/* ************************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: gpcmap.c Abstract: This file contains mapping routines like user handles to kernel handles. Author: Ofer Bar - July 14, 1997 Environment: Kernel mode Revision History: ************************************************************************ */ #include "gpcpre.h" /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // globals // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ static MRSW_LOCK HandleLock; static HandleFactory *pMapHandles = NULL; /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // prototypes // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ HANDLE AllocateHandle( OUT HANDLE *OutHandle, IN PVOID Reference ) /*++ Routine Description: This function creates a handle. Arguments: OutHandle - a pointer to a location to fill in the result handle Reference - to associate with the handle Return Value: The handle factory handle, or NULL in case of en error --*/ { HFHandle Handle; KIRQL irql; ASSERT(OutHandle); TRACE(MAPHAND, Reference, OutHandle, "AllocateHandle <=="); WRITE_LOCK( &HandleLock, &irql ); *OutHandle = (HANDLE) UIntToPtr((Handle = assign_HF_handle(pMapHandles, Reference))); WRITE_UNLOCK( &HandleLock, irql ); StatInc(InsertedHF); TRACE(MAPHAND, Reference, Handle, "AllocateHandle ==>"); return (HANDLE) UIntToPtr(Handle); } VOID FreeHandle( IN HANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: This function frees the handle Arguments: Handle - Return Value: --*/ { int r; KIRQL irql; TRACE(MAPHAND, Handle, 0, "FreeHandle <=="); if (Handle) { WRITE_LOCK( &HandleLock, &irql ); r = release_HF_handle(pMapHandles, (HFHandle)(UINT_PTR)Handle); StatInc(RemovedHF); //ASSERT(r == 0); WRITE_UNLOCK( &HandleLock, irql ); } TRACE(MAPHAND, Handle, r, "FreeHandle ==>"); } VOID SuspendHandle( IN HANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: This function suspends the handle Arguments: Handle - Return Value: --*/ { int r; KIRQL irql; TRACE(MAPHAND, Handle, 0, "SuspendHandle <=="); if (Handle) { WRITE_LOCK( &HandleLock, &irql ); r = suspend_HF_handle(pMapHandles, (HFHandle)(UINT_PTR)Handle); //ASSERT(r == 0); WRITE_UNLOCK( &HandleLock, irql ); } TRACE(MAPHAND, Handle, r, "SuspendHandle ==>"); } VOID ResumeHandle( IN HANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: This function resumess the handle Arguments: Handle - Return Value: --*/ { int r; KIRQL irql; TRACE(MAPHAND, Handle, 0, "ResumeHandle <=="); if (Handle) { WRITE_LOCK( &HandleLock, &irql ); r = reinstate_HF_handle(pMapHandles, (HFHandle)(UINT_PTR)Handle); //ASSERT(r == 0); WRITE_UNLOCK( &HandleLock, irql ); } TRACE(MAPHAND, Handle, r, "ResumeHandle ==>"); } PVOID GetHandleObject( IN HANDLE h, IN GPC_ENUM_OBJECT_TYPE ObjType ) { GPC_ENUM_OBJECT_TYPE *p; KIRQL irql; TRACE(MAPHAND, h, ObjType, "GetHandleObject <=="); READ_LOCK(&HandleLock, &irql); p = (GPC_ENUM_OBJECT_TYPE *)dereference_HF_handle(pMapHandles, (HFHandle)(UINT_PTR)h); if (p != NULL) { // // we found a reference for the handle // we verify that it's the right object type // if (*p != ObjType) { // // sorry, wrong type // p = NULL; } } READ_UNLOCK(&HandleLock, irql); TRACE(MAPHAND, h, p, "GetHandleObject ==>"); return (PVOID)p; } // (a) Determine the memory pointer that the handle points to // (b) Verify that the memory is of the correct BLOCK (ObjType enum is checked) // (c) Verify that the Handle associated with the memory pointer is indeed // what was passed in PVOID GetHandleObjectWithRef( IN HANDLE h, IN GPC_ENUM_OBJECT_TYPE ObjType, IN ULONG Ref ) { GPC_ENUM_OBJECT_TYPE *p; KIRQL irql; TRACE(MAPHAND, h, ObjType, "GetHandleObjectWithRef ==>"); READ_LOCK( &HandleLock, &irql ); p = dereference_HF_handle(pMapHandles, (HFHandle)(ULONG_PTR)h); if (p != NULL) { // // we found a reference for the handle // we verify that it's the right object type // if (*p != ObjType) { // // sorry, wrong type // p = NULL; } } if (p != NULL) { switch (ObjType) { case GPC_ENUM_CFINFO_TYPE: REFADD(&((PBLOB_BLOCK)p)->RefCount, Ref); break; case GPC_ENUM_CLIENT_TYPE: REFADD(&((PCLIENT_BLOCK)p)->RefCount, Ref); break; case GPC_ENUM_PATTERN_TYPE: REFADD(&((PPATTERN_BLOCK)p)->RefCount, Ref); break; default: ASSERT(0); } } READ_UNLOCK( &HandleLock, irql ); TRACE(MAPHAND, h, p, "GetHandleObjectWithRef <=="); return (PVOID)p; } /* ************************************************************************ InitMapHandles - The initialization handle mapping table Arguments none Returns GPC_STATUS ************************************************************************ */ GPC_STATUS InitMapHandles(VOID) { GPC_STATUS Status = GPC_STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE(INIT, 0, 0, "InitMapping"); INIT_LOCK(&HandleLock); NEW_HandleFactory(pMapHandles); if (pMapHandles != NULL ) { if (constructHandleFactory(pMapHandles)) { FreeHandleFactory(pMapHandles); Status = GPC_STATUS_RESOURCES; } } else { Status = GPC_STATUS_RESOURCES; } TRACE(INIT, pMapHandles, Status, "InitMapping"); return Status; } /* ************************************************************************ UninitMapHandles - release handle mapping table resources Arguments none Returns void ************************************************************************ */ VOID UninitMapHandles(VOID) { GPC_STATUS Status = GPC_STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE(INIT, 0, 0, "UninitMapHandles"); //NdisFreeSpinLock(&HandleLock); destructHandleFactory(pMapHandles); FreeHandleFactory(pMapHandles); TRACE(INIT, pMapHandles, Status, "UninitMapHandles"); return; }