// snmptrap.c // // Original Microsoft code modified by ACE*COMM // for use with WSNMP32.DLL and other trap receiving // clients, per contract. // // Bob Natale, ACE*COMM (bnatale@acecomm.com) // For NT v5 Beta, v970228 // Additional enhancements planned. // // This version of SNMPTRAP has no dependencies // on either MGMTAPI.DLL or WSNMP32.DLL. // // WinSNMP clients use the SnmpRegister() function. // // Other clients will need to match the following // values and structures: // // SNMP_TRAP structure // SNMPTRAPPIPE name // TRAPBUFSIZE value // // Change log: // ------------------------------------------------ // 4.0.1381.3 Apr 8, 1998 Bob Natale // // 1. Re-worked the trap port monitoring thread into // two threads...one for IP and one for IPX, to // comply with WinSock v2's restrictions against // multi-protocol select(). // // 2. General clean-up/streamlining wrt "legacy" code // from original MS version...more to do here, esp. // wrt error handling code that does not do anything. // ------------------------------------------------ // 4.0.1381.4 Apr. 10, 1998 Bob Natale // // 1. Replaced mutex calls with critical_sectin calls. // // 2. Cleaned out some dead code (removed commented out code) // ------------------------------------------------ // Jan. 2, 2001 Frank Li // 1. remove TerminateThread // 2. add debug build loggings // ------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #ifdef DBG // include files for debug trace only #include #include #endif //--------------------------- PRIVATE VARIABLES ----------------------------- #define SNMPMGRTRAPPIPE "\\\\.\\PIPE\\MGMTAPI" #define MAX_OUT_BUFS 16 #define TRAPBUFSIZE 4096 #define IP_TRAP_PORT 162 #define IPX_TRAP_PORT 36880 #define SNMPTRAP_WAIT_HINT 20000 // // constants added to allocate trap buffer for fixing trap data of length // > 8192 bytes. Here is the buffer allocation scheme based on the common // cases that trap data sizes are less than 4-KBytes: // 1. LargeTrap // if (trap data size >= 8192 bytes), allocate MAX_UDP_SIZE sized buffer // 2. MediumTrap // if (trap data size <= 4096 bytes), allocate FOUR_K_BUF_SIZE sized buffer // 3. SmallTrap // if (4096 < trap data size < 8192), allocate just enough buffer size. // Note: // - when LargeTrap is received, the allocated buffer will stay for a time of // MAXUDPLEN_BUFFER_TIME from the last LargeTrap received. // - Once MediumTrap is received, subsequent SmallTrap will reuse the // last MediumTrap allocated buffer. // #define MAX_UDP_SIZE (65535-8) // max udp len - 8bytes udp header #define MAX_FIONREAD_UDP_SIZE 8192 // max winsock FIONREAD reported size (8kB) #define FOUR_K_BUF_SIZE 4096 // buffer of 4-KBytes in size #define MAXUDPLEN_BUFFER_TIME (2*60*1000) // max. 2 mins to keep the // last allocated large buffer. // ******** INITIALIZE A LIST HEAD ******** #define ll_init(head) (head)->next = (head)->prev = (head); // ******** TEST A LIST FOR EMPTY ******** #define ll_empt(head) ( ((head)->next) == (head) ) // ******** Get ptr to next entry ******** #define ll_next(item,head)\ ( (ll_node *)(item)->next == (head) ? 0 : \ (ll_node *)(item)->next ) // ******** Get ptr to prev entry ******** #define ll_prev(item)\ ( (ll_node *)(item)->prev ) // ******** ADD AN ITEM TO THE END OF A LIST ******** #define ll_adde(item,head)\ {\ ll_node *pred = (head)->prev;\ ((ll_node *)(item))->next = (head);\ ((ll_node *)(item))->prev = pred;\ (pred)->next = ((ll_node *)(item));\ (head)->prev = ((ll_node *)(item));\ } // ******** REMOVE AN ITEM FROM A LIST ******** #define ll_rmv(item)\ {\ ll_node *pred = ((ll_node *)(item))->prev;\ ll_node *succ = ((ll_node *)(item))->next;\ pred->next = succ;\ succ->prev = pred;\ } // ******** List head/node ******** typedef struct ll_s { // linked list structure struct ll_s *next; // next node struct ll_s *prev; // prev. node } ll_node; // linked list node typedef struct {// shared by server trap thread and pipe thread ll_node links; HANDLE hPipe; } svrPipeListEntry; typedef struct { SOCKADDR Addr; int AddrLen; UINT TrapBufSz; char TrapBuf[TRAPBUFSIZE]; // the size of this array should match the size of the structure // defined in wsnmp_no.c!!! } SNMP_TRAP, *PSNMP_TRAP; typedef struct { SOCKET s; OVERLAPPED ol; } TRAP_THRD_CONTEXT, *PTRAP_THRD_CONTEXT; HANDLE hExitEvent = NULL; LPCTSTR svcName = "SNMPTRAP"; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hService = 0; SERVICE_STATUS status = {SERVICE_WIN32, SERVICE_STOPPED, SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP, NO_ERROR, 0, 0, 0}; SOCKET ipSock = INVALID_SOCKET; SOCKET ipxSock = INVALID_SOCKET; HANDLE ipThread = NULL; HANDLE ipxThread = NULL; CRITICAL_SECTION cs_PIPELIST; ll_node *pSvrPipeListHead = NULL; // global variables added to remove the TerminateThread call OVERLAPPED g_ol; // overlapped struct for svrPipeThread TRAP_THRD_CONTEXT g_ipThreadContext; // context for ip svrTrapThread TRAP_THRD_CONTEXT g_ipxThreadContext; // context for ipx svrTrapThread /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMPTRAP Debugging Prototypes // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if DBG VOID WINAPI SnmpTrapDbgPrint( IN LPSTR szFormat, IN ... ); #define SNMPTRAPDBG(_x_) SnmpTrapDbgPrint _x_ #else #define SNMPTRAPDBG(_x_) #endif //--------------------------- PRIVATE PROTOTYPES ---------------------------- DWORD WINAPI svrTrapThread (IN OUT LPVOID threadParam); DWORD WINAPI svrPipeThread (IN LPVOID threadParam); VOID WINAPI svcHandlerFunction (IN DWORD dwControl); VOID WINAPI svcMainFunction (IN DWORD dwNumServicesArgs, IN LPSTR *lpServiceArgVectors); void FreeSvrPipeEntryList(IN ll_node* head); //--------------------------- PRIVATE PROCEDURES ---------------------------- VOID WINAPI svcHandlerFunction (IN DWORD dwControl) { if (dwControl == SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP) { status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; status.dwCheckPoint++; status.dwWaitHint = SNMPTRAP_WAIT_HINT; if (!SetServiceStatus(hService, &status)) exit(1); // set event causing trap thread to terminate if (!SetEvent(hExitEvent)) { status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; status.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 1; // OPENISSUE - svc err code status.dwCheckPoint = 0; status.dwWaitHint = 0; // We are exiting in any case, so ignore any error... SetServiceStatus (hService, &status); exit(1); } } else // dwControl == SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE // dwControl == SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE // dwControl == SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE // dwControl == { if (status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING || status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING) status.dwCheckPoint++; if (!SetServiceStatus (hService, &status)) exit(1); } } // end_svcHandlerFunction() VOID WINAPI svcMainFunction (IN DWORD dwNumServicesArgs, IN LPSTR *lpServiceArgVectors) { WSADATA WinSockData; HANDLE hPipeThread = NULL; DWORD dwThreadId; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- hService = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler (svcName, svcHandlerFunction); if (hService == 0) { // We are exiting in any case, so ignore any error... SNMPTRAPDBG(( "svcMainFunction: RegisterServiceCtrlHandler error 0x%08lx .\n", GetLastError() )); exit(1); } status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; status.dwWaitHint = SNMPTRAP_WAIT_HINT; if (!SetServiceStatus(hService, &status)) exit(1); __try { InitializeCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { exit(1); } memset(&g_ipThreadContext.ol, 0, sizeof(g_ipThreadContext.ol)); memset(&g_ipxThreadContext.ol, 0, sizeof(g_ipxThreadContext.ol)); if (WSAStartup ((WORD)0x0101, &WinSockData)) goto CLOSE_OUT; // WinSock startup failure // allocate linked-list header for client received traps if ((pSvrPipeListHead = (ll_node *)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, sizeof(ll_node))) == NULL) goto CLOSE_OUT; ll_init(pSvrPipeListHead); if ((hPipeThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex (NULL, 0, svrPipeThread, NULL, 0, &dwThreadId)) == 0) goto CLOSE_OUT; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //CHECK_IP: ipSock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (ipSock != INVALID_SOCKET) { struct sockaddr_in localAddress_in; struct servent *serv; ZeroMemory (&localAddress_in, sizeof(localAddress_in)); localAddress_in.sin_family = AF_INET; if ((serv = getservbyname ("snmp-trap", "udp")) == NULL) localAddress_in.sin_port = htons (IP_TRAP_PORT); else localAddress_in.sin_port = (SHORT)serv->s_port; localAddress_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY); if (bind (ipSock, (LPSOCKADDR)&localAddress_in, sizeof(localAddress_in)) != SOCKET_ERROR) { g_ipThreadContext.s = ipSock; // init the overlapped struct with manual reset non-signaled event g_ipThreadContext.ol.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (NULL == g_ipThreadContext.ol.hEvent) goto CLOSE_OUT; ipThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex (NULL, 0, svrTrapThread, (LPVOID)&g_ipThreadContext, 0, &dwThreadId); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //CHECK_IPX: ipxSock = socket (AF_IPX, SOCK_DGRAM, NSPROTO_IPX); if (ipxSock != INVALID_SOCKET) { struct sockaddr_ipx localAddress_ipx; ZeroMemory (&localAddress_ipx, sizeof(localAddress_ipx)); localAddress_ipx.sa_family = AF_IPX; localAddress_ipx.sa_socket = htons (IPX_TRAP_PORT); if (bind (ipxSock, (LPSOCKADDR)&localAddress_ipx, sizeof(localAddress_ipx)) != SOCKET_ERROR) { g_ipxThreadContext.s = ipxSock; // init the overlapped struct with manual reset non-signaled event g_ipxThreadContext.ol.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (NULL == g_ipxThreadContext.ol.hEvent) goto CLOSE_OUT; ipxThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex (NULL, 0, svrTrapThread, (LPVOID)&g_ipxThreadContext, 0, &dwThreadId); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We are ready to listen for traps... status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; status.dwCheckPoint = 0; status.dwWaitHint = 0; if (!SetServiceStatus(hService, &status)) goto CLOSE_OUT; WaitForSingleObject (hExitEvent, INFINITE); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE_OUT: // make sure we can bail out if we are here because of goto statements above SetEvent(hExitEvent); status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; // in case we need to report // reporting progress in stopping service status.dwCheckPoint++; if (!SetServiceStatus(hService, &status)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(( "svcMainFunction: error 0x%08lx setting service status.\n", GetLastError() )); } if (hPipeThread != NULL) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svcMainFunction: enter SetEvent g_ol.hEvent.\n")); SetEvent(g_ol.hEvent); // signal to terminate the svrPipeThread thread WaitForSingleObject (hPipeThread, INFINITE); SNMPTRAPDBG(("svcMainFunction: WaitForSingleObject hPipeThread INFINITE done.\n")); // reporting progress in stopping service status.dwCheckPoint++; if (!SetServiceStatus(hService, &status)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(( "svcMainFunction: error 0x%08lx setting service status.\n", GetLastError() )); } CloseHandle (hPipeThread); } if (ipThread != NULL) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svcMainFunction: enter SetEvent g_ipThreadContext.ol.hEvent.\n")); SetEvent(g_ipThreadContext.ol.hEvent); // signal to terminate thread WaitForSingleObject (ipThread, INFINITE); // reporting progress in stopping service status.dwCheckPoint++; if (!SetServiceStatus(hService, &status)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(( "svcMainFunction: error 0x%08lx setting service status.\n", GetLastError() )); } CloseHandle (ipThread); } if (ipSock != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket (ipSock); if (g_ipThreadContext.ol.hEvent) CloseHandle(g_ipThreadContext.ol.hEvent); if (ipxThread != NULL) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svcMainFunction: enter SetEvent g_ipxThreadContext.ol.hEvent.\n")); SetEvent(g_ipxThreadContext.ol.hEvent); // signal to terminate thread WaitForSingleObject (ipxThread, INFINITE); // reporting progress in stopping service status.dwCheckPoint++; if (!SetServiceStatus(hService, &status)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(( "svcMainFunction: error 0x%08lx setting service status.\n", GetLastError() )); } CloseHandle (ipxThread); } if (ipxSock != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket (ipxSock); if (g_ipxThreadContext.ol.hEvent) CloseHandle(g_ipxThreadContext.ol.hEvent); EnterCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); if (pSvrPipeListHead != NULL) { FreeSvrPipeEntryList(pSvrPipeListHead); pSvrPipeListHead = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); DeleteCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); WSACleanup(); status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; status.dwCheckPoint = 0; status.dwWaitHint = 0; if (!SetServiceStatus(hService, &status)) exit(1); } // end_svcMainFunction() //--------------------------- PUBLIC PROCEDURES ----------------------------- int __cdecl main () { BOOL fOk; SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY svcStartTable[2] = { {(LPTSTR)svcName, svcMainFunction}, {NULL, NULL} }; // create event to synchronize trap server shutdown hExitEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (NULL == hExitEvent) { exit(1); } // init the overlapped struct used by svrTrapThread // with manual reset non-signaled event memset(&g_ol, 0, sizeof(g_ol)); g_ol.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (NULL == g_ol.hEvent) { CloseHandle(hExitEvent); exit(1); } // this call will not return until service stopped fOk = StartServiceCtrlDispatcher (svcStartTable); CloseHandle (hExitEvent); CloseHandle(g_ol.hEvent); return fOk; } // end_main() // DWORD WINAPI svrTrapThread (LPVOID threadParam) // This thread takes a SOCKET from the TRAP_THRD_CONTEXT parameter, // loops on select() // for data in-coming over that socket, writing it back // out to clients over all pipes currently on the list of // trap notification pipes shared by this thread and the // pipe thread { PSNMP_TRAP pRecvTrap = NULL; struct fd_set readfds; PTRAP_THRD_CONTEXT pThreadContext = (PTRAP_THRD_CONTEXT) threadParam; SOCKET fd = INVALID_SOCKET; int len; DWORD dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen = 0; // the last allocated UDP data buffer size DWORD dwLastBigBufferRequestTime = 0; // the tick count that the last // LargeTrap received BOOL fTimeoutForMaxUdpLenBuffer = FALSE; // need to deallocate the big buffer struct timeval tvTimeout; // timeout for select // if (NULL == pThreadContext) return 0; fd = pThreadContext->s; dwLastBigBufferRequestTime = GetTickCount(); // select with timeout so that we can response to SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP tvTimeout.tv_sec = 5; // 5 sec. timeout value tvTimeout.tv_usec = 0; // When select returns, the contents of the // tvTimeout structure are not altered. while (TRUE) { ULONG ulTrapSize = 0; DWORD dwError = 0; int nRet = 0; if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject (hExitEvent, 0)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: exit 0.\n")); break; } // construct readfds which gets destroyed by select() FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(fd, &readfds); nRet = select (0, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tvTimeout); if (0 == nRet) { // timeout continue; } else if (SOCKET_ERROR == nRet) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: select failed %d.\n", WSAGetLastError())); break; // terminate thread } if (!(FD_ISSET(fd, &readfds))) continue; if (ioctlsocket( fd, // socket to query FIONREAD, // query for the size of the incoming datagram &ulTrapSize // unsigned long to store the size of the datagram ) != 0) { dwError = WSAGetLastError(); SNMPTRAPDBG(( "ioctlsocket FIONREAD failed: lasterror: 0x%08lx\n", dwError)); continue; // continue if we could not determine the size of the // incoming datagram } if (ulTrapSize >= MAX_FIONREAD_UDP_SIZE) { dwLastBigBufferRequestTime = GetTickCount(); // update tickcount // the ulTrapSize is not accurate on reporting the size of the // next UDP datagram message. KB Q192599 and KB Q140263 if ( NULL == pRecvTrap || dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen < MAX_UDP_SIZE ) { if (pRecvTrap) { GlobalFree(pRecvTrap); pRecvTrap = NULL; dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen = 0; } SNMPTRAPDBG(( "allocate LargeTrap of size : %d\n", sizeof(SNMP_TRAP) - TRAPBUFSIZE + MAX_UDP_SIZE)); // allocate for the trap header + max udp size pRecvTrap = (PSNMP_TRAP)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (sizeof(SNMP_TRAP) - TRAPBUFSIZE + MAX_UDP_SIZE)); if (NULL == pRecvTrap) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: GlobalAlloc failed.\n")); dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen = 0; break; } dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen = MAX_UDP_SIZE; } } else { // winsock has reported the exact amount of UDP datagram // size to be recieved as long as the next datagram is less than // 8-kbyte // // if we've allocated a big buffer before, check to see if we need // to deallocate it to save the usage of resource. // fTimeoutForMaxUdpLenBuffer = FALSE; // reset timeout flag if (MAX_UDP_SIZE == dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen) { // we've allocated a big buffer before DWORD dwCurrTime = GetTickCount(); if (dwCurrTime < dwLastBigBufferRequestTime) { // wrap around occured. we just simply assume it is time to // release the big buffer. fTimeoutForMaxUdpLenBuffer = TRUE; SNMPTRAPDBG(( "Timeout to free LargeTrap buffer of size %d bytes.\n", dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen)); } else { if ( (dwCurrTime-dwLastBigBufferRequestTime) > MAXUDPLEN_BUFFER_TIME ) { // after quite a long time, we don't have a large UDP // datagram received. fTimeoutForMaxUdpLenBuffer = TRUE; SNMPTRAPDBG(( "Timeout to free LargeTrap buffer size of %d bytes.\n", dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen)); } } } if (pRecvTrap == NULL || fTimeoutForMaxUdpLenBuffer || dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen < ulTrapSize) { // allocate/reallocate buffer if (pRecvTrap != NULL) { GlobalFree(pRecvTrap); pRecvTrap = NULL; dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen = 0; } if (FOUR_K_BUF_SIZE >= ulTrapSize) { // allocate at least 4 KBytes buffer to avoid // re-allocations on different sizes of small trap received pRecvTrap = (PSNMP_TRAP)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (sizeof(SNMP_TRAP) - TRAPBUFSIZE + FOUR_K_BUF_SIZE)); dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen = FOUR_K_BUF_SIZE; SNMPTRAPDBG(( "allocate SmallTrap of size : %d\n", sizeof(SNMP_TRAP) - TRAPBUFSIZE + FOUR_K_BUF_SIZE)); } else { // allocate what is necessary pRecvTrap = (PSNMP_TRAP)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (sizeof(SNMP_TRAP) - TRAPBUFSIZE + ulTrapSize)); dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen = ulTrapSize; SNMPTRAPDBG(( "allocate MediumTrap of size : %d\n", sizeof(SNMP_TRAP) - TRAPBUFSIZE + ulTrapSize)); } if (NULL == pRecvTrap) // if there is so few memory that we can't allocate a bit .. { // bail out and stop the SNMPTRAP service (bug? - other option => 100% CPU which is worst) SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: GlobalAlloc failed.\n")); dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen = 0; break; } } } pRecvTrap->TrapBufSz = dwLastAllocatedUdpDataLen; // actual buffer size pRecvTrap->AddrLen = sizeof(pRecvTrap->Addr); len = recvfrom ( fd, pRecvTrap->TrapBuf, pRecvTrap->TrapBufSz, 0, &(pRecvTrap->Addr), &(pRecvTrap->AddrLen)); if (len == SOCKET_ERROR) { dwError = WSAGetLastError(); SNMPTRAPDBG(( "recvfrom failed: ulTrapSize: %d bytes, TrapBufSz: %d bytes, lasterror: 0x%08lx\n", ulTrapSize, pRecvTrap->TrapBufSz, dwError)); continue; } EnterCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); pRecvTrap->TrapBufSz = len; // the acutal trap data len received // add header to length len += sizeof(SNMP_TRAP) - sizeof(pRecvTrap->TrapBuf); // - TRAPBUFSIZE if (!ll_empt(pSvrPipeListHead)) { DWORD written; ll_node *item = pSvrPipeListHead; while (item = ll_next(item, pSvrPipeListHead)) { if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject (hExitEvent, 0)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: exit 1.\n")); LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); goto EXIT_TRAP_THREAD; } if (!WriteFile( ((svrPipeListEntry *)item)->hPipe, (LPBYTE)pRecvTrap, len, &written, &pThreadContext->ol)) { if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError()) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: before GetOverlappedResult.\n")); GetOverlappedResult( ((svrPipeListEntry *)item)->hPipe, &pThreadContext->ol, &written, TRUE // Block ); SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: after GetOverlappedResult.\n")); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject (hExitEvent, 0)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: exit 2.\n")); LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); goto EXIT_TRAP_THREAD; } // reset event to non-signaled state for next I/O ResetEvent(pThreadContext->ol.hEvent); } else { ll_node *hold; if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(((svrPipeListEntry *)item)->hPipe)) { ; // Placeholder for error handling } if (!CloseHandle(((svrPipeListEntry *)item)->hPipe)) { ; // Placeholder for error handling } hold = ll_prev(item); ll_rmv(item); GlobalFree(item); // check for errors? item = hold; } } // end_if !WriteFile else if (written != (DWORD)len) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrTrapThread: written != len\n")); ; // Placeholder for error handling } } // end_while item = ll_next } // end_if !ll_empt LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); } // end while TRUE EXIT_TRAP_THREAD: if (pRecvTrap != NULL) GlobalFree(pRecvTrap); return 0; } // end svrTrapThread() PACL AllocGenericACL() { PACL pAcl; PSID pSidAdmins, pSidUsers, pSidLocalService; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY Authority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; DWORD dwAclLength; pSidAdmins = pSidUsers = pSidLocalService = NULL; // Bug# 179644 The SNMP trap service should not run in the LocalSystem account if ( !AllocateAndInitializeSid( &Authority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSidAdmins ) || !AllocateAndInitializeSid( &Authority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSidUsers ) || !AllocateAndInitializeSid( &Authority, 1, SECURITY_LOCAL_SERVICE_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSidLocalService )) { if (pSidAdmins) { FreeSid(pSidAdmins); } if (pSidUsers) { FreeSid(pSidUsers); } return NULL; } dwAclLength = sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(ULONG) + GetLengthSid(pSidAdmins) + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(ULONG) + GetLengthSid(pSidUsers) + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(ULONG) + GetLengthSid(pSidLocalService); pAcl = GlobalAlloc (GPTR, dwAclLength); if (pAcl != NULL) { if (!InitializeAcl( pAcl, dwAclLength, ACL_REVISION) || !AddAccessAllowedAce ( pAcl, ACL_REVISION, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, pSidLocalService ) || !AddAccessAllowedAce ( pAcl, ACL_REVISION, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, pSidAdmins ) || !AddAccessAllowedAce ( pAcl, ACL_REVISION, (GENERIC_READ | (FILE_GENERIC_WRITE & ~FILE_CREATE_PIPE_INSTANCE)), pSidUsers )) { GlobalFree(pAcl); pAcl = NULL; } } FreeSid(pSidAdmins); FreeSid(pSidUsers); FreeSid(pSidLocalService); return pAcl; } void FreeGenericACL( PACL pAcl) { if (pAcl != NULL) GlobalFree(pAcl); } DWORD WINAPI svrPipeThread (LPVOID threadParam) { // This thread creates a named pipe instance and // blocks waiting for a client connection. When // client connects, the pipe handle is added to the // list of trap notification pipes. // It then waits for another connection. DWORD nInBufLen = sizeof(SNMP_TRAP); DWORD nOutBufLen = sizeof(SNMP_TRAP) * MAX_OUT_BUFS; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES S_Attrib; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR S_Desc; PACL pAcl; DWORD dwRead; // construct security decsriptor InitializeSecurityDescriptor (&S_Desc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); if ((pAcl = AllocGenericACL()) == NULL || !SetSecurityDescriptorDacl (&S_Desc, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE)) { FreeGenericACL(pAcl); return (0); } S_Attrib.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); S_Attrib.lpSecurityDescriptor = &S_Desc; S_Attrib.bInheritHandle = TRUE; while (TRUE) { HANDLE hPipe; svrPipeListEntry *item; BOOL bSuccess; // eliminate the TerminateThread call in CLOSE_OUT of svcMainFunction if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject (hExitEvent, 0)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: exit 0.\n")); break; } hPipe = CreateNamedPipe (SNMPMGRTRAPPIPE, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, (PIPE_WAIT | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE), PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, nOutBufLen, nInBufLen, 0, &S_Attrib); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: CreateNamedPipe failed 0x%08lx.\n", GetLastError())); break; } else { bSuccess = ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, &g_ol); if (!bSuccess && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // blocking wait until g_ol.hEvent signaled by system for a new client // connection request or by our own termination. SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: before GetOverlappedResult.\n")); bSuccess = GetOverlappedResult(hPipe, &g_ol, &dwRead, TRUE); SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: after GetOverlappedResult.\n")); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject (hExitEvent, 0)) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: exit 1.\n")); CloseHandle(hPipe); break; } // reset event to non-signaled state for next I/O ResetEvent(g_ol.hEvent); } // check return from either ConnectNamedPipe or GetOverlappedResult. // If a client managed to connect between the CreateNamedPipe and // ConnectNamedPipe calls, ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED will result if (!bSuccess && GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { // something went wrong, close instance and try again SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: ConnectNamedPipe 0x%08lx.\n", GetLastError())); CloseHandle(hPipe); continue; } } if (!(item = (svrPipeListEntry *) GlobalAlloc (GPTR, sizeof(svrPipeListEntry)))) { SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: E_OUTOFMEMORY\n")); DisconnectNamedPipe(hPipe); CloseHandle(hPipe); break; } else { ll_node *crt; item->hPipe = hPipe; SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: add connected client to pipe list\n")); EnterCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); ll_adde(item, pSvrPipeListHead); crt = pSvrPipeListHead; // scan all the pipe instances to detect the ones that are disconnected while (crt = ll_next(crt, pSvrPipeListHead)) { DWORD dwError; // subsequent ConnectNamePipe() on a handle already connected return: // - ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED if the client is still there // - ERROR_NO_DATA if the client has disconnected ConnectNamedPipe( ((svrPipeListEntry *)crt)->hPipe, NULL); dwError = GetLastError(); // For anything else but ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED, conclude there has been // something wrong with the client/pipe so disconect and close the handle // and release the memory if (dwError != ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { ll_node *hold; SNMPTRAPDBG(("svrPipeThread: disconnect client pipe handle 0x%08lx.\n", ((svrPipeListEntry *)crt)->hPipe)); if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(((svrPipeListEntry *)crt)->hPipe)) { ; // Placeholder for error handling } if (!CloseHandle(((svrPipeListEntry *)crt)->hPipe)) { ; // Placeholder for error handling } hold = ll_prev(crt); ll_rmv(crt); GlobalFree(crt); // check for errors? crt = hold; } // end_if } LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_PIPELIST); } // end_else } // end_while TRUE FreeGenericACL(pAcl); return(0); } // end_svrPipeThread() void FreeSvrPipeEntryList(ll_node* head) { if (head) { ll_node* current; current = head; while (current = ll_next(current, head)) { ll_node *hold; if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(((svrPipeListEntry *)current)->hPipe)) { ; // Placeholder for error handling } if (!CloseHandle(((svrPipeListEntry *)current)->hPipe)) { ; // Placeholder for error handling } hold = ll_prev(current); ll_rmv(current); GlobalFree(current); // check for errors? current = hold; } GlobalFree(head); } } #if DBG // modified from snmp\common\dll\dbg.c #define MAX_LOG_ENTRY_LEN 512 VOID WINAPI SnmpTrapDbgPrint( LPSTR szFormat, ... ) /*++ Routine Description: Prints debug message. Arguments: szFormat - formatting string (see printf). Return Values: None. --*/ { va_list arglist; // 640 octets should be enough to encode oid's of 128 sub-ids. // (one subid can be encoded on at most 5 octets; there can be at // 128 sub-ids per oid. MAX_LOG_ENTRY_LEN = 512 char szLogEntry[4*MAX_LOG_ENTRY_LEN]; time_t now; // initialize variable args va_start(arglist, szFormat); time(&now); strftime(szLogEntry, MAX_LOG_ENTRY_LEN, "%H:%M:%S :", localtime(&now)); // transfer variable args to buffer vsprintf(szLogEntry + strlen(szLogEntry), szFormat, arglist); // output entry to debugger OutputDebugStringA(szLogEntry); } #endif