/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rassfm.c Abstract: This module implements the subauthentication needed by the various RAS protocols (ARAP, MD5 etc.). It is adapted from the subauthentication sample from CliffV. Author: Shirish Koti 28-Feb-97 Revisions: 06/02/97 Steve Cobb, Added MD5-CHAP support --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SECURITY_WIN32 #define SECURITY_PACKAGE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rasman.h" #include "rasfmsub.h" #include "arapio.h" #include "md5port.h" #include "cleartxt.h" #include "rassfm.h" // Private heap used by the RASSFM module. PVOID RasSfmPrivateHeap; // Empty OWF password. const NT_OWF_PASSWORD EMPTY_OWF_PASSWORD = { { { '\x31', '\xD6', '\xCF', '\xE0', '\xD1', '\x6A', '\xE9', '\x31' }, { '\xB7', '\x3C', '\x59', '\xD7', '\xE0', '\xC0', '\x89', '\xC0' } } }; BOOL RasSfmSubAuthEntry( IN HANDLE hinstDll, IN DWORD fdwReason, IN LPVOID lpReserved ) /*++ Routine Description: Entry point into the dll Arguments: hinstDll - handle fdwReason - why the entry lpReserved - Return Value: TRUE --*/ { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: RasSfmPrivateHeap = RtlCreateHeap( HEAP_GROWABLE, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL ); DisableThreadLibraryCalls( hinstDll ); InitializeCriticalSection( &ArapDesLock ); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: RtlDestroyHeap(RasSfmPrivateHeap); break; } return(TRUE); } NTSTATUS Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineEx( IN NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS LogonLevel, IN PVOID LogonInformation, IN ULONG Flags, IN PUSER_ALL_INFORMATION UserAll, IN SAM_HANDLE UserHandle, IN OUT PMSV1_0_VALIDATION_INFO ValidationInfo, OUT PULONG ActionsPerformed ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the routine called in by the MSV package (if it was requested that the subauth package be called in), as a result of calling LsaLogonUser. This routine does RAS protocol specific authentication. In case of both ARAP and MD5 CHAP, the only thing we do in this routine is actual password authentication and leave everything else (logon hours, pwd expiry etc.) to the MSV package. Arguments: LogonLevel - we don't use it LogonInformation - contains the info our client side gave to us Flags - we don't use this flag UserAll - we get password creation,expiry times from this UserHandle - we get the clear text password using this ValidationInfo - set return info ActionsPerformed - we always set this to NTLM_SUBAUTH_PASSWORD to indicate to the package that all we did was check for password Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS: if there was no error. STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD: The password was invalid. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PNETLOGON_NETWORK_INFO pLogonNetworkInfo; PRAS_SUBAUTH_INFO pRasSubAuthInfo; USHORT bufferLength; pLogonNetworkInfo = (PNETLOGON_NETWORK_INFO) LogonInformation; pRasSubAuthInfo = (PRAS_SUBAUTH_INFO) pLogonNetworkInfo->NtChallengeResponse.Buffer; bufferLength = pLogonNetworkInfo->NtChallengeResponse.Length; if ( pRasSubAuthInfo == NULL || (bufferLength < sizeof(RAS_SUBAUTH_INFO)) ) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } switch (pRasSubAuthInfo->ProtocolType) { // // do the ARAP-specific authentication // case RAS_SUBAUTH_PROTO_ARAP: status = ArapSubAuthentication(pLogonNetworkInfo, UserAll, UserHandle, ValidationInfo); ValidationInfo->Authoritative = TRUE; *ActionsPerformed = MSV1_0_SUBAUTH_PASSWORD; break; // MD5 CHAP subauthentication. // case RAS_SUBAUTH_PROTO_MD5CHAP: { // Subauthenticate the user account. // status = MD5ChapSubAuthentication( UserHandle, UserAll, pRasSubAuthInfo, bufferLength ); // No validation information is returned. Might want to return a // session key here in the future. // ValidationInfo->WhichFields = 0; ValidationInfo->Authoritative = TRUE; *ActionsPerformed = MSV1_0_SUBAUTH_PASSWORD; break; } // MD5 CHAP Ex subauthentication. // case RAS_SUBAUTH_PROTO_MD5CHAP_EX: { // Subauthenticate the user account. // status = MD5ChapExSubAuthentication( UserHandle, UserAll, pRasSubAuthInfo, bufferLength ); // No validation information is returned. Might want to return a // session key here in the future. // ValidationInfo->WhichFields = 0; ValidationInfo->Authoritative = TRUE; *ActionsPerformed = MSV1_0_SUBAUTH_PASSWORD; break; } default: DBGPRINT("RASSFM subauth pkg: bad protocol type %d\n", pRasSubAuthInfo->ProtocolType); status = STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD; break; } return(status); } NTSTATUS Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineGeneric( IN PVOID SubmitBuffer, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ReturnBuffer ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the routine called in by the MSV package (if it was requested that the subauth package be called in), as a result of calling LsaCallAuthenticationPackage. This routine does RAS protocol specific functions. In case of ARAP, we implement change password functionality in this routine. Arguments: SubmitBuffer - the buffer containing password change info SubmitBufferLength - length of this buffer ReturnBufferLength - we don't use it ReturnBuffer - we don't use it Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS: if there was no error. --*/ { PARAP_SUBAUTH_REQ pArapSubAuthInfo; PUNICODE_STRING pUserName; PUNICODE_STRING pDomainName; PRAS_SUBAUTH_INFO pRasSubAuthInfo; NTSTATUS status; pRasSubAuthInfo = (PRAS_SUBAUTH_INFO)SubmitBuffer; switch (pRasSubAuthInfo->ProtocolType) { // // do the ARAP-specific authentication // case RAS_SUBAUTH_PROTO_ARAP: status = ArapChangePassword(pRasSubAuthInfo, ReturnBufferLength, ReturnBuffer); break; default: DBGPRINT("Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineGeneric: bad protocol type\n"); ASSERT(0); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } return(status); } NTSTATUS ArapSubAuthentication( IN OUT PNETLOGON_NETWORK_INFO pLogonNetworkInfo, IN PUSER_ALL_INFORMATION UserAll, IN SAM_HANDLE UserHandle, IN OUT PMSV1_0_VALIDATION_INFO ValidationInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the routine that does the actuall authentication. It retrieves the clear-text password, does the DES encryption of the challenge and compares with what the Mac client has sent to determine if authentication succeeded. Also, it returns a response to the challenge sent to us by the Mac. Arguments: pLogonNetworkInfo - ptr to the NETLOGON_NETWORK_INFO struct UserAll - ptr to the USER_ALL_INFORMATION struct UserHandle - sam handle for the user ValidationInfo - what we return to our caller Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS: if authentication succeeded, appropriate error otherwise --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PARAP_SUBAUTH_REQ pArapSubAuthInfo; ARAP_CHALLENGE Challenge; PARAP_SUBAUTH_RESP pArapResp; PUNICODE_STRING pUserName; PUNICODE_STRING pDomainName; UNICODE_STRING UnicodePassword; ANSI_STRING AnsiPassword; PRAS_SUBAUTH_INFO pRasSubAuthInfo; DWORD Response1; DWORD Response2; UCHAR ClearTextPassword[64]; BOOLEAN fCallerIsArap; pRasSubAuthInfo = (PRAS_SUBAUTH_INFO) pLogonNetworkInfo->NtChallengeResponse.Buffer; pArapSubAuthInfo = (PARAP_SUBAUTH_REQ)&pRasSubAuthInfo->Data[0]; // // NOTE: this is a quick-n-dirty workaround to returning a clean buffer // We use the KickoffTime,LogoffTime and SessionKey fields of ValidationInfo // The SessionKey is a 16 byte field. We use only 12 bytes, but be careful // not to exceed it!! ASSERT(sizeof(ARAP_SUBAUTH_RESP) <= sizeof(USER_SESSION_KEY)); // // store the password create and expiry date: we need to send it to Mac // ValidationInfo->KickoffTime = UserAll->PasswordLastSet; ValidationInfo->LogoffTime = UserAll->PasswordMustChange; ValidationInfo->WhichFields = ( MSV1_0_VALIDATION_LOGOFF_TIME | MSV1_0_VALIDATION_KICKOFF_TIME | MSV1_0_VALIDATION_SESSION_KEY | MSV1_0_VALIDATION_USER_FLAGS ); ValidationInfo->UserFlags = 0; pArapResp = (PARAP_SUBAUTH_RESP)&ValidationInfo->SessionKey; if ((pArapSubAuthInfo->PacketType != ARAP_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PKT) && (pArapSubAuthInfo->PacketType != SFM_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PKT)) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: PacketType is not ARAP, returning failure\n"); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_BAD_FORMAT; return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } fCallerIsArap = (pArapSubAuthInfo->PacketType == ARAP_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PKT); // // presently no one calls with fGuestLogon. If in future, we need Guest logon, // then we will have to check if (Flags & MSV1_0_GUEST_LOGON) is set to allow // Guest logon. Right now, we fail the request. // if (pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.fGuestLogon) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: how come guest logon is reaching here??\n"); ASSERT(0); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_AUTH_FAILURE; return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } pUserName = &pLogonNetworkInfo->Identity.UserName; pDomainName = &pLogonNetworkInfo->Identity.LogonDomainName; status = RetrieveCleartextPassword(UserHandle, UserAll, &UnicodePassword); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: RetrieveCleartextPassword failed %lx\n",status); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWD_NOT_AVAILABLE; return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } SecureZeroMemory(ClearTextPassword, sizeof(ClearTextPassword)); AnsiPassword.Length = AnsiPassword.MaximumLength = sizeof(ClearTextPassword); AnsiPassword.Buffer = ClearTextPassword; status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiPassword, &UnicodePassword, FALSE ); SecureZeroMemory(UnicodePassword.Buffer, UnicodePassword.Length); // we don't need the unicode password anymore RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UnicodePassword); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString failed %lx\n",status); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWD_NOT_AVAILABLE; return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } // // Mac sends challenge to us as well: compute the response // Challenge.high = pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.MacChallenge1; Challenge.low = pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.MacChallenge2; EnterCriticalSection( &ArapDesLock ); if (fCallerIsArap) { DoDesInit(ClearTextPassword, TRUE); } // // RandNum expects the low-bit of each byte (of password) to be cleared // during key-generation // else { DoDesInit(ClearTextPassword, FALSE); } DoTheDESEncrypt((PBYTE)&Challenge); // // copy the response that needs to be sent back to the Mac // pArapResp->Response = Challenge; // // encrypt the challenge that we sent to find out if this Mac is honest // Challenge.high = pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.NTChallenge1; Challenge.low = pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.NTChallenge2; DoTheDESEncrypt((PBYTE)&Challenge); Response1 = Challenge.high; Response2 = Challenge.low; DoDesEnd(); LeaveCriticalSection( &ArapDesLock ); // // zero the clear text password: we don't need it hanging around // SecureZeroMemory(ClearTextPassword, sizeof(ClearTextPassword)); // // does the response returned by the Mac match ours? // if ((Response1 == pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.MacResponse1) && (Response2 == pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.MacResponse2)) { pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_NO_ERROR; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: our Challenge: %lx %lx\n", pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.NTChallenge1,pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.NTChallenge2); DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: Response don't match! (ours %lx %lx vs. Mac's %lx %lx)\n", Response1,Response2,pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.MacResponse1, pArapSubAuthInfo->Logon.MacResponse2); pArapResp->Response.high = 0; pArapResp->Response.low = 0; pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_AUTH_FAILURE; status = STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD; } return(status); } NTSTATUS ArapChangePassword( IN OUT PRAS_SUBAUTH_INFO pRasSubAuthInfo, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ReturnBuffer ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called to change the password of the user in question. It first retrieves the clear-text password, does the DES decryption of the munged old password and munged new password to get the clear-text old and new passwords; makes sure that the old password matches with what we have as the password and then finally, sets the new password. Arguments: pRasSubAuthInfo - ptr to RAS_SUBAUTH_INFO struct: input data ReturnBufferLength - how much are we returning ReturnBuffer - what we return: output data Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS: if password change succeeded, appropriate error otherwise --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PARAP_SUBAUTH_REQ pArapSubAuthInfo; PARAP_SUBAUTH_RESP pArapResp; UNICODE_STRING UserName; UNICODE_STRING PackageName; UNICODE_STRING UnicodePassword; ANSI_STRING AnsiPassword; USER_INFORMATION_CLASS UserInformationClass; USER_ALL_INFORMATION UserAllInfo; ARAP_CHALLENGE Challenge; USER_PARAMETERS_INFORMATION *oldParmInfo=NULL; PSAMPR_USER_ALL_INFORMATION UserParmInfo=NULL; UCHAR OldPwd[32]; UCHAR NewPwd[32]; UCHAR MacsOldPwd[32]; WCHAR NtPassword[40]; UCHAR NewPwdLen; UCHAR OldPwdLen; UCHAR MacOldPwdLen; SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle; PVOID Credentials; DWORD CredentialSize; PUCHAR pBufPtr; BOOLEAN fCallerIsArap; UCHAR FirstByte; BOOLEAN fPasswordAvailable=TRUE; UCHAR i; *ReturnBuffer = MIDL_user_allocate( sizeof(ARAP_SUBAUTH_RESP) ); if (*ReturnBuffer == NULL) { DBGPRINT("ARAPChgPwd: MIDL_alloc failed!\n"); *ReturnBufferLength = 0; return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } *ReturnBufferLength = sizeof(ARAP_SUBAUTH_RESP); pArapResp = (PARAP_SUBAUTH_RESP)*ReturnBuffer; pArapSubAuthInfo = (PARAP_SUBAUTH_REQ)&pRasSubAuthInfo->Data[0]; if ((pArapSubAuthInfo->PacketType != ARAP_SUBAUTH_CHGPWD_PKT) && (pArapSubAuthInfo->PacketType != SFM_SUBAUTH_CHGPWD_PKT)) { DBGPRINT("ARAPChgPwd: bad packet type %d!\n",pArapSubAuthInfo->PacketType); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_BAD_FORMAT; return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } fCallerIsArap = (pArapSubAuthInfo->PacketType == ARAP_SUBAUTH_CHGPWD_PKT); UserName.Length = (sizeof(WCHAR) * wcslen(pArapSubAuthInfo->ChgPwd.UserName)); UserName.MaximumLength = UserName.Length; UserName.Buffer = pArapSubAuthInfo->ChgPwd.UserName; status = ArapGetSamHandle(&UserHandle, &UserName); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("Arap: ArapGetSamHandle failed with %lx\n", status); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_COULDNT_GET_SAMHANDLE; return(status); } SecureZeroMemory(OldPwd, sizeof(OldPwd)); SecureZeroMemory(MacsOldPwd, sizeof(MacsOldPwd)); SecureZeroMemory(NewPwd, sizeof(NewPwd)); // // are we on a DS? // if (SampUsingDsData()) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &PackageName, CLEAR_TEXT_PWD_PACKAGE ); // // get the clear text password // status = SamIRetrievePrimaryCredentials( (PVOID)UserHandle, &PackageName, &Credentials, &CredentialSize ); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: SamI...Credentials failed %lx\n",status); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWD_NOT_AVAILABLE; SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); return(status); } // // if we are returned a null password, it could be that the password is really // null, or that cleartext password isn't available for this user. If it's // the latter, we need to bail out! // if (CredentialSize == 0) { // get the OWF for this user status = SamrQueryInformationUser( UserHandle, UserParametersInformation, (PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER*)&oldParmInfo); // // if the call failed, or if the user's password is not null, bail out! // if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) || (oldParmInfo->Parameters.Length != NT_OWF_PASSWORD_LENGTH) || (memcmp(oldParmInfo->Parameters.Buffer, &EMPTY_OWF_PASSWORD, NT_OWF_PASSWORD_LENGTH)) ) { fPasswordAvailable = FALSE; } if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SamIFree_SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER( (PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)oldParmInfo, UserParametersInformation); } if (!fPasswordAvailable) { DBGPRINT("ArapChangePassword: password not available\n"); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWD_NOT_AVAILABLE; LocalFree( Credentials ); SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); return(status); } } // convert to wide-char size CredentialSize = (CredentialSize/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (CredentialSize > sizeof(OldPwd)) { DBGPRINT("ArapChangePassword: pwd too long (%d bytes)\n",CredentialSize); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG; LocalFree( Credentials ); SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); return(STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD); } wcstombs(OldPwd, Credentials, CredentialSize); SecureZeroMemory( Credentials, CredentialSize ); LocalFree( Credentials ); } // // we are not running on the DS, but on a Standalone (workgroup) box. We need to // retrieve the cleartext pwd differently // else { // get the user parms status = SamrQueryInformationUser( UserHandle, UserAllInformation, (PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *)&UserParmInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: SamrQueryInformationUser failed %lx\n",status); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWD_NOT_AVAILABLE; SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); return(status); } status = IASParmsGetUserPassword(UserParmInfo->Parameters.Buffer, &UnicodePassword.Buffer); SamIFree_SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER((PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)UserParmInfo, UserAllInformation); if ((status != STATUS_SUCCESS) || (UnicodePassword.Buffer == NULL)) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: IASParmsGetUserPassword failed %lx\n",status); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWD_NOT_AVAILABLE; SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); return(STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD); } UnicodePassword.MaximumLength = UnicodePassword.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(UnicodePassword.Buffer) * sizeof( WCHAR )); AnsiPassword.Length = AnsiPassword.MaximumLength = sizeof(OldPwd); AnsiPassword.Buffer = OldPwd; status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiPassword, &UnicodePassword, FALSE ); SecureZeroMemory(UnicodePassword.Buffer, UnicodePassword.Length); // we don't need the unicode password anymore RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UnicodePassword); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString failed %lx\n",status); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWD_NOT_AVAILABLE; SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } } // // password change happens differently for ARAP and SFM: in ARAP, the old pwd // as well as the new pwd are encrypted using the old pwd. In SFM, old pwd is // encrypted with the new pwd (the first 8 bytes in after username), and the // new pwd is encrypted with the old pwd (the next 8 bytes) // if (fCallerIsArap) { // // first, get the get the old password out (the way Mac knows it) // pBufPtr = &pArapSubAuthInfo->ChgPwd.OldMunge[0]; EnterCriticalSection( &ArapDesLock ); DoDesInit(OldPwd, TRUE); // first 8 bytes of mangled old password pBufPtr = &pArapSubAuthInfo->ChgPwd.OldMunge[0]; Challenge.high = (*((DWORD *)(pBufPtr))); pBufPtr += 4; Challenge.low = (*((DWORD *)(pBufPtr))); DoTheDESDecrypt((PBYTE)&Challenge); RtlCopyMemory(MacsOldPwd, (PBYTE)&Challenge, 8); // next 8 bytes of mangled old password pBufPtr += 4; Challenge.high = (*((DWORD *)(pBufPtr))); pBufPtr += 4; Challenge.low = (*((DWORD *)(pBufPtr))); DoTheDESDecrypt((PBYTE)&Challenge); RtlCopyMemory(MacsOldPwd+8, (PBYTE)&Challenge, 8); // // now, get the new password // // first 8 bytes of the mangled new password pBufPtr = &pArapSubAuthInfo->ChgPwd.NewMunge[0]; Challenge.high = (*((DWORD *)(pBufPtr))); pBufPtr += 4; Challenge.low = (*((DWORD *)(pBufPtr))); DoTheDESDecrypt((PBYTE)&Challenge); RtlCopyMemory(NewPwd, (PBYTE)&Challenge, 8); // next 8 bytes of the mangled new password pBufPtr += 4; Challenge.high = (*((DWORD *)(pBufPtr))); pBufPtr += 4; Challenge.low = (*((DWORD *)(pBufPtr))); DoTheDESDecrypt((PBYTE)&Challenge); RtlCopyMemory(NewPwd+8, (PBYTE)&Challenge, 8); DoDesEnd(); LeaveCriticalSection( &ArapDesLock ); MacOldPwdLen = MacsOldPwd[0]; NewPwdLen = NewPwd[0]; FirstByte = 1; } else { // using old pwd as the key, get the new pwd out EnterCriticalSection( &ArapDesLock ); DoDesInit(OldPwd, FALSE); // clear low-bit pBufPtr = &pArapSubAuthInfo->ChgPwd.NewMunge[0]; Challenge.high = (*((DWORD UNALIGNED *)(pBufPtr))); pBufPtr += 4; Challenge.low = (*((DWORD UNALIGNED *)(pBufPtr))); DoTheDESDecrypt((PBYTE)&Challenge); RtlCopyMemory(NewPwd, (PBYTE)&Challenge, 8); DoDesEnd(); // // now, we need to get the old pwd out so that we can make sure the // guy really had the pwd to begin with // DoDesInit(NewPwd, FALSE); // clear low-bit pBufPtr = &pArapSubAuthInfo->ChgPwd.OldMunge[0]; Challenge.high = (*((DWORD UNALIGNED *)(pBufPtr))); pBufPtr += 4; Challenge.low = (*((DWORD UNALIGNED *)(pBufPtr))); DoTheDESDecrypt((PBYTE)&Challenge); RtlCopyMemory(MacsOldPwd, (PBYTE)&Challenge, 8); DoDesEnd(); LeaveCriticalSection( &ArapDesLock ); MacOldPwdLen = (UCHAR)strlen((PBYTE)MacsOldPwd); NewPwdLen = (UCHAR)strlen((PBYTE)NewPwd); FirstByte = 0; } OldPwdLen = (UCHAR)strlen((PBYTE)OldPwd); if ((MacOldPwdLen != OldPwdLen) || (MacOldPwdLen > MAX_MAC_PWD_LEN)) { DBGPRINT("ArapChangePassword: Length mismatch! old len %d, oldMacLen %d\n", OldPwdLen,MacOldPwdLen); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG; SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); SecureZeroMemory(OldPwd, sizeof(OldPwd)); SecureZeroMemory(MacsOldPwd, sizeof(MacsOldPwd)); SecureZeroMemory(NewPwd, sizeof(NewPwd)); return(STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE); } // // make sure the guy really knew the password to begin with // for (i=0; iResult = ARAPERR_BAD_PASSWORD; SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); SecureZeroMemory(OldPwd, sizeof(OldPwd)); SecureZeroMemory(MacsOldPwd, sizeof(MacsOldPwd)); SecureZeroMemory(NewPwd, sizeof(NewPwd)); return(STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE); } } SecureZeroMemory(NtPassword, sizeof(NtPassword)); // // convert the thing to unicode.. // first byte in newpwd is length of the passwd // mbstowcs(NtPassword, &NewPwd[FirstByte], NewPwdLen); NtPassword[NewPwdLen] = 0; SecureZeroMemory( &UserAllInfo, sizeof(UserAllInfo) ); UserAllInfo.UserName.Length = UserName.Length; UserAllInfo.UserName.MaximumLength = UserName.MaximumLength; UserAllInfo.UserName.Buffer = UserName.Buffer; UserAllInfo.WhichFields = USER_ALL_NTPASSWORDPRESENT; UserAllInfo.NtPassword.Length = wcslen(NtPassword) * sizeof(WCHAR); UserAllInfo.NtPassword.MaximumLength = wcslen(NtPassword) * sizeof(WCHAR); UserAllInfo.NtPassword.Buffer = NtPassword; status = SamrSetInformationUser( UserHandle, UserAllInformation, (PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)&UserAllInfo); SamrCloseHandle( &UserHandle ); // // wipe out all the clear-text passwords // SecureZeroMemory(OldPwd, sizeof(OldPwd)); SecureZeroMemory(NewPwd, sizeof(NewPwd)); SecureZeroMemory((PUCHAR)NtPassword, sizeof(NtPassword)); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("ARAPSubAuth: SamrSetInfo.. failed %lx\n",status); pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_SET_PASSWD_FAILED; return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } pArapResp->Result = ARAPERR_NO_ERROR; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } NTSTATUS ArapGetSamHandle( IN PVOID *pUserHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING pUserName ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine gets sam handle to the specified user (when we get into the subauth pkg for a password change, we don't have user's sam handle). Arguments: pUserHandle - sam handle, on return pUserName - name of the user in question Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS: if handle retrieved successfully, appropriate error otherwise --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PLSAPR_POLICY_INFORMATION PolicyInfo = NULL; SAMPR_HANDLE SamHandle = NULL; SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle = NULL; SAMPR_ULONG_ARRAY RidArray; SAMPR_ULONG_ARRAY UseArray; RidArray.Element = NULL; UseArray.Element = NULL; status = LsaIQueryInformationPolicyTrusted( PolicyAccountDomainInformation, &PolicyInfo); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("ArapGetSamHandle: LsaI...Trusted failed with %lx\n", status); goto ArapGetSamHandle_Exit; } status = SamIConnect( NULL, // no server name &SamHandle, 0, // no desired access TRUE // trusted caller ); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("ArapGetSamHandle: SamIConnect failed with %lx\n", status); goto ArapGetSamHandle_Exit; } status = SamrOpenDomain( SamHandle, 0, // no desired access (PRPC_SID) PolicyInfo->PolicyAccountDomainInfo.DomainSid, &DomainHandle); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("ArapGetSamHandle: SamrOpenDomain failed with %lx\n", status); goto ArapGetSamHandle_Exit; } status = SamrLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, (PRPC_UNICODE_STRING) pUserName, &RidArray, &UseArray); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("ArapGetSamHandle: Samr..Domain failed with %lx\n", status); goto ArapGetSamHandle_Exit; } if (UseArray.Element[0] != SidTypeUser) { DBGPRINT("ArapGetSamHandle: didn't find our user\n"); goto ArapGetSamHandle_Exit; } // // Finally open the user // status = SamrOpenUser( DomainHandle, 0, // no desired access, RidArray.Element[0], pUserHandle); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT("ArapGetSamHandle: SamrOpenUser failed with %lx\n", status); goto ArapGetSamHandle_Exit; } ArapGetSamHandle_Exit: if (DomainHandle != NULL) { SamrCloseHandle( &DomainHandle ); } if (SamHandle != NULL) { SamrCloseHandle( &SamHandle ); } if (PolicyInfo != NULL) { LsaIFree_LSAPR_POLICY_INFORMATION( PolicyAccountDomainInformation, PolicyInfo); } SamIFree_SAMPR_ULONG_ARRAY( &UseArray ); SamIFree_SAMPR_ULONG_ARRAY( &RidArray ); return(status); } NTSTATUS DeltaNotify( IN PSID DomainSid, IN SECURITY_DB_DELTA_TYPE DeltaType, IN SECURITY_DB_OBJECT_TYPE ObjectType, IN ULONG ObjectRid, IN OPTIONAL PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName, IN PLARGE_INTEGER ModifiedCount, IN PSAM_DELTA_DATA DeltaData ) { DWORD dwRetCode; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer; AFP_SERVER_INFO afpInfo; // ignore any changes other than those to user if (ObjectType != SecurityDbObjectSamUser) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } // we only care about guest account: ignore the notification for other users if (ObjectRid != DOMAIN_USER_RID_GUEST) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } // enable/disable of guest account is all that's interesting to us if (DeltaType != SecurityDbChange) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } // if there is no DeltaData, account enable/disable hasn't been affected if (!DeltaData) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } // // ok, looks like Guest account was enabled (or disabled). Connect to the // SFM service on this machine. If we fail, that means SFM is not started // In that case, ignore this change // dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnect(NULL, &hAfpServer); // if we couldn't connect, don't bother: just ignore this notification if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { DBGPRINT("DeltaNotify: AfpAdminConnect failed, dwRetCode = %ld\n",dwRetCode); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } SecureZeroMemory(&afpInfo, sizeof(AFP_SERVER_INFO)); // // find out if the guest account is enabled or disabled and set the flag // appropriately // if (!(DeltaData->AccountControl & USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED)) { afpInfo.afpsrv_options = AFP_SRVROPT_GUESTLOGONALLOWED; } dwRetCode = AfpAdminServerSetInfo(hAfpServer, (LPBYTE)&afpInfo, AFP_SERVER_GUEST_ACCT_NOTIFY); AfpAdminDisconnect(hAfpServer); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }