;// ;// Net error file for basename MACFILE_IDS_BASE = 1000 ;// MessageId=1001 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidVolumeName Language=English The Macintosh-Accessible volume name specified is invalid. Specify a valid volume name without colons. . MessageId=1002 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidId Language=English A system resource could not be accessed to complete the operation. Try the operation again. . MessageId=1003 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidParms Language=English The parameter entered was invalid. Make the appropriate changes and retry the operation. . MessageId=1004 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_CodePage Language=English Error in accessing Macintosh Code Page. Check if the Code Page file name specified in SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage\MACCP is valid and exists. Stop and restart the service if the code page information is modified. . MessageId=1005 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidServerName Language=English The server name specified is invalid. Specify a valid server name without colons. . MessageId=1006 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_DuplicateVolume Language=English A volume with this name already exists. Specify another name for the new volume. . MessageId=1007 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_VolumeBusy Language=English The selected Macintosh-Accessible volume is currently in use by Macintoshes. The selected volume may be removed only when no Macintosh workstations are connected to it. . MessageId=1008 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_VolumeReadOnly Language=English Not used An internal error 6008 (VolumeReadOnly) occurred. . MessageId=1009 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_DirectoryNotInVolume Language=English The selected directory does not belong to a Macintosh-Accessible volume. The Macintosh view of directory permissions is only available for directories that are part of a Macintosh-Accessible volume. . MessageId=1010 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_SecurityNotSupported Language=English The Macintosh view of directory permissions is not available for directories on CD-ROM disks. . MessageId=1011 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_BufferSize Language=English Insufficient current memory resources to complete the operation. Retry the operation after some time. . MessageId=1012 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_DuplicateExtension Language=English This file extension is already associated with a Creator/Type item. . MessageId=1013 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_UnsupportedFS Language=English File Server for Macintosh service only supports NTFS partitions. Choose a directory on an NTFS partition. . MessageId=1014 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidSessionType Language=English The message has been sent, but not all of the connected workstations have received it. Some workstations are running an unsupported version of system software. . MessageId=1015 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidServerState Language=English The File Server is in an invalid state for the operation being performed. Check the status of the File Server for Macintosh service and retry the operation. . MessageId=1016 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_NestedVolume Language=English Cannot create a Macintosh-Accessible volume within another volume. Choose a directory that is not within a volume. . MessageId=1017 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidComputername Language=English The target server is not setup to accept Remote Procedure Calls. . MessageId=1018 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_DuplicateTypeCreator Language=English The selected Creator/Type item already exists. . MessageId=1019 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_TypeCreatorNotExistant Language=English The selected Creator/Type item no longer exists. This item may have been deleted by another administrator. . MessageId=1020 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_CannotDeleteDefaultTC Language=English The default Creator/Type item cannot be deleted. . MessageId=1021 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_CannotEditDefaultTC Language=English The default Creator/Type item may not be edited. . MessageId=1022 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidTypeCreator Language=English The Creator/Type item is invalid and will not be used by the File Server for Macintosh service. The invalid Creator/Type item is in the data. . MessageId=1023 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidExtension Language=English The file extension is invalid. The invalid file extension is in the data. . MessageId=1024 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_TooManyEtcMaps Language=English Too many Extension/Type Creator mappings than the system can handle. System limit is 2147483647 mappings. . MessageId=1025 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_InvalidPassword Language=English The password specified is invalid. Specify a valid password not more than 8 characters. . MessageId=1026 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_VolumeNonExist Language=English The selected Macintosh-Accessible volume no longer exists. Another administrator may have removed the selected volume. . MessageId=1027 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_NoSuchUserGroup Language=English Neither the Owner nor the Primary Group account names are valid. Specify valid account names for the Owner and Primary Group of this directory. . MessageId=1028 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_NoSuchUser Language=English The Owner account name is invalid. Specify a valid account name or the Owner of this directory. . MessageId=1029 SymbolicName=IDS_AFPERR_NoSuchGroup Language=English The Primary Group account name is invalid. Specify a valid account name for the Primary Group of this directory. . MessageId=1030 SymbolicName=IDS_GENERAL_SYNTAX Language=English The syntax of this command is: MACFILE {VOLUME | DIRECTORY | SERVER | FORKIZE} options The syntax for help on the options available in MACFILE is MACFILE VOLUME For syntax on managing volumes. MACFILE DIRECTORY For syntax on creating or changing directories. MACFILE SERVER For syntax on configuring the SFM server. MACFILE FORKIZE For syntax on joining the data fork and resource fork of a file into one file or changing the type or creator of the file. For complete help about options, search for 'MacFile' in Windows Help. . MessageId=1031 SymbolicName=IDS_VOLUME_SYNTAX Language=English The syntax of this command is: MACFILE VOLUME /ADD [/SERVER:\\computername] The default is local. /NAME:volumename /PATH:root directory path [/READONLY:TRUE|FALSE] The default is False. [/PASSWORD:password] The default is no password. [/MAXUSERS:number|UNLIMTED] The default is unlimited. MACFILE VOLUME /REMOVE [/SERVER:\\computername] The default is local. /NAME:volumename MACFILE VOLUME /SET [/SERVER:\\computername] The default is local. /NAME:volumename [/READONLY:TRUE|FALSE] [/PASSWORD:password] [/MAXUSERS:number|UNLIMITED] For complete help about options, search for 'MacFile' in Windows Help. . MessageId=1032 SymbolicName=IDS_DIRECTORY_SYNTAX Language=English The syntax of this command is: MACFILE DIRECTORY [/SERVER:\\computername] The default is local. /PATH:directory path [/OWNER:ownername] [/GROUP:groupname] [/PERMISSIONS:string of eleven binary digits (e.g. 11111011011)] First (leftmost) digit controls OwnerSeeFiles permission. Second digit controls OwnerSeeFolders permission. Third digit controls OwnerMakeChanges permission. Fourth digit controls GroupSeeFiles permission. Fifth digit controls GroupSeeFolders permission. Sixth digit controls GroupMakeChanges permission. Seventh digit controls WorldSeeFiles permission. Eigth digit controls WorldSeeFolders permission. Ninth digit controls WorldMakeChanges permission. Tenth digit indicates that the directory cannot be renamed, moved or deleted. Eleventh digit indicates if these changes are to be recursively applied. For complete help about options, search for 'MacFile' in Windows Help. . MessageId=1033 SymbolicName=IDS_SERVER_SYNTAX Language=English The syntax of this command is: MACFILE SERVER [/SERVER:\\computername] The default is local. [/MAXSESSIONS:number|UNLIMITED] [/LOGINMESSAGE:message] For complete help about options, search for 'MacFile' in Windows Help. . MessageId=1034 SymbolicName=IDS_FORKIZE_SYNTAX Language=English The syntax of this command is: MACFILE FORKIZE [/SERVER:\\computername] The default is local. [/TYPE:typename] [/CREATOR:creatorname] [/DATAFORK:filepath] [/RESOURCEFORK:filepath] /TARGETFILE:filepath For complete help about options, search for 'MacFile' in Windows Help. . MessageId=1035 SymbolicName=IDS_AMBIGIOUS_SWITCH_ERROR Language=English Syntax Error: The switch %s is ambiguous. Type MACFILE /? for help about syntax. . MessageId=1036 SymbolicName=IDS_UNKNOWN_SWITCH_ERROR Language=English Syntax Error: The switch %s is unknown. Type MACFILE /? for help about syntax. . MessageId=1037 SymbolicName=IDS_DUPLICATE_SWITCH_ERROR Language=English Syntax Error: The switch %s appears multiple times. Type MACFILE /? for help about syntax. . MessageId=1038 SymbolicName=IDS_API_ERROR Language=English An error %s occurred while processing the command. . MessageId=1039 SymbolicName=IDS_SUCCESS Language=English The command completed successfully. . MessageId=1040 SymbolicName=IDS_VOLUME_TOO_BIG Language=English Warning: The volume you created is larger than 2GB. Some Macintosh clients may not function correctly if the volume size on the server exceeds 2GB. .