/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/ //*** // // Filename: errorlog.h // // Description: // // History: // Feb. 21,1995. Gurdeep Singh Pall Created original version. // //*** // Don't change the comments following the manifest constants without // understanding how mapmsg works. // #define RIPLOG_BASE 29000 #define RIPLOG_SERVICE_STARTED (RIPLOG_BASE + 1) /* * Microsoft RIP for Internet Protocol Service started successfully. */ #define RIPLOG_CANNOT_CREATE_NOTIFICATION_EVENT (RIPLOG_BASE + 2) /* * IPRIP was unable to open configuration change event. * Please try freeing some system resources. */ #define RIPLOG_REGISTER_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 3) /* * IPRIP could not register the service with the Service Control Manager. * Please make certain the service is correctly installed. */ #define RIPLOG_SETSTATUS_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 4) /* * IPRIP was unable to update the status of the service. */ #define RIPLOG_CREATEMUTEX_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 5) /* * IPRIP was unable to create a mutex for synchronization. * Please try freeing some system resources. */ #define RIPLOG_CREATEEVENT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 6) /* * IPRIP was unable to create an event for synchronization. * Please try freeing some system resources. */ #define RIPLOG_REGINIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 7) /* * IPRIP was unable to load some parameters from the registry. * Please make certain the service is correctly installed. */ #define RIPLOG_IFINIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 8) /* * IPRIP was unable to load the list of interfaces on the system: * either there are insufficient resources, or no network interfaces * are configured. */ #define RIPLOG_ROUTEINIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 9) /* * IPRIP was unable to load the list of routes on the system: * either there are insufficient resources, or IP routing is disabled. */ #define RIPLOG_WSOCKINIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 10) /* * IPRIP was unable to initialize the Windows Sockets DLL. * Please make certain the correct version of Windows Sockets is installed. */ #define RIPLOG_CREATESOCK_FAILED_GENERIC (RIPLOG_BASE + 11) /* * IPRIP was unable to create a socket. The network subsystem may have failed, * or there may be insufficient resources to complete the request. */ #define RIPLOG_BINDSOCK_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 12) /* * IPRIP was unable to bind a socket to IP address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_CREATETHREAD_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 13) /* * IPRIP was unable to create a thread. * Please try freeing some system resources. */ #define RIPLOG_RECVFROM_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 14) /* * IPRIP was unable to receive an incoming RIP packet. */ #define RIPLOG_RECVSIZE_TOO_GREAT (RIPLOG_BASE + 15) /* * A message was received which was too large. */ #define RIPLOG_FORMAT_ERROR (RIPLOG_BASE + 16) /* * A message was received whose formatting was in error. * Either the version was invalid, or one of the reserved fields * contained data. */ #define RIPLOG_INVALIDPORT (RIPLOG_BASE + 17) /* * A message was received which was not sent from IPRIP port 520. */ #define RIPLOG_SERVICE_STOPPED (RIPLOG_BASE + 18) /* * IPRIP has stopped. */ #define RIPLOG_SENDTO_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 19) /* * IPRIP was unable to send a RIP message. */ #define RIPLOG_SOCKINIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 20) /* * IPRIP was unable to bind to one or more IP addresses. */ #define RIPLOG_REINIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 21) /* * IPRIP was unable to re-initialize after an IP address changed. */ #define RIPLOG_VERSION_ZERO (RIPLOG_BASE + 22) /* * IPRIP received a RIP packet with a version field of zero. * The packet has been discarded. */ #define RIPLOG_RT_ALLOC_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 23) /* * IPRIP was unable to allocate memory for a routing table entry. */ #define RIPLOG_RTAB_INIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 24) /* * IPRIP was unable to initialize its routing table. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_STAT_INIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 25) /* * IPRIP was unable to initialize its statistics table. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_READBINDING_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 26) /* * IPRIP was unable to read its interface bindings from the registry. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_IFLIST_ALLOC_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 27) /* * IPRIP was unable to allocate memory for its interface list. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_CREATESOCK_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 28) /* * IPRIP was unable to create a socket for address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_SET_BCAST_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 29) /* * IPRIP was unable to enable broadcasting on the socket for address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_SET_REUSE_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 30) /* * IPRIP was unable to enable address re-use on the socket for address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_ADD_ROUTE_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 31) /* * IPRIP was unable to add a route to the system route table. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_DELETE_ROUTE_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 32) /* * IPRIP was unable to delete a route from the system route table. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_AF_UNKNOWN (RIPLOG_BASE + 33) /* * Address family unknown in route to %1 with next-hop %2. * The route has been discarded. */ #define RIPLOG_CLASS_INVALID (RIPLOG_BASE + 34) /* * Class D or E address are invalid, ignoring route to %1 with next-hop %2. * The route has been discarded. */ #define RIPLOG_LOOPBACK_INVALID (RIPLOG_BASE + 35) /* * Loop-back addresses are invalid, ignoring route to %1 with next-hop %2. * The route has been discarded. */ #define RIPLOG_BROADCAST_INVALID (RIPLOG_BASE + 36) /* * Broadcast addresses are invalid, ignoring route to %1 with next-hop %2. * The route has been discarded. */ #define RIPLOG_HOST_INVALID (RIPLOG_BASE + 37) /* * IPRIP is configured to discard host routes, so a route to %1 * with next-hop %2 has been discarded. */ #define RIPLOG_DEFAULT_INVALID (RIPLOG_BASE + 38) /* * IPRIP is configured to discard default routes, so a route to %1 * with next-hop %2 has been discarded. */ #define RIPLOG_NEW_LEARNT_ROUTE (RIPLOG_BASE + 39) /* * IPRIP has learnt a new route to %1 with next-hop %2 and metric %3. */ #define RIPLOG_METRIC_CHANGE (RIPLOG_BASE + 40) /* * IPRIP's route to %1 with next-hop %2 now has metric %3. */ #define RIPLOG_ROUTE_REPLACED (RIPLOG_BASE + 41) /* * IPRIP's route to %1 now has next-hop %2 and metric %3. */ #define RIPLOG_ADDRESS_CHANGE (RIPLOG_BASE + 42) /* * IPRIP has detected an IP address change, and is reconfiguring. */ #define RIPLOG_ROUTE_REMOVED (RIPLOG_BASE + 43) /* * IPRIP's route to %1 with next-hop %2 is being removed. */ #define RIPLOG_ROUTE_TIMEOUT (RIPLOG_BASE + 44) /* * IPRIP's route to %1 with next-hop %2 has timed-out. */ #define RIPLOG_FINAL_UPDATES (RIPLOG_BASE + 45) /* * IPRIP is sending out final updates. */ #define RIPLOG_REGISTRY_PARAMETERS (RIPLOG_BASE + 46) /* * IPRIP is using the following parameters: * %1 */ #define RIPLOG_SERVICE_AREADY_STARTED (RIPLOG_BASE + 47) /* * RIP listener service has already been started */ #define RIPLOG_SERVICE_INIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 48) /* * RIP listener service failed during initialization */ #define RIPLOG_FILTER_ALLOC_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 49) /* * IPRIP was unable to allocate memory for its filter tables. * The data is the error code * %1 */ #define RIPLOG_ADDR_ALLOC_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 50) /* * IPRIP was unable to allocate memory for its address tables. * The data is the error code * %1 */ #define RIPLOG_ADDR_INIT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 51) /* * IPRIP was unable to initialize its address tables. * The data is the error code * %1 */ #define RIPLOG_SET_MCAST_IF_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 52) /* * IPRIP could not request multicasting on the local interface * with IP address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_JOIN_GROUP_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 53) /* * IPRIP could not join the multicast group * on the local interface with IP address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_WSAEVENTSELECT_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 54) /* * IPRIP was unable to do WSAEventSelect on a socket * bound to the local interface with IP address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define RIPLOG_WSAENUMNETWORKEVENTS_FAILED (RIPLOG_BASE + 55) /* * IPRIP was unable to enumerate network events on a socket * bound to the local interface with IP address %1. * The data is the error code. */