSPORT_FILTERS "\n\ \n%1!d! Transport Filter(s)\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_NO_OF_TUNNEL_FILTERS "\n\ \n%1!d! Tunnel Filter(s)\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TUNNEL_HEADING "\n\ \nQuick Mode Filters(Tunnel): " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_NO_RULES_ERROR_MSG "Rules not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_INBOUND_PASSTHRU "\nInbound Action : Passthru" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_INBOUND_NEGOTIATE "\nInbound Action : Negotiate" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_INBOUND_BLOCK "\nInbound Action : Blocking" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_INBOUND_UNKNOWN "\nInbound Action : Unknown" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_OUTBOUND_PASSTHRU "\nOutbound Action : Passthru" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_OUTBOUND_NEGOTIATE "\nOutbound Action : Negotiate" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_OUTBOUND_BLOCK "\nOutbound Action : Blocking" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_OUTBOUND_UNKNOWN "\nOutbound Action : Unknown" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL " %1!-5lu! " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TUNNEL_SRC "\nTunnel Source : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TUNNEL_DST "\nTunnel Destination : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_SRC_DST_PORT "Src Port: %1!-4lu! Dest Port: %2!-4lu! " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MIRR_YES "\nMirrored : yes" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MIRR_NO "\nMirrored : no" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMP_NAME "\nQuick Mode Policy : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PROTO_HEADING "\nProtocol :" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_NO_SA_FOUND_MSG "IPSec MainMode Security Associations not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_IKE_SA_HEADING "\nIKE Main Mode SAs at %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Specified MainMode Security Associations not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_HEADING "\n\ \nQuick Mode SAs" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_UNDERLINE "\n--------------\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_NO_SA_FOUND_MSG "IPSec QuickMode Security Associations not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_NOT_FOUND_MSG "Specified QuickMode Security Associations not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_COOKIE_PAIR "\nCookie Pair : " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_COOKIE "%1!02x!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_SEC_METHOD_HEADING "\nSec Methods : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_NONE_ALGO "NONE" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_DES_ALGO "DES" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_NO_SA_FOUND_MSGDES_ALGO "3DES" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_UNKNOWN_ALGO "UNKNOWN" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_MD5_ALGO "MD5" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_SHA1_ALGO "SHA1" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_DH_LIFETIME "/%1!d!/%2!d!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_AUTH_MODE_HEADING "\nAuth Mode : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_PRE_KEY "Preshared Key" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_DSS_SIGN "DSS Signature" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_RSA_SIGN "RSA Signature" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_RSA_ENCRYPT "RSA Encryption" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_KERBEROS "Kerberos" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_SRC_HEADING "\nSource : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_PORT ", port %1!d!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_ID_HEADING "\nID : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_ID_VALUE "\nID : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_DST_HEADING "\nDestination : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_DST_SEC_HEADING "\nDestination SecurityMethods " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_DATE_TIME_HEADING "\n Date/Time Created " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_UNDERLINE "\n-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_KERB_ID " [ID:%1!-35s!] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_DNS "\nDNS: %1!-51S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_KERB_PEER_ID " [ID:%1!-35s!] " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_ISSUE_CA "\nIssuing CA :%1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_THUMB_PRINT "\nThumbprint :" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_THUMB_VALUE "%1!02x!" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_COLON ":" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_SLASH "/" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_SPACE_ADJ " " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_ROOTCA "\n Root CA : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_FILTER_ROOTCA "Root CA : %1!s!" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_THUMBPRINT "%S" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_HASH_OPEN_BRACKET "( " /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_MMSAS_HASH_CLOSE_BRACKET " )\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TRANSPORT_FILTER_HEADING "\nTransport Filter\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_TUNNEL_FILTER_HEADING "\nTunnel Filter\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_UNKNOWN "\nUnknown\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_POL_NAME_HEADING "\nPolicy Name : %1!s!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_SRC_ADDR_HEADING "\nSource Address : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_DST_ADDR_HEADING "\nDestination Address : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PROTOCOL_HEADING "\nProtocol : %1!lu!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_SRC_PORT "\nSource Port : %1!u!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_DST_PORT "\nDestination Port : %1!u!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_DIRECTION_INBOUND "\nDirection : Inbound" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND "\nDirection : Outbound" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_DIRECTION_ERR "\nDirection : Error" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_OFFER "\n\ \nOffer Used \n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PROTO_ICMP "\nProtocol : ICMP" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PROTO_TCP "\nProtocol : TCP" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PROTO_UDP "\nProtocol : UDP" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PROTO_RAW "\nProtocol : RAW" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PROTO_ANY "\nProtocol : ANY" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_LEFTBRACKET " (" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_RIGHTBRACKET ")" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_COLUMN_HEADING "\n AH(b/r) ESP Con(b/r) ESP Int PFS DH Group" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_COLUMN_UNDERLINE "\n---------- ------------- ------- ------------" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_ENCAP_IKE "\nEncapsulation Type : IKE" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_ENCAP_OTHER "\nEncapsulation Type : Other" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_SRC_UDP_PORT "\nSource UDP Encap port : %1!u!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_DST_UDP_PORT "\nDest UDP Encap port : %1!u!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_QMSAS_PEER_ADDR "\nPeer Private Addr : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PMYADD " " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PANYADD "" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_PADD "%1!s!" /*NL*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_ADDR_STR " [%1!S!]" /* L*/ NSHIPSEC_CHECK "The 'Netsh ipsec' context is not compatible with the target machine.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_WINS "WINS SERVER " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_DHCP "DHCP SERVER " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_DNS "DNS SERVER " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_GATEWAY "DEFAULT GATEWAY " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_HEADING "\nIKE Statistics" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_IKE_HEADING_UNDERLINE "\n-------------- \n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_NOT_FOUND_MSG "\nIKEStatistics not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_MAIN_MODE "\nMain Modes : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_QUICK_MODE "\nQuick Modes : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_SOFT_SA "\nSoft SAs : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_AUTH_FAIL "\nAuthentication Failures : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_ACTIVE_ACQUIRE "\nActive Acquire : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_ACTIVE_RECEIVE "\nActive Receive : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_ACQUIRE_FAIL "\nAcquire fail : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_RECEIVE_FAIL "\nReceive fail : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_SEND_FAIL "\nSend fail : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_ACQ_HEAP_SIZE "\nAcquire Heap size : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_RECEIVE_HEAP_SIZE "\nReceive Heap size : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_NEG_FAIL "\nNegotiation Failures : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_INVALID_COOKIE "\nInvalid Cookies Rcvd : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_TOTAL_ACQUIRE "\nTotal Acquire : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_TOT_GET_SPI "\nTotalGetSpi : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_TOT_KEY_ADD "\nTotalKeyAdd : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_TOT_KEY_UPDATE "\nTotalKeyUpdate : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_GET_SPI_FAIL "\nGetSpiFail : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_KEY_ADD_FAIL "\nKeyAddFail : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_KEY_UPDATE_FAIL "\nKeyUpdateFail : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_DB_LIST "\nIsadbListSize : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_CONN_LIST_SIZE "\nConnListSize : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_INVLD_PKTS "\nInvalid Packets Rcvd : %1!S!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_IPSEC_HEADING "\n\ \nIPSec Statistics" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_IPSEC_HEADING_UNDERLINE "\n----------------\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_IPSEC_NOT_FOUND "\nIPSecStatistics not available.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_ACTIVE_ASSOC "\nActive Assoc : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_OFFLOAD_SAS "\nOffload SAs : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_PEND_KEY "\nPending Key : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_KEY_ADDS "\nKey Adds : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_KEY_DELETES "\nKey Deletes : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_REKEYS "\nReKeys : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_ACT_TUNNEL "\nActive Tunnels : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_BAD_SPI "\nBad SPI Pkts : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_NOT_DECRYPT "\nPkts not Decrypted : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_NOT_AUTH "\nPkts not Authenticated : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_REPLAY "\nPkts with Replay Detection : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_CONF_BYTES_SENT "\nConfidential Bytes Sent : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_CONF_BYTES_RECV "\nConfidential Bytes Received : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_AUTH_BYTES_SENT "\nAuthenticated Bytes Sent : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_AUTH_BYTE_RECV "\nAuthenticated Bytes Received: %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_TRANSPORT_BYTES_SENT "\nTransport Bytes Sent : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_TRANSPORT_BYTES_RCVD "\nTransport Bytes Received : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_BYTES_SENT_TUNNEL "\nBytes Sent In Tunnels : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_BYTES_RECV_TUNNEL "\nBytes Received In Tunnels : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_OFFLOAD_BYTES_SENT "\nOffloaded Bytes Sent : %1!S!" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_STATS_OFFLOAD_BYTES_RECV "\nOffloaded Bytes Received : %1!S!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_HEADING "\nIPSec Configuration Parameters\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_HEADING_UNDERLINE "------------------------------\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_DIAG "IPSecDiagnostics : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IKE_LOG "IKElogging : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_STRONG_CRL "StrongCRLCheck : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_LOG "IPSecloginterval : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_NLBS "NLBSFlags : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_FLAGS "Flags : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_EXEMPT "IPSecexempt : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_DH_GROUP "2048DHGroupId : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_DIAG_ERR_MSG "IPSec Diagnostic Level is out of range. Range is 0 - 7.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IKE_LOG_ERR_MSG "IKE Logging is out of range. Range is 0 - 2.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_STRONG_CRL_ERR_MSG "Strong CRL Check Level is out of range. Range is 0 - 2.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_LOG_ERR_MSG "IPSec Log Interval is out of range. Range is 60 - 86400.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_ERR_MSG "IPSec Exemption Level is out of range. Range is 0 - 3.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_PARAM_NOT_SET_MSG "(Some of the IPSec Configuration parameters are not set).\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SET_REG_TOO_MANY_EXEMPTIONS "A maximum of 1024 exemptions are allowed.\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE "Boot Mode : " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE_STATEFUL "Stateful" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE_BLOCK "Block" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE_PERMIT "Permit" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_BOOTMODE_EXEMPTIONS_HEADER_1 "Boot Mode Exemptions :" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_BOOTMODE_EXEMPTIONS_HEADER_2 "Protocol Src Port Dst Port Direction\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_BOOTMODE_EXEMPTIONS_HEADER_3 "--------- --------- --------- ---------\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_BOOTMODE_EXEMPTIONS_NO_EXEMPTIONS " No bootmode exemptions\n" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE_UDP "UDP " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE_TCP "TCP " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE_ICMP "ICMP " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE_RAW "RAW " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_REG_IPSEC_BOOTMODE_ANY "ANY " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_BOOTMODE_EXEMPT_INTEGER "%1!3d! " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_BOOTMODE_EXEMPT_PORT "%1!5d! " /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_BOOTMODE_EXEMPT_DIRECTION_IN "Inbound" /* L*/ DYNAMIC_SHOW_BOOTMODE_EXEMPT_DIRECTION_OUT "Outbound" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Strings for Static Show // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: HandleStaticShowPolicy() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_COUNT "\n\ \nNo. of policies \t %1!d!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_LIST_POLICY_COUNT "\n\ \nNo. of policies : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_RM_NAME "Store \t Local Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_LM_NAME "Store \t Local Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_RM_NAMEP "Store \t Persistent Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_LM_NAMEP "Store \t Persistent Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_RD_NAME "Store \t Domain Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_LD_NAME "Store \t Domain Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_LM "Store \t Local Store\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_LD "Store \t Domain Store\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_STORE_LP "Store \t Persistent Store\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_CERT_MAP_YES "Cert To Account Mapping\t YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_CERT_MAP_NO "Cert To Account Mapping\t NO\n" // Function: HandleStaticShowFilterList() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_FILTERLIST_POL_NAME_STR "\n\ \nPolicy Name \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_FILTERLIST_RULE_NAME_STR "\n\ \nRule Name \t %1!s!\n" // Function: HandleStaticShowRule() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_RULE_NO_POL_NAME "No Policy Name Specified\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_RULE_ID_GUID "\n\ \nRule ID \t %1!d!,\tGUID =\t%2!s!\n" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_RULE_FORMAT23S "%1!-23s!\t" // Function: PrintPolicy() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_POL_NAME_STR "Policy Name \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_POL_DESC_STR "Description \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_POL_DESC_NONE "Description \t NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_ASSIGNED_YES "Assigned \t YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_ASSIGNED_NO "Assigned \t NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_MMPFS_YES "Master PFS \t YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_MMPFS_NO "Master PFS \t NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_POLL_MIN "Polling Interval \t %1!d! minutes\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_RULE_COUNT "\n\ \nNo. of Rules \t %1!d! \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_RULE_TITLE "\n\t\t\t Rule Details\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_RULE_UNDERLINE "\t\t\t ------------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_ASSIGNED_AD "Assigned \t YES but AD Policy Overrides\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_NONVERB_TITLE "\n\ \nPolicy Name \tRules\t LastModified \tAssign\n" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_FORMAT32S "%1!-32s!\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_AD_POL_OVERRIDES "YES but AD Policy Overrides\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_YES_STR " YES \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_NO_STR " NO \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_NONVERB_UNDERLINE "---------- \t-----\t ------------ \t------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_DOMAIN_NONVERB_TITLE "Policy Name \tRules\t LastModified\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPOLICY_DOMAIN_NONVERB_UNDERLINE "----------- \t-----\t ------------\n" // Function: PrintRule() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_RULE_NAME_STR "Rule Name \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_RULE_NAME_NONE "Rule Name \t NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_AUTH_TITLE "Authentication Methods (%1!d!)\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_TRANS_NONVERB_TITLE "\nEnabled\t FilterList \t FilterAction \t Authentication" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_TRANS_NONVERB_UNDERLINE "\n-------\t ---------- \t ------------ \t --------------" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_TUNNEL_NONE "Tunnel Dest IP Address \t NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_TUNNEL_IP "Tunnel Dest IP Address \t " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_CONN_TYPE_ALL "Connection Type \t ALL\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_CONN_TYPE_LAN "Connection Type \t LAN\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_CONN_TYPE_DIALUP "Connection Type \t DIAL UP\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_CONN_TYPE_UNKNOWN "Connection Type \t UNKNOWN\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_FILTERLIST_TITLE "\nFilterList Details\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_FILTERLIST_UNDERLINE "------------------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_FILTERACTION_TITLE "\nFilterAction Details\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_FILTERACTION_UNDERLINE "--------------------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_ACTIVATED_YES "Activated \t YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_ACTIVATED_NO "Activated \t NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_RULE_NAME_NONE_STR "Rule Name \t NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_YES_STR "\n YES \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_NO_STR "\n NO \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_NONE_STR " NONE \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_KERB " Kerb" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_CERT " Cert" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_PRE " Pre" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_TR_RULE_COUNT "\nNo of Transport rule(s)\t %1!d!" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_TN_RULE_COUNT "\n\ \nNo of Tunnel rule(s) \t %1!d!" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_TUN_NONVERB_TITLE "\nEnabled\t FilterList \t FilterAction \tTunnelEndPoint" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTRULE_TUN_NONVERB_UNDERLINE "\n-------\t ---------- \t ------------ \t--------------" // Function: PrintNegPolData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_FA_NAME_STR "FilterAction Name \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_FA_NAME_NONE "FilterAction Name \t NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_ACTION_PERMIT "Action \t PERMIT\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_ACTION_BLOCK "Action \t BLOCK\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_ACTION_NEGOTIATE "Action \t NEGOTIATE SECURITY\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_INPASS_YES "InBound PassThrough \t YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_INPASS_NO "InBound PassThrough \t NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_SOFT_YES "AllowUnSecure(Fallback)\t YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_SOFT_NO "AllowUnSecure(Fallback)\t NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_SEC_MTHD_TITLE "Security Methods \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_ALGO_TITLE " AH \t ESP \tSeconds \t kBytes \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_ALGO_UNDERLINE " -- \t --- \t------- \t ------ \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_QMPFS_YES "QMPFS \t YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_QMPFS_NO "QMPFS \t NO \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_NONVERB_TITLE "FilterAction Name \tAction \t Last Modified\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_NONVERB_UNDERLINE "----------------- \t------ \t -------------\n" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_FORMAT38S "%1!-38s!\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_NONE_STR " NONE \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_PERMIT_STR "PERMIT \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_BLOCK_STR "BLOCK \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_NEGOTIATE_STR "NEGOTIATE\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_ACTION_NONE_STR "NONE \t" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_FORMAT23SNEWLINE "%1!-23s!\n" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTNEGPOL_FORMAT23STAB "%1!-23s!\t" // Function: PrintAlgoInfo() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_MD5 "[MD5 ]\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_SHA1 "[SHA1]\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_NONE "[NONE]\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_NONE_NONE "[NONE , NONE]\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_MD5_COMMA "[MD5 ," /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_SHA1_COMMA "[SHA1 ," /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_NONE_COMMA "[NONE ," /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_DES_TAB " DES ]\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_3DES_TAB " 3DES]\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALGO_NONE_TAB " NONE]\t" // Function: PrintLifeTime() /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTLIFE_FORMAT "%1!6u! \t%2!10u! \n" // Function: PrintAuthMethods() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTAUTH_KERB "KERBEROS\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTAUTH_ROOTCA_FORMAT "ROOT CA \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTAUTH_PRE_FORMAT "PRESHARED Key \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTAUTH_NONE_AUTH_STR "NONE\n" // Function: PrintFilterData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTERDATA_FL_NAME_STR "\nFilterList Name \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTERDATA_FL_NAME_NONE "\nFilterList Name \t NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTERDATA_FILTERS_TITLE "Filter(s)\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTERDATA_NONVERB_TITLE "FilterList Name \tFilters\t Last Modified \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTERDATA_NONVERB_UNDERLINE "--------------- \t-------\t ------------- \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTERDATA_FL_GUID_STR "GUID \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTERDATA_FL_LASTMOD_STR "Last Modified \t %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTERDATA_FILTER_COUNT "No. of Filters \t %1!d!\n" // Function: PrintFilterSpec() /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_FORMAT45S "%1!-45s!\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_NONE_STR "NONE\t" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_FORMATS "%1!s!\n" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_FORMAT5D " %1!5d! \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_NONE_TAB " NONE \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_YES_STR_TAB "YES \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_NO_STR_TAB "NO \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_FILTER_TITLE "Mir \t Source \t SrcMask \t Destination \t DstMask \t Proto \tSrcPort\tDstPort\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFSPEC_FILTER_UNDERLINE "--- \t ------------- \t ------------- \t ------------- \t ------------- \t-------\t-------\t-------\n" // Function: PrintFilter() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_MY_IP_ADDR "< My IP Addr >\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_ANY_IP_ADDR "< Any IP Addr >\t" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_IP_FORMAT_TAB " %1!3d!\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_ANY_STR_TAB " ANY \t" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_IP_FORMAT_NEWLINE " %1!3d!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_ANY_STR_NEWLINE " ANY \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_DNS_TAB " DNS SERVER \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_WINS_TAB " WINS SERVER \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_DHCP_TAB " DHCP SERVER \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTFILTER_DEFGATE_TAB "DEFAULT GATEWAY\t" // Function: PrintProtocolName() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPROTOCOL_ICMP_TAB " ICMP \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPROTOCOL_TCP_TAB " TCP \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPROTOCOL_UDP_TAB " UDP \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPROTOCOL_RAW_TAB " RAW \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPROTOCOL_ANY_TAB " ANY \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTPROTOCOL_OTHER_TAB "OTHER\t" // Function: PrintISAKMPData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMP_MMSEC_TITLE "Main Mode Security Method Order\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMP_MM_LIFE_FORMAT "MainMode LifeTime \t %1!d! minutes / %2!d! Quick mode sessions\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMP_MMSEC_MTD_TILE " Encryption\tIntegrity\tDH Group\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMP_MMSEC_MTD_UNDERLINE " ----------\t---------\t--------" // Function: PrintISAKAMPSecurityMethods() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMPSEC_DES_TAB "\n DES \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMPSEC_3DES_TAB "\n 3DES\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMPSEC_SHA1_TAB " SHA1\t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMPSEC_MD5_TAB " MD5 \t" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMPSEC_DH_LOW " Low(1) " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMPSEC_DH_MEDIUM " Medium(2)" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTISAKMPSEC_DH_2048 " 2048 " // Function: PrintStandAloneFAData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTSAFA_STAND_ALONE_FA_TITLE "\n\ \nStand Alone FilterAction(s)\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTSAFA_STAND_ALONE_FA_UNDERLINE "---------------------------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTSAFA_STAND_ALONE_FA_COUNT "\nNo. of Standalone FilterActions \t %1!d!\n\ \n" // Function: PrintStandAloneFLData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTSAFL_STAND_ALONE_FL_TITLE "\nStand Alone FilterList(s)\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTSAFL_STAND_ALONE_FL_UNDERLINE "-------------------------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTSAFL_STAND_ALONE_FL_COUNT "\nNo. of Standalone FilterLists \t %1!d!\n" // Function: PrintAllFilterData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALLFL_FL_COUNT_TAB "\nNo. of FilterLists \t %1!d!\n\ \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALLFL_FL_COUNT_LIST "\nNo. of FilterLists : %1!d!\n\ \n" // Function: PrintAllFilterActionData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALLFA_FA_COUNT_TAB "\nNo. of FilterActions \t %1!d!\n\ \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALLFA_FA_COUNT_LIST "\nNo. of FilterActions : %1!d!\n\ \n" //HandleStaticDeletePolicy /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_POLICY_ACTIVE_POL_DEL_QUERY "The policy '%1!s!' is ACTIVE. Still would you like to delete? (Y/N) \n" /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_POLICY_FA_FL_DEL_QUERY "Would you like to delete all the Filter List(s) and Filter Action(s) associated with the policy ? (Y/N) \n" //HandleStaticDeleteFilterList /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_FILTERLIST_ALL_FL_DEL_QUERY "Delete all the Filter Lists from " /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_FILTERLIST_Y_N_STR "? (Y/N)\n" //HandleStaticDeleteFilterAction /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_FILTERACTION_ALL_FA_DEL_QUERY "Delete all the Filter Actions from " /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_FILTERACTION_Y_N_STR "? (Y/N)\n" //HandleStaticDeleteRule /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_RULE_FL_FA_DEL_QUERY "Would you like to delete both the Filter List and Filter Action associated with the rule(s)? (Y/N) \n" //HandleStaticDeleteAll /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_ALL_POL_DEL_QUERY "Are you sure to delete all policies from " /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_ALL_Y_N_STR "? (Y/N)\n" //ShowWhereFAUsed / ShowWhereFLUsed /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_SHWRUSED_TITLE "\n\ \nFollowing policies/rule(s) are using it\n" /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_SHWRUSED_UNDERLINE "---------------------------------------\n" /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_SHWRUSED_RULE_NAME_STR "\tRule Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ DEL_STATIC_SHWRUSED_RULE_NAME_NONE "\tRule Name : NONE\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_POLICY_LIFETIME_STR "Life should be within %1!d! and %2!d! kBytes\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_CRNEWPOL_SUCCESS_MSG "New Policy is created and updated successfully\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_CRNEWPOL_CREATING_INFO "Creating new Policy with name '%1!s!'...\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_CRNEWPOL_UPDATING_INFO "Creating new Policy with name '%1!s!' and setting it to '%2!s!'...\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_FILTERACTION_LIFE_TIME_STR "Life should be with in %1!d! and %2!d! kBytes\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_FILTER_SRCSERVER_WARNING "Destination IP address has been taken as 'me'\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_FILTER_DSTSERVER_WARNING "Source IP address has been taken as 'me'\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_RULE_SUCCESS_MSG "New Rule was created and updated successfully\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_RULE_CREATING_INFO "Creating new Rule with name '%1!s!' ...\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_RULE_UPDATING_INFO "Creating new Rule with name '%1!s!' and setting it to '%2!s!' ...\n" /* L*/ ADD_STATIC_RULE_INVALID_TUNNEL "Server type/'me'/'any' cannot be specified for tunnel. Tunnel value is ignored\n" /* L*/ SET_STATIC_POLICY_NEW_POL_QUERY "Would you like to create a new policy? (Y/N) \n" /* L*/ SET_STATIC_POLICY_INVALID_CERTMAP_MSG "Certificate-to-account mapping can only be enabled on Active Directory domain members. The option will be ignored.\n" /* L*/ SET_STATIC_POLICY_CERTMAP_YES_STR "Cert To Account Mapping: YES\n" /* L*/ SET_STATIC_POLICY_CERTMAP_NO_STR "Cert To Account Mapping: NO\n" /* L*/ SET_STATIC_POLICY_MISSING_GPO_NAME_STR "If store is domain and assign is specified, GPO name is required\n" /* L*/ SET_STATIC_POLICY_GPO_NOT_OK_STR "If GPO name is specified, then you must be operating on a domain policy store.\n" /* L*/ SET_STATIC_RULE_NEW_RULE_QUERY "Would you like to create a new Rule? (Y/N) \n" // Function: HandleStaticShowPolicy() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_COUNT "\n\ \nNo. of policies : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_RM_NAME_STR "Store : Local Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_LM_NAME_STR "Store : Local Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_RM_NAME_STRP "Store : Persistent Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_LM_NAME_STRP "Store : Persistent Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_LD_NAME_STR "Store : Domain Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_RD_NAME_STR "Store : Domain Store <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_LM_STR "Store : Local Store \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_LM_STRP "Store : Persistent Store \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_STORE_LD_STR "Store : Domain Store \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_RM_STR "Remote Machine <%1!s!>" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_LM_STR "Local Machine <%1!s!>" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_RD_STR "Remote Domain <%1!s!>" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_LD_STR "Local Domain <%1!s!>" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_LM "Local Machine" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_POLICY_LD "Local Domain " // Function: HandleStaticShowFilterList() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_FILTERLIST_POL_NAME "\n\ \nPolicy Name : %1!s!\n" // Function: HandleStaticShowRule() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_RULE_RULE_ID_GUID "\n\ \nRule ID : %1!d!, GUID = %2!s!" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_RULE_FL_NAME_STR "FilterList Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_RULE_FL_NAME_NONE "FilterList Name : NONE\n" // Function: PrintPolicy() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_POL_NAME_STR "Policy Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_POL_DESC_STR "Description : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_POL_DESC_NONE "Description : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_ASSIGNED_YES_STR "Assigned : YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_ASSIGNED_NO_STR "Assigned : NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_MMPFS_YES_STR "Master PFS : YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_MMPFS_NO_STR "Master PFS : NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_POLL_INTERVAL "Polling Interval : %1!d! minutes\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_RULE_COUNT "\n\ \nNo. of Rules : %1!d! \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_RULE_DETAILS_TITLE "\nRule Details\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_RULE_DETAILS_UNDERLINE "------------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPOLICY_ASSIGNED_AD "Assigned : YES but AD Policy Overrides\n" // Function: PrintRule() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_RULE_NAME_STR "\nRule Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_RULE_NAME_NONE "\nRule Name : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_AUTH_TITLE "Authentication Methods(%1!d!)\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_TUNNEL_IP "Tunnel Dest IP Address : " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_CONN_ALL_STR "Connection Type : ALL\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_CONN_LAN_STR "Connection Type : LAN\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_CONN_DIALUP_STR "Connection Type : DIAL UP\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_CONN_NONE_STR "Connection Type : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_FL_DETAILS_TITLE "\nFilterList Details\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_FL_DETAILS_UNDERLINE "------------------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_NO_FL_FOR_DEF_RULE "\nNo FilterList exists in Default Response Rule\n\ \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_FA_DETAILS_TITLE "FilterAction Details\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_FA_TITLE_UNDERLINE "---------------------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_TRANS_COUNT "\nNo of Transport rule(s): %1!d!" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_TUNNEL_COUNT "\nNo of Tunnel rule(s) : %1!d!" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_ACTIVATED_YES_STR "Activated : YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTRULE_ACTIVATED_NO_STR "Activated : NO\n" // Function: PrintNegPolData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_FA_NAME_STR "FilterAction Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_FA_NAME_NONE "FilterAction Name : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_ACTION_PERMIT "Action : PERMIT\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_ACTION_BLOCK "Action : BLOCK\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_ACTION_NEGOTIATE "Action : NEGOTIATE SECURITY\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_SOFT_YES_STR "AllowUnsecure(Fallback): YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_SOFT_NO_STR "AllowUnsecure(Fallback): NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_INPASS_YES_STR "Inbound Passthrough : YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_INPASS_NO_STR "Inbound Passthrough : NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_SEC_MTD_COUNT "No. of Security.Methods: %1!d!" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_ALGO_TITLE_STR " AH ESP LIFE (Sec/kB) \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_ALGO_TITLE_UNDERLINE " -- --- ------------- \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_QMPFS_YES_STR "QMPFS : YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTNEGPOL_QMPFS_NO_STR "QMPFS : NO \n" // Function: PrintAuthMethods() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTAUTH_KERBEROS "KERBEROS\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTAUTH_ROORCA_STR "Root CA : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTAUTH_PRE_STR "Preshared Key : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTAUTH_NONE_STR "NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_AUTH_EXCLUDE_CA_NAME_YES_STR " Exclude CA name : YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_AUTH_EXCLUDE_CA_NAME_NO_STR " Exclude CA name : NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_AUTH_CERTMAP_ENABLED_YES_STR " Certmapping enabled : YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_AUTH_CERTMAP_ENABLED_NO_STR " Certmapping enabled : NO\n" // Function: PrintFilterData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTERDATA_FL_NAME_STR "\nFilterList Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTERDATA_FL_NAME_NONE "\nFilterList Name : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTERDATA_FILTERS_COUNT "No. of Filters : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTERDATA_FILTERS_TITLE "Filter(s)\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTERDATA_FILTERS_TITLE_UNDERLINE "---------\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTERDATA_FL_GUID "GUID : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTERDATA_FL_LASTMODIFIED "Last Modified : %1!s!\n" // Function: PrintFilterSpec() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_ME "Source DNS Name : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_STR "Source DNS Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_ANY "Source DNS Name : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_SPECIFIC_IP "Source DNS Name : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_SPECIFIC_SUBNET "Source DNS Name : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_NONE_STR "Source DNS Name : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_ME "Destination DNS Name : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_STR "Destination DNS Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_ANY "Destination DNS Name : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_SPECIFIC_IP "Destination DNS Name : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_SPECIFIC_SUBNET "Destination DNS Name : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_NONE_STR "Destination DNS Name : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_MIR_YES_STR "Mirrored : YES\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_MIR_NO_STR "Mirrored : NO\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_RESOLVE "Source DNS Name : %1!s! resolves to " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DST_DNS_RESOLVE "Destination DNS Name : %1!s! resolves to " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_DNSSERVER "Source DNS Name : < DNS SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_WINSSERVER "Source DNS Name : < WINS SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_DHCPSERVER "Source DNS Name : < DHCP SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SRCDNS_DEFGATEWAY "Source DNS Name : < DEFAULT GATEWAY >\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_DNSSERVER "Destination DNS Name : < DNS SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_WINSSERVER "Destination DNS Name : < WINS SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_DHCPSERVER "Destination DNS Name : < DHCP SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_DSTDNS_DEFGATEWAY "Destination DNS Name : < DEFAULT GATEWAY >\n" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_FORMAT15S "%1!-15s!\t" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_FORMAT_NO_NEWLINE "%1!s!" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_FORMAT_NEWLINE "%1!s!\n" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_NEWLINE "\n" /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_COMMA "," /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_EXTENSION " ..." /*NL*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFSPEC_SPACE_COMMA " , " // Function: PrintFilter() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCIP_ME "Source IP Address : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCIP_ANY "Source IP Address : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCIP_STR "Source IP Address : " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCIP_MASK "Source Mask : " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTIP_ME "Destination IP Address : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTIP_ANY "Destination IP Address : \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTIP_STR "Destination IP Address : " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTIP_MASK "Destination Mask : " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCPORT_STR "Source Port : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCPORT_ANY "Source Port : ANY\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTPORT_STR "Destination Port : %1!d!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTPORT_ANY "Destination Port : ANY\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_RESOLVES " resolves to %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DNS_FAILED " \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCIP_DNSSERVER "Source IP Address : < DNS SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCIP_WINSSERVER "Source IP Address : < WINS SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCIP_DHCPSERVER "Source IP Address : < DHCP SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_SRCIP_DEFGATEWAY "Source IP Address : < DEFAULT GATEWAY >\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTIP_DNSSERVER "Destination IP Address : < DNS SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTIP_WINSSERVER "Destination IP Address : < WINS SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTIP_DHCPSERVER "Destination IP Address : < DHCP SERVER > \n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTFILTER_DSTIP_DEFGATEWAY "Destination IP Address : < DEFAULT GATEWAY >\n" // Function: PrintProtocolName() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPROTOCOL_ICMP "Protocol : ICMP\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPROTOCOL_TCP "Protocol : TCP\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPROTOCOL_UDP "Protocol : UDP\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPROTOCOL_RAW "Protocol : RAW\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPROTOCOL_ANY "Protocol : ANY\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTPROTOCOL_OTHER "Protocol : %1!d!\n" // Function: PrintISAKMPData() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMP_MMSEC_ORDER_TITLE "Main Mode Security Method Order\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMP_MMLIFETIME_STR "MainMode LifeTime : %1!d! minutes / %2!d! Quick Mode sessions\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMP_ALGO_TITLE_STR " Encryption Integrity DH Group\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMP_ALGO_TITLE_UNDERLINE " ---------- --------- --------" // Function: PrintISAKAMPSecurityMethods() /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMPSEC_DES_STR "\n DES " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMPSEC_3DES_STR "\n 3DES " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMPSEC_SHA1_STR " SHA1 " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMPSEC_MD5_STR " MD5 " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMPSEC_DH_LOW_STR " Low(1) " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMPSEC_DH_MED_STR " Medium(2) " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_PRTISAKMPSEC_DH_2048_STR " 2048 " /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_SRCMACHINE "\n\ \nSource Machine : Local Computer GPO for <%1!s!>\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_SRCDOMAIN "\n\ \nSource Domain : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_DC_NAME "DC Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_GPO_NAME_STR "GPO Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_LOCAL_POL_NAME_STR "Local IPSec Policy Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_AD_POL_NAME_STR "AD IPSec Policy Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_GPO_DN_NAME "GPO DN : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_GPO_OU_LINK "GPO OU Link : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_AD_POL_DN_NAME "AD Policy DN : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_LOC_OPOL_ACTIVE_AD "Local IPSec Policy Assigned: Yes, but AD Policy is Overriding\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_LOC_POL_ACTIVE_STR "Local IPSec Policy DN : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_LOC_POL_NAME_NONE "Local IPSec Policy Name : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_AD_POL_NAME_NONE "AD IPSec Policy Name : NONE\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_POL_NAME_STR "IPSec Policy Name : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_POL_DN_STR "IPSec Policy DN : %1!s!\n" /* L*/ SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_POL_ACTIVE_STR "IPSec Policy Assigned : YES\n" // Static error codes start here /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_POLICY_MISSING_POL_NAME "Missing Policy Name\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_POLICY_POLL_INTERVAL_MSG "Polling Interval should be within %1!d! and %2!d! minutes\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_POLICY_QMPERMM_MSG "Quickmode limit should be within %1!d! and %2!d! sessions\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_POLICY_LIFETIME_LIMIT_MSG "Lifetime should be within %1!d! and %2!d! minutes\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_CRNEWPOL_POL_EXISTS "Policy with name '%1!s!' already exists\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_CRNEWPOL_DEF_RULE_ERR "Error while adding Default Response Rule\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_CRNEWPOL_ERROR "Error while creating Policy with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_CRNEWPOL_FAIL_DEF_AUTH "Error while creating policy with name '%1!s!' due to failure in loading default auth methods \n" //Add Filterlist /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTERLIST_MISSING_FL_NAME "Missing FilterList Name\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTERLIST_FL_ALREADY_EXISTS "FilterList with name '%1!s!' already exists\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTERLIST_ERROR_NEW_FL "Error while creating FilterList with name '%1!s!'\n" //Add Filter /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_ERROR_NEW_FILTER "Error while creating the specified Filter\n" //Add FilterAction ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_MISSIGN_FA_NAME "Missing FilterAction Name\n" ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTERACTION_FA_EXISTS "FilterAction with name '%1!s!' already exists\n" ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTERACTION_ERROR_NEW_FA "Error while creating FilterAction with name '%1!s!'\n" //Add Rule /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_MISSING_RULE_NAME "Missing Rule Name\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_POL_NOT_AVAILABLE "Policy with name '%1!s!' does not exist\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_RULE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Rule with name '%1!s!' already exists in policy '%2!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_FA_NOT_EXISTS "FilterAction with name '%1!s!' does not exist\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_NO_FILTERS_IN_FL "No Filters in FilterList with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_ERROR_NEW_RULE "Error while creating Rule with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_MISSING_RULE_NAME_OR_ID "Missing Rule Name or Rule ID\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_DEF_AUTH_LOAD_FAILED "Error while creating Rule with name '%1!s!' due to failure in loading default auth methods\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_CERT_DECODING_FAIL "Certificate decoding operation failed\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_POL_NOT_EXIST_IN_DOMAIN "Policy with name '%1!s!' does not exist in current machine's domain\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_RULE_INVALID_TUNNEL "Invalid Tunnel IP Address Specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_FL_NOT_EXISTS "FilterList with name '%1!s!' does not exist\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_SERVER_NOT_ALLOWED_BOTH_SIDES "Servers cannot be specified for both source and destination sides\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_INVALID_SRCIP "Invalid Source IP Address specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_INVALID_SRCIPMASK "Invalid Source IP/Mask specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_ADDRESS_CONFLICT "Address Conflict. Source and Destination cannot have same IP/DNS\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_INVALID_SERVER_TYPE "Invalid server specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_SERVER_TYPE_NEEDED "Server needs to be specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_INVALID_DSTIP "Invalid destination IP Address specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_INVALID_DSTIPMASK "Invalid destination mask specified\n" //Set Policy /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTERLIST_INVALID_GUID "Invalid GUID specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_POL_GUID_NOT_EXISTS "Policy with GUID %1!s! does not exist\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_POLICY_NO_DS "No Directory Service available\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_POLICY_NO_GPO_NAME "GPO with name '%1!s!' does not exist in current machine's domain\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_POLICY_ERR_GPO_ASSIGN "Error while assigning the Policy to the GPO with name '%1!s!' or specified GPO does not exist\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_POLICY_INVALID_CERTMAP_MSG "Error while updating the Policy with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_POLICY_CERTMAP_YES_STR "Error while updating the Policy with GUID %1!s!\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_POLICY_CERT_MAP_NO_STR "Error while unassigning the Policy from the GPO with name '%1!s!' or specified GPO does not exist\n" //Set Filterlist /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTER_FL_GUID_NOT_EXISTS "FilterList with GUID %1!s! does not exist\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_FILTERLIST_ERR_UPDATE_FL_NAME "Error while updating FilterList with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_FILTERLIST_ERR_UPDATE_FL_GUID "Error while updating FilterList with GUID %1!s!\n" //set filter action /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTERACTION_INVALID_OPTIONS "Inpass, Qmpfs, Soft and Qmsec options are not valid for the Permit or Block type FilterAction. 'action = negotiate' needs to be specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_FILTERACTION_MIMIMUM_QMSEC "Atleast One Quick mode Security method needs to be specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_STATIC_RULE_FA_GUID_NOT_EXISTS "FilterAction with GUID %1!s! does not exist\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_FA_ERR_NAME_UPDATE "Error while updating FilterAction with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_FA_ERR_GUID_UPDATE "Error while updating FilterAction with GUID %1!s!\n" //set rule /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_RULE_INVALID_NAME "Rule with name '%1!s!' does not exist in Policy '%2!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_RULE_ERROR_UPDATE "Error while updating rule with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_RULE_DEF_DEL_NOT_ALLOWED "Default rule cannot be updated with this command. Use the 'set defaultrule' command\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_RULE_NEW_RULE_QUERY "Rule with ID %1!d! does not exist in Policy '%2!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_RULE_INVALID_ID "Invalid Rule ID Specified\n" //set def rule /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_DEFRULE_ERROR_UPDATE "Error while updating Default Rule of Policy with name '%1!s!'\n" //import policy /* L*/ ERR_MISC_STATIC_IMPORTPOLICY_NO_FILE_NAME "No file name specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_MISC_STATIC_IMPORTPOLICY_INVALID_FILE "Invalid File / Path name\n" /* L*/ ERR_MISC_STATIC_IMPORTPOLICY_ERROR "Error while importing policies\n" //export policy /* L*/ ERR_MISC_STATIC_EXPORTPOLICY_ERROR "Error while exporting policies\n" //restore def /* L*/ ERR_MISC_STATIC_RESDEFRULE_ERROR "Error while restoring default policies\n" /* L*/ ERR_MISC_STATIC_RESDEFRULE_CMD_NA "This command is only available for the local store\n" //Set Store /* L*/ ERR_MISC_STATIC_SETSTORE_DOMAIN_NA "Invalid Domain Name. Domain with name '%1!s!' does not exist\n" /* L*/ ERR_MISC_STATIC_SETSTORE_NOT_DOMAIN_MEMBER "Your machine is not a member of domain\n" //delete policy /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_POLICY_ERROR "Error while deleting Policy with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_POLICY_NAME_NOT_EXISTS "No Policy with name '%1!s!'\n" //delete filterlist /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_FILTERLIST_DEL_NOT_ALLOWED "FilterList with name '%1!s!' cannot be deleted" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_FILTERLIST_ERROR "Error while deleting FilterList with name '%1!s!'" //delete filter /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALLFL_NAME_NOT_EXISTS "No FilterList with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_FILTER_NOT_AVAILABLE "Filter with the specified spec does not exist in FilterList with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_FILTER_ERROR "Error while updating FilterList with name '%1!s!' after deletion of the specified filter\n" //delete filter action /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_FA_DEL_NOT_ALLOWED "FilterAction with name '%1!s!' cannot be deleted" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_FA_ERROR "Error while deleting FilterAction with name '%1!s!'" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALLFA_FA_COUNT_LIST "No FilterAction with name '%1!s!'\n" //delete rule /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_RULE_MISSING_POL_NAME "No Policy name specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_RULE_ERR_DEL_RULE_NAME "Error while deleting Rule with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_RULE_ERR_DEL_RULE_ID "Error while deleting Rule with ID %1!d!\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_RULE_DEF_DEL_NOT_ALLOWED "Default Response Rule cannot be deleted\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_RULE_NO_RULE_WITH_ID "No Rule with ID %1!d!\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_STATIC_RULE_NO_RULE_WITH_NAME "No Rule with name '%1!s!'\n" //show policy /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_LIST_POLICY_COUNT "No policy with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_ERR_NEGPOL "Error while extracting NegPol info of Policy with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_ERR_FILTER "Error while extracting Filter info of Policy with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_POLICY_ERR_ISAKMP "Error while extracting ISAKMP info of Policy with name '%1!s!'\n" //show filterl /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_FL_NO_RULE_NAME_STR "No Rule with name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_RULE_NO_RULE_ID "No Rule with ID %1!d!\n" //show assigned gpo policy /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_ASSIGNPOL_NO_ACTIVE_POL "No currently assigned Policy\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALLFL_NO_FL "No FilterList exists in Policy Store\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_TAB_PRTALLFA_NO_FA "No FilterAction exists in Policy Store\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_SRCMACHINE3 "Either invalid GPO name or no currently assigned policy\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_SRCMACHINE4 "A name must be specified when using the domain store\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_ASSIGNEDGPO_SRCMACHINE5 "No name can be specified when using the local store\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_POL_NEWNAME "Invalid Newname. Policy with name '%1!s!' already exists\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_RULE_NEWNAME "Invalid Newname. Rule with name '%1!s!' already exists\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_FL_NEWNAME "Invalid Newname. Filterlist with name '%1!s!' already exists\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_FA_NEWNAME "Invalid Newname. Filteraction with name '%1!s!' already exists\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_STATIC_SHOW_RULE_TYPE "If a type is specified, 'all' needs to be specified\n" //Internal error /* L*/ ERR_STATIC_INTERNAL_ERROR "Internal error occurred during this operation\n" /* L*/ ERR_SHW_STATIC_RULE_RULE_ID_GUID "No Tunnel type rules exist in policy '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_UPDATE_DEF_NEGPOL "Updating default Filteraction is not allowed through this command. Use 'Set DefaultRule' command.\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_POL_READ_ONLY_OBJECT "Policy with name '%1!s!' has READONLY attribute. Updation denied\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADD_SET_RULE_READ_ONLY_OBJECT "Specified Rule has READONLY attribute. Updation denied\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_FA_READ_ONLY_OBJECT "Filteraction with name '%1!s!' has READONLY attribute. Updation denied\n" /* L*/ ERR_SET_FL_READ_ONLY_OBJECT "FilterList with name '%1!s!' has READONLY attribute. Updation denied\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_POL_READ_ONLY_OBJECT "Policy with name '%1!s!' has READONLY attribute. Deletion denied\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_RULE_READ_ONLY_OBJECT "Rule with name '%1!s!' has READONLY attribute. Deletion denied\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_FA_READ_ONLY_OBJECT "Filteraction with name '%1!s!' has READONLY attribute. Deletion denied\n" /* L*/ ERR_DEL_FL_READ_ONLY_OBJECT "FilterList with name '%1!s!' has READONLY attribute. Deletion denied\n" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Error strings // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* L*/ ERR_WIN32_FMT "ERR Win32[%1!05d!] : %2!s!" /* L*/ ERR_IPSEC_FMT "ERR IPSec[%1!05d!] : " /* L*/ ERR_WIN32_SPACE " : " /* L*/ ERR_WIN32_INVALID_WIN32CODE "ERR Win32[%1!05d!] : Invalid Win32 Err Code\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_NUM_ARGS "One or more essential parameters not specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_ARGS "Arguments are not matching. Check help for the correct syntax\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_POLICY_NAME "Policy with name %1!s! not exists in Policy Store\n" /* L*/ ERR_NO_POLICY "No Policies in Policy Store\n" /* L*/ ERR_FAILED_POLSTORE_OPEN "Unable to open Policy Store\n" /* L*/ ERR_NO_FILTER_ACTION "No Filter Actions in Policy Store\n" /* L*/ ERR_NO_FILTER_LIST "No Filter Lists in Policy Store\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_INDEX "Internal Error, Invalid Switch Case.\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_ARG "Invalid Parameter for the Argument '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_DNSLOOKUP_FAILED "DNS lookup failed for the given dns name '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_ADDR "IP Address specified is invalid\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_TAG "'%1!s!' not a valid tag for this context\n" /* L*/ ERR_TAG_ALREADY_PRESENT "'%1!s!' tag already present\n" /* L*/ ERR_GPONAME_ARG_NEEDED "GPOname cannot be specified without argument 'assign = y/n'\n" /* L*/ ERR_NAME_GUID_NEEDED "Tag 'Name' or 'GUID' needed for the given command\n" /* L*/ ERR_TAG_NEEDED "'%1!s!' tag is needed\n" /* L*/ ERR_ARG_INVALID "'%1!s!' is not a valid argument for the tag '%2!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_MASK_INVALID "'%1!s!' is not a valid Mask/Prefix \n" /* L*/ ERR_PREFIX_INVALID "Prefix should be between 1 and 32 only\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_MASK "Subnet mask specified is invalid\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_MACHINE "Non-tagged arg can only be machine or domain\n" /* L*/ ERR_NULL_STRING "The argument supplied is null\n" /* L*/ ERR_SECLIFE_INVALID "The 'Seconds' LifeTime specified is out of limit. It should be in between '%1!d!' and '%2!d!' only\n" /* L*/ ERR_KBLIFE_INVALID "The 'Kbytes' specified is out of limit. It should be in between '%1!d!' and '%2!d!' only \n" /* L*/ ERR_P2REKEY_INVALID "The Rekey Unit (k/s) is invalid\n" /* L*/ ERR_HASH_INVALID "Invalid HASH algorithm specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_ESP_INCOMPLETE "Incomplete ESP specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_DUPALG_INVALID "Duplicate Algo's specified for '%1!s!'\n" /* L*/ ERR_NONE_INVALID "None and None not allowed\n" /* L*/ ERR_IPSECPROT_INVALID "Invalid IPSec protocol specified. It should be ESP or AH only\n" /* L*/ ERR_MAX_OFFERS "Max Number of OFFERS[%1!d!] is crossed\n" /* L*/ ERR_AHESP_INVALID "Invalid QM_OFFERS. Encryption+Encryption or Authentication+Authentication are not allowed\n" /* L*/ ERR_KS_INVALID "Invalid Lifetime or Data specification for QMOffers.\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_P1GROUP "Invalid PFS Group specified for MMOFFER \n" /* L*/ ERR_P1GROUP_MISSING "P1 Group missing\n" /* L*/ ERR_MMOFFER_INVALID "Invalid MMOFFER is specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_FILETYPE_INVALID "File name should contain .ipsec extension only\n" /* L*/ ERR_ADDR_ALL_INVALID "'%1!s!' and ALL not allowed\n" /* L*/ ERR_NO_PREKEY "Preshared key not specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_AUTH_INVALID "Invalid Authmethod is specified \n" /* L*/ ERR_ENCODE_FAILED "Invalid Certificate specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_MULTIPLE_KERBPRE "Multiple '%1!s!' parameters are specified. Only one is allowed.\n" /* L*/ ERR_PORT_INVALID "The Port specified is invalid. It should be in less than '%1!d!' only\n" /* L*/ ERR_MAXARGS_CROSSED "No of arguments are more,truncated\n" /* L*/ ERR_QMOFFER_INVALID "Invalid QMOFFER specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_INVALID_TUNNEL "Invalid Tunnel IP specified\n" /* L*/ ERR_PROTO_INVALID "Protocol can't be specified without source and destination addresses\n" /* L*/ ERR_OUTOF_MEMORY "ERR WIN32[00014] : There is not enough memory to complete this operation.\n" //Dynamic Error/warning messages //Addrule /* L*/ ERR_DYN_ACTION_IN_OUT_NEGOTIATE "QMPolicy is needed when ActionInbound or ActionOutbound specified as NEGOTIATE.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_INVALID_PORT "\nPort number valid for TCP or UDP protocols, continuing without PortNumber.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_QMP_NEEDED "QMPolicy is needed when ActionInbound or ActionOutbound specified as NEGOTIATE.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_INVALID_MIRROR "Mirror = Yes is not valid for Tunnel Rule.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_QMP_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified QMPolicy does not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_MMP_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified MainMode Policy does not exist.\n" //setrule /* L*/ ERR_DYN_RULE_MMP_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified MainMode Policy does not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_RULE_QMP_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified QMPolicy does not exist.\n" //delete rule /* L*/ ERR_DYN_MMF_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified MainMode Filter does not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_TRANSPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified Transport Filter does not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_TUNNEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified Tunnel Filter does not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_MMF_DOES_NOT_EXIST "MainMode Filters do not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_MMF_MMP_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified MainMode Filter does not exist and Policy is not found.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_MMP_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified MainMode Policy either does not exist or not associated with specified MainMode Filter.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_SPECIFIED_MMF_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified MainMode Filter does not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_QMF_DOES_NOT_EXIST "QuickMode Filters do not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_QMF_QMP_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified QuickMode Filter does not exist and Policy is not found.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_QMP_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified QuickMode Policy either does not exist or is not associated with QuickMode Filter.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_SPECIFIED_QMF_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Specified QuickMode Filter does not exist.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_AUTH_BEING_USED "Authentication method(s) being used.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_MMF_OBJ_NOTDEL "%1!d! MMFilter object(s) could not be deleted.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_TRANSPORT_OBJ_NOTDEL "%1!d! Transport Filter object(s) could not be deleted.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_DEL_TUNNEL_OBJ_NOTDEL "%1!d! Tunnel Filter object(s) could not be deleted.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_MMP_EXISTS "MainMode Policy with the given name already exists.\n" /* L*/ ERR_DYN_QMP_EXISTS "QuickMode Policy with the given name already exists.\n" /* L*/ ERROR_DEL_NO_MMP "MainMode Policies are not available.\n" /* L*/ ERROR_DEL_NO_QMP "QuickMode Policies are not available.\n" /* L*/ ERROR_PA_NOT_RUN "The IPSec Policy Agent service is not active.\n" /* L*/ ERROR_PA_SUCCESS "\nPolicy Agent service successfully started.\n" /* L*/ ERROR_PARSER_STATS "\nWrong token from Parser, Should be either IPSEC, IKE or ALL." /* L*/ ERROR_PARSER_ADDR "\nInvalid AddressType received from Parser.\n" /* L*/ ERROR_PARSER_ADDRTYPE "Source and Destination both cannot be Servers.\n" /* L*/ ERROR_PARSER_TUNNELADDRTYPE "Tunnel Source and Tunnel Destination both cannot be Servers.\n" } #include #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_DLL #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Net Shell IP Security helper DLL" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "nshipsec.dll" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "nshipsec.dll" #include "common.ver"