//*************************************************************************** // WLBSPRIVATE.CPP // // // Module: WMI Framework Instance provider // // Purpose: Contains routines that access the private fields of // WLBS_REG_PARAMS // // Copyright (c)2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // // History: // // 10/13/01 JosephJ Created (moved MyWlbsXXX functions from cfutil.cpp) // //*************************************************************************** // // This macro allows us to access the private fields of WLBS_REG_PARAMS // #define WLBSAPI_INTERNAL_ONLY #include "private.h" VOID CfgUtilSetHashedRemoteControlPassword( IN OUT WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams, IN DWORD dwHashedPassword ) { pParams->i_rct_password = dwHashedPassword; } DWORD CfgUtilGetHashedRemoteControlPassword( IN const WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams ) { return pParams->i_rct_password; } // // Following (MyXXX) functions are to be used only on systems // that do not have wlbsctrl.dll installed. // DWORD MyWlbsSetDefaults(PWLBS_REG_PARAMS reg_data) { reg_data -> install_date = 0; reg_data -> i_verify_date = 0; // reg_data -> cluster_nic_name [0] = _TEXT('\0'); reg_data -> i_parms_ver = CVY_DEF_VERSION; reg_data -> i_virtual_nic_name [0] = _TEXT('\0'); reg_data -> host_priority = CVY_DEF_HOST_PRIORITY; reg_data -> cluster_mode = CVY_DEF_CLUSTER_MODE; reg_data -> persisted_states = CVY_DEF_PERSISTED_STATES; ARRAYSTRCPY (reg_data -> cl_mac_addr, CVY_DEF_NETWORK_ADDR); ARRAYSTRCPY (reg_data -> cl_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_CL_IP_ADDR); ARRAYSTRCPY (reg_data -> cl_net_mask, CVY_DEF_CL_NET_MASK); ARRAYSTRCPY (reg_data -> ded_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_DED_IP_ADDR); ARRAYSTRCPY (reg_data -> ded_net_mask, CVY_DEF_DED_NET_MASK); ARRAYSTRCPY (reg_data -> domain_name, CVY_DEF_DOMAIN_NAME); reg_data -> alive_period = CVY_DEF_ALIVE_PERIOD; reg_data -> alive_tolerance = CVY_DEF_ALIVE_TOLER; reg_data -> num_actions = CVY_DEF_NUM_ACTIONS; reg_data -> num_packets = CVY_DEF_NUM_PACKETS; reg_data -> num_send_msgs = CVY_DEF_NUM_SEND_MSGS; reg_data -> dscr_per_alloc = CVY_DEF_DSCR_PER_ALLOC; reg_data -> max_dscr_allocs = CVY_DEF_MAX_DSCR_ALLOCS; reg_data -> i_scale_client = CVY_DEF_SCALE_CLIENT; reg_data -> i_cleanup_delay = CVY_DEF_CLEANUP_DELAY; reg_data -> i_ip_chg_delay = CVY_DEF_IP_CHG_DELAY; reg_data -> i_nbt_support = CVY_DEF_NBT_SUPPORT; reg_data -> mcast_support = CVY_DEF_MCAST_SUPPORT; reg_data -> i_mcast_spoof = CVY_DEF_MCAST_SPOOF; reg_data -> mask_src_mac = CVY_DEF_MASK_SRC_MAC; reg_data -> i_netmon_alive = CVY_DEF_NETMON_ALIVE; reg_data -> i_effective_version = CVY_NT40_VERSION_FULL; reg_data -> i_convert_mac = CVY_DEF_CONVERT_MAC; reg_data -> i_num_rules = 0; memset (reg_data -> i_port_rules, 0, sizeof (WLBS_PORT_RULE) * WLBS_MAX_RULES); ARRAYSTRCPY (reg_data -> i_license_key, CVY_DEF_LICENSE_KEY); reg_data -> i_rmt_password = CVY_DEF_RMT_PASSWORD; reg_data -> i_rct_password = CVY_DEF_RCT_PASSWORD; reg_data -> rct_port = CVY_DEF_RCT_PORT; reg_data -> rct_enabled = CVY_DEF_RCT_ENABLED; reg_data -> i_max_hosts = CVY_MAX_HOSTS; reg_data -> i_max_rules = CVY_MAX_USABLE_RULES; reg_data -> fIGMPSupport = CVY_DEF_IGMP_SUPPORT; ARRAYSTRCPY(reg_data -> szMCastIpAddress, CVY_DEF_MCAST_IP_ADDR); reg_data -> fIpToMCastIp = CVY_DEF_IP_TO_MCASTIP; reg_data->bda_teaming.active = CVY_DEF_BDA_ACTIVE; reg_data->bda_teaming.master = CVY_DEF_BDA_MASTER; reg_data->bda_teaming.reverse_hash = CVY_DEF_BDA_REVERSE_HASH; reg_data->bda_teaming.team_id[0] = CVY_DEF_BDA_TEAM_ID; reg_data -> i_num_rules = 1; // fill in the first port rule. ARRAYSTRCPY( reg_data->i_port_rules[0].virtual_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP ); reg_data -> i_port_rules [0] . start_port = CVY_DEF_PORT_START; reg_data -> i_port_rules [0] . end_port = CVY_DEF_PORT_END; reg_data -> i_port_rules [0] . valid = TRUE; reg_data -> i_port_rules [0] . mode = CVY_DEF_MODE; reg_data -> i_port_rules [0] . mode_data . multi . equal_load = TRUE; reg_data -> i_port_rules [0] . mode_data . multi . affinity = CVY_DEF_AFFINITY; reg_data -> i_port_rules [0] . mode_data . multi . load = CVY_DEF_LOAD; reg_data -> i_port_rules [0] . protocol = CVY_DEF_PROTOCOL; CVY_RULE_CODE_SET(& reg_data -> i_port_rules [0]); return WLBS_OK; } DWORD MyWlbsEnumPortRules ( const PWLBS_REG_PARAMS reg_data, PWLBS_PORT_RULE rules, PDWORD num_rules ) { DWORD count_rules, i, index; DWORD lowest_vip, lowest_port; BOOL array_flags [WLBS_MAX_RULES]; WLBS_PORT_RULE sorted_rules [WLBS_MAX_RULES]; if ((reg_data == NULL) || (num_rules == NULL)) { return WLBS_BAD_PARAMS; } if (*num_rules == 0) rules = NULL; /* this array is used for keeping track of which rules have already been retrieved */ /* This is needed since the rules are to be retrieved in the sorted order */ memset ( array_flags, 0, sizeof(BOOL) * WLBS_MAX_RULES ); count_rules = 0; while ((count_rules < *num_rules) && (count_rules < reg_data -> i_num_rules)) { i = 0; /* find the first rule that has not been retrieved */ while ((! reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] . valid) || array_flags [i]) { i++; } lowest_vip = htonl(IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] . virtual_ip_addr)); lowest_port = reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] . start_port; index = i; /* Compare that rule with the other non-retrieved rules to get the rule with the lowest VIP & start_port */ i++; while (i < WLBS_MAX_RULES) { if (reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] . valid && ( ! array_flags [i] )) { DWORD current_vip = htonl(IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] . virtual_ip_addr)); if ((current_vip < lowest_vip) || ((current_vip == lowest_vip) && (reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] . start_port < lowest_port))) { lowest_vip = current_vip; lowest_port = reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] . start_port; index = i; } } i++; } /* The array_flags [i] element is set to TRUE if the rule is retrieved */ array_flags [index] = TRUE; sorted_rules [count_rules] = reg_data -> i_port_rules [index]; count_rules ++; } /* write the sorted rules back into the return array */ for (i = 0; i < count_rules; i++) { rules[i] = sorted_rules[i]; } /* invalidate the remaining rules in the buffer */ for (i = count_rules; i < *num_rules; i++) rules [i] . valid = FALSE; if (*num_rules < reg_data -> i_num_rules) { *num_rules = reg_data -> i_num_rules; return WLBS_TRUNCATED; } *num_rules = reg_data -> i_num_rules; return WLBS_OK; } /* end WlbsEnumPortRules */ VOID MyWlbsDeleteAllPortRules ( PWLBS_REG_PARAMS reg_data ) { reg_data -> i_num_rules = 0; ZeroMemory(reg_data -> i_port_rules, sizeof(reg_data -> i_port_rules)); } /* end WlbsDeleteAllPortRules */ DWORD MyWlbsAddPortRule ( PWLBS_REG_PARAMS reg_data, const PWLBS_PORT_RULE rule ) { int i; DWORD vip; if ((reg_data == NULL) || (rule == NULL)) { return WLBS_BAD_PARAMS; } /* Check if there is space for the new rule */ if (reg_data -> i_num_rules == WLBS_MAX_RULES) { return WLBS_MAX_PORT_RULES; } /* check the rule for valid values */ /* check for non-zero vip and conflict with dip */ vip = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(rule -> virtual_ip_addr); if (vip == 0 || (INADDR_NONE == vip && lstrcmpi(rule -> virtual_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP) != 0)) { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } if (vip == IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(reg_data->ded_ip_addr)) { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } /* first check the range of the start and end ports */ if ((rule -> start_port > rule -> end_port) || // CLEAN_64BIT (rule -> start_port < CVY_MIN_PORT) || (rule -> end_port > CVY_MAX_PORT)) { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } /* check the protocol range */ if ((rule -> protocol < CVY_MIN_PROTOCOL) || (rule -> protocol > CVY_MAX_PROTOCOL)) { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } /* check filtering mode to see whether it is within range */ if ((rule -> mode < CVY_MIN_MODE) || (rule -> mode > CVY_MAX_MODE)) { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } /* check load weight and affinity if multiple hosts */ if (rule -> mode == CVY_MULTI) { if ((rule -> mode_data . multi . affinity < CVY_MIN_AFFINITY) || (rule -> mode_data . multi . affinity > CVY_MAX_AFFINITY)) { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } if ((rule -> mode_data . multi . equal_load < CVY_MIN_EQUAL_LOAD) || (rule -> mode_data . multi . equal_load > CVY_MAX_EQUAL_LOAD)) { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } if (! rule -> mode_data . multi . equal_load) { if ((rule -> mode_data . multi . load > CVY_MAX_LOAD)) //CLEAN_64BIT (rule -> mode_data . multi . load < CVY_MIN_LOAD) || { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } } } /* check handling priority range if single host */ if (rule -> mode == CVY_SINGLE) { if ((rule -> mode_data . single . priority < CVY_MIN_PRIORITY) || (rule -> mode_data . single . priority > CVY_MAX_PRIORITY)) { return WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS; } } /* go through the rule list and then check for overlapping conditions */ for (i = 0; i < WLBS_MAX_RULES; i++) { if (reg_data -> i_port_rules[i] . valid == TRUE) { if ((IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(reg_data -> i_port_rules[i] . virtual_ip_addr) == vip) && (( (reg_data -> i_port_rules[i] . start_port <= rule -> start_port) && (reg_data -> i_port_rules[i] . end_port >= rule -> start_port)) || ( (reg_data -> i_port_rules[i] . start_port >= rule -> start_port) && (reg_data -> i_port_rules[i] . start_port <= rule -> end_port)))) { return WLBS_PORT_OVERLAP; } } } /* go through the rule list and find out the first empty spot and write out the port rule */ for (i = 0 ; i < WLBS_MAX_RULES ; i++) { if (reg_data -> i_port_rules[i] . valid == FALSE) { reg_data -> i_num_rules ++ ; reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] = *rule; reg_data -> i_port_rules [i] . valid = TRUE; CVY_RULE_CODE_SET(& reg_data -> i_port_rules [i]); return WLBS_OK; } } return WLBS_MAX_PORT_RULES; } /* end WlbsAddPortRule */ BOOL MyWlbsValidateParams( const PWLBS_REG_PARAMS paramp ) { // Following stolen from wlbs\api #define WLBS_FIELD_LOW 0 #define WLBS_FIELD_HIGH 255 #define WLBS_IP_FIELD_ZERO_LOW 1 #define WLBS_IP_FIELD_ZERO_HIGH 223 bool fRet = FALSE; DWORD idx; IN_ADDR dwIPAddr; CHAR * szIPAddr; DWORD num_rules; WLBS_PORT_RULE *port_rule; /* verify and if necessary reset the parameters */ // // We don't validate the lower bound for unsigned words when the lower bound is 0. Otherwise we // get a compiler warning, promoted to an error, because such a test can't fail // // Ignore lower bound checking // CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> i_scale_client, CVY_MAX_SCALE_CLIENT); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> i_nbt_support, CVY_MAX_NBT_SUPPORT); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> mcast_support, CVY_MAX_MCAST_SUPPORT); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> i_mcast_spoof, CVY_MAX_MCAST_SPOOF); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> mask_src_mac, CVY_MAX_MASK_SRC_MAC); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> i_netmon_alive, CVY_MAX_NETMON_ALIVE); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> i_convert_mac, CVY_MAX_CONVERT_MAC); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> rct_port, CVY_MAX_RCT_PORT); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> rct_enabled, CVY_MAX_RCT_ENABLED); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> i_cleanup_delay, CVY_MAX_CLEANUP_DELAY); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> i_ip_chg_delay, CVY_MAX_IP_CHG_DELAY); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> i_num_rules, CVY_MAX_NUM_RULES); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> cluster_mode, CVY_MAX_CLUSTER_MODE); // // End Ignore lower bound checking // // // CVY_NAME_VERSION is not validated since its value is used and manipulated before we get here // CVY_NAME_LICENSE_KEY is not validated since it can take any value. // RMT_PASSWORD is not validated since it can take any storable value // RCT_PASSWORD is not validated since it can take any storable value // CVY_NAME_IGMP_SUPPORT is not validated because it is of BOOL type and can thus take any value // CVY_NAME_IP_TO_MCASTIP is not validated because it is of BOOL type and can thus take any value // CVY_CHECK_MIN (paramp -> alive_period, CVY_MIN_ALIVE_PERIOD); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> alive_period, CVY_MAX_ALIVE_PERIOD); CVY_CHECK_MIN (paramp -> alive_tolerance, CVY_MIN_ALIVE_TOLER); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> alive_tolerance, CVY_MAX_ALIVE_TOLER); CVY_CHECK_MIN (paramp -> num_actions, CVY_MIN_NUM_ACTIONS); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> num_actions, CVY_MAX_NUM_ACTIONS); CVY_CHECK_MIN (paramp -> num_packets, CVY_MIN_NUM_PACKETS); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> num_packets, CVY_MAX_NUM_PACKETS); CVY_CHECK_MIN (paramp -> dscr_per_alloc, CVY_MIN_DSCR_PER_ALLOC); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> dscr_per_alloc, CVY_MAX_DSCR_PER_ALLOC); CVY_CHECK_MIN (paramp -> max_dscr_allocs, CVY_MIN_MAX_DSCR_ALLOCS); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> max_dscr_allocs, CVY_MAX_MAX_DSCR_ALLOCS); CVY_CHECK_MIN (paramp -> num_send_msgs, (paramp -> i_max_hosts + 1) * 2); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> num_send_msgs, (paramp -> i_max_hosts + 1) * 10); CVY_CHECK_MIN (paramp -> host_priority, CVY_MIN_HOST_PRIORITY); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> host_priority, CVY_MAX_HOST_PRIORITY); /* If the cluster IP address is not, then make sure the IP address is valid. */ if (lstrcmpi(paramp->cl_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_CL_IP_ADDR)) { /* Check the validity of the IP address. */ if (!(dwIPAddr.S_un.S_addr = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(paramp->cl_ip_addr))) goto error; /* Convert the DWORD back to a string. We do this because 11.11.3 is a valid IP address the inet_addr converts to as a DWORD. Therefore, to keep the IP address string (which is used by other parts of NLB, such as the UI) consistent, we convert back to a string. */ if (!(szIPAddr = inet_ntoa(dwIPAddr))) goto error; /* Convert the ASCII string to unicode. */ if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szIPAddr, -1, paramp->cl_ip_addr, WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR + 1)) goto error; } /* If the cluster netmask is not, then make sure the netmask is valid. */ if (lstrcmpi(paramp->cl_net_mask, CVY_DEF_CL_NET_MASK)) { /* Check the validity of the IP address. */ if (!(dwIPAddr.S_un.S_addr = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(paramp->cl_net_mask))) goto error; /* Convert the DWORD back to a string. We do this because 11.11.3 is a valid IP address the inet_addr converts to as a DWORD. Therefore, to keep the IP address string (which is used by other parts of NLB, such as the UI) consistent, we convert back to a string. */ if (!(szIPAddr = inet_ntoa(dwIPAddr))) goto error; /* Convert the ASCII string to unicode. */ if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szIPAddr, -1, paramp->cl_net_mask, WLBS_MAX_CL_NET_MASK + 1)) goto error; } /* If the dedicated IP address is not, then make sure the IP address is valid. */ if (lstrcmpi(paramp->ded_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_DED_IP_ADDR)) { /* Check the validity of the IP address. */ if (!(dwIPAddr.S_un.S_addr = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(paramp->ded_ip_addr))) goto error; /* Convert the DWORD back to a string. We do this because 11.11.3 is a valid IP address the inet_addr converts to as a DWORD. Therefore, to keep the IP address string (which is used by other parts of NLB, such as the UI) consistent, we convert back to a string. */ if (!(szIPAddr = inet_ntoa(dwIPAddr))) goto error; /* Convert the ASCII string to unicode. */ if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szIPAddr, -1, paramp->ded_ip_addr, WLBS_MAX_DED_IP_ADDR + 1)) goto error; } /* If the dedicated netmask is not, then make sure the netmask is valid. */ if (lstrcmpi(paramp->ded_net_mask, CVY_DEF_DED_NET_MASK)) { /* Check the validity of the IP address. */ if (!(dwIPAddr.S_un.S_addr = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(paramp->ded_net_mask))) goto error; /* Convert the DWORD back to a string. We do this because 11.11.3 is a valid IP address the inet_addr converts to as a DWORD. Therefore, to keep the IP address string (which is used by other parts of NLB, such as the UI) consistent, we convert back to a string. */ if (!(szIPAddr = inet_ntoa(dwIPAddr))) goto error; /* Convert the ASCII string to unicode. */ if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szIPAddr, -1, paramp->ded_net_mask, WLBS_MAX_DED_NET_MASK + 1)) goto error; } /* Verify that the port rule VIP is valid, Also, convert the port rule VIPs that might be in the x.x.x or x.x or x form to x.x.x.x */ idx = 0; num_rules = paramp -> i_num_rules; while (idx < num_rules) { port_rule = ¶mp->i_port_rules[idx]; /* Check if the port rule is valid and the vip is not "All Vip" */ if (port_rule->valid && lstrcmpi(port_rule->virtual_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP)) { /* Get IP Address into DWORD form */ if (!(dwIPAddr.S_un.S_addr = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(port_rule->virtual_ip_addr))) goto error; /* Check for validity of IP Address */ if ((dwIPAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 < WLBS_IP_FIELD_ZERO_LOW) || (dwIPAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 > WLBS_IP_FIELD_ZERO_HIGH) || (dwIPAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 < WLBS_FIELD_LOW) || (dwIPAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 > WLBS_FIELD_HIGH) || (dwIPAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 < WLBS_FIELD_LOW) || (dwIPAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 > WLBS_FIELD_HIGH) || (dwIPAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 < WLBS_FIELD_LOW) || (dwIPAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 > WLBS_FIELD_HIGH)) goto error; /* Convert the DWORD back to a string. We do this because 11.11.3 is a valid IP address the inet_addr converts to as a DWORD. Therefore, to keep the IP address string (which is used by other parts of NLB, such as the UI) consistent, we convert back to a string. */ if (!(szIPAddr = inet_ntoa(dwIPAddr))) goto error; /* Convert the ASCII string to unicode. */ if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szIPAddr, -1, port_rule->virtual_ip_addr, WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR + 1)) goto error; } idx++; } /* If either the cluster IP address or the cluster netmask is not, then make sure the they are a valid IP address/netmask pair. */ if (lstrcmpi(paramp->cl_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_CL_IP_ADDR) || lstrcmpi(paramp->cl_net_mask, CVY_DEF_CL_NET_MASK)) { /* If they have specified a cluster IP address, but no netmask, then fill it in for them. */ if (!lstrcmpi(paramp->cl_net_mask, CVY_DEF_CL_NET_MASK)) { ParamsGenerateSubnetMask(paramp->cl_ip_addr, paramp->cl_net_mask, ASIZECCH(paramp->cl_net_mask)); } /* Check for valid cluster IP address/netmask pairs. */ if (!IsValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair(paramp->cl_ip_addr, paramp->cl_net_mask)) goto error; /* Check to make sure that the cluster netmask is contiguous. */ if (!IsContiguousSubnetMask(paramp->cl_net_mask)) goto error; /* Check to make sure that the dedicated IP and cluster IP are not the same. */ if (!wcscmp(paramp->ded_ip_addr, paramp->cl_ip_addr)) goto error; } /* If either the dedicated IP address or the dedicated netmask is not, then make sure the they are a valid IP address/netmask pair. */ if (lstrcmpi(paramp->ded_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_DED_IP_ADDR) || lstrcmpi(paramp->ded_net_mask, CVY_DEF_DED_NET_MASK)) { /* If they have specified a cluster IP address, but no netmask, then fill it in for them. */ if (!lstrcmpi(paramp->ded_net_mask, CVY_DEF_DED_NET_MASK)) { ParamsGenerateSubnetMask(paramp->ded_ip_addr, paramp->ded_net_mask, ASIZECCH(paramp->ded_net_mask)); } /* Check for valid dedicated IP address/netmask pairs. */ if (!IsValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair(paramp->ded_ip_addr, paramp->ded_net_mask)) goto error; /* Check to make sure that the dedicated netmask is contiguous. */ if (!IsContiguousSubnetMask(paramp->ded_net_mask)) goto error; } /* Check the mac address if the convert_mac flag is not set */ if ( ! paramp -> i_convert_mac) { PWCHAR p1, p2; WCHAR mac_addr [WLBS_MAX_NETWORK_ADDR + 1]; DWORD i, j; BOOL flag = TRUE; ARRAYSTRCPY (mac_addr, paramp -> cl_mac_addr); p2 = p1 = mac_addr; for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++) { if (*p2 == _TEXT('\0')) { flag = FALSE; break; } j = _tcstoul (p1, &p2, 16); if ( j > 255) { flag = FALSE; break; } if ( ! (*p2 == _TEXT('-') || *p2 == _TEXT(':') || *p2 == _TEXT('\0')) ) { flag = FALSE; break; } if (*p2 == _TEXT('\0') && i < 5) { flag = FALSE; break; } p1 = p2 + 1; p2 = p1; } if (!flag) { goto error; } } if (paramp->fIGMPSupport && !paramp->mcast_support) { // // IGMP can not be enabled in unicast mode // goto error; } if (paramp->mcast_support && paramp->fIGMPSupport && !paramp->fIpToMCastIp) { // // Verify that the multicast IP is a valid IP form. Ignore default value case since it isn't a valid IP. // if (lstrcmpi(paramp -> szMCastIpAddress, CVY_DEF_MCAST_IP_ADDR)) { /* Check the validity of the IP address. */ if (!(dwIPAddr.S_un.S_addr = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(paramp -> szMCastIpAddress))) goto error; /* Convert the DWORD back to a string. We do this because 11.11.3 is a valid IP address the inet_addr converts to as a DWORD. Therefore, to keep the IP address string (which is used by other parts of NLB, such as the UI) consistent, we convert back to a string. */ if (!(szIPAddr = inet_ntoa(dwIPAddr))) goto error; /* Convert the ASCII string to unicode. */ if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szIPAddr, -1, paramp -> szMCastIpAddress, WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR + 1)) goto error; } // // Multicast mode with IGMP enabled, and user specified an multicast IP address, // The multicast IP address should be in the range of (224-239).x.x.x // but NOT (224-239).0.0.x or (224-239).128.0.x. // DWORD dwMCastIp = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(paramp->szMCastIpAddress); if ((dwMCastIp & 0xf0) != 0xe0 || (dwMCastIp & 0x00ffff00) == 0 || (dwMCastIp & 0x00ffff00) == 0x00008000) { goto error; } } /* Generate the MAC address. */ ParamsGenerateMAC(paramp->cl_ip_addr, paramp->cl_mac_addr, ASIZECCH(paramp->cl_mac_addr), paramp->szMCastIpAddress, ASIZECCH(paramp->szMCastIpAddress), paramp->i_convert_mac, paramp->mcast_support, paramp->fIGMPSupport, paramp->fIpToMCastIp); // // We only process bda information if bda teaming is active. We can ignore these properties if it isn't. Dependencies // such as WriteRegParam will check this too to see if they should process the information. // if (paramp -> bda_teaming . active) { GUID TeamGuid; HRESULT hr; // // We don't validate the lower bound for unsigned words when the lower bound is 0. Otherwise we // get a compiler warning, promoted to an error, because such a test can't fail // // Ignore lower bound checking // CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> bda_teaming . master, 1); CVY_CHECK_MAX (paramp -> bda_teaming . reverse_hash, 1); // // End Ignore lower bound checking // // // A teaming ID must be a GUID. Validate that it is, but we don't care what value. This means we ignore // the content of TeamGuid. // hr = CLSIDFromString(paramp -> bda_teaming . team_id, &TeamGuid); // If the conversion fails, bail out - the team ID must not have been a GUID if (hr != NOERROR) { goto error; } } fRet = TRUE; goto end; error: fRet = FALSE; goto end; end: return fRet; }