/*++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: routemapi.h Abstract: This module provides the implemantation of registry manipulations to route MAPI calls to the Microsoft Outlook mail client Author: Mooly Beery (moolyb) 5-Nov-2000 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef __FAX_MAPI_ROUTE_CALLS_HEADER_FILE__ #define __FAX_MAPI_ROUTE_CALLS_HEADER_FILE__ // EXPORT_MAPI_ROUTE_CALLS is defined in the module only // this way when the module is compiled the class exports its functions // when others use this header file the functions won't be exported by them #ifdef EXPORT_MAPI_ROUTE_CALLS #define dllexp __declspec( dllexport ) #else // EXPORT_MAPI_ROUTE_CALLS #define dllexp #endif // EXPORT_MAPI_ROUTE_CALLS class dllexp CRouteMAPICalls { public: CRouteMAPICalls(); ~CRouteMAPICalls(); // used to restore the changes the Init method performed DWORD Init(LPCTSTR lpctstrProcessName); // this is the process for which the MAPI calls are routed // used to set up the registry to route MAPI calls of the // proper process to the Microsoft Outlook mail client // and to suppress any pop-ups which might occur private: bool m_bMSOutlookInstalled; // is Microsoft Outlook mail client installed bool m_bMSOutlookIsDefault; // is Microsoft Outlook the default mail client bool m_bProcessIsRouted; // are calls from the requested process already routed bool m_bProcessIsRoutedToMsOutlook; // are calls from the process routed to Ms Outlook TCHAR* m_ptProcessName; // process name to route calls for }; #endif // __FAX_MAPI_ROUTE_CALLS_HEADER_FILE__