///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 1998 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // // TAPIDialer(tm) and ActiveDialer(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation. // // Other brand and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners. // // The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection, // and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented // by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in // the United States and by international treaties. // // Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526; 5,488,650; // 5,434,906; 5,581,604; 5,533,102; 5,568,540, 5,625,676. // // Active Voice Corporation // Seattle, Washington // USA // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* $FILEHEADER * * FILE * ConfInfo.h * * CLASS * CConfInfo * */ #if !defined(AFX_CONFINFO_H__CE5346F6_4AFC_11D1_84F1_00608CBAE3F4__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_CONFINFO_H__CE5346F6_4AFC_11D1_84F1_00608CBAE3F4__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER >= 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 #include #include #include #include typedef enum tagConfCommitError { CONF_COMMIT_ERROR_NONE=0, CONF_COMMIT_ERROR_INVALIDDATETIME, CONF_COMMIT_ERROR_INVALIDNAME, CONF_COMMIT_ERROR_INVALIDOWNER, CONF_COMMIT_ERROR_INVALIDDESCRIPTION, CONF_COMMIT_ERROR_INVALIDSECURITYDESCRIPTOR, CONF_COMMIT_ERROR_MDHCPFAILED, CONF_COMMIT_ERROR_GENERALFAILURE, }ConfCommitError; class CConfInfo { public: CConfInfo(); virtual ~CConfInfo(); // Members public: IADsSecurityDescriptor *m_pSecDesc; ITDirectoryObjectConference *m_pITConf; long m_lScopeID; bool m_bNewConference; bool m_bDateTimeChange; // TRUE if user selects a row from the scopes list bool m_bUserSelected; // TRUE if has been showed the 'Start/Stop Change Date Message' bool m_bDateChangeMessage; protected: ITRendezvous *m_pITRend; ITDirectoryObject **m_ppDirObject; BSTR m_bstrName; BSTR m_bstrDescription; BSTR m_bstrOwner; SYSTEMTIME m_stStartTime; SYSTEMTIME m_stStopTime; DATE m_dateStart; DATE m_dateStop; bool m_bSecuritySet; // Attributes public: void get_Name(BSTR *pbstrName); void put_Name(BSTR bstrName); void get_Description(BSTR *pbstrDescription); void put_Description(BSTR bstrDescription); void get_Originator(BSTR *pbstrOwner); void put_Originator(BSTR bstrOwner); void GetStartTime(USHORT *nYear, BYTE *nMonth, BYTE *nDay, BYTE *nHour, BYTE *nMinute); void SetStartTime(USHORT nYear, BYTE nMonth, BYTE nDay, BYTE nHour, BYTE nMinute); void GetStopTime(USHORT *nYear, BYTE *nMonth, BYTE *nDay, BYTE *nHour, BYTE *nMinute); void SetStopTime(USHORT nYear, BYTE nMonth, BYTE nDay, BYTE nHour, BYTE nMinute); void GetPrimaryUser( BSTR *pbstrTrustee ); bool IsNewConference() { return m_bNewConference; } bool WasSecuritySet() { return true; /*return m_bSecuritySet;*/ } void SetSecuritySet( bool bSet ) { m_bSecuritySet = bSet; } // Operations public: static bool PopulateListWithMDHCPScopeDescriptions( HWND hWndList ); static HRESULT CreateMDHCPAddress( ITSdp *pSdp, SYSTEMTIME *pStart, SYSTEMTIME *pStop, long lScopeID, bool bUserSelected ); static HRESULT SetMDHCPAddress( ITMediaCollection *pMC, BSTR bstrAddress, long lCount, unsigned char nTTL ); HRESULT Init(ITRendezvous *pITRend, ITDirectoryObjectConference *pITConf, ITDirectoryObject **ppDirObject, bool bNewConf ); HRESULT CommitGeneral( DWORD& dwCommitError ); HRESULT CommitSecurity( DWORD& dwCommitError, bool bCreate ); HRESULT AddDefaultACEs( bool bCreate ); }; #endif // !defined(AFX_CONFINFO_H__CE5346F6_4AFC_11D1_84F1_00608CBAE3F4__INCLUDED_)