/*++ Copyright (c) 1989-1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: spxquery.c Abstract: This module contains code which performs the following TDI services: o TdiQueryInformation Author: Adam Barr (adamba) Initial Version Nikhil Kamkolkar (nikhilk) 11-November-1993 Environment: Kernel mode Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop // Discardable code after Init time #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(INIT, SpxQueryInitProviderInfo) #endif // Define module number for event logging entries #define FILENUM SPXQUERY // Useful macro to obtain the total length of an MDL chain. #define SpxGetMdlChainLength(Mdl, Length) { \ PMDL _Mdl = (Mdl); \ *(Length) = 0; \ while (_Mdl) { \ *(Length) += MmGetMdlByteCount(_Mdl); \ _Mdl = _Mdl->Next; \ } \ } VOID SpxQueryInitProviderInfo( PTDI_PROVIDER_INFO ProviderInfo ) { // Initialize to defaults first RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)ProviderInfo, sizeof(TDI_PROVIDER_INFO)); ProviderInfo->Version = SPX_TDI_PROVIDERINFO_VERSION; KeQuerySystemTime (&ProviderInfo->StartTime); ProviderInfo->MinimumLookaheadData = SPX_PINFOMINMAXLOOKAHEAD; ProviderInfo->MaximumLookaheadData = IpxLineInfo.MaximumPacketSize; ProviderInfo->MaxSendSize = SPX_PINFOSENDSIZE; ProviderInfo->ServiceFlags = SPX_PINFOSERVICEFLAGS; return; } NTSTATUS SpxTdiQueryInformation( IN PDEVICE Device, IN PREQUEST Request ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine performs the TdiQueryInformation request for the transport provider. Arguments: Request - the request for the operation. Return Value: NTSTATUS - status of operation. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PSPX_ADDR_FILE AddressFile; PSPX_CONN_FILE ConnectionFile; PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_QUERY_INFORMATION query; struct { ULONG ActivityCount; TA_IPX_ADDRESS SpxAddress; } AddressInfo; // what type of status do we want? query = (PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_QUERY_INFORMATION)REQUEST_PARAMETERS(Request); switch (query->QueryType) { case TDI_QUERY_CONNECTION_INFO: status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case TDI_QUERY_ADDRESS_INFO: // The caller wants the exact address value. ConnectionFile = (PSPX_CONN_FILE)REQUEST_OPEN_CONTEXT(Request); status = SpxConnFileVerify(ConnectionFile); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { AddressFile = ConnectionFile->scf_AddrFile; SpxConnFileDereference(ConnectionFile, CFREF_VERIFY); } else { AddressFile = (PSPX_ADDR_FILE)REQUEST_OPEN_CONTEXT(Request); } status = SpxAddrFileVerify(AddressFile); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(RECEIVE, INFO, ("SpxTdiQuery: Net.Socket %lx.%lx\n", *(PULONG)Device->dev_Network, AddressFile->saf_Addr->sa_Socket)); AddressInfo.ActivityCount = 0; (VOID)SpxBuildTdiAddress( &AddressInfo.SpxAddress, sizeof(TA_IPX_ADDRESS), Device->dev_Network, Device->dev_Node, AddressFile->saf_Addr->sa_Socket); status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl( &AddressInfo, 0, sizeof(AddressInfo), REQUEST_NDIS_BUFFER(Request), 0, (PULONG)&REQUEST_INFORMATION(Request)); SpxAddrFileDereference(AddressFile, AFREF_VERIFY); } break; case TDI_QUERY_PROVIDER_INFO: { BYTE socketType; TDI_PROVIDER_INFO providerInfo = Device->dev_ProviderInfo; // // The device name extension comes down in the Irp // if (!NT_SUCCESS(status = SpxUtilGetSocketType( REQUEST_OPEN_NAME(Request), &socketType))) { DBGPRINT(RECEIVE, ERR, ("TDI_QUERY_PROVIDER_INFO: SpxUtilGetSocketType failed: %lx\n", status)); return(status); } // // The Catapult folks had a problem where AFD was discarding buffered sends on the NT box when it got a // local disconnect on SPX1. This was because the Orderly release flag was always set in the provider // info. AFD queries this once per device type. We detect the device above and OR in the orderly release // flag if this query came down on an SPX2 endpoint. // This is to make sure that AFD follows the correct disconnect semantics for SPX1 and SPX2 (SPX1 does // only abortive; SPX2 does both abortive and orderly). // // this will still not solve the problem completely since a connection that starts off as an SPX2 // one can still be negotiated to SPX1 if the remote supports only SPX1. // if ((socketType == SOCKET2_TYPE_SEQPKT) || (socketType == SOCKET2_TYPE_STREAM)) { DBGPRINT(RECEIVE, INFO, ("TDI_QUERY_PROVIDER_INFO: SPX2 socket\n")); providerInfo.ServiceFlags |= TDI_SERVICE_ORDERLY_RELEASE; } else { DBGPRINT(RECEIVE, INFO, ("TDI_QUERY_PROVIDER_INFO: SPX1 socket\n")); } status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( &providerInfo, 0, sizeof (TDI_PROVIDER_INFO), REQUEST_TDI_BUFFER(Request), 0, (PULONG)&REQUEST_INFORMATION(Request)); break; } case TDI_QUERY_PROVIDER_STATISTICS: status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( &Device->dev_Stat, 0, FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_PROVIDER_STATISTICS, ResourceStats[0]), REQUEST_TDI_BUFFER(Request), 0, (PULONG)&REQUEST_INFORMATION(Request)); break; default: status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; } return status; } // SpxTdiQueryInformation NTSTATUS SpxTdiSetInformation( IN PDEVICE Device, IN PREQUEST Request ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine performs the TdiSetInformation request for the transport provider. Arguments: Device - the device. Request - the request for the operation. Return Value: NTSTATUS - status of operation. --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (Device); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (Request); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // SpxTdiSetInformation