
Copyright (c) 1999, Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:


    This module contains declarations for port management for EAPOL, 
    r/w to ports

Revision History:

    sachins, Apr 23 2000, Created


#ifndef _EAPOL_PORT_H_
#define _EAPOL_PORT_H_

// EAPOL PCB State Flags

#define EAPOL_PORT_FLAG_DELETED     0x8000
    ((i)->dwFlags & EAPOL_PORT_FLAG_DELETED)

#define EAPOL_PORT_FLAG_ACTIVE      0x4000
#define EAPOL_PORT_ACTIVE(i) \
        ((i)->dwFlags & EAPOL_PORT_FLAG_ACTIVE)

#define EAPOL_PORT_FLAG_DISABLED    0x2000
        ((i)->dwFlags & EAPOL_PORT_FLAG_DISABLED)

// EAPOL Timer Flags

#define EAPOL_AUTH_TIMER            0x8000
    ((i)->dwTimerFlags & EAPOL_AUTH_TIMER)

#define EAPOL_HELD_TIMER            0x4000
    ((i)->dwTimerFlags & EAPOL_HELD_TIMER)

#define EAPOL_START_TIMER           0x2000
    ((i)->dwTimerFlags & EAPOL_START_TIMER)

#define EAPOL_TRANSMIT_KEY_TIMER    0x1000
    ((i)->dwTimerFlags & EAPOL_TRANSMIT_KEY_TIMER)

#define EAPOL_NO_TIMER              0x0000
#define EAPOL_NO_TIMER_SET(i) \
    ((i)->dwTimerFlags & EAPOL_NO_TIMER)

    ((i)->dwTimerFlags = EAPOL_AUTH_TIMER)

    ((i)->dwTimerFlags = EAPOL_HELD_TIMER)

    ((i)->dwTimerFlags = EAPOL_START_TIMER)

    ((i)->dwTimerFlags = EAPOL_TRANSMIT_KEY_TIMER)

#define SET_EAPOL_NO_TIMER(i) \
    ((i)->dwTimerFlags = EAPOL_NO_TIMER)

#define CHECK_EAPOL_TIMER(i) \

// Structure: ETH_HEADER

typedef struct _ETH_HEADER 
    BYTE            bDstAddr[SIZE_MAC_ADDR];
    BYTE            bSrcAddr[SIZE_MAC_ADDR];

// Structure:   EAPOL_BUFFER
// This structure holds a buffer used for I/O to the ndis uio driver
// EAPOL_BUFFER structure is used in the OVERLAPPED read-write operations. 
// On the OVERLAPPED read/write completion, pvContext is used to 
// identity the port on which the I/O occured

typedef struct _EAPOL_BUFFER 
    // This is the pointer to the EAPOL_PCB structure of the interface on which 
    // I/O was performed
    PVOID pvContext;

    // Send/Recv data buffer

    CHAR  pBuffer[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; 
    // Passed as the system context area for any I/O using the buffer
    OVERLAPPED Overlapped;

    // Pointer to Completion Routine
    VOID    (CALLBACK *CompletionRoutine)
                    (DWORD, DWORD, struct _EAPOL_BUFFER *);

    // Fields which are filled on IoCompletion
    DWORD   dwErrorCode;
    DWORD   dwBytesTransferred;

// Structure:   EAPOL_PCB
// EAPOL Port Control Block
// This structure holds the operational information for an interface/port
// from the EAPOL protocol standpoint.
// It also maintains state information for EAP protocol.
// Each PCB is inserted in a hash bucket list, one for each interface
// Synchronization on PCBs is done using a read-write PCB list lock, 
// and a per-PCB read-write lock, and a per-port ref count. 
// The locks are single-write, multiple-read. Currently, locks are used 
// in write mode only
// If PCB's are to be added or deleted, the PCB list lock should 
// be acquired. 
// If any PCB needs to be modified, the per-PCB list lock should be acquired
// in write mode. 
// Acquiring a reference to a port guarantees the PCBs existence;
// acquiring the PCB lock guarantees consistency of the PCB fields

typedef struct _EAPOL_PCB 
    // Pointer to next PCB in the hash bucket
    struct _EAPOL_PCB       *pNext;         

    // Handle to NDIS UIO device
    HANDLE                  hPort;          

    // Port number on the system Will be an integer value cast
    DWORD                   dwPortIndex;    

    // Debug Flags
    DWORD                   dwDebugFlags;

    // Friendly name of the interface on which this port is opened
    WCHAR                   *pwszFriendlyName;

    // GUID string uniquely identifying the interface 
    WCHAR                   *pwszDeviceGUID;   

    // Additional identiifier for a connected port e.g. MSFTWLAN
    WCHAR                   *pwszSSID;       

    // Additional identiifier for a connected port e.g. MSFTWLAN
    NDIS_802_11_SSID        *pSSID;       

    // Version of EAPOL supported on this port 
    DWORD                   dwEapolVersion; 

    // Pointer to EAP Work Buffer for this PCB
    PVOID                   pEapWorkBuffer; 

    // Per PCB read-write lock
    READ_WRITE_LOCK         rwLock;         

    // Number of references made to this port
    DWORD                   dwRefCount;

    // Indicates whether port is ACTIVE or DISABLED
    DWORD                   dwFlags;

    // Indicates the EAPOL settings
    DWORD                   dwEapFlags;

    // EAPOL state
    EAPOL_STATE             State;

    // EAPOL statistics for this port     
    EAPOL_STATS             EapolStats;     

    // EAPOL configuration parameters for this port
    EAPOL_CONFIG            EapolConfig;    

    // Version of EAPOL supported
    BYTE                    bProtocolVersion;   
    // Handle to EAPOL timer currently running on this machine
    HANDLE                  hTimer;         

    // Ethertype for this LAN
    BYTE                    bEtherType[SIZE_ETHERNET_TYPE];   
    // Mac Addr of peer (switch port access point)
    BYTE                    bSrcMacAddr[SIZE_MAC_ADDR];  

    // Mac Addr of last successfully authenticated peer (access point)
    BYTE                    bPreviousDestMacAddr[SIZE_MAC_ADDR]; 

    // Mac Addr of peer (switch port or access point)
    BYTE                    bDestMacAddr[SIZE_MAC_ADDR]; 

    // Media State
    NDIS_MEDIA_STATE        MediaState;

    // Physical Medium Type
    NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM    PhysicalMediumType;

    DWORD                   dwTimerFlags;

    // Number of EAPOL_Start messages that have been sent without
    // receiving response    
    ULONG                   ulStartCount;   

    // Identifier in the most recently received EAP Request frame
    DWORD                   dwPreviousId; 

    // Copy of last sent out EAPOL packet
    // Used for retransmission
    BYTE                    *pbPreviousEAPOLPkt;
    DWORD                   dwSizeOfPreviousEAPOLPkt;

    // Has Identity for the user obtained using RasEapGetIdentity ?
    BOOL                    fGotUserIdentity;

    // Is the port on a authenticated network i.e. is the remote end
    // EAPOL aware
    BOOL                    fIsRemoteEndEAPOLAware;

    // Flag set based on the supplicant mode
    BOOL                    fEAPOLTransmissionFlag;

    // EAP related variables

    BOOL                    fEapInitialized;

    BOOL                    fLogon;

    BOOL                    fUserLoggedIn;

    // Authentication identity using RasGetUserIdentity or other means
    CHAR                    *pszIdentity;

    // User Password for EAP MD5 CHAP
    DATA_BLOB               PasswordBlob;

    // Token for interactively logged-on user obtained using 
    // GetCurrentUserToken
    HANDLE                  hUserToken;             

    // EAP configuration blob stored for each GUID
    EAPOL_CUSTOM_AUTH_DATA  *pCustomAuthConnData;    

    // User blob stored for GUID 
    EAPOL_CUSTOM_AUTH_DATA  *pCustomAuthUserData;    

    // Data obtained using RasEapInvokeInteractiveUI
    EAPOL_EAP_UI_DATA       EapUIData;                  

    // Interactive data received from InvokeInteractiveUI
    BOOL                    fEapUIDataReceived;                  

    // EAP type for the connection
    DWORD                   dwEapTypeToBeUsed;      
    // Index for current EAP type in index table
    DWORD                   dwEapIndex;             

    // Current EAP identifier working with
    BYTE                    bCurrentEAPId;
    // Unique identifier for UI invocation
    DWORD                   dwUIInvocationId;       

    // Interactive dialog allowed?
    BOOL                    fNonInteractive;        

    // EAP state for the port
    EAPSTATE                EapState;           
    // EAP UI state for the port
    EAPUISTATE              EapUIState;           
    // Work space for EAP implementation DLL
    // PCB just holds the pointer, the memory allocation is done by the EAP DLL
    // during RasEapBegin and should be passed to RasEapEnd for cleanup
    LPVOID                  lpEapDllWorkBuffer;  
    // Notification message
    WCHAR                   *pwszEapReplyMessage;     

    // Master secrets used in decrypting EAPOL-Key messages
    DATA_BLOB               MasterSecretSend;
    DATA_BLOB               MasterSecretRecv;
    // Copies of the MPPE Keys obtained from EAP authentication
    DATA_BLOB               MPPESendKey;
    DATA_BLOB               MPPERecvKey;

    // Last replay counter. Used to guard against security attacks
    ULONGLONG               ullLastReplayCounter; 

    // EAPOL to run on this port or not
    DWORD                   dwEapolEnabled;

    // Has EAPOL_Logoff packet been sent out on this port?
    DWORD                   dwLogoffSent;

    // Authentication type last performed - Used with MACHINE_AUTH
    EAPOL_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE       PreviousAuthenticationType; 

    // Number of current authentication failures for the port - MACHINE_AUTH
    DWORD                   dwAuthFailCount;

    // Is authentication being done on a new AP/Switch/Network?
    BOOLEAN                 fAuthenticationOnNewNetwork;

    // Tick count, the last time the port was restart
    DWORD                   dwLastRestartTickCount;

    // Zero Config transaction Id
    DWORD                   dwZeroConfigId;

    // Total Max Authentication tries (Machine + User + Guest)
    DWORD                   dwTotalMaxAuthFailCount;

    // Did EAP on Client-side actually succeed
    BOOLEAN                 fLocalEAPAuthSuccess;

    // Client-side auth result code
    DWORD                   dwLocalEAPAuthResult;

    // Supplicant-mode
    DWORD                   dwSupplicantMode;

    // EAPOL Authentication Mode 0 = XP RTM, 1 = XP SP1, 2 = Machine auth only
    DWORD                   dwEAPOLAuthMode;

    // Flag to indicate where the Session Keys which module the session keys
    // were last used from
    BOOLEAN                 fLastUsedEAPOLKeys;

    // Flag to indicate whether EAPOL-Key packet for transmit key 
    // was received after getting into AUTHENTICATED state for wireless
    // interface
    BOOLEAN                 fTransmitKeyReceived;


// Synchronization
    (EAPOL_PORT_DELETED(PCB) ? FALSE : (InterlockedIncrement(&(PCB)->dwRefCount), TRUE))

    (InterlockedDecrement(&(PCB)->dwRefCount) ? TRUE : (ElCleanupPort(PCB), FALSE))


ElHashPortToBucket (
        IN  WCHAR           *pwszDeviceGUID

ElRemovePCBFromTable (
        IN  EAPOL_PCB        *pPCB

ElGetPCBPointerFromPortGUID (
        IN WCHAR            *pwszDeviceGUID

ElCreatePort (
        IN  HANDLE          hDevice,
        IN  WCHAR           *pwszGUID,
        IN  WCHAR           *pwszFriendlyName,
        IN  DWORD           dwZeroConfigId,
        IN  PRAW_DATA       prdRawData

ElDeletePort (
        IN  WCHAR           *pwszDeviceName,
        OUT HANDLE          *hDevice

ElCleanupPort (
        IN  EAPOL_PCB       *pPCB

ElReStartPort (
        IN  PEAPOL_PCB      pPCB,
        IN  DWORD       dwZeroConfigId,
        IN  PRAW_DATA   prdUserData

ElReadFromPort (
        IN PEAPOL_PCB       pPCB,
        IN PCHAR            pBuffer,
        IN DWORD            dwBufferLength

ElWriteToPort (
        IN PEAPOL_PCB       pPCB,
        IN PCHAR            pBuffer,
        IN DWORD            dwBufferLength

ElInitializeEAPOL (


ElReadPortStatistics (
        IN  WCHAR           *pwszDeviceName,
        OUT PEAPOL_STATS    pEapolStats

ElReadPortConfiguration (
        IN  WCHAR           *pwszDeviceName,
        OUT PEAPOL_CONFIG   pEapolConfig

ElSetPortConfiguration (
        IN  WCHAR           *pwszDeviceName,
        IN  PEAPOL_CONFIG   pEapolConfig

ElReadCompletionRoutine (
        IN  DWORD           dwError,
        IN  DWORD           dwBytesReceived,
        IN  PEAPOL_BUFFER   pEapolBuffer 

ElWriteCompletionRoutine (
        IN  DWORD           dwError,
        IN  DWORD           dwBytesSent,
        IN  PEAPOL_BUFFER   pEapolBuffer 

ElIoCompletionRoutine (
        IN  DWORD           dwError,
        IN  DWORD           dwBytesTransferred,
        IN  LPOVERLAPPED    lpOverlapped

        IN  WCHAR           *pwszDeviceGUID,
        IN  EAPOL_PCB       *pNewPCB

#endif  // _EAPOL_PORT_H_