08/07/2001 JosephJ ToDo 0. Switch to using lower-level wlbsctrl calls. 1. Load-library the necessary wlbsctrl calls -- get rid from link to wlbsctrl. 08/08/2001 JosephJ Current list of calls to wlbs... // CWlbsControl *m_pWlbsControl; // CWlbsCluster **ppCluster 09/10/2001 JosephJ Include wlbsutil.lib (wlbs\inc\wlbsutil.h) This is JUST (what a shame) to include the IpAddressAbcdFromWsz function. And this is JUST to allow us to get/set from WLBS_REG_PARAM when wlbsctrl.dll can't be dynamically loaded (typically because it's not present). Consider cleanup of this. 01/28/2002 JosephJ implementing CfgUtilSetDHCP No input parameters. Returnvalue of 0 implies success. { // do basic verification. // // ensure that machine specified exists. vector nicInstance; checkStatus( &nicInstance ); bool dhcpEnabled; isDHCPEnabled( dhcpEnabled ); if( dhcpEnabled == true ) { // dhcp is already enabled. return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; } // set input parameters. // no input parameters. vector inputParameters; // set output parameters vector outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue ); nicInstance[0].runMethod(L"EnableDHCP", inputParameters, outputParameters ); if( long ( returnValue.getValue() ) == 0 ) { return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; } else { cout << "enablestatic has return " << long( returnValue.getValue() ) << endl; return COM_FAILURE; } } 05/08/2002 JosephJ Location of source code that implements Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration (IPAddress, EnableStatic, etc) admin\wmi\WBEM\Providers\Win32Provider\Providers\netadaptercfg.cpp