/*++ Microsoft Windows Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1981 - 1999 Module Name: controller.cpp Abstract: Author: Rahul Thombre (RahulTh) 4/30/1998 Revision History: 4/30/1998 RahulTh Created this module. --*/ // Controller.cpp : implementation file // #include "precomp.hxx" #include #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 30000 //30 seconds. #define TIMER_ID 7 //randomly chosen id for the timer /////////////////// // Module wide structure. // FLASHWINFO fwinfo = { sizeof (FLASHWINFO), NULL, // Window handle initialized later. FLASHW_ALL, 3, 0 }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //type for loading CPlApplet function declaration: declared in irprops.cpl typedef LONG (*LPROCCPLAPPLET) (HWND , UINT , LPARAM, LPARAM); inline CIrRecvProgress * ValidateRecvCookie( COOKIE cookie) { CIrRecvProgress * window = (CIrRecvProgress *) cookie; __try { if (RECV_MAGIC_ID != window->m_dwMagicID) { window = 0; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { window = 0; } return window; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CController dialog //bNoForeground specifies whether the dialog should give focus back to the //app. which had the focus before irftp started. If set to true, the focus //is given back. This is necessary because an irftp is usually started with //the /h option by the irmon service and it is a bad user experience if the //an app. which the user is running suddenly loses focus to a window which //is not even visible. CController::CController(BOOL bNoForeground, CController* pParent /*=NULL*/) : m_pParent(pParent), m_lAppIsDisplayed(-1),m_SessionEnded(0) #if 0 , m_pDlgRecvProgress(NULL) #endif { m_fHaveTimer = FALSE; m_lTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; HWND hwnd = NULL; InterlockedIncrement (&g_lUIComponentCount); if (appController) { appController->PostMessage (WM_APP_KILL_TIMER); } else { InitTimeout(); //initializes the timeout period //the app kills itself if there are no devices in range and no UI has // been put up for a period specified by the timeout period //note: we only need to initialize the timeout period for the main //app window. The other windows will never even have a timer. WTSRegisterSessionNotification(m_hWnd,NOTIFY_FOR_THIS_SESSION); } //hack. the call to create steals the focus from the current //foreground window. This is bad if we are not going to put up any //UI. Therefore, in this case, we get the foreground window just before the //call to create and give it back its focus immediately after the call. //the whole operation takes only about 35 milliseconds, so the loss of //focus in the other app. is almost imperceptible. hwnd = ::GetForegroundWindow (); Create(IDD); if (bNoForeground && hwnd) ::SetForegroundWindow (hwnd); //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CController) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } void CController::InitTimeout (void) { m_fHaveTimer = FALSE; //we have not obtained a timer yet. m_lTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; //set it to the default //then see if a different value has been set in the registry HKEY hftKey = NULL; DWORD iSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD data = 0; RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Control Panel\\Infrared\\File Transfer"), 0, KEY_READ, &hftKey); if (!hftKey) return; //we did not find a value in the registry, so use defaults if (hftKey && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx (hftKey, TEXT("AppTimeout"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&data, &iSize)) { m_lTimeout = (LONG)data; if (m_lTimeout < 10000) m_lTimeout = 10000; } if (hftKey) RegCloseKey(hftKey); } void CController::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CController) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CController, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CController) ON_WM_CLOSE() ON_WM_ENDSESSION() ON_MESSAGE(WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE, OnSessionChange) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_TRIGGER_UI, OnTriggerUI) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_DISPLAY_UI, OnDisplayUI) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_TRIGGER_SETTINGS, OnTriggerSettings) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, OnDisplaySettings) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_RECV_IN_PROGRESS, OnRecvInProgress) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_GET_PERMISSION, OnGetPermission) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_RECV_FINISHED, OnRecvFinished) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_START_TIMER, OnStartTimer) ON_MESSAGE(WM_APP_KILL_TIMER, OnKillTimer) ON_WM_COPYDATA() ON_WM_TIMER() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CController message handlers void CController::PostNcDestroy() { #if 0 OutputDebugStringA("PostNcDestroy"); #endif if (this != appController) { BOOL fNoUIComponents = (0 == InterlockedDecrement (&g_lUIComponentCount)); if (fNoUIComponents && !g_deviceList.GetDeviceCount()) { //there are no UI components displayed and there are no devices in //range. Start the timer. If the timer expires, the app. will quit. appController->PostMessage (WM_APP_START_TIMER); } if (m_SessionEnded) { appController->PostMessage (WM_CLOSE); } } delete this; } void CController::OnEndSession(BOOL Ending) { // OutputDebugStringA("OnEndSession\n"); RemoveLinks(); } void CController::OnClose() { //if the WM_CLOSE message was posted from the RPC thread's ShutdownUi //routine, then it might be a good idea to wait for a couple of seconds //before killing the app. so that the RPC stack can unwind. 3 seconds seems //like a reasonable amount of time. - 6/22/1998 : rahulth & jroberts #if 0 OutputDebugStringA("OnClose\n"); #endif RemoveLinks(); Sleep (3000); if (AppUI.m_pParentWnd) AppUI.m_pParentWnd->PostMessage(WM_QUIT); CWnd::OnClose(); } void CController::OnCancel() { DestroyWindow(); //For modeless boxes } void CController::OnDisplayUI(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT (m_pParent); AppUI.m_ofn.hInstance = g_hInstance; AppUI.DoModal(); AppUI.m_pParentWnd = NULL; InterlockedDecrement(&m_lAppIsDisplayed); InterlockedDecrement(&(m_pParent->m_lAppIsDisplayed)); DestroyWindow(); } void CController::OnTriggerUI (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CWnd * pWnd = NULL; BOOL fAppIsDisplayed = (0 != InterlockedIncrement(&m_lAppIsDisplayed)); if (fAppIsDisplayed) { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lAppIsDisplayed); //decrement the count before leaving. pWnd = AppUI.m_pParentWnd; if (NULL != pWnd) { //this will usually be true except in the case where the displayed //window is just getting destroyed at the same time. In that case, //we must go ahead and create it again. pWnd->SetActiveWindow(); return; } } //the app is not displayed CController* dlgSubController = new CController(FALSE, this); if (dlgSubController != NULL) { InterlockedIncrement(&(dlgSubController->m_lAppIsDisplayed)); dlgSubController->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE); dlgSubController->PostMessage(WM_APP_DISPLAY_UI); } } void CController::OnTriggerSettings(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CController* dlgSettingsController = new CController(FALSE, this); if (dlgSettingsController != NULL) { dlgSettingsController->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); dlgSettingsController->PostMessage(WM_APP_DISPLAY_SETTINGS); } } void CController::OnDisplaySettings(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPROCCPLAPPLET pProcApplet = NULL; CString szApplet; CError error (this); PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; BOOL bResult; UINT DirPathLength; TCHAR Path[MAX_PATH*2]; TCHAR CommandLine[]=TEXT("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL irprops.cpl "); ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo,sizeof(StartupInfo)); StartupInfo.cb=sizeof(StartupInfo); DirPathLength=GetSystemDirectory( Path, sizeof(Path)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (DirPathLength != 0) { StringCbCat(Path,sizeof(Path),TEXT("\\rundll32.exe")); bResult=CreateProcess( Path, CommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInformation ); if (bResult) { CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread); } else { error.ShowMessage (IDS_APPLET_ERROR); } } else { error.ShowMessage (IDS_APPLET_ERROR); } DestroyWindow(); } void CController::OnRecvInProgress (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwShowRecv; struct MSG_RECEIVE_IN_PROGRESS * msg = (struct MSG_RECEIVE_IN_PROGRESS *) wParam; dwShowRecv = GetIRRegVal (TEXT("ShowRecvStatus"), 1); if (!dwShowRecv) { msg->status = 0; return; } if (wcslen(msg->MachineName) > IRDA_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH) { msg->status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return; } CIrRecvProgress * pDlgRecvProgress = new CIrRecvProgress(msg->MachineName, msg->bSuppressRecvConf); if (!pDlgRecvProgress) { msg->status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return; } SetForegroundWindow(); pDlgRecvProgress->SetActiveWindow(); pDlgRecvProgress->SetWindowPos(&appController->wndTop, -1, -1, -1, -1, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); fwinfo.hwnd = pDlgRecvProgress->m_hWnd; FlashWindowEx (&fwinfo); *(msg->pCookie) = (COOKIE) pDlgRecvProgress; msg->status = 0; } void CController::OnGetPermission( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { DWORD dwShowRecv; struct MSG_GET_PERMISSION * msg = (MSG_GET_PERMISSION *) wParam; dwShowRecv = GetIRRegVal (TEXT("ShowRecvStatus"), 1); if (!dwShowRecv) { msg->status = 0; return; } SetForegroundWindow(); CIrRecvProgress * pDlgRecvProgress = ValidateRecvCookie(msg->Cookie); if (!pDlgRecvProgress) { msg->status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return; } msg->status = pDlgRecvProgress->GetPermission( msg->Name, msg->fDirectory ); } void CController::OnRecvFinished (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwShowRecv; struct MSG_RECEIVE_FINISHED * msg = (struct MSG_RECEIVE_FINISHED *) wParam; dwShowRecv = GetIRRegVal (TEXT("ShowRecvStatus"), 1); if (!dwShowRecv) { msg->status = 0; return; } CIrRecvProgress * pDlgRecvProgress = ValidateRecvCookie(msg->Cookie); if (!pDlgRecvProgress) { msg->status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return; } // // Preset the error code to ERROR_SUCCESS -- no error popup // DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; // // first, filter out unwarranted errors. These error codes // are treated as ERROR_SUCCESS. // We have three so far: // ERROR_SCEP_UNSPECIFIED_DISCONNECT, // ERROR_SCEP_USER_DISCONNECT and // ERROR_SCEP_PROVIDER_DISCONNECT. // // ERROR_SCEP_UNSPECIFIED_DISCONNECT is the error code // we encounter most of the time because users usually do // (1) move the device within IR range // (2) do image transfer // (3) move the device out of IR range. // if (ERROR_SCEP_UNSPECIFIED_DISCONNECT != (DWORD)msg->ReceiveStatus && ERROR_SCEP_USER_DISCONNECT != (DWORD)msg->ReceiveStatus && ERROR_SCEP_PROVIDER_DISCONNECT != (DWORD)msg->ReceiveStatus) { Win32Error = (DWORD)msg->ReceiveStatus; } pDlgRecvProgress->DestroyAndCleanup(Win32Error); pDlgRecvProgress = NULL; msg->status = 0; } BOOL CController::OnCopyData(CWnd* pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct) { CSendProgress* dlgProgress; int iCharCount=(int) pCopyDataStruct->cbData; TCHAR* lpszFileNames = new TCHAR [iCharCount]; if (lpszFileNames == NULL) { return FALSE; } memcpy ((LPVOID)lpszFileNames, pCopyDataStruct->lpData, pCopyDataStruct->cbData); dlgProgress = new CSendProgress(lpszFileNames, iCharCount); if (dlgProgress != NULL) { dlgProgress->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); dlgProgress->SetFocus(); dlgProgress->SetWindowPos (&wndTop, -1, -1, -1, -1, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); fwinfo.hwnd = dlgProgress->m_hWnd; ::FlashWindowEx (&fwinfo); return TRUE; } else { delete lpszFileNames; return FALSE; } } void CController::OnStartTimer (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //update the state of the help window if (g_hwndHelp && ! ::IsWindow (g_hwndHelp)) g_hwndHelp = NULL; if (!m_fHaveTimer) { m_fHaveTimer = SetTimer (TIMER_ID, m_lTimeout, NULL //want WM_TIMER messages )?TRUE:FALSE; } } void CController::OnKillTimer (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //update the state of the help window if (g_hwndHelp && ! ::IsWindow (g_hwndHelp)) g_hwndHelp = NULL; if (m_fHaveTimer) { KillTimer(TIMER_ID); m_fHaveTimer = FALSE; } } void CController::OnTimer (UINT nTimerID) { //there is only one timer, so we don't have to check for it. //the timer has expired, so kill self //however, first make sure that the help window (if it was put up) //is gone. if (g_hwndHelp && ::IsWindow (g_hwndHelp)) { //the help window is around. restart the timer. //this is the only way we can kill ourselves when the window //is finally destroyed. m_fHaveTimer = FALSE; this->OnStartTimer (NULL, NULL); } else { g_hwndHelp = NULL; this->PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); } } void CController::OnSessionChange(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { OutputDebugStringA("irftp: controller session changed\n"); return; }