//**************************************************************************** // // Microsoft NT Remote Access Service // // Copyright (C) 1992-93 Microsft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Filename: serial.c // // Revision History // // Sep 3, 1992 J. Perry Hannah Created // // // Description: This file contains all entry points for SERIAL.DLL // which is the media DLL for serial ports. // //**************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //* Global Variables ******************************************************* // SERIALPCB *gpSerialPCB; // Points to Serial PCB linked list HANDLE ghRasfileMutex; // Mutex used to protect access to Rasfile HRASFILE ghIniFile; // Handle to Serial.ini memory image HANDLE ghAsyMac; // Handle to AsyncMac driver DWORD gLastError; //* Prototypes For APIs That Are Called Internally ************************* // DWORD PortClearStatistics(HANDLE hIOPort); OVERLAPPED overlapped ; //* Initialization Routine ************************************************* // //* SerialDllEntryPoint // // Function: Initializes Serial DLL when the DLL is loaded into memory, // and cleans up when the last process detaches from the DLL. // // Returns: TRUE if successful, else FALSE. // //* BOOL APIENTRY SerialDllEntryPoint(HANDLE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID pReserved) { static BOOL bFirstCall = TRUE; char szIniFilePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDriverName[] = ASYNCMAC_FILENAME; DebugPrintf(("SerialDllEntryPoint\n")); //DbgPrint("SerialDllEntryPoint\n"); switch(dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: if (bFirstCall) { DebugPrintf(("\tProcess Attach.\n")); // Open Serial.ini file *szIniFilePath = '\0'; GetIniFileName(szIniFilePath, sizeof(szIniFilePath)); ghIniFile = RasfileLoad(szIniFilePath, RFM_READONLY, NULL, NULL); DebugPrintf(("INI: %s, ghIniFile: 0x%08x\n", szIniFilePath, ghIniFile)); /* if (ghIniFile == INVALID_HRASFILE) { LogError(ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_OPEN_SERIAL_INI, 0, NULL, 0xffffffff); return(FALSE); } */ if ((ghRasfileMutex = CreateMutex (NULL,FALSE,NULL)) == NULL) return FALSE ; // Get handle to Asyncmac driver /* ghAsyMac = CreateFileW(szDriverName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, //No security attribs OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); //No template file DebugPrintf(("ghAsyMac: 0x%08x\n", ghAsyMac)); if (ghAsyMac == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DebugPrintf(("CreateFileError: %d\n", GetLastError())); LogError(ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_GET_ASYNCMAC_HANDLE, 0, NULL, 0xffffffff); return(FALSE); } */ bFirstCall = FALSE; } break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: DebugPrintf(("\tProcess Detach.\n")); if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != ghRasfileMutex && NULL != ghRasfileMutex) { CloseHandle(ghRasfileMutex); ghRasfileMutex = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: DebugPrintf(("\tThread Attach.\n")); break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: DebugPrintf(("\tThread Detach.\n")); break; } return(TRUE); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hDll); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pReserved); } //* Serial APIs ************************************************************ // //* PortEnum --------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API returns a buffer containing a PortMediaInfo struct. // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL // ERROR_READING_SECTIONNAME // ERROR_READING_DEVICETYPE // ERROR_READING_DEVICENAME // ERROR_READING_USAGE // ERROR_BAD_USAGE_IN_INI_FILE // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortEnum(BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize, DWORD *pdwNumPorts) { DWORD dwAvailable; TCHAR szUsage[RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN]; CHAR szMacName[MAC_NAME_SIZE] ; PortMediaInfo *pPMI; BYTE buffer [1000] ; DWORD dwBytesReturned; TCHAR *pszBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; memset (&overlapped, 0, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)) ; DebugPrintf(("PortEnum\n")); // Count number of sections in serial.ini *pdwNumPorts = 0; // Begin Exclusion WaitForSingleObject(ghRasfileMutex, INFINITE); if ( INVALID_HRASFILE != ghIniFile && RasfileFindFirstLine(ghIniFile, RFL_SECTION, RFS_FILE)) (*pdwNumPorts)++; else { *pdwSize = 0; // End Exclusion ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); return(SUCCESS); } while(RasfileFindNextLine(ghIniFile, RFL_SECTION, RFS_FILE)) (*pdwNumPorts)++; // End Exclusion ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); // Calculate size of buffer needed dwAvailable = *pdwSize; *pdwSize = sizeof(PortMediaInfo) * (*pdwNumPorts); if (*pdwSize > dwAvailable) return(ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); // Translate serial.ini file section by section into pBuffer pPMI = (PortMediaInfo *) pBuffer; // Begin Exclusion WaitForSingleObject(ghRasfileMutex, INFINITE); RasfileFindFirstLine(ghIniFile, RFL_SECTION, RFS_FILE); #if 0 // Need to get the MAC name if (!DeviceIoControl(ghAsyMac, IOCTL_ASYMAC_ENUM, buffer, sizeof(buffer), buffer, sizeof(buffer), &dwBytesReturned, &overlapped)) { // End Exclusion ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); return(GetLastError()); } wcstombs(szMacName, ((PASYMAC_ENUM)buffer)->AdapterInfo[0].MacName, wcslen(((PASYMAC_ENUM)buffer)->AdapterInfo[0].MacName)+1) ; #else szMacName[0] = '\0' ; #endif pszBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN); if(NULL == pszBuffer) { ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); return GetLastError(); } do { // Get Section Name (same as Port Name) if (!RasfileGetSectionName(ghIniFile, pPMI->PMI_Name)) { // End Exclusion ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); dwErr = ERROR_READING_SECTIONNAME; break; } // Set Binding Name strcpy (pPMI->PMI_MacBindingName, szMacName) ; // Get Device Type if(!(RasfileFindNextKeyLine(ghIniFile, SER_DEVICETYPE_KEY, RFS_SECTION) && RasfileGetKeyValueFields(ghIniFile, NULL, pszBuffer/* pPMI->PMI_DeviceType*/))) { // End Exclusion CopyMemory(pPMI->PMI_DeviceType, pszBuffer, MAX_DEVICETYPE_NAME); ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); dwErr = ERROR_READING_DEVICETYPE; break; } CopyMemory(pPMI->PMI_DeviceType, pszBuffer, MAX_DEVICETYPE_NAME); ZeroMemory(pszBuffer, sizeof(RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN)); // Get Device Name if (!(RasfileFindFirstLine(ghIniFile, RFL_SECTION, RFS_SECTION) && RasfileFindNextKeyLine(ghIniFile, SER_DEVICENAME_KEY, RFS_SECTION) && RasfileGetKeyValueFields(ghIniFile, NULL, pszBuffer /*pPMI->PMI_DeviceName*/))) { // End Exclusion CopyMemory(pPMI->PMI_DeviceName, pszBuffer, MAX_DEVICE_NAME); ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); dwErr = ERROR_READING_DEVICENAME; break; } CopyMemory(pPMI->PMI_DeviceName, pszBuffer, MAX_DEVICE_NAME); ZeroMemory(pszBuffer, RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN); // Get Usage if (!(RasfileFindFirstLine(ghIniFile, RFL_SECTION, RFS_SECTION) && RasfileFindNextKeyLine(ghIniFile, SER_USAGE_KEY, RFS_SECTION) && RasfileGetKeyValueFields(ghIniFile, NULL, pszBuffer /*szUsage*/))) { // End Exclusion CopyMemory(szUsage, pszBuffer, RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN); ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); dwErr = ERROR_READING_USAGE; break; } CopyMemory(szUsage, pszBuffer, RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN); if (!StrToUsage(szUsage, &(pPMI->PMI_Usage))) { // End Exclusion ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); dwErr = ERROR_BAD_USAGE_IN_INI_FILE; break; } pPMI->PMI_LineDeviceId = INVALID_TAPI_ID; pPMI->PMI_AddressId = INVALID_TAPI_ID; pPMI++; }while(RasfileFindNextLine(ghIniFile, RFL_SECTION, RFS_FILE)); if(NULL != pszBuffer) { LocalFree(pszBuffer); } // End Exclusion ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); return(dwErr); } //* PortOpen --------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API opens a COM port. It takes the port name in ASCIIZ // form and supplies a handle to the open port. hNotify is use // to notify the caller if the device on the port shuts down. // // PortOpen allocates a SerialPCB and places it at the head of // the linked list of Serial Port Control Blocks. // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_PORT_NOT_CONFIGURED // ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_READY // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortOpen( char *pszPortName, HANDLE *phIOPort, HANDLE hIoCompletionPort, DWORD dwCompletionKey) { SERIALPCB *pSPCB ; DWORD dwRC, dwStatus = 0; TCHAR szPort[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDriverName[] = ASYNCMAC_FILENAME; try { DebugPrintf(("PortOpen: %s\n", pszPortName)); // Check serial.ini to see that pszPortName is configured for RAS // Begin Exclusion if(INVALID_HRASFILE == ghIniFile) { return ERROR_PORT_NOT_CONFIGURED; } WaitForSingleObject(ghRasfileMutex, INFINITE); #if DBG ASSERT(INVALID_HRASFILE != ghIniFile ); #endif if (!RasfileFindSectionLine(ghIniFile, pszPortName, FROM_TOP_OF_FILE)) { // End Exclusion ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); return(ERROR_PORT_NOT_CONFIGURED); } // End Exclusion ReleaseMutex(ghRasfileMutex); // Prepend \\.\ to COMx strcpy(szPort, "\\\\.\\"); strcat(szPort, pszPortName); // Open Port *phIOPort = CreateFile(szPort, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_EXCLUSIVE_MODE, NULL, //No Security Attributes OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); //No Template File DebugPrintf(("hioport: 0x%08x\n", *phIOPort)); //DbgPrint("hioport: 0x%08x\n", *phIOPort); if (*phIOPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwRC = GetLastError(); if (dwRC == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) return (ERROR_PORT_ALREADY_OPEN); else if (dwRC == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return (ERROR_PORT_NOT_FOUND) ; else return(dwRC); } // // Associate an I/O completion port with // the file handle. // if (CreateIoCompletionPort( *phIOPort, hIoCompletionPort, dwCompletionKey, 0) == NULL) { CloseHandle(*phIOPort); *phIOPort = NULL; return GetLastError(); } #ifdef notdef { DWORD dwBytesReturned ; #define FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT 0x0000001b #define _SERIAL_CONTROL_CODE(request,method) \ ((FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT)<<16 | (request<<2) | method) #define IOCTL_SERIAL_PRIVATE_RAS _SERIAL_CONTROL_CODE(4000, METHOD_BUFFERED) DeviceIoControl(*phIOPort, IOCTL_SERIAL_PRIVATE_RAS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwBytesReturned, NULL) ; } #endif // Set Queue sizes and default values for Comm Port if (!SetupComm(*phIOPort, INPUT_QUEUE_SIZE, OUTPUT_QUEUE_SIZE)) { LogError(ROUTERLOG_SERIAL_QUEUE_SIZE_SMALL, 0, NULL, 0xffffffff); } SetCommDefaults(*phIOPort, pszPortName); // Add a Serial PCB to head of list and set eDeviceType AddPortToList(*phIOPort, pszPortName); pSPCB = FindPortInList(*phIOPort, NULL) ; //Find port just added if(NULL == pSPCB) { CloseHandle(*phIOPort); *phIOPort = NULL; return ERROR_PORT_NOT_FOUND; } // Get handle to Asyncmac driver pSPCB->hAsyMac = CreateFileW(szDriverName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, //No security attribs OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); //No template file DebugPrintf(("pSPCB->hAsyMac: 0x%08x\n", pSPCB->hAsyMac)); //DbgPrint("pSPCB->hAsyMac: 0x%08x\n", pSPCB->hAsyMac); if (pSPCB->hAsyMac == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwErr; dwErr = GetLastError(); DebugPrintf(("CreateFileError: %d\n", dwErr)); //DbgPrint("CreateFileError: %d\n", dwErr); LogError(ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_GET_ASYNCMAC_HANDLE, 0, NULL, 0xffffffff); CloseHandle(*phIOPort); *phIOPort = NULL; return(dwErr); } // // Associate the I/O completion port with // the asyncmac file handle // if (CreateIoCompletionPort(pSPCB->hAsyMac, hIoCompletionPort, dwCompletionKey, 0) == NULL) { DWORD dwErr; dwErr = GetLastError(); //DbgPrint("PortOpen: Failed to create IoCompletionPort %d\n", dwErr); CloseHandle(*phIOPort); *phIOPort = NULL; return dwErr; } dwRC = InitCarrierBps(pszPortName, pSPCB->szCarrierBPS); if (dwRC != SUCCESS) { gLastError = dwRC; RaiseException(EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); } // Check that device is powered on and ready (DSR is up) If it is then // we monitor DSR - else - we do not monitor DSR until we are connected. // GetCommModemStatus(*phIOPort, &dwStatus); pSPCB->dwPreviousModemStatus = 0; if ( ! (dwStatus & MS_DSR_ON)) // DSR is not raised by the device = assume that it will not raise // it until its connected. // pSPCB->dwActiveDSRMask = pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask = 0 ; else { // Tell system to signal rasman if DSR drops pSPCB->dwActiveDSRMask = pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask = EV_DSR ; //DbgPrint("PortOpen: Setting mask 0x%x\n", EV_DSR); SetCommMask(*phIOPort, EV_DSR); if (!WaitCommEvent(*phIOPort, &(pSPCB->dwEventMask), (LPOVERLAPPED)&(pSPCB->MonitorDevice))) { //DbgPrint("PortOpen: WaitCommEvent. %d\n", GetLastError()); } } // Set values in Serial Port Control Block GetDefaultOffStr(*phIOPort, pszPortName); } except(exception_code()==EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA ? HANDLE_EXCEPTION:CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return(gLastError); } return(SUCCESS); } //* PortClose -------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API closes the COM port for the input handle. It also // finds the SerialPCB for the input handle, removes it from // the linked list, and frees the memory for it // // Returns: SUCCESS // Values returned by GetLastError() // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortClose (HANDLE hIOPort) { SERIALPCB *pPrev, *pSPCB = gpSerialPCB; DebugPrintf(("PortClose\n")); // Find the SerialPCB which contains hIOPOrt pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, &pPrev); if (pSPCB == NULL) return(ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN); // Remove the found SerialPCB if (pSPCB == gpSerialPCB) gpSerialPCB = pSPCB->pNextSPCB; else pPrev->pNextSPCB = pSPCB->pNextSPCB; // Cancel wait on this port (WaitCommEvent) // //DbgPrint("PortClose: Setting mask to 0\n"); SetCommMask(hIOPort, 0); // Drop DTR // EscapeCommFunction(hIOPort, CLRDTR); // Close COM Port // if (!CloseHandle(hIOPort)) return(GetLastError()); // close the asymac file we associated with this com port if (!CloseHandle(pSPCB->hAsyMac)) return GetLastError(); // Free portcontrolblock: note this must be done after CloseHandle since the struct // contains an overlapped struct used for i/o on the port. this overlapped struct // is freed when the handle to the port is closed. // free(pSPCB); return(SUCCESS); } //* PortGetInfo ------------------------------------------------------------ // // Function: This API returns a block of information to the caller about // the port state. This API may be called before the port is // open in which case it will return inital default values // instead of actual port values. // // If the API is to be called before the port is open, set hIOPort // to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and pszPortName to the port name. If // hIOPort is valid (the port is open), pszPortName may be set // to NULL. // // hIOPort pSPCB := FindPortNameInList() Port // ------- ----------------------------- ------ // valid x open // invalid non_null open // invalid null closed // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL //* DWORD APIENTRY PortGetInfo(HANDLE hIOPort, TCHAR *pszPortName, BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize) { SERIALPCB *pSPCB; DCB DCB; RAS_PARAMS *pParam; TCHAR *pValue; TCHAR szDefaultOff[RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN]; TCHAR szClientDefaultOff[RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN]; TCHAR szDeviceType[MAX_DEVICETYPE_NAME + 1]; TCHAR szDeviceName[MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1]; TCHAR szPortName[MAX_PORT_NAME + 1]; TCHAR szConnectBPS[MAX_BPS_STR_LEN], szCarrierBPS[MAX_BPS_STR_LEN]; DWORD dwConnectBPSLen, dwCarrierBPSLen, dwDefaultOffLen; DWORD dwDeviceTypeLen, dwDeviceNameLen, dwPortNameLen; DWORD dwClientDefaultOffLen; DWORD dwStructSize; DWORD dwAvailable, dwNumOfParams = 12; try { DebugPrintf(("PortGetInfo\n")); if (hIOPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && (pSPCB = FindPortNameInList(pszPortName)) == NULL) { // Port is not yet open // Read from Serial.ini GetValueFromFile(pszPortName, SER_DEFAULTOFF_KEY, szDefaultOff, RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN); GetValueFromFile(pszPortName, SER_MAXCONNECTBPS_KEY, szConnectBPS, MAX_BPS_STR_LEN); GetValueFromFile(pszPortName, SER_MAXCARRIERBPS_KEY, szCarrierBPS, MAX_BPS_STR_LEN); GetValueFromFile(pszPortName, SER_DEVICETYPE_KEY, szDeviceType, MAX_DEVICETYPE_NAME + 1); GetValueFromFile(pszPortName, SER_DEVICENAME_KEY, szDeviceName, MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1); strcpy(szPortName, pszPortName); // Set RAS default values in the DCB SetDcbDefaults(&DCB); } else { // Port is open; Get a Device Control Block with current port values if (hIOPort != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL); if (pSPCB == NULL) { gLastError = ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN; RaiseException(EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); } } if (!GetCommState(pSPCB->hIOPort, &DCB)) { gLastError = GetLastError(); RaiseException(EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); } _itoa(DCB.BaudRate, szConnectBPS, 10); strcpy(szCarrierBPS, pSPCB->szCarrierBPS); strcpy(szDefaultOff, pSPCB->szDefaultOff); strcpy(szDeviceType, pSPCB->szDeviceType); strcpy(szDeviceName, pSPCB->szDeviceName); strcpy(szPortName, pSPCB->szPortName); } // Read from Serial.ini even if port is open GetValueFromFile(szPortName, SER_C_DEFAULTOFFSTR_KEY, szClientDefaultOff, RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN); // Calculate Buffer size needed dwStructSize = sizeof(RASMAN_PORTINFO) + sizeof(RAS_PARAMS) * (dwNumOfParams - 1); dwConnectBPSLen = strlen(szConnectBPS); dwCarrierBPSLen = strlen(szCarrierBPS); dwDeviceTypeLen = strlen(szDeviceType); dwDeviceNameLen = strlen(szDeviceName); dwDefaultOffLen = strlen(szDefaultOff); dwPortNameLen = strlen(szPortName); dwClientDefaultOffLen = strlen(szClientDefaultOff); dwAvailable = *pdwSize; *pdwSize = (dwStructSize + dwConnectBPSLen + dwCarrierBPSLen + dwDeviceTypeLen + dwDeviceNameLen + dwDefaultOffLen + dwPortNameLen + dwClientDefaultOffLen + + 7L); //Zero bytes if (*pdwSize > dwAvailable) return(ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); // Fill in Buffer ((RASMAN_PORTINFO *)pBuffer)->PI_NumOfParams = ( WORD ) dwNumOfParams; pParam = ((RASMAN_PORTINFO *)pBuffer)->PI_Params; pValue = pBuffer + dwStructSize; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_CONNECTBPS_KEY); pParam->P_Type = String; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.String.Length = dwConnectBPSLen; pParam->P_Value.String.Data = pValue; strcpy(pParam->P_Value.String.Data, szConnectBPS); pValue += dwConnectBPSLen + 1; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_DATABITS_KEY); pParam->P_Type = Number; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.Number = DCB.ByteSize; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_PARITY_KEY); pParam->P_Type = Number; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.Number = DCB.Parity; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_STOPBITS_KEY); pParam->P_Type = Number; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.Number = DCB.StopBits; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_HDWFLOWCTRLON_KEY); pParam->P_Type = Number; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.Number = DCB.fOutxCtsFlow; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_CARRIERBPS_KEY); pParam->P_Type = String; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.String.Length = dwCarrierBPSLen; pParam->P_Value.String.Data = pValue; strcpy(pParam->P_Value.String.Data, szCarrierBPS); pValue += dwCarrierBPSLen + 1; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_ERRORCONTROLON_KEY); pParam->P_Type = Number; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; if (pSPCB == NULL) pParam->P_Value.Number = FALSE; else pParam->P_Value.Number = pSPCB->bErrorControlOn; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_DEFAULTOFFSTR_KEY); pParam->P_Type = String; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.String.Length = dwDefaultOffLen; pParam->P_Value.String.Data = pValue; strcpy(pParam->P_Value.String.Data, szDefaultOff); pValue += dwDefaultOffLen + 1; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_DEVICETYPE_KEY); pParam->P_Type = String; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.String.Length = dwDeviceTypeLen; pParam->P_Value.String.Data = pValue; strcpy(pParam->P_Value.String.Data, szDeviceType); pValue += dwDeviceTypeLen + 1; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_DEVICENAME_KEY); pParam->P_Type = String; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.String.Length = dwDeviceNameLen; pParam->P_Value.String.Data = pValue; strcpy(pParam->P_Value.String.Data, szDeviceName); pValue += dwDeviceNameLen + 1; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_PORTNAME_KEY); pParam->P_Type = String; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.String.Length = dwPortNameLen; pParam->P_Value.String.Data = pValue; strcpy(pParam->P_Value.String.Data, szPortName); pValue += dwPortNameLen + 1; pParam++; strcpy(pParam->P_Key, SER_C_DEFAULTOFFSTR_KEY); pParam->P_Type = String; pParam->P_Attributes = 0; pParam->P_Value.String.Length = dwClientDefaultOffLen; pParam->P_Value.String.Data = pValue; strcpy(pParam->P_Value.String.Data, szClientDefaultOff); //pValue += dwClientDefaultOffLen + 1; return(SUCCESS); } except(exception_code()==EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA ? HANDLE_EXCEPTION:CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return(gLastError); } } //* PortSetInfo ------------------------------------------------------------ // // Function: The values for most input keys are used to set the port // parameters directly. However, the carrier BPS and the // error conrol on flag set fields in the Serial Port Control // Block only, and not the port. // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_WRONG_INFO_SPECIFIED // Values returned by GetLastError() //* DWORD APIENTRY PortSetInfo(HANDLE hIOPort, RASMAN_PORTINFO *pInfo) { RAS_PARAMS *p; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; DCB DCB; WORD i; BOOL bTypeError = FALSE; try { DebugPrintf(("PortSetInfo\n\thPort = %d\n", hIOPort)); // Find the SerialPCB which contains hIOPOrt pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL); if (pSPCB == NULL) { gLastError = ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN; RaiseException(EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); } // Get a Device Control Block with current port values if (!GetCommState(hIOPort, &DCB)) return(GetLastError()); // Set DCB and PCB values for (i=0, p=pInfo->PI_Params; iPI_NumOfParams; i++, p++) { // Set DCB values if (_stricmp(p->P_Key, SER_CONNECTBPS_KEY) == 0) DCB.BaudRate = ValueToNum(p); else if (_stricmp(p->P_Key, SER_DATABITS_KEY) == 0) DCB.ByteSize = (BYTE) ValueToNum(p); else if (_stricmp(p->P_Key, SER_PARITY_KEY) == 0) DCB.Parity = (BYTE) ValueToNum(p); else if (_stricmp(p->P_Key, SER_STOPBITS_KEY) == 0) DCB.StopBits = (BYTE) ValueToNum(p); else if (_stricmp(p->P_Key, SER_HDWFLOWCTRLON_KEY) == 0) DCB.fOutxCtsFlow = ValueToBool(p); // Set PCB values else if (_stricmp(p->P_Key, SER_CARRIERBPS_KEY) == 0) if (p->P_Type == String) { strncpy(pSPCB->szCarrierBPS, p->P_Value.String.Data, p->P_Value.String.Length); pSPCB->szCarrierBPS[p->P_Value.String.Length] = '\0'; } else _itoa(p->P_Value.Number, pSPCB->szCarrierBPS, 10); else if (_stricmp(p->P_Key, SER_ERRORCONTROLON_KEY) == 0) pSPCB->bErrorControlOn = ValueToBool(p); else if (_stricmp(p->P_Key, SER_DEFAULTOFF_KEY) == 0) if (p->P_Type == String) { strncpy(pSPCB->szDefaultOff, p->P_Value.String.Data, p->P_Value.String.Length); pSPCB->szDefaultOff[p->P_Value.String.Length] = '\0'; } else pSPCB->szDefaultOff[0] = USE_DEVICE_INI_DEFAULT; else return(ERROR_WRONG_INFO_SPECIFIED); } // for // Send DCB to Port if (!SetCommState(hIOPort, &DCB)) return(GetLastError()); return(SUCCESS); } except(exception_code()==EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA ? HANDLE_EXCEPTION:CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return(gLastError); } } //* PortTestSignalState ---------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API indicates the state of the DSR and DTR lines. // DSR - Data Set Ready // DCD - Data Carrier Detect (RLSD - Received Line Signal Detect) // // Returns: SUCCESS // Values returned by GetLastError() // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortTestSignalState(HANDLE hIOPort, DWORD *pdwDeviceState) { DWORD dwModemStatus; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; DWORD dwSetMask = 0 ; DebugPrintf(("PortTestSignalState\n")); *pdwDeviceState = 0; if ((pSPCB = FindPortInList (hIOPort, NULL)) == NULL) return ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN ; if (!GetCommModemStatus(hIOPort, &dwModemStatus)) { *pdwDeviceState = 0xffffffff; return(GetLastError()); } // If DSR is down AND it was up before then mark it as a hw failure. // if ((!(dwModemStatus & MS_DSR_ON)) && (pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask)) *pdwDeviceState |= SS_HARDWAREFAILURE; // Similarly, if DCD is down and it was up before then link has dropped. // if (!(dwModemStatus & MS_RLSD_ON)) *pdwDeviceState |= SS_LINKDROPPED; else dwSetMask = EV_RLSD ; if (pSPCB->uRasEndpoint != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ASYMAC_DCDCHANGE A ; DWORD dwBytesReturned; A.MacAdapter = NULL ; A.hNdisEndpoint = (HANDLE) pSPCB->uRasEndpoint ; DeviceIoControl(pSPCB->hAsyMac, IOCTL_ASYMAC_DCDCHANGE, &A, sizeof(A), &A,sizeof(A), &dwBytesReturned, (LPOVERLAPPED)&(pSPCB->MonitorDevice)) ; } else { dwSetMask |= (pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask) ; // Only monitor DSR if it is used. if (dwSetMask == 0) return (SUCCESS) ; // do not set wait mask. if (dwModemStatus == pSPCB->dwPreviousModemStatus) { //DbgPrint("PortTestSignalState: Modemstatus hasn't changed\n"); return SUCCESS; } else pSPCB->dwPreviousModemStatus = dwModemStatus; //DbgPrint("PortTestSignalState: Setting mask ox%x\n", dwSetMask); SetCommMask(hIOPort, dwSetMask); // Start a new wait on signal lines (DSR and/or DCD) if (!WaitCommEvent(hIOPort, &(pSPCB->dwEventMask), (LPOVERLAPPED)&(pSPCB->MonitorDevice))) { //DbgPrint("PortTestSignalState: WaitCommEvent. %d\n", GetLastError()); } } return(SUCCESS); } //* PortConnect ------------------------------------------------------------ // // Function: This API is called when a connection has been completed and some // steps need to be taken, If bWaitForDevice is set then we monitor DCD only // else, // It in turn calls the asyncmac device driver in order to // indicate to asyncmac that the port and the connection // over it are ready for commumication. // // pdwCompressionInfo is an output only parameter which // indicates the type(s) of compression supported by the MAC. // // bWaitForDevice is set to TRUE when we just want to start monitoring DCD // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN // ERROR_NO_CONNECTION // Values returned by GetLastError() // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortConnect(HANDLE hIOPort, BOOL bWaitForDevice, HANDLE *pRasEndpoint) { ASYMAC_OPEN AsyMacOpen; ASYMAC_DCDCHANGE A ; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; BOOL bPadDevice; DWORD dwModemStatus, dwBytesReturned; TCHAR szDeviceType[RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN]; // This is a special mode of PortConnect where all we do is start monitoring DCD // Hand off to asyncmac does not happen till the next call to port connect where the // bWaitForDevice flag is false // if (bWaitForDevice) { pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL); if (pSPCB == NULL) { gLastError = ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN; return ERROR_NO_CONNECTION ; } if (!GetCommModemStatus(hIOPort, &dwModemStatus)) return(GetLastError()); // UPDATE the DSR monitoring // if (!(dwModemStatus & MS_DSR_ON)) pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask = 0 ; else pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask = EV_DSR ; // Tell serial driver to signal rasman if DCD, (and DSR, if it was used) drop // //DbgPrint("PortConnect: Setting mask to 0x%x\n",EV_RLSD | (pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask)); if (!SetCommMask(hIOPort, EV_RLSD | (pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask))) return(GetLastError()); WaitCommEvent(hIOPort, &(pSPCB->dwEventMask), (LPOVERLAPPED) &(pSPCB->MonitorDevice)) ; return SUCCESS ; } // Else we do both - change DCD monitoring and handing off context to asyncmac // memset (&overlapped, 0, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)) ; try { DebugPrintf(("PortConnect\n")); // Find port in list pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL); if (pSPCB == NULL) { gLastError = ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN; RaiseException(EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); } //Make sure connection is still up if (!GetCommModemStatus(hIOPort, &dwModemStatus)) return(GetLastError()); // Make sure that DSR is still up (if it ever was up!) if ((!(dwModemStatus & MS_DSR_ON)) && (pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask)) { OutputDebugString ("DSR down!!!\r\n") ; return(ERROR_NO_CONNECTION); //Device is down } if (!(dwModemStatus & MS_RLSD_ON) ) { OutputDebugString ("DCD down!!!\r\n") ; return(ERROR_NO_CONNECTION); //DCD is down } // // UPDATE the DSR monitoring // // // if ( ! (dwModemStatus & MS_DSR_ON)) { // pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask = 0 ; // } else { // pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask = EV_DSR ; // } // // // Tell system to signal rasman if DCD, (and DSR, if it was used) drop // // if (!SetCommMask(hIOPort, EV_RLSD | (pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask))) // return(GetLastError()); // // WaitCommEvent(hIOPort, // &(pSPCB->dwEventMask), // &(pSPCB->MonitorDevice)) ; //Put endpoint in Serial PCB for later use by PortDisconnect //Find if device type is Pad GetValueFromFile(pSPCB->szPortName, SER_DEVICETYPE_KEY, szDeviceType, RAS_MAXLINEBUFLEN); bPadDevice = (_stricmp(szDeviceType, MXS_PAD_TXT) == 0); // Let the ASYMAC notify us of DCD and DSR change // //DbgPrint("PortConnect: Setting mask to 0\n"); if (!SetCommMask(hIOPort, 0)) // Set mask to stop monitoring DCD return(GetLastError()); //Open AsyncMac (Hand off port to AsyncMac) AsyMacOpen.hNdisEndpoint = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ; AsyMacOpen.LinkSpeed = (atoi(pSPCB->szCarrierBPS) == 0) ? 14400 : atoi(pSPCB->szCarrierBPS) ; AsyMacOpen.FileHandle = hIOPort; if (bPadDevice || pSPCB->bErrorControlOn) AsyMacOpen.QualOfConnect = (UINT)NdisWanErrorControl; else AsyMacOpen.QualOfConnect = (UINT)NdisWanRaw; if (!DeviceIoControl(pSPCB->hAsyMac, IOCTL_ASYMAC_OPEN, &AsyMacOpen, sizeof(AsyMacOpen), &AsyMacOpen, sizeof(AsyMacOpen), &dwBytesReturned, &overlapped)) { // Clear the stored end point, so that if it failed to open // no attempt will be made to close it. pSPCB->uRasEndpoint = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return(GetLastError()); } else pSPCB->uRasEndpoint = AsyMacOpen.hNdisEndpoint; *pRasEndpoint = AsyMacOpen.hNdisEndpoint ; //DbgPrint("PortConnect: RasEndpoint = 0x%x\n", *pRasEndpoint); A.hNdisEndpoint = (HANDLE) *pRasEndpoint ; A.MacAdapter = NULL ; if (!DeviceIoControl(pSPCB->hAsyMac, IOCTL_ASYMAC_DCDCHANGE, &A, sizeof(A), &A, sizeof(A), &dwBytesReturned, (LPOVERLAPPED)&(pSPCB->MonitorDevice))) { ;//DbgPrint("PortConnect: DeviceIoControl (IOCTL_ASYMAC_DCDCHANGE) failed. %d\n", // GetLastError()); } PortClearStatistics(hIOPort); // if (!(dwModemStatus & MS_RLSD_ON)) // return(PENDING); //DCD is down // else return(SUCCESS); } except(exception_code()==EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA ? HANDLE_EXCEPTION:CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return(gLastError); } } //* PortDisconnect --------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API is called to drop a connection and close AsyncMac. // // Returns: SUCCESS // PENDING // ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortDisconnect(HANDLE hIOPort) { ASYMAC_CLOSE AsyMacClose; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; DWORD dwModemStatus, dwBytesReturned; DWORD retcode ; DWORD dwSetMask = 0; DWORD fdwAction = PURGE_TXABORT|PURGE_RXABORT|PURGE_TXCLEAR|PURGE_RXCLEAR; memset (&overlapped, 0, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)) ; try { DebugPrintf(("PortDisconnect\n")); //Signal other end of link that connection is being dropped if (!EscapeCommFunction(hIOPort, CLRDTR)) { ;//DbgPrint("PortDisconnect: EscapeCommFunction Failed. %d\n", GetLastError()); } // // Apparently, DTR isn't really down // yet, even though this call is supposed // to be synchronous to the serial driver. // We sleep here for a while to make sure // DTR drops. // Sleep(100); //Find port in list if ((pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL)) == NULL) { gLastError = ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN; RaiseException(EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); } if (pSPCB->uRasEndpoint != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Update statistics before closing Asyncmac if ((retcode = UpdateStatistics(pSPCB)) != SUCCESS) { gLastError = retcode; RaiseException(EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); } //Close AsynacMac AsyMacClose.MacAdapter = NULL; AsyMacClose.hNdisEndpoint = (HANDLE) pSPCB->uRasEndpoint; DeviceIoControl(pSPCB->hAsyMac, IOCTL_ASYMAC_CLOSE, &AsyMacClose, sizeof(AsyMacClose), &AsyMacClose, sizeof(AsyMacClose), &dwBytesReturned, &overlapped); pSPCB->uRasEndpoint = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } PurgeComm(hIOPort, fdwAction) ; // flush the ports //Check whether DCD has dropped yet GetCommModemStatus(hIOPort, &dwModemStatus); if (dwModemStatus & MS_RLSD_ON) { //DbgPrint("PortDisconnect: DCD hasn't dropped yet!\n"); dwSetMask = EV_RLSD ; retcode = PENDING ; // not yet dropped. } else retcode = SUCCESS ; // UPDATE the DSR monitoring: this restores the DCR to what it was when // the port was opened. // pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask = pSPCB->dwActiveDSRMask ; dwSetMask |= (pSPCB->dwMonitorDSRMask) ; if (dwSetMask != 0) { // set only if mask is not 0 //DbgPrint("PortDisconnect: Setting mask to 0x%x\n", dwSetMask); SetCommMask (hIOPort, dwSetMask); if (!WaitCommEvent(hIOPort, &(pSPCB->dwEventMask), (LPOVERLAPPED)&(pSPCB->MonitorDevice))) { //DbgPrint("PortDisconnect: WaitCommEvent. %d\n", GetLastError()); } } //Since DCD may have dropped after GetCommModemStatus and // before WaitCommEvent, check it again. if (retcode != SUCCESS) { GetCommModemStatus(hIOPort, &dwModemStatus); if (dwModemStatus & MS_RLSD_ON) { //DbgPrint("PortDisconnect: DCD hasn't dropped yet. 2\n"); retcode = PENDING ; // not yet dropped. } else retcode = SUCCESS ; } // Set the default connect baud // SetCommDefaults(pSPCB->hIOPort, pSPCB->szPortName); } except(exception_code()==EXCEPT_RAS_MEDIA ? HANDLE_EXCEPTION:CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return(gLastError); } return retcode ; } //* PortInit --------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API re-initializes the com port after use. // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_PORT_NOT_CONFIGURED // ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_READY // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortInit(HANDLE hIOPort) { DWORD fdwAction = PURGE_TXABORT|PURGE_RXABORT|PURGE_TXCLEAR|PURGE_RXCLEAR; DWORD dwErrors; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; DebugPrintf(("PortInit\n")); pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL) ; // Raise DTR if (!EscapeCommFunction(hIOPort, SETDTR)) return(GetLastError()); if (!PurgeComm(hIOPort, fdwAction)) return(GetLastError()); if (!ClearCommError(hIOPort, &dwErrors, NULL)) return(GetLastError()); // Reset szCarrierBPS to MAXCARRIERBPS from ini file // InitCarrierBps(pSPCB->szPortName, pSPCB->szCarrierBPS); return(SUCCESS); } //* PortSend --------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API sends a buffer to the port. This API is // asynchronous and normally returns PENDING; however, if // WriteFile returns synchronously, the API will return // SUCCESS. // // Returns: SUCCESS // PENDING // Return code from GetLastError // //* DWORD PortSend(HANDLE hIOPort, BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD dwSize) { SERIALPCB *pSPCB; DWORD dwRC, pdwBytesWritten; BOOL bIODone; DebugPrintf(("PortSend\n")); // Find the SerialPCB which contains hIOPOrt pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL); if (pSPCB == NULL) return(ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN); // Send Buffer to Port bIODone = WriteFile(hIOPort, pBuffer, dwSize, &pdwBytesWritten, //pdwBytesWritten is not used (LPOVERLAPPED)&(pSPCB->SendReceive)); if (bIODone) return(PENDING); else if ((dwRC = GetLastError()) == ERROR_IO_PENDING) return(PENDING); else return(dwRC); } //* PortReceive ------------------------------------------------------------ // // Function: This API reads from the port. This API is // asynchronous and normally returns PENDING; however, if // ReadFile returns synchronously, the API will return // SUCCESS. // // Returns: SUCCESS // PENDING // Return code from GetLastError // //* DWORD PortReceive(HANDLE hIOPort, BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwTimeOut) { COMMTIMEOUTS CT; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; DWORD dwRC, pdwBytesRead; BOOL bIODone; DebugPrintf(("PortReceive\n")); // Find the SerialPCB which contains hIOPOrt pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL); if (pSPCB == NULL) return(ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN); // Set Read Timeouts CT.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0; CT.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; CT.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = dwTimeOut; if ( ! SetCommTimeouts(hIOPort, &CT)) return(GetLastError()); // Read from Port bIODone = ReadFile(hIOPort, pBuffer, dwSize, &pdwBytesRead, //pdwBytesRead is not used (LPOVERLAPPED)&(pSPCB->SendReceive)); if (bIODone) { return(PENDING); } else if ((dwRC = GetLastError()) == ERROR_IO_PENDING) return(PENDING); else return(dwRC); } //* PortReceiveComplete ------------------------------------------------------ // // Function: Completes a read - if still PENDING it cancels it - else it returns the bytes read. // PortClearStatistics. // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN //* DWORD PortReceiveComplete (HANDLE hIOPort, PDWORD bytesread) { SERIALPCB *pSPCB; // Find the SerialPCB which contains hIOPOrt pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL); if (pSPCB == NULL) return(ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN); if (!GetOverlappedResult(hIOPort, (LPOVERLAPPED)&(pSPCB->SendReceive), bytesread, FALSE)) { #if DBG DbgPrint("PortReceiveComplete: GetOverlappedResult failed. %d", GetLastError()); #endif PurgeComm (hIOPort, PURGE_RXABORT) ; *bytesread = 0 ; } return SUCCESS ; } //* PortCompressionSetInfo ------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API selects Asyncmac compression mode by setting // Asyncmac's compression bits. // // Returns: SUCCESS // Return code from GetLastError // //* DWORD PortCompressionSetInfo(HANDLE hIOPort) { // Not supported anymore - return(SUCCESS); } //* PortClearStatistics ---------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API is used to mark the beginning of the period for which // statistics will be reported. The current numbers are copied // from the MAC and stored in the Serial Port Control Block. At // the end of the period PortGetStatistics will be called to // compute the difference. // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN //* DWORD PortClearStatistics(HANDLE hIOPort) { #if 0 ASYMAC_GETSTATS A; int i; DWORD dwBytesReturned; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; memset (&overlapped, 0, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)) ; DebugPrintf(("PortClearStatistics\n")); // Find port in list if ((pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL)) == NULL) return(ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN); // Check whether Asyncmac is open if (pSPCB->uRasEndpoint == INVALID_RASENDPOINT) for (i=0; iStats[i] = 0; else // Asyncmac is open { // Fill in GetStats struct A.MacAdapter = NULL; A.hNdisEndpoint = pSPCB->uRasEndpoint; // Call Asymac if (!DeviceIoControl(pSPCB->hAsyMac, IOCTL_ASYMAC_GETSTATS, &A, sizeof(A), &A, sizeof(A), &dwBytesReturned, &overlapped)) return(GetLastError()); // Update Stats in Serial Port Control Block pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED] = A.AsyMacStats.GenericStats.BytesTransmitted; pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED] = A.AsyMacStats.GenericStats.BytesReceived; pSPCB->Stats[FRAMES_XMITED] = A.AsyMacStats.GenericStats.FramesTransmitted; pSPCB->Stats[FRAMES_RCVED] = A.AsyMacStats.GenericStats.FramesReceived; pSPCB->Stats[CRC_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.CRCErrors; pSPCB->Stats[TIMEOUT_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.TimeoutErrors; pSPCB->Stats[ALIGNMENT_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.AlignmentErrors; pSPCB->Stats[SERIAL_OVERRUN_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.SerialOverrunErrors; pSPCB->Stats[FRAMING_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.FramingErrors; pSPCB->Stats[BUFFER_OVERRUN_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.BufferOverrunErrors; pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED_UNCOMP] = A.AsyMacStats.CompressionStats.BytesTransmittedUncompressed; pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED_UNCOMP] = A.AsyMacStats.CompressionStats.BytesReceivedUncompressed; pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED_COMP] = A.AsyMacStats.CompressionStats.BytesTransmittedCompressed; pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED_COMP] = A.AsyMacStats.CompressionStats.BytesReceivedCompressed; } #endif return(SUCCESS); } //* PortGetStatistics ------------------------------------------------------ // // Function: This API reports MAC statistics since the last call to // PortClearStatistics. // // Returns: SUCCESS // ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN //* DWORD PortGetStatistics(HANDLE hIOPort, RAS_STATISTICS *pStat) { #if 0 ASYMAC_GETSTATS A; DWORD dwBytesReturned; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; memset (&overlapped, 0, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)) ; DebugPrintf(("PortGetStatistics\n")); // Find port in list if ((pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL)) == NULL) return(ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN); // Check whether Asyncmac is open if (pSPCB->uRasEndpoint == INVALID_RASENDPOINT) { // Asyncmac is closed // Report current counts pStat->S_NumOfStatistics = NUM_RAS_SERIAL_STATS; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_XMITED] = pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_RCVED] = pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED]; pStat->S_Statistics[FRAMES_XMITED] = pSPCB->Stats[FRAMES_XMITED]; pStat->S_Statistics[FRAMES_RCVED] = pSPCB->Stats[FRAMES_RCVED]; pStat->S_Statistics[CRC_ERR] = pSPCB->Stats[CRC_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[TIMEOUT_ERR] = pSPCB->Stats[TIMEOUT_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[ALIGNMENT_ERR] = pSPCB->Stats[ALIGNMENT_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[SERIAL_OVERRUN_ERR] = pSPCB->Stats[SERIAL_OVERRUN_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[FRAMING_ERR] = pSPCB->Stats[FRAMING_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[BUFFER_OVERRUN_ERR] = pSPCB->Stats[BUFFER_OVERRUN_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_XMITED_UNCOMP]= pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED_UNCOMP]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_RCVED_UNCOMP] = pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED_UNCOMP]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_XMITED_COMP] = pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED_COMP]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_RCVED_COMP] = pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED_COMP]; } else { // Asyncmac is open // Fill in GetStats struct A.MacAdapter = NULL; A.hNdisEndpoint = pSPCB->uRasEndpoint; // Call Asymac to get current MAC statistics counts if (!DeviceIoControl(pSPCB->hAsyMac, IOCTL_ASYMAC_GETSTATS, &A, sizeof(A), &A, sizeof(A), &dwBytesReturned, &overlapped)) return(GetLastError()); // Find difference between last PortClearStatistics and current counts pStat->S_NumOfStatistics = NUM_RAS_SERIAL_STATS; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_XMITED] = A.AsyMacStats.GenericStats.BytesTransmitted - pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_RCVED] = A.AsyMacStats.GenericStats.BytesReceived - pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED]; pStat->S_Statistics[FRAMES_XMITED] = A.AsyMacStats.GenericStats.FramesTransmitted - pSPCB->Stats[FRAMES_XMITED]; pStat->S_Statistics[FRAMES_RCVED] = A.AsyMacStats.GenericStats.FramesReceived - pSPCB->Stats[FRAMES_RCVED]; pStat->S_Statistics[CRC_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.CRCErrors - pSPCB->Stats[CRC_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[TIMEOUT_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.TimeoutErrors - pSPCB->Stats[TIMEOUT_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[ALIGNMENT_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.AlignmentErrors - pSPCB->Stats[ALIGNMENT_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[SERIAL_OVERRUN_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.SerialOverrunErrors - pSPCB->Stats[SERIAL_OVERRUN_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[FRAMING_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.FramingErrors - pSPCB->Stats[FRAMING_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[BUFFER_OVERRUN_ERR] = A.AsyMacStats.SerialStats.BufferOverrunErrors - pSPCB->Stats[BUFFER_OVERRUN_ERR]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_XMITED_UNCOMP] = A.AsyMacStats.CompressionStats.BytesTransmittedUncompressed - pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED_UNCOMP]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_RCVED_UNCOMP] = A.AsyMacStats.CompressionStats.BytesReceivedUncompressed - pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED_UNCOMP]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_XMITED_COMP] = A.AsyMacStats.CompressionStats.BytesTransmittedCompressed - pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_XMITED_COMP]; pStat->S_Statistics[BYTES_RCVED_COMP] = A.AsyMacStats.CompressionStats.BytesReceivedCompressed - pSPCB->Stats[BYTES_RCVED_COMP]; } #endif return(SUCCESS); } //* PortSetFraming ------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: Sets the framing type with the mac // // Returns: SUCCESS // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortSetFraming(HANDLE hIOPort, DWORD SendFeatureBits, DWORD RecvFeatureBits, DWORD SendBitMask, DWORD RecvBitMask) { #if 0 ASYMAC_STARTFRAMING A; DWORD dwBytesReturned; SERIALPCB *pSPCB; memset (&overlapped, 0, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)) ; // Find port in list if ((pSPCB = FindPortInList(hIOPort, NULL)) == NULL) return(ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN); A.MacAdapter = NULL ; A.hNdisEndpoint = pSPCB->uRasEndpoint; A.SendFeatureBits = SendFeatureBits; A.RecvFeatureBits = RecvFeatureBits; A.SendBitMask = SendBitMask; A.RecvBitMask = RecvBitMask; if (!DeviceIoControl(pSPCB->hAsyMac, IOCTL_ASYMAC_STARTFRAMING, &A, sizeof(A), &A, sizeof(A), &dwBytesReturned, &overlapped)) return(GetLastError()); #endif return(SUCCESS); } //* PortGetPortState ------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API is used in MS-DOS only. // // Returns: SUCCESS // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortGetPortState(char *pszPortName, DWORD *pdwUsage) { DebugPrintf(("PortGetPortState\n")); return(SUCCESS); } //* PortChangeCallback ----------------------------------------------------- // // Function: This API is used in MS-DOS only. // // Returns: SUCCESS // //* DWORD APIENTRY PortChangeCallback(HANDLE hIOPort) { DebugPrintf(("PortChangeCallback\n")); return(SUCCESS); } DWORD APIENTRY PortSetINetCfg(PVOID pvINetCfg) { ((void) pvINetCfg); return SUCCESS; } DWORD APIENTRY PortSetIoCompletionPort ( HANDLE hIoCompletionPort) { ((void) hIoCompletionPort); return SUCCESS; }