Last Revision Date 4/1/1997 - John Mikesell Location: \\orville\razzle\src\fax\help\install.txt This install.txt file provides file locations, installation instructions, and uninstall instructions for Windows NT fax help, Windows 95 and WFG/3.11 Fax Clients help. *** WHAT'S NEW *** 4/1/97 1. RELEASE folder removed. 2. WFW, W95 relnotes & readme files renamed 3. WFW, W95 relnotes & readme placeholder files added 3/28/97 1. Notes/readme files added to each build folder and install instructions. 3. Fax client hlp/cnt files added to SERVER installation. 4. Instructions added for Win95 5. Headings added for 3.11/WFW (F-G) install/uninstall instructions. 6. Faxview cnt/hlp files removed. 7. Fax0.hlp added, notation in NT Windows.Cnt changed :Index fax.hlp -> fax0.hlp. See note H.1 at end of this file. *** CONTENTS *** A. Locations of Help files in SLM fax project B. Windows NT Installation Instructions 1. For all Windows NT installations 2. Files for NT Server installations 3. Files for NT Client installations 4. Files for NT Personal Fax installations C. Windows NT Uninstall Instructions 1. For all Windows NT installations 2. Files removed for NT Server installations 3. Files removed for NT Client installations 4. Files removed for NT Personal Fax installations D. Windows 95 Fax Client Install E. Windows 95 Fax Client Uninstall F. Windows WFW and 3.11 Fax Client Install G. Windows WFW and 3.11 Fax Client Uninstall H. Notes A. Locations of All Help files in SLM fax project \\orville\razzle\src\fax\help\. Copy files for Fax Server/Clients help from these locations only. No other locations are guaranteed to have the latest help files for Fax Server & Clients. Release (REMOVED) RELEASE NOTES AND README ARE NOW IN BUILD FOLDERS. .\ Install.txt - this file .\Build Fax0.hlp (called from windows.hlp contents) Fax.hlp Fax.cnt Faxcover.hlp Faxcover.cnt Faxui.hlp .\Build.Srv Faxsrv.hlp Faxsrv.cnt faxinfo.txt faxrelnt.txt .\Build.Clt Faxclt.hlp Faxclt.cnt faxinfo.txt faxrelnt.txt .\Build.Wks (Personal Fax) Faxwks.hlp Faxwks.cnt faxinfo.txt faxrelnt.txt .\Build.WFW Fax3.hlp faxinf3.txt faxrel3.txt .\Build.95 Fax40.hlp Fax4.hlp Fax4.cnt faxinf4.txt faxrel4.txt B. Windows NT Installation Instructions: HLP and CNT files should go into the sysroot\help folder. B.1. For all Windows NT installations The following entry should be inserted in alphabetical order in the text file sysroot\system32\windows.cnt if not already inserted: :Index Fax Help=fax0.hlp The following files should be deleted from the sysroot\system32 folder, if they are present: Windows.gid (hidden configuration file, may exist) Windows.fts (full-text search index file, may exist) Windows.ftg (full-text search group list, may exist) Files to be added for ALL installations Fax0.hlp Fax.hlp Fax.cnt Faxcover.hlp Faxcover.cnt Faxui.hlp B.2. Files for NT Server installations Faxsrv.hlp Faxsrv.cnt Faxclt.hlp Faxclt.cnt faxinfos.txt faxrelnts.txt B.3. Files for NT Client installations Faxclt.hlp Faxclt.cnt faxinfoc.txt faxrelntc.txt B.4. Files for NT Personal Fax installations Faxwks.hlp Faxwks.cnt faxinfo.txt faxrelnt.txt C. Windows NT Uninstall Instructions: Note: These instructions apply completely only if all installations (client, server, & workstation) are being removed. * marks items that don't apply if one is being removed and another one left on. C.1. For all Windows NT installations * The following entry should be removed from the text file sysroot\system32\windows.cnt file. This actually won't affect program operation if it is left in and fax.hlp isn't there. :Index Fax Help=fax.hlp * The following files should be deleted from the sysroot\system32 folder: Windows.gid (hidden configuration file, may exist) Windows.fts (full-text search index file, may exist) Windows.ftg (full-text search group list, may exist) * Files to be removed if all installations (server, workstation and client) are removed: Fax0.hlp Fax.hlp Fax.cnt Fax.gid Fax.fts Fax.ftg Faxcover.hlp Faxcover.cnt Faxcover.gid Faxcover.fts Faxcover.ftg Faxui.hlp Faxview.hlp Faxview.cnt Faxview.gid Faxview.fts Faxview.ftg C.2. Files removed for NT Server installations Faxsrv.hlp Faxsrv.cnt Faxsrv.gid Faxsrv.fts Faxsrv.ftg Faxclt.hlp Faxclt.cnt Faxclt.gid Faxclt.fts Faxclt.ftg faxinfos.txt faxrelnts.txt C.3. Files removed for NT Client installations Faxclt.hlp Faxclt.cnt Faxclt.gid Faxclt.fts Faxclt.ftg faxinfoc.txt faxrelntc.txt C.4. Files removed for NT Personal Fax installations Faxwks.hlp Faxwks.cnt Faxwks.gid Faxwks.fts Faxwks.ftg faxinfo.txt faxrelnt.txt D. Windows 95 Install HLP and CNT files should go into the sysroot\help folder. The following entry should be inserted in alphabetical order in the text file sysroot\help\windows.cnt if not already inserted: :Index Fax Help=fax40.hlp The following files should be deleted from the sysroot\system32 folder, if they are present: Windows.gid (hidden configuration file, may exist) Windows.fts (full-text search index file, may exist) Windows.ftg (full-text search group list, may exist) The following files should be installed: Fax40.hlp Fax4.hlp Fax4.cnt Faxui.hlp faxinfo4.txt faxrelnt4.txt E. Windows 95 Uninstall The following entry should be removed from the text file sysroot\system32\windows.cnt file. This actually won't affect program operation if it is left in and fax.hlp isn't there. :Index Fax Help=fax40.hlp The following files should be deleted from the sysroot\system32 folder: Windows.gid (hidden configuration file, may exist) Windows.fts (full-text search index file, may exist) Windows.ftg (full-text search group list, may exist) The following files should be removed: Fax40.hlp Fax4.hlp Fax4.cnt Fax4.gid Fax4.fts Fax4.ftg Faxui.hlp faxinfo4.txt faxrelnt4.txt F. Windows WFG and 3.11 Install Fax3.hlp Faxui.hlp faxinfo3.txt faxrelnt3.txt G. Windows WFG and 3.11 Uninstall (tentative) Fax3.hlp Faxui.hlp faxinfo3.txt faxrelnt3.txt H. NOTES H.1 Right now we reference fax.hlp in the NT Windows.Cnt by adding an ":Index Fax0.Hlp" (changed from Fax.hlp in 3/28/97 version of install instructions). This file has a topic which creates entries for "fax procedures" in the Windows.Hlp index users open on the start menu. If installing (Personal, Client/Server) fax becomes standard in any release of Windows NT, then this should be added to the Windows.Cnt file, and steps for inserting it here should be removed.