/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/ //*** // // Filename: cmd.c // // Description: // // History: // Oct 1,1993. NarenG Created original version. // #include #include #include #include "cmd.h" CHAR * pszTRUE = "TRUE"; CHAR * pszFALSE = "FALSE"; CHAR * pszUnlimited = "UNLIMITED"; VOID PrintMessageAndExit( DWORD ids, CHAR * pchInsertString ) { CHAR Error[10]; CHAR MsgBuf[1000]; DWORD cbMessage; LPSTR pszMessage = NULL; switch( ids ) { case IDS_GENERAL_SYNTAX: case IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX: case IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX: case IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX: case IDS_FORKIZE_SYNTAX: case IDS_VOLUME_TOO_BIG: case IDS_SUCCESS: cbMessage = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, (DWORD)ids, LANG_NEUTRAL, (LPSTR)&pszMessage, 128, NULL ); break; case IDS_AMBIGIOUS_SWITCH_ERROR: case IDS_UNKNOWN_SWITCH_ERROR: case IDS_DUPLICATE_SWITCH_ERROR: cbMessage = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, (DWORD)ids, LANG_NEUTRAL, (LPSTR)&pszMessage, 128, NULL ); if ( cbMessage > 0 ) { sprintf( MsgBuf, pszMessage, pchInsertString ); CharToOem( MsgBuf, MsgBuf ); LocalFree( pszMessage ); fprintf( stdout, MsgBuf ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); pszMessage = NULL; } exit( 0 ); break; case IDS_API_ERROR: _itoa( (int)((ULONG_PTR)pchInsertString), Error, 10 ); cbMessage = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, (DWORD)ids, LANG_NEUTRAL, (LPSTR)&pszMessage, 128, NULL ); if ( cbMessage > 0 ) { sprintf( MsgBuf, pszMessage, Error ); CharToOem( MsgBuf, MsgBuf ); fprintf( stdout, MsgBuf ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); LocalFree( pszMessage ); pszMessage = NULL; } if ( ((LONG)((LONG_PTR)pchInsertString)) > 0 ) { cbMessage = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, (LONG)((LONG_PTR)pchInsertString), LANG_NEUTRAL, (LPSTR)&pszMessage, 128, NULL ); } if ( ((LONG)((LONG_PTR)pchInsertString)) < 0 ) { cbMessage = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, AFPERR_TO_STRINGID( (LONG)((LONG_PTR)pchInsertString) ), LANG_NEUTRAL, (LPSTR)&pszMessage, 128, NULL ); } break; default: exit( 0 ); } if (( cbMessage > 0 ) && (pszMessage != NULL )) { CharToOem( pszMessage, pszMessage ); fprintf( stdout, pszMessage ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); LocalFree( pszMessage ); } exit(0); } VOID DoVolumeAdd( CHAR * pchServer, CHAR * pchName, CHAR * pchPath, CHAR * pchPassword, CHAR * pchReadOnly, CHAR * pchGuestsAllowed, CHAR * pchMaxUses ) { PAFP_DIRECTORY_INFO pAfpDirInfo; AFP_VOLUME_INFO AfpVolInfo; DWORD dwRetCode; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer; WCHAR wchName[AFP_VOLNAME_LEN+1]; WCHAR wchPassword[AFP_VOLPASS_LEN+1]; WCHAR wchServer[CNLEN+3]; LPWSTR lpwsPath; LPSTR lpDrivePath; DWORD dwParmNum = AFP_DIR_PARMNUM_PERMS; ZeroMemory( &AfpVolInfo, sizeof( AfpVolInfo ) ); // // Check to see if the mandatory values are not supplied // if ( ( pchName == NULL ) || ( pchPath == NULL ) || ( *pchName == (CHAR)NULL) || ( *pchPath == (CHAR)NULL ) ) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL ); mbstowcs(wchName, pchName, sizeof(wchName)/sizeof(wchName[0])); AfpVolInfo.afpvol_name = wchName; lpwsPath = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (strlen(pchPath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpwsPath == NULL) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR*)ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); lpDrivePath = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (CNLEN + 6 + 1)); if (lpDrivePath == NULL) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR*)ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); mbstowcs(lpwsPath, pchPath, strlen(pchPath)+1); AfpVolInfo.afpvol_path = lpwsPath; if ( pchServer ) { if (*pchServer) mbstowcs(wchServer, pchServer, sizeof(wchServer)/sizeof(WCHAR)); else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } if ( (pchPassword) && ( strlen( pchPassword ) > 0 ) ) { mbstowcs(wchPassword, pchPassword, sizeof(wchPassword)/sizeof(WCHAR)); AfpVolInfo.afpvol_password = wchPassword; } else AfpVolInfo.afpvol_password = NULL; if ( pchMaxUses ) { if ( *pchMaxUses ) { if (_strnicmp(pchMaxUses, pszUnlimited, strlen(pchMaxUses)) == 0) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = AFP_VOLUME_UNLIMITED_USES; else if ( strspn(pchMaxUses, "1234567890") != strlen(pchMaxUses) ) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); else if ( strlen( pchMaxUses ) > strlen( "4294967295" ) ) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = AFP_VOLUME_UNLIMITED_USES; else if ( ( strlen( pchMaxUses ) == strlen( "4294967295" ) ) && ( _stricmp( pchMaxUses, "4294967295" ) > 0 ) ) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = AFP_VOLUME_UNLIMITED_USES; else AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = atoi(pchMaxUses); if ( AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses == 0 ) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = AFP_VOLUME_UNLIMITED_USES; AfpVolInfo.afpvol_props_mask = 0; if (pchReadOnly != NULL) { if ( *pchReadOnly ) { if (_strnicmp(pchReadOnly, pszTRUE, strlen(pchReadOnly) ) == 0) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_props_mask |= AFP_VOLUME_READONLY; else if (_strnicmp(pchReadOnly, pszFALSE, strlen(pchReadOnly))!=0) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchGuestsAllowed != NULL) { if ( *pchGuestsAllowed ) { if (_strnicmp(pchGuestsAllowed,pszTRUE,strlen(pchGuestsAllowed))==0) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_props_mask |= AFP_VOLUME_GUESTACCESS; else if(_strnicmp(pchGuestsAllowed, pszFALSE,strlen(pchGuestsAllowed))!=0) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else AfpVolInfo.afpvol_props_mask |= AFP_VOLUME_GUESTACCESS; // // Connect with the server // dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnect(pchServer ? wchServer : NULL, &hServer); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); // // First get and set directory information. // dwRetCode = AfpAdminDirectoryGetInfo(hServer, lpwsPath, (LPBYTE*)&pAfpDirInfo); if (dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) { pAfpDirInfo->afpdir_path = lpwsPath; if ( pAfpDirInfo->afpdir_owner != (LPWSTR)NULL ) { dwParmNum |= AFP_DIR_PARMNUM_OWNER; } if ( pAfpDirInfo->afpdir_group != (LPWSTR)NULL ) { dwParmNum |= AFP_DIR_PARMNUM_GROUP; } dwRetCode = AfpAdminVolumeAdd(hServer, (LPBYTE)&AfpVolInfo); // Directory permissions need not be changed here #if 0 if (dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) { dwRetCode = AfpAdminDirectorySetInfo(hServer, (LPBYTE)pAfpDirInfo, dwParmNum); } #endif if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { printf ("AfpAdminVolumeAdd failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); } AfpAdminBufferFree(pAfpDirInfo); } // we will get this if it's a CDROM. UI ignores this error: why not macfile? else if (dwRetCode == AFPERR_SecurityNotSupported) { dwRetCode = AfpAdminVolumeAdd(hServer, (LPBYTE)&AfpVolInfo); } if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); AfpAdminDisconnect(hServer); LocalFree(lpwsPath); if (pchServer) { DWORD dwLen; // using the server name, form a path like \\foobar\d$\ // (the +2 for the leading \\) for (dwLen=0; dwLen < CNLEN+2; dwLen++ ) { lpDrivePath[dwLen] = pchServer[dwLen]; if (pchServer[dwLen] == 0) { break; } } lpDrivePath[CNLEN] = 0; // just to be sure strcat(lpDrivePath,"\\"); dwLen = strlen(lpDrivePath); lpDrivePath[dwLen] = pchPath[0]; lpDrivePath[dwLen+1] = 0; strcat(lpDrivePath,"$\\"); } else { strncpy(lpDrivePath, pchPath, 3); lpDrivePath[2] = '\\'; lpDrivePath[3] = 0; } if (IsDriveGreaterThan2Gig(lpDrivePath)) { LocalFree(lpDrivePath); PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_TOO_BIG, NULL); } LocalFree(lpDrivePath); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SUCCESS, NULL); } VOID DoVolumeDelete( CHAR * pchServer, CHAR * pchName ) { WCHAR wchName[AFP_VOLNAME_LEN+1]; DWORD dwRetCode; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer; WCHAR wchServer[CNLEN+3]; PAFP_VOLUME_INFO pAfpVolumeInfo; PAFP_CONNECTION_INFO pAfpConnections; PAFP_CONNECTION_INFO pAfpConnInfoIter; DWORD cEntriesRead; DWORD cTotalAvail; DWORD dwIndex; ZeroMemory (wchName, (AFP_VOLNAME_LEN+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( ( pchName == NULL ) || ( *pchName == (CHAR)NULL ) ) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL ); mbstowcs(wchName, pchName, sizeof(wchName)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pchServer) { if (*pchServer) mbstowcs(wchServer, pchServer, sizeof(wchServer)/sizeof(WCHAR)); else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnect(pchServer ? wchServer : NULL, &hServer); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); dwRetCode = AfpAdminVolumeGetInfo( hServer, (LPWSTR)wchName, (LPBYTE*)&pAfpVolumeInfo ); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); // // Check if there are any users connected to the volume // by enumerating the connections to this volume. // dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnectionEnum( hServer, (LPBYTE*)&pAfpConnections, AFP_FILTER_ON_VOLUME_ID, pAfpVolumeInfo->afpvol_id, (DWORD)-1, // Get all conenctions &cEntriesRead, &cTotalAvail, NULL ); AfpAdminBufferFree( pAfpVolumeInfo ); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); for ( dwIndex = 0, pAfpConnInfoIter = pAfpConnections; dwIndex < cEntriesRead; dwIndex++, pAfpConnInfoIter++ ) { dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnectionClose( hServer, pAfpConnInfoIter->afpconn_id ); if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode) ); } AfpAdminBufferFree( pAfpConnections ); dwRetCode = AfpAdminVolumeDelete( hServer, wchName ); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); AfpAdminDisconnect( hServer ); PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SUCCESS, NULL); } VOID DoVolumeSet( CHAR * pchServer, CHAR * pchName, CHAR * pchPassword, CHAR * pchReadOnly, CHAR * pchGuestsAllowed, CHAR * pchMaxUses ) { DWORD dwParmNum = 0; AFP_VOLUME_INFO AfpVolInfo; DWORD dwRetCode; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer; WCHAR wchName[AFP_VOLNAME_LEN+1]; WCHAR wchPassword[AFP_VOLPASS_LEN+1]; WCHAR wchServer[CNLEN+3]; ZeroMemory (&AfpVolInfo, sizeof(AFP_VOLUME_INFO)); // // Check to see if the mandatory values are not supplied // if ( ( pchName == NULL ) || ( *pchName == (CHAR)NULL ) ) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL ); mbstowcs(wchName, pchName, sizeof(wchName)/sizeof(WCHAR)); AfpVolInfo.afpvol_name = wchName; if (pchServer) { if (*pchServer) mbstowcs(wchServer, pchServer, sizeof(wchServer)/sizeof(WCHAR)); else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchPassword) { dwParmNum |= AFP_VOL_PARMNUM_PASSWORD; if (*pchPassword) { mbstowcs(wchPassword, pchPassword, sizeof(wchPassword)/sizeof(WCHAR)); AfpVolInfo.afpvol_password = wchPassword; } else AfpVolInfo.afpvol_password = NULL; } if (pchMaxUses) { if (*pchMaxUses) { dwParmNum |= AFP_VOL_PARMNUM_MAXUSES; if (_strnicmp(pchMaxUses, pszUnlimited, strlen(pchMaxUses))== 0) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = AFP_VOLUME_UNLIMITED_USES; else if ( strspn(pchMaxUses, "1234567890") != strlen(pchMaxUses) ) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); else if ( strlen( pchMaxUses ) > strlen( "4294967295" ) ) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = AFP_VOLUME_UNLIMITED_USES; else if ( ( strlen( pchMaxUses ) == strlen( "4294967295" ) ) && ( _stricmp( pchMaxUses, "4294967295" ) > 0 ) ) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = AFP_VOLUME_UNLIMITED_USES; else AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = atoi(pchMaxUses); if ( AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses == 0 ) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else AfpVolInfo.afpvol_max_uses = 0; AfpVolInfo.afpvol_props_mask = 0; if (pchReadOnly) { if (*pchReadOnly) { dwParmNum |= AFP_VOL_PARMNUM_PROPSMASK; if (_strnicmp(pchReadOnly, pszTRUE, strlen(pchReadOnly) ) == 0) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_props_mask |= AFP_VOLUME_READONLY; else if (_strnicmp(pchReadOnly, pszFALSE, strlen(pchReadOnly))!=0) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchGuestsAllowed) { if (*pchGuestsAllowed) { dwParmNum |= AFP_VOL_PARMNUM_PROPSMASK; if (_strnicmp(pchGuestsAllowed, pszTRUE, strlen(pchGuestsAllowed))==0) AfpVolInfo.afpvol_props_mask |= AFP_VOLUME_GUESTACCESS; else if (_strnicmp(pchGuestsAllowed, pszFALSE,strlen(pchGuestsAllowed)) != 0) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (dwParmNum == 0) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX, NULL ); // // Connect with the server // dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnect(pchServer ? wchServer : NULL, &hServer); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); dwRetCode = AfpAdminVolumeSetInfo( hServer, (LPBYTE)&AfpVolInfo, dwParmNum); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); AfpAdminDisconnect(hServer); PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SUCCESS, NULL); } VOID DoServerSetInfo( CHAR * pchServer, CHAR * pchMaxSessions, CHAR * pchLoginMessage, CHAR * pchGuestsAllowed, CHAR * pchUAMRequired, CHAR * pchAllowSavedPasswords, CHAR * pchMacServerName ) { DWORD dwRetCode; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer; WCHAR wchServer[CNLEN+3]; DWORD dwParmNum = 0; AFP_SERVER_INFO AfpServerInfo; WCHAR wchLoginMsg[AFP_MESSAGE_LEN+1]; WCHAR wchMacServerName[AFP_SERVERNAME_LEN+1]; ZeroMemory (&AfpServerInfo, sizeof(AFP_SERVER_INFO)); if (pchMaxSessions) { if (*pchMaxSessions) { dwParmNum |= AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_MAX_SESSIONS; if (_strnicmp(pchMaxSessions, pszUnlimited, strlen(pchMaxSessions)) == 0) AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_max_sessions = AFP_MAXSESSIONS; else if (strspn(pchMaxSessions, "1234567890") != strlen(pchMaxSessions)) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); else AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_max_sessions = atoi(pchMaxSessions); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchLoginMessage) { if (*pchLoginMessage) { dwParmNum |= AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_LOGINMSG; if (strlen(pchLoginMessage) > AFP_MESSAGE_LEN) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); else { mbstowcs(wchLoginMsg, pchLoginMessage, sizeof(wchLoginMsg)/sizeof(WCHAR)); AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_login_msg = wchLoginMsg; } } else { dwParmNum |= AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_LOGINMSG; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_login_msg = NULL; } } AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options = 0; #if 0 if (pchGuestsAllowed) { if (*pchGuestsAllowed) { dwParmNum |= AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_OPTIONS; if (_strnicmp(pchGuestsAllowed, pszTRUE, strlen(pchGuestsAllowed)) == 0) AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_GUESTLOGONALLOWED; else if (_strnicmp(pchGuestsAllowed, pszFALSE, strlen(pchGuestsAllowed)) != 0) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } else AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_GUESTLOGONALLOWED; #endif if (pchUAMRequired) { if (*pchUAMRequired) { dwParmNum |= AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_OPTIONS; if (_strnicmp(pchUAMRequired, pszFALSE, strlen(pchGuestsAllowed)) == 0) AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options|=AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED; else if (_strnicmp(pchUAMRequired, pszTRUE, strlen(pchUAMRequired)) != 0) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchAllowSavedPasswords) { if (*pchAllowSavedPasswords) { dwParmNum |= AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_OPTIONS; if (_strnicmp(pchAllowSavedPasswords, pszTRUE, strlen(pchAllowSavedPasswords)) == 0) AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options|=AFP_SRVROPT_ALLOWSAVEDPASSWORD; else if (_strnicmp(pchAllowSavedPasswords, pszFALSE, strlen(pchAllowSavedPasswords)) != 0) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchMacServerName) { if (*pchMacServerName) { dwParmNum |= AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_NAME; if (strlen(pchMacServerName) > AFP_SERVERNAME_LEN) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); else { mbstowcs(wchMacServerName, pchMacServerName, sizeof(wchMacServerName)/sizeof(WCHAR)); AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_name = wchMacServerName; } } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (dwParmNum == 0) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); if (pchServer) { if (*pchServer) mbstowcs(wchServer, pchServer, sizeof(wchServer)/sizeof(WCHAR)); else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX, NULL); } dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnect(pchServer ? wchServer : NULL, &hServer); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); dwRetCode = AfpAdminServerSetInfo( hServer, (LPBYTE)&AfpServerInfo, dwParmNum); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); AfpAdminDisconnect(hServer); PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SUCCESS, NULL); } VOID DoDirectorySetInfo( CHAR * pchServer, CHAR * pchPath, CHAR * pchOwnerName, CHAR * pchGroupName, CHAR * pchPermissions ) { DWORD dwRetCode; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer; WCHAR wchServer[CNLEN+3]; LPWSTR lpwsPath; WCHAR wchOwner[UNLEN+1]; WCHAR wchGroup[GNLEN+1]; DWORD dwPerms; AFP_DIRECTORY_INFO AfpDirInfo; DWORD dwParmNum = 0; if ( ( pchPath == NULL ) || ( *pchPath == (CHAR)NULL ) ) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX, NULL ); lpwsPath = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (strlen(pchPath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpwsPath == NULL) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR*)ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); mbstowcs(lpwsPath, pchPath, strlen(pchPath)+1); AfpDirInfo.afpdir_path = lpwsPath; if (pchServer) { if (*pchServer) mbstowcs(wchServer, pchServer, sizeof(wchServer)/sizeof(WCHAR)); else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchOwnerName) { if (*pchOwnerName) { if (strlen(pchOwnerName) > UNLEN) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_GENERAL_SYNTAX, NULL); mbstowcs(wchOwner, pchOwnerName, sizeof(wchOwner)/sizeof(WCHAR)); AfpDirInfo.afpdir_owner = wchOwner; dwParmNum |= AFP_DIR_PARMNUM_OWNER; } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchGroupName) { if (*pchGroupName) { mbstowcs(wchGroup, pchGroupName, sizeof(wchGroup)/sizeof(WCHAR)); AfpDirInfo.afpdir_group = wchGroup; dwParmNum |= AFP_DIR_PARMNUM_GROUP; } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchPermissions) { if (*pchPermissions) { if (strspn(pchPermissions, "10") != strlen(pchPermissions)) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX, NULL); if (strlen(pchPermissions) != 11) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX, NULL); dwPerms = 0; if (pchPermissions[0] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_OWNER_SFI; if (pchPermissions[1] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_OWNER_SFO; if (pchPermissions[2] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_OWNER_MC; if (pchPermissions[3] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_GROUP_SFI; if (pchPermissions[4] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_GROUP_SFO; if (pchPermissions[5] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_GROUP_MC; if (pchPermissions[6] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_WORLD_SFI; if (pchPermissions[7] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_WORLD_SFO; if (pchPermissions[8] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_WORLD_MC; if (pchPermissions[9] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_INHIBIT_MOVE_DELETE; if (pchPermissions[10] == '1') dwPerms |= AFP_PERM_SET_SUBDIRS; AfpDirInfo.afpdir_perms = dwPerms; dwParmNum |= AFP_DIR_PARMNUM_PERMS; } else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX, NULL); } dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnect(pchServer ? wchServer : NULL, &hServer); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); dwRetCode = AfpAdminDirectorySetInfo(hServer, (LPBYTE)&AfpDirInfo, dwParmNum); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); AfpAdminDisconnect(hServer); LocalFree(lpwsPath); PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SUCCESS, NULL); } VOID DoForkize( CHAR * pchServer, CHAR * pchType, CHAR * pchCreator, CHAR * pchDataFork, CHAR * pchResourceFork, CHAR * pchTargetFile ) { DWORD dwRetCode; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer; WCHAR wchServer[CNLEN+3]; LPWSTR lpwsTarget; LPWSTR lpwsResource; LPWSTR lpwsData; WCHAR wchType[AFP_TYPE_LEN+1]; WCHAR wchCreator[AFP_CREATOR_LEN+1]; DWORD dwParmNum = 0; if ( ( pchTargetFile == NULL ) || ( *pchTargetFile == (CHAR)NULL ) ) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_FORKIZE_SYNTAX, NULL ); lpwsTarget = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (strlen(pchTargetFile) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpwsTarget == NULL) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR*)ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); mbstowcs(lpwsTarget,pchTargetFile,strlen(pchTargetFile)+1); if (pchServer) { if (*pchServer) mbstowcs(wchServer, pchServer, sizeof(wchServer)/sizeof(WCHAR)); else PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_FORKIZE_SYNTAX, NULL); } if (pchType != NULL) { if ( ( *pchType == (CHAR)NULL ) || ( strlen( pchType ) > AFP_TYPE_LEN )) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR,(LPSTR)AFPERR_InvalidTypeCreator); else mbstowcs(wchType, pchType, sizeof(wchType)/sizeof(WCHAR)); dwParmNum |= AFP_FD_PARMNUM_TYPE; } if (pchCreator != NULL) { if ((*pchCreator == (CHAR)NULL) || (strlen(pchCreator)>AFP_CREATOR_LEN)) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR,(LPSTR)AFPERR_InvalidTypeCreator); else mbstowcs(wchCreator, pchCreator, sizeof(wchCreator)/sizeof(WCHAR)); dwParmNum |= AFP_FD_PARMNUM_CREATOR; } if (pchResourceFork != NULL) { if ( *pchResourceFork == (CHAR)NULL ) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_FORKIZE_SYNTAX, NULL ); lpwsResource=LocalAlloc(LPTR,(strlen(pchResourceFork)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpwsResource == NULL) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR*)ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); mbstowcs(lpwsResource,pchResourceFork, strlen(pchResourceFork)+1); } else lpwsResource = NULL; if (pchDataFork != NULL) { if ( *pchDataFork == (CHAR)NULL ) PrintMessageAndExit( IDS_FORKIZE_SYNTAX, NULL ); lpwsData = LocalAlloc(LPTR,(strlen(pchDataFork)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpwsData == NULL) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR*)ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); mbstowcs(lpwsData,pchDataFork, strlen(pchDataFork)+1); } else lpwsData = NULL; if ((pchType == NULL) && (pchCreator == NULL) && (pchResourceFork == NULL) && (pchDataFork == NULL)) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_FORKIZE_SYNTAX, NULL); dwRetCode = AfpAdminConnect(pchServer ? wchServer : NULL, &hServer); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); dwRetCode = AfpAdminFinderSetInfo( hServer, wchType, wchCreator, lpwsData, lpwsResource, lpwsTarget, dwParmNum); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_API_ERROR, (CHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)dwRetCode)); AfpAdminDisconnect(hServer); PrintMessageAndExit(IDS_SUCCESS, NULL); }