/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/ //*** // // Filename: afpsvcp.h // // Description: This is the main header file for the AFP Server Service. // // History: // May 11,1992. NarenG Created original version. // #ifndef _AFPSVCP_ #define _AFPSVCP_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // needed for winbase.h #include #include #include #include // Win32 base API's #include // Needed for LoadString #include // Win32 service control stuff #include // Win32 registry API's #include #include #include // RPC api's #include // FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK, METHOD_BUFFERD constants #include #include #include #include #include #if DBG #define DEBUG TRUE #endif #include // Generated by MIDL #include #include #include #include "events.h" #include "ioctl.h" #include "rasfmsub.h" #include "debug.h" #define LOGON_PROCESS_NAME "SFM_SERVICE" #define AFPSTATE_RPC_STARTED 0x1 #define AFPSTATE_FSD_LOADED 0x2 #define AFPSTATE_BLOCKED_ON_DOMINFO 0x4 // Id's of the various data structures // typedef enum _AFP_STRUCTURE_TYPE { AFP_EXTENSION_STRUCT, AFP_TYPECREATOR_STRUCT, AFP_ICON_STRUCT, AFP_VOLUME_STRUCT, AFP_SERVER_STRUCT, AFP_DIRECTORY_STRUCT, AFP_SESSION_STRUCT, AFP_CONNECTION_STRUCT, AFP_MESSAGE_STRUCT, AFP_FILE_STRUCT, AFP_FINDER_STRUCT } AFP_STRUCTURE_TYPE; // The approximate times (in milliseconds) taken to respond to various // service control requests. // #define AFP_SERVICE_INSTALL_TIME 15*60000 // 15 minutes #define AFP_SERVICE_STOP_TIME 5*60000 // 5 minutes #define AFP_SERVICE_CONTINUE_TIME 5000 #define AFP_SERVICE_PAUSE_TIME 1000 // Macro to calculate the byte offset of a field in a structure of type type. // #define AFP_FIELD_OFFSET(type, field) ((LONG)((LONG_PTR)&(((type *)0)->field))) // Macro to calculate the size of a given field within a structure. // #define AFP_FIELD_SIZE(type, field) sizeof(((type *)0)->field) // Access mask values // #define AFPSVC_ALL_ACCESS 0x0001 // All global variables are packaged within this structure. // typedef struct _AFP_GLOBALS { // Handle to the key that contains the server parameters // HKEY hkeyServerParams; // Handle to the key that contains the volumes list. // HKEY hkeyVolumesList; // Handle to the key that contains the list of Type/Creator/Comment tupples // HKEY hkeyTypeCreators; // Handle to the key that contains the list mapped extensions. // HKEY hkeyExtensions; // Handle to the key that contains the icon list. // HKEY hkeyIcons; // Service parameters // WCHAR wchServerName[AFP_SERVERNAME_LEN+1]; DWORD dwServerOptions; DWORD dwMaxSessions; WCHAR wchLoginMsg[AFP_MESSAGE_LEN+1]; DWORD dwMaxPagedMem; DWORD dwMaxNonPagedMem; WCHAR wchCodePagePath[MAX_PATH+1]; // Localizable strings // WCHAR wchInvalid[100]; WCHAR wchDeleted[100]; WCHAR wchUnknown[100]; WCHAR wchDefTCComment[AFP_ETC_COMMENT_LEN+1]; // Contains information about what components were initialized // successfully // DWORD dwServerState; // Handle to the AFP Server FSD // HANDLE hFSD; // Handle used to announce the service status // SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hServiceStatus; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; // This is a cache of ext/type/creator mappings // AFP_ETCMAP_INFO AfpETCMapInfo; // Will contain the Id of the next type/creator that will be added to the // registry via the AfpAdminAddETCMap API. // DWORD dwCurrentTCId; // Mutex handle for mutual exclusion around volume SetInfo/ Add/ Delete // ETC mappings registry and cache operations. // HANDLE hmutexETCMap; // Mutex handle for mutual exclusion around volume SetInfo/ Add/ Delete // volume registry operations. // HANDLE hmutexVolume; // This will be used by the server helper thread to inicate its // success or failure while initializing itself. The parent thread // can then take appropriate action. // HANDLE heventSrvrHlprThread; // This is used by the server helper thread(s) to indicate that they have terminated // HANDLE heventSrvrHlprThreadTerminate; // This is used in special case: if we have to terminate the helper thread when // it's blocked trying to get domain info HANDLE heventSrvrHlprSpecial; DWORD nThreadCount; DWORD dwSrvrHlprCode; DWORD dwSrvrHlprCount; NT_PRODUCT_TYPE NtProductType; PSID pSidNone; } AFP_GLOBALS, *PAFP_GLOBALS; #ifdef DEFINE_AFP_GLOBALS AFP_GLOBALS AfpGlobals; HANDLE SfmLsaHandle; DWORD SfmAuthPkgId; #else extern AFP_GLOBALS AfpGlobals; extern HANDLE SfmLsaHandle; extern DWORD SfmAuthPkgId; #endif // prototypes of functions used across modules // VOID AfpAnnounceServiceStatus( VOID ); DWORD AfpInitialize( VOID ); VOID AfpTerminate( VOID ); DWORD AfpRegGetKeyInfo( IN HKEY hKey, OUT LPDWORD lpdwMaxValNameLen, // Longest valuename in this key OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumValues, // Number of values in this key OUT LPDWORD lpdwMaxValueDataSize // Max. size of value data. ); DWORD AfpRegOpen( VOID ); VOID AfpRegClose( VOID ); DWORD AfpRegVolumeAdd( IN PAFP_VOLUME_INFO pVolumeInfo ); DWORD AfpRegVolumeDelete( IN LPWSTR lpwsVolumeName ); DWORD AfpRegVolumeSetInfo( IN PAFP_VOLUME_INFO pVolumeInfo ); DWORD AfpRegExtensionEnum( VOID ); DWORD AfpRegTypeCreatorEnum( VOID ); DWORD AfpRegExtensionAdd( IN PAFP_EXTENSION pAfpExtension ); DWORD AfpRegExtensionSetInfo( IN PAFP_EXTENSION pAfpExtension ); DWORD AfpRegExtensionDelete( IN PAFP_EXTENSION pAfpExtension ); DWORD AfpRegTypeCreatorSetInfo( IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ); DWORD AfpRegTypeCreatorAdd( IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ); DWORD AfpRegTypeCreatorDelete( IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ); DWORD AfpRegServerGetInfo( VOID ); DWORD AfpRegServerSetInfo( IN PAFP_SERVER_INFO pServerInfo, IN DWORD dwParmnum ); DWORD AfpRegServerGetCodePagePath( VOID ); DWORD AfpSecObjCreate( VOID ); DWORD AfpSecObjDelete( VOID ); DWORD AfpSecObjAccessCheck( IN DWORD DesiredAccess, OUT LPDWORD pfAccessStatus ); DWORD AfpBufMakeFSDRequest( IN LPBYTE pBuffer, IN DWORD cbReqPktSize, IN AFP_STRUCTURE_TYPE dwStructureId, OUT LPBYTE *ppSelfRelativeBuf, OUT LPDWORD lpdwSelfRelativeBufSize ); DWORD AfpBufMakeFSDETCMappings( OUT PSRVETCPKT *ppSrvSetEtc, OUT LPDWORD lpdwSrvSetEtcBufSize ); VOID AfpBufOffsetToPointer( IN OUT LPBYTE pBuffer, IN DWORD dwNumEntries, IN AFP_STRUCTURE_TYPE dwStructureType ); VOID AfpBufCopyFSDETCMapInfo( IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator, IN PAFP_EXTENSION pAfpExtension, OUT PETCMAPINFO2 pFSDETCMapInfo ); VOID AfpBufMakeFSDIcon( IN PAFP_ICON_INFO pIconInfo, OUT LPBYTE lpbFSDIcon, OUT LPDWORD lpcbFSDIconSize ); DWORD AfpBufMakeMultiSz( IN AFP_STRUCTURE_TYPE dwStructureId, IN LPBYTE pbStructure, OUT LPBYTE* ppbMultiSz, OUT LPDWORD lpdwMultiSzSize ); DWORD AfpBufParseMultiSz( IN AFP_STRUCTURE_TYPE dwStructureId, IN LPBYTE pbMultiSz, OUT LPBYTE pbStructure ); DWORD AfpBufStructureSize( IN AFP_STRUCTURE_TYPE dwStructureId, IN LPBYTE lpbStructure ); DWORD AfpBufUnicodeToNibble( IN OUT LPWSTR lpwsData ); void * AfpBinarySearch( IN const void * pKey, IN const void * pBase, IN size_t num, IN size_t width, IN int (_cdecl *compare)(const void * pElem1, const void * pElem2 ) ); int _cdecl AfpBCompareTypeCreator( IN const void * pAfpTypeCreator1, IN const void * pAfpTypeCreatro2 ); int _cdecl AfpLCompareTypeCreator( IN const void * pAfpTypeCreator1, IN const void * pAfpTypeCreatro2 ); int _cdecl AfpBCompareExtension( IN const void * pAfpExtension1, IN const void * pAfpExtension2 ); int _cdecl AfpLCompareExtension( IN const void * pAfpExtension1, IN const void * pAfpExtension2 ); DWORD AfpFSDOpen( OUT PHANDLE pFSD ); DWORD AfpFSDClose( IN HANDLE hFSD ); DWORD AfpFSDUnload( VOID ); DWORD AfpFSDLoad( VOID ); DWORD AfpFSDIOControl( IN HANDLE hFSD, IN DWORD dwOpCode, IN PVOID pInbuf OPTIONAL, IN DWORD cbInbufLen, OUT PVOID pOutbuf OPTIONAL, IN DWORD cbOutbuflen, OUT LPDWORD cbBytesTransferred ); DWORD AfpCreateServerHelperThread( BOOL fIsFirstThread ); VOID AfpTerminateCurrentThread( VOID ); DWORD AfpInitServerHelper( VOID ); DWORD AfpServerHelper( IN LPVOID Parameter ); VOID AfpLogEvent( IN DWORD dwMessageId, IN WORD cNumberOfSubStrings, IN LPWSTR* plpwsSubStrings, IN DWORD dwErrorCode, IN WORD wSeverity ); VOID AfpLogServerEvent( IN PAFP_FSD_CMD_PKT pAfpFsdCmd ); VOID AfpAddInvalidVolume( IN LPWSTR lpwsName, IN LPWSTR lpwsPath ); VOID AfpDeleteInvalidVolume( IN LPWSTR lpwsVolumeName ); DWORD I_DirectorySetInfo( IN PAFP_DIRECTORY_INFO pAfpDirectoryInfo, IN DWORD dwParmNum ); DWORD I_DirectoryGetInfo( IN LPWSTR lpwsPath, OUT PAFP_DIRECTORY_INFO * ppAfpDirectoryInfo ); RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY AfpRpcSecurityCallback( IN RPC_IF_HANDLE *InterfaceUuid, IN VOID *pvContext ); #endif // _AFPSVCP_