//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by profwiz.rc // #define EXE_ICON 101 #define IDI_WARNING_ICON 104 #define IDI_CRITSTOP_ICON 105 #define IDI_UP_ARROW 106 #define IDI_UP_ARROW_DIS 107 #define IDD_WELCOME 108 #define IDD_SERVICENAME 109 #define IDD_SIGNIN_BITMAP 110 #define IDD_PBK_BITMAP 111 #define IDI_DOWN_ARROW 112 #define IDD_ICONS 113 #define IDI_DOWN_ARROW_DIS 114 #define IDD_PHONEBOOK 115 #define IDD_CUSTOM_HELP 116 #define IDD_BUILDPROFILE 118 #define IDD_INCLUDE_CM 121 #define IDD_REALM_INFO 122 #define IDD_DUN_ENTRIES 123 #define IDD_VPN_ENTRIES 124 #define IDD_TUNNELING 125 #define IDD_LCIDS_DONT_MATCH_POPUP 126 #define IDD_PRESHARED_KEY 127 #define IDD_CUSTOM_ACTIONS_POPUP 128 #define IDD_PBK_UPDATE 129 #define IDD_MERGEDPROFILES 130 #define IDD_STATUS_MENU 131 #define IDD_MENU_ITEM_POPUP 132 #define IDD_LICENSE 134 #define IDD_ADDITIONAL 135 #define IDD_SUPPORT_INFO 137 #define IDD_VPN_SECURITY_POPUP 138 //#define 139 #define IDD_FINISH_GOOD_BUILD 143 #define IDD_FINISH_BAD_BUILD 144 #define IDD_IEAK_FINISH_GOOD_BUILD 145 //#define 146 //#define 147 //#define 148 #define IDD_EULA 149 //#define 150 //#define 151 //#define 152 //#define 153 //#define 154 //#define 155 //#define 156 #define IDD_ADD_EDIT_PROFILE 157 #define IDM_CA_ADD 200 #define IDM_CA_EDIT 201 #define IDM_CA_DELETE 202 #define IDM_CA_MOVE_UP 203 #define IDM_CA_MOVE_DOWN 204 #define IDM_CA_FULL 205 #define IDM_CA_NO_UP 206 #define IDM_CA_NO_DOWN 207 #define IDM_CA_NO_MOVE 208 #define IDM_CA_ADD_ONLY 209 #define IDM_CA_ADD_MOVEUP 210 #define IDM_CA_ADD_MOVEDOWN 211 #define IDM_CA_ADD_MOVEUPORDOWN 212 #define IDS_ALLCONACT 499 #define BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID 500 #define IDS_PREINIT (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 0) #define IDS_PRECONNECT (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 1) #define IDS_PREDIAL (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 2) #define IDS_PRETUNNEL (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 3) #define IDS_ONCONNECT (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 4) #define IDS_ONINTCONNECT (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 5) #define IDS_ONDISCONNECT (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 6) #define IDS_ONCANCEL (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 7) #define IDS_ONERROR (BASE_ACTION_STRING_ID + 8) #define BASE_EXECUTION_STRING_ID 550 #define IDS_ALL_CONNECTIONS (BASE_EXECUTION_STRING_ID + 0) #define IDS_ALL_DIALUP (BASE_EXECUTION_STRING_ID + 1) #define IDS_ALL_TUNNEL (BASE_EXECUTION_STRING_ID + 2) #define IDS_DIRECT_ONLY (BASE_EXECUTION_STRING_ID + 3) #define IDS_DIALUP_ONLY (BASE_EXECUTION_STRING_ID + 4) #define IDS_DESC_COL_TITLE 560 #define IDS_TYPE_COL_TITLE 561 #define IDS_PROGRAM_COL_TITLE 562 #define BASE_SECURITY_SCENARIO_ID 570 #define NUM_SECURITY_SCENARIOS 3 #define IDS_SAME_SEC_SETTINGS (BASE_SECURITY_SCENARIO_ID + 0) #define IDS_SEPARATE_SEC_SET (BASE_SECURITY_SCENARIO_ID + 1) #define IDS_FORCE_WIN2K_SEC (BASE_SECURITY_SCENARIO_ID + 2) #define BASE_ENCRYPT_TYPE_ID 580 #define NUM_ENCRYPT_TYPES 3 #define IDS_NO_ENCRYPT (BASE_ENCRYPT_TYPE_ID + 0) #define IDS_REQUIRE_ENCRYPT (BASE_ENCRYPT_TYPE_ID + 1) #define IDS_OPTIONAL_ENCRYPT (BASE_ENCRYPT_TYPE_ID + 2) #define BASE_VPN_TYPE_ID 591 // this used to be 590 and we also had automatic, now we make the user pick their strategy explicitly #define NUM_VPN_TYPES 4 #define IDS_PPTP_ONLY (BASE_VPN_TYPE_ID + 0) #define IDS_PPTP_FIRST (BASE_VPN_TYPE_ID + 1) #define IDS_L2TP_ONLY (BASE_VPN_TYPE_ID + 2) #define IDS_L2TP_FIRST (BASE_VPN_TYPE_ID + 3) #define IDC_USE_EAP 598 #define IDC_ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS 599 #define BASE_AUTH_CONTROL_ID 600 #define NUM_AUTH_TYPES 6 #define IDC_ALLOW_PAP (BASE_AUTH_CONTROL_ID + 0) #define IDC_ALLOW_SPAP (BASE_AUTH_CONTROL_ID + 1) #define IDC_ALLOW_CHAP (BASE_AUTH_CONTROL_ID + 2) #define IDC_ALLOW_MSCHAP (BASE_AUTH_CONTROL_ID + 3) #define IDC_ALLOW_W95CHAP (BASE_AUTH_CONTROL_ID + 4) #define IDC_ALLOW_MSCHAP2 (BASE_AUTH_CONTROL_ID + 5) #define BASE_VPN_ENTRY_TITLE 650 #define BASE_DUN_ENTRY_TITLE 660 #define NEW_INCREMENT 0 #define EDIT_INCREMENT 1 #define IDS_VPN_PROP_TITLE_NEW (BASE_VPN_ENTRY_TITLE + NEW_INCREMENT) #define IDS_VPN_PROP_TITLE_EDIT (BASE_VPN_ENTRY_TITLE + EDIT_INCREMENT) #define IDS_NET_PROP_TITLE_NEW (BASE_DUN_ENTRY_TITLE + NEW_INCREMENT) #define IDS_NET_PROP_TITLE_EDIT (BASE_DUN_ENTRY_TITLE + EDIT_INCREMENT) #define IDS_APP_TITLE 1020 #define IDS_NOSERVICE 1021 #define IDS_INFO_TIP 1022 #define IDS_TOOLONG 1023 #define IDS_BMPFILTER 1024 #define IDC_EDITDIR 1025 #define IDS_HLPFILTER 1029 #define IDC_EDITLARGE 1031 #define IDS_NOSHORTNAME 1032 #define IDS_NOACCESS 1034 #define IDC_MSG 1039 #define IDS_BADNAME 1040 #define IDS_BADOUTEXE 1041 #define IDS_NOEXIST 1042 #define IDS_NOBMP 1043 #define IDS_INVALIDBMP 1044 #define IDC_BROWSEBMP2 1045 #define IDC_EDITPHONE 1046 #define IDC_EDITREGION 1047 #define IDC_EDITURL 1048 #define IDC_EDITHELP 1049 #define IDC_RADIO1 1051 #define IDC_RADIO2 1052 #define IDC_RADIO3 1053 #define IDC_RADIO4 1054 #define IDS_PROGFILTER 1056 #define IDS_CONACTFILTER 1057 #define IDS_NOTUNNEL 1060 #define IDS_NOTUNNELFILE 1061 //#define 1062 #define IDS_NOSELECTION 1064 #define IDS_SCPFILTER 1065 #define IDS_TXTFILTER 1067 #define IDS_ALLFILTER 1068 #define IDS_NEEDSPBR 1070 #define IDS_NOTPBK 1071 #define IDOK1 1072 #define IDCANCEL1 1073 #define IDC_LABEL_DNS 1074 #define IDC_LABEL_DNS2 1075 #define IDC_LABEL_WINS 1076 #define IDC_LABEL_WINS2 1077 #define IDC_REALMNAME 1078 #define IDC_STATIC_CHECK3 1081 #define IDS_AddReg 1089 #define IDS_CANCELWIZ 1107 #define IDS_NOURL 1111 #define IDS_NOREALM 1118 #define IDS_NOLANGRES 1121 #define IDS_NEEDPHONENAME 1122 #define IDS_PHONENAMEERR 1123 #define IDS_NEEDPROF 1127 #define IDS_NEEDPROG 1128 //#define 1129 #define IDS_PROFEXISTS 1132 #define IDS_NOHELP 1135 #define IDC_LABEL1 1136 #define IDC_LABEL2 1137 #define IDC_LABEL3 1138 #define IDB_INTRO 1141 #define IDS_BROWSETITLE 1144 #define IDS_ICOFILTER 1145 #define IDS_PBKFILTER 1147 #define IDC_BROWSE2 1148 #define IDC_BROWSE3 1149 #define IDC_EDITSMALL 1152 #define IDC_EDITTRAY 1153 #define IDC_BROWSE1 1154 #define IDC_ICONLARGE 1155 #define IDC_ICONSMALL 1157 #define IDC_ICONTRAY 1158 #define IDC_SERVICE 1159 #define IDC_SSERVICE 1160 #define IDC_SUPPORT 1161 #define IDC_BROWSEBMP1 1162 #define IDC_EDITSPLASH 1163 #define IDC_DEFAULTBRAND 1164 #define IDS_INVALIDICO 1167 #define IDC_PDEFAULTBRAND 1171 #define IDS_OVERWRITE 1172 #define IDS_BADLONGNAME 1174 #define IDC_CHECK1 1175 #define IDC_CHECK2 1176 #define IDC_CHECK3 1177 #define IDC_LIST1 1178 #define IDC_COMBO1 1180 #define IDC_COMBO2 1181 #define IDC_BUTTON1 1182 #define IDC_BUTTON2 1183 #define IDC_BUTTON3 1184 #define IDC_BUTTON4 1185 #define IDC_BUTTON5 1186 #define IDC_EDIT1 1192 #define IDC_EDIT2 1193 #define IDC_EDIT3 1194 #define IDC_EDIT4 1195 #define IDC_EDIT5 1196 #define IDC_EDIT6 1197 #define IDS_SERVICENAMETOBIG 1205 #define IDS_DISKFULL 1209 //#define 1210 #define IDC_GROUP 1217 #define IDC_CHECK4 1218 #define IDC_LABEL4 1219 #define IDS_BADPBNAME 1220 #define IDS_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT 1221 #define IDS_CANAMEEXISTS 1222 #define IDS_NOEQUALSINMENU 1223 #define IDS_MUST_UPGRADE_INF 1224 #define IDS_NEED_DUN_NAME 1225 #define IDS_DUN_NAME_EXISTS 1226 #define IDS_MENUITEMEXISTS 1227 #define IDS_NODLLAUTOAPP 1228 #define IDS_DLLMUSTHAVEPARAM 1229 #define IDS_NATIVE_LCID 1232 #define IDS_NONNATIVELCID 1234 #define IDB_HEADER 1235 #define IDC_HELPBUTTON 1236 // #define 1237 #define IDC_NORMALTEXT 1238 #define IDC_IEAKTEXT 1239 #define IDS_BeginPromptText 1242 #define IDS_EndPromptText 1243 #define IDI_CM_ICON 1244 #define IDB_CM_DEFAULT 1245 #define IDB_CM_PB_DEFAULT 1246 #define IDS_SELECTION_TOO_LARGE 1247 #define IDS_CM_TOO_NEW 1248 #define IDS_NO_CM_BITS 1249 #define IDS_CMDL_VPN_DESC 1250 #define IDS_CM_TOO_OLD 1251 #define IDS_CHANGED_ONLY_SS_OR_LS 1253 #define IDS_CANNOT_ROUNDTRIP 1254 #define IDS_NO_ANSI_CODEPAGE 1255 #define IDS_LCIDS_DONT_MATCH 1256 #define IDS_DIFF_DISPLAY_LCID 1257 #define IDS_INSUFF_PERMS 1258 #define IDD_CUSTOM_ACTIONS 1259 #define IDC_LISTVIEW 1260 #define IDS_PATH_WITH_NO_ENV 1261 #define IDS_CMDL_DESC 1262 #define IDS_NOPLUSORCOMMAINPROG 1263 #define IDC_LIST2 1264 #define IDS_NOTINPROFILELIST 1265 #define IDD_DUN_SECURITY_POPUP 1266 #define IDC_ENCRYPTION_TYPE 1267 #define IDC_EAP_TYPES 1268 #define IDC_EAP_PROPERTIES 1269 #define IDC_SCRIPT_LABEL 1270 #define IDS_EAP_NOT_FOUND 1271 #define IDS_EAP_NEEDS_CONFIG 1272 #define IDS_EAP_NOT_FOUND_TYPE 1273 #define IDD_CMPROXY 1274 #define IDD_ROUTE_PLUMBING 1275 #define IDC_ROUTE_FILE_LABEL 1276 #define IDC_ROUTE_FILE 1277 #define IDC_ROUTE_URL_LABEL 1278 #define IDC_ROUTE_URL 1279 #define IDC_CHECK5 1280 #define IDC_CHECK6 1281 #define IDC_PRIMARY_DNS 1282 #define IDC_SECONDARY_DNS 1283 #define IDC_PRIMARY_WINS 1284 #define IDC_SECONDARY_WINS 1285 #define IDC_STATIC_IP 1286 //#define 1287 //#define 1288 #define IDS_DEFAULT_FMT_STR 1289 #define IDD_GENERAL 1290 #define IDD_TCPIP_SETTINGS 1291 #define IDD_SECURITY 1292 #define IDC_ADVANCED 1293 #define IDC_VPN_TYPE 1294 #define IDC_ANY_AUTH 1295 #define IDC_ENCRYPTED_AUTH 1296 #define IDC_CONFIG_ALL 1297 #define IDC_CONFIG_WIN2K 1298 #define IDC_MS_ENCRYPTED_AUTH 1299 #define IDD_WIN2K_SECURITY_POPUP 1300 #define IDS_PRESHAREDKEY_BAD 1301 #define IDC_SECURE_LOCALFILES 1302 #define IDD_WIN2K_SECURITY_TUNNEL_POPUP 1303 #define IDS_NEED_EAP_OR_MSCHAP 1304 #define IDS_NEED_AUTH_PROTOCOL 1305 #define IDS_PRESHAREDKEY_PIN_BAD 1306 #define IDS_CMROUTE_DESC 1307 #define IDS_CMPROXY_CON_DESC 1308 #define IDS_CMPROXY_DIS_DESC 1309 #define IDS_NEED_PROXY_FILE 1310 #define IDS_BUILT_IN 1311 #define IDS_NEED_ROUTE_FILE 1312 #define IDD_GEEK_PANE 1313 #define IDC_COMBO3 1314 #define IDS_NEED_SECTION 1315 #define IDS_DELETE_SECTION 1316 #define IDC_PROXYLABEL 1317 #define IDC_REALM_SEP 1318 #define IDS_CA_EDIT_TITLE 1319 #define IDS_EDIT_SHORTCUT_TITLE 1320 #define IDS_BADVPNFORMAT 1321 #define IDS_DUN_NAME_CONFLICT 1322 #define IDS_DELETE_KEY 1323 #define IDS_INSTALL_PROMPT 1324 #define IDC_PRESHARED_KEY 1325 #define IDC_USEENCRYPTION 1326 #define IDC_PRESHARED_KEY_PIN 1327 #define IDC_REPLACE_PSK 1328 #define IDS_REALLY_REPLACE_PSK 1329 #define IDS_PSK_ENCRYPT_FAILED 1330 //#define 1331 //#define 1332 //#define 1333 #define IDS_PRESHAREDKEY_ALREADY 1334 #define IDS_NO_CMBINS 1335 #define IDC_PRESHARED_KEY_PIN_CONFIRM 1336 #define IDS_PRESHAREDKEY_MATCHING_PINS 1337 #define IDC_USE_PPTP 1338 #define IDC_USE_L2TP 1339 #define IDC_USE_PSK 1340 #define IDS_DUN_VPN_WARNING 1341 #define IDS_DUN_DIALUP_WARNING 1342 #define IDS_EAP_HAS_NO_ECRYPTION 1343 #define IDS_BAD_EXTENSION 1344 #define IDS_NO_MACRO 1345 #define IDS_NO_EXT_WITH_MACRO 1346 #define IDC_LBLTITLE 2000 #define IDC_STATIC -1 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NO_MFC 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 159 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1347 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 #endif #endif