/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Routing\Netsh\wins\winsmon.c Abstract: WINS Command dispatcher. Created by: Shubho Bhattacharya(a-sbhatt) on 12/10/98 --*/ #include "precomp.h" HANDLE g_hModule = NULL; BOOL g_bCommit = TRUE; BOOL g_hConnect = FALSE; DWORD g_dwNumTableEntries = 0; //{bf563723-9065-11d2-be87-00c04fc3357a} static const GUID g_MyGuid = { 0xbf563723, 0x9065, 0x11d2, { 0xbe, 0x87, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xc3, 0x35, 0x7a } }; static const GUID g_NetshGuid = NETSH_ROOT_GUID; // ULONG g_ulInitCount = 0; WCHAR wszUnknown[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszEnable[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszDisable[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszRandom[150] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszOwner[150] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszInfinite[100] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszPush[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszPull[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszPushpull[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszHigh[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszNormal[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszDeleted[150] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszOK[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszFailure[50] = {L'\0'}; WCHAR wszNameVerify[100] = {L'\0'}; WINSMON_SUBCONTEXT_TABLE_ENTRY g_WinsSubContextTable[] = { {L"Server", HLP_WINS_CONTEXT_SERVER, HLP_WINS_CONTEXT_SERVER_EX, SrvrMonitor}, }; CMD_ENTRY g_WinsCmds[] = { CREATE_CMD_ENTRY(WINS_DUMP, HandleWinsDump), CREATE_CMD_ENTRY(WINS_HELP1, HandleWinsHelp), CREATE_CMD_ENTRY(WINS_HELP2, HandleWinsHelp), CREATE_CMD_ENTRY(WINS_HELP3, HandleWinsHelp), CREATE_CMD_ENTRY(WINS_HELP4, HandleWinsHelp), }; ULONG g_ulNumTopCmds = sizeof(g_WinsCmds)/sizeof(CMD_ENTRY); ULONG g_ulNumSubContext = sizeof(g_WinsSubContextTable)/sizeof(WINSMON_SUBCONTEXT_TABLE_ENTRY); DWORD WINAPI WinsCommit( IN DWORD dwAction ) { BOOL bCommit, bFlush = FALSE; switch(dwAction) { case NETSH_COMMIT: { if(g_bCommit) { return NO_ERROR; } g_bCommit = TRUE; break; } case NETSH_UNCOMMIT: { g_bCommit = FALSE; return NO_ERROR; } case NETSH_SAVE: { if(g_bCommit) { return NO_ERROR; } break; } case NETSH_FLUSH: { // // Action is a flush. Dhcp current state is commit, then // nothing to be done. // if(g_bCommit) { return NO_ERROR; } bFlush = TRUE; break; } default: { return NO_ERROR; } } // // Switched to commit mode. So set all valid info in the // strutures. Free memory and invalidate the info. // return NO_ERROR; } BOOL WINAPI WinsDllEntry( HINSTANCE hInstDll, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID pReserved ) { WORD wVersion = MAKEWORD(1,1); //Winsock version 1.1 will do? WSADATA wsaData; HINSTANCE hAdmin = NULL; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { g_hModule = hInstDll; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstDll); if(WSAStartup(wVersion,&wsaData) isnot NO_ERROR) { return FALSE; } //Load certain common string to be used extensively { //Load the general "UNKNOWN" string DWORD dw = 0; dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_UNKNOWN, wszUnknown, ARRAY_SIZE(wszUnknown)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszUnknown, L"Not Set"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_ENABLE, wszEnable, ARRAY_SIZE(wszEnable)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszEnable, L"Enabled"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_DISABLE, wszDisable, ARRAY_SIZE(wszDisable)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszDisable, L"Disabled"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_RANDOM, wszRandom, ARRAY_SIZE(wszRandom)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszRandom, L"Randomly Selected Partner"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_OWNER, wszOwner, ARRAY_SIZE(wszOwner)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszOwner, L"Owner Server"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_INFINITE, wszInfinite, ARRAY_SIZE(wszInfinite)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszInfinite, L"Infinite "); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_PULL, wszPull, ARRAY_SIZE(wszPull)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszPull, L" Pull"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_PUSH, wszPush, ARRAY_SIZE(wszPush)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszPush, L" Push"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_PUSHPULL, wszPushpull, ARRAY_SIZE(wszPushpull)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszPushpull, L" Push/Pull"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_NORMAL, wszNormal, ARRAY_SIZE(wszNormal)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszNormal, L"NORMAL"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_HIGH, wszHigh, ARRAY_SIZE(wszHigh)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszHigh, L"HIGH"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_DELETED, wszDeleted, ARRAY_SIZE(wszDeleted)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszDeleted, L"Deleted. Slot will be reused later."); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_OK, wszOK, ARRAY_SIZE(wszOK)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszOK, L"OK"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_FAILURE, wszFailure, ARRAY_SIZE(wszFailure)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszFailure, L"FAILED"); dw = LoadString(g_hModule, WINS_GENERAL_NAMENOTVERIFIED, wszNameVerify, ARRAY_SIZE(wszNameVerify)); if( dw is 0 ) wcscpy(wszNameVerify, L"Name can not be verified."); } break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { if( g_ServerNameAnsi ) { WinsFreeMemory(g_ServerNameAnsi); g_ServerNameAnsi = NULL; } if( g_ServerNameUnicode ) { WinsFreeMemory(g_ServerNameUnicode); g_ServerNameUnicode = NULL; } break; } default: { break; } } return TRUE; } DWORD WINAPI WinsStartHelper( IN CONST GUID *pguidParent, IN DWORD dwVersion ) { DWORD dwErr; NS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES attMyAttributes; PNS_PRIV_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES pNsPrivContextAttributes; pNsPrivContextAttributes = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(PNS_PRIV_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES)); if (!pNsPrivContextAttributes) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } ZeroMemory( &attMyAttributes, sizeof(attMyAttributes) ); ZeroMemory(pNsPrivContextAttributes, sizeof(PNS_PRIV_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES)); attMyAttributes.pwszContext = L"wins"; attMyAttributes.guidHelper = g_MyGuid; attMyAttributes.dwVersion = 1; attMyAttributes.dwFlags = CMD_FLAG_ONLINE; attMyAttributes.pfnCommitFn = WinsCommit; attMyAttributes.pfnDumpFn = WinsDump; pNsPrivContextAttributes->pfnEntryFn = WinsMonitor; attMyAttributes.pReserved = pNsPrivContextAttributes; dwErr = RegisterContext( &attMyAttributes ); return dwErr; } DWORD WINAPI InitHelperDll( IN DWORD dwNetshVersion, OUT PVOID pReserved ) { DWORD dwErr; NS_HELPER_ATTRIBUTES attMyAttributes; // // See if this is the first time we are being called // if(InterlockedIncrement(&g_ulInitCount) != 1) { return NO_ERROR; } g_bCommit = TRUE; // Register helpers ZeroMemory( &attMyAttributes, sizeof(attMyAttributes) ); attMyAttributes.guidHelper = g_MyGuid; attMyAttributes.dwVersion = WINS_HELPER_VERSION; attMyAttributes.pfnStart = WinsStartHelper; attMyAttributes.pfnStop = NULL; RegisterHelper( &g_NetshGuid, &attMyAttributes ); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD WINAPI WinsMonitor( IN LPCWSTR pwszMachine, IN OUT LPWSTR *ppwcArguments, IN DWORD dwArgCount, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN LPCVOID pvData, OUT LPWSTR pwcNewContext ) { DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwIndex, i, j; BOOL bFound = FALSE; PFN_HANDLE_CMD pfnHandler = NULL; DWORD dwNumMatched; DWORD dwCmdHelpToken = 0; DWORD ThreadOptions = 0; PNS_CONTEXT_ENTRY_FN pfnHelperEntryPt; PNS_CONTEXT_DUMP_FN pfnHelperDumpPt; //if dwArgCount is 1 then it must be a context switch fn. or looking for help if(dwArgCount is 1) { return ERROR_CONTEXT_SWITCH; } dwIndex = 1; //Is it a top level(non Group command)? for(i=0; i dwIndex && IsHelpToken(ppwcArguments[dwIndex])) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, dwCmdHelpToken); return NO_ERROR; } dwError = (*pfnHandler)(pwszMachine, ppwcArguments, dwIndex, dwArgCount, dwFlags, pvData, &bFound); return dwError; } bFound = FALSE; //Is it meant for subcontext? for(i = 0; i