// headers\et30type.h is assumed to be included // ET30ACTION, ET30EVENT // headers\timeouts.h ... TO // headers\fr.h ... IFR #define MODEM_CLASS1 1 #define MODEM_CLASS2 2 #define MODEM_CLASS2_0 3 typedef ET30ACTION ( __cdecl FAR* LPWHATNEXTPROC)(LPVOID, ET30EVENT, ...); #define MAXRECVFRAMES 20 typedef struct { LPFR rglpfr[MAXRECVFRAMES]; BYTE b[]; } FRAMESPACE, far* LPFRAMESPACE; typedef struct { LPFRAMESPACE lpfs; // ptr to storage for recvd frames UWORD Nframes; // Number of recvd frames IFR ifrCommand, ifrResp, ifrSend; USHORT uTrainCount; USHORT uRecvTCFMod; // for fastexit stuff // set this from the DCS and jump straight into RecvTCF // Used to decide whether to insert a 1 bit or not (T30 sec BOOL fReceivedDIS; BOOL fReceivedDTC; BOOL fReceivedEOM; // Used to determine whether to call PutRecvBuf(END_PAGE/END_DOC) // Set when we finish receiving page, reset after calling PutRecvBuf(...) BOOL fAtEndOfRecvPage; // Used when sending MCF/RTN to determine whether we succeeded to receive last page // Set when we finish receiving page, reset when we start to (try to) receive next page BOOL fReceivedPage; LONG sRecvBufSize; TO toT1; // This is used in MainBody. // Some modems can't train at higher speeds (timeout or return // ERRROR on AT+FRM=xxx) with other specific devices, but are OK at lower // speeds. So we keep track of the number of times we try to get the TCF, // and after the 2nd failed attempt, send an FTT instead of going to // node F. # define CLEAR_MISSED_TCFS() (pTG->T30.uMissedTCFs=0) # define MAX_MISSED_TCFS_BEFORE_FTT 2 USHORT uMissedTCFs; } ET30T30; typedef enum { modeNONE=0, modeNONECM, modeECM, modeECMRETX } PHASECMODE; typedef struct { IFR ifrLastSent; PHASECMODE modePrevRecv; BOOL fGotWrongMode; } ET30ECHOPROTECT; // // headers\awnsfint.h is assumed to be included // force include to class1\*.c #pragma pack(1) // ensure packed structure typedef struct { BYTE G1stuff :3; BYTE G2stuff :5; BYTE G3Tx :1; // In DIS indicates poll doc avail. Must be 0 in DCS. BYTE G3Rx :1; // Must set to 1 in BOTH DCS/DTC BYTE Baud :4; BYTE ResFine_200 :1; BYTE MR_2D :1; BYTE PageWidth :2; BYTE PageLength :2; BYTE MinScanCode :3; BYTE Extend24 :1; BYTE Hand2400 :1; BYTE Uncompressed :1; BYTE ECM :1; BYTE SmallFrame :1; BYTE ELM :1; BYTE Reserved1 :1; BYTE MMR :1; BYTE Extend32 :1; BYTE WidthInvalid :1; BYTE Width2 :4; // 1 == WidthA5_1216 // 2 == WidthA6_864 // 4 == WidthA5_1728 // 8 == WidthA6_1728 BYTE Reserved2 :2; BYTE Extend40 :1; BYTE Res8x15 :1; BYTE Res_300 :1; BYTE Res16x15_400 :1; BYTE ResInchBased :1; BYTE ResMetricBased :1; BYTE MinScanSuperHalf:1; BYTE SEPcap :1; BYTE Extend48 :1; BYTE SUBcap :1; BYTE PWDcap :1; BYTE CanEmitDataFile :1; BYTE Reserved3 :1; BYTE BFTcap :1; BYTE DTMcap :1; BYTE EDIcap :1; BYTE Extend56 :1; BYTE BTMcap :1; BYTE Reserved4 :1; BYTE CanEmitCharFile :1; BYTE CharMode :1; BYTE Reserved5 :3; BYTE Extend64 :1; } DIS, far* LPDIS, near* NPDIS; #pragma pack() #define MAXFRAMES 10 #define MAXSPACE 512 typedef struct { USHORT uNumFrames; USHORT uFreeSpaceOff; LPFR rglpfr[MAXFRAMES]; BYTE b[MAXSPACE]; } RFS, near* NPRFS; #define IDFIFSIZE 20 // from protocol\protocol.h typedef struct { ////////////////////////// Client BC parameters BC RecvCaps; // ==> NSF/DIS recved BC RecvParams; // ==> NSS/DCS recvd BC SendCaps; // ==> NSF/DIS sent BC SendParams; // ==> NSS/DCS sent BOOL fRecvCapsGot; BOOL fSendCapsInited; BOOL fSendParamsInited; BOOL fRecvParamsGot; ////////////////////////// Hardware parameters LLPARAMS llRecvCaps; // DIS recvd LLPARAMS llSendCaps; // DIS sent---use uRecvSpeeds LLPARAMS llSendParams; // used to negotiate DCS--use uSendSpeeds LLPARAMS llNegot; // DCS sent LLPARAMS llRecvParams; // recvd DCS BOOL fllRecvCapsGot; BOOL fllSendCapsInited; BOOL fllSendParamsInited; BOOL fllNegotiated; BOOL fllRecvParamsGot; USHORT HighestSendSpeed; USHORT LowestSendSpeed; ////////////////////////// Flags to make decisions with BOOL fAbort; ///////////////////////// CSI/TSI/CIG Received Frames BYTE bRemoteID[IDFIFSIZE+1]; ///////////////////////// DIS Received Frames DIS RemoteDIS; USHORT uRemoteDISlen; BOOL fRecvdDIS; ///////////////////////// DIS Send Frames (We need so we can check the DIS we send as receiver against DCS) DIS LocalDIS; USHORT uLocalDISlen; BOOL fLocalDIS; ///////////////////////// DCS Received Frames DIS RemoteDCS; USHORT uRemoteDCSlen; BOOL fRecvdDCS; } PROT, near* NPPROT; #define COMMANDBUFSIZE 40 typedef struct { TO toRecv; BYTE bCmdBuf[COMMANDBUFSIZE]; USHORT uCmdLen; BOOL fHDLC; USHORT CurMod; enum {SEND, RECV, IDLE } DriverMode; enum {COMMAND, FRH, FTH, FTM, FRM} ModemMode; } CLASS1_MODEM; #define OVBUFSIZE 4096 typedef struct { enum {eDEINIT, eFREE, eALLOC, eIO_PENDING} eState; OVERLAPPED ov; char rgby[OVBUFSIZE]; // Buffer associated with this overlapped struct. DWORD dwcb; // Current count of data in this buffer. } OVREC; typedef struct { UWORD cbInSize; UWORD cbOutSize; DCB dcb; DCB dcbOrig; BOOL fStateChanged; COMSTAT comstat; BOOL fCommOpen; # define NUM_OVS 2 // Need atleast 2 to get true overlaped I/O // We maintain a queue of overlapped structures, having upto // NUM_OVS overlapped writes pending. If NUM_OVS writes are pending, // we do a GetOverlappedResult(fWait=TRUE) on the earliest write, and // then reuse that structure... OVERLAPPED ovAux; // For ReadFile and WriteFile(MyWriteComm only). OVREC rgovr[NUM_OVS]; // For WriteFile UINT uovFirst; UINT uovLast; UINT covAlloced; BOOL fDoOverlapped; BOOL fovInited; OVREC *lpovrCur; BYTE fEnableHandoff:1; // True if we are to enable adaptive answer BYTE fDataCall:1; // True if a data call is active. } FCOM_COMM; // // NCUPARAMS is defined in headers\ncuparm.h, included by .\modemddi.h // we will force define modemddi.h // #define REPLYBUFSIZE 400 #define MAXKEYSIZE 128 typedef struct { BYTE fModemInit :1; // Reset & synced up with modem BYTE fOffHook :1; // Online (either dialled or answered) BOOL fInDial, fInAnswer, fInDialog; } FCOM_STATUS; typedef struct { BYTE bLastReply[REPLYBUFSIZE+1]; BYTE bEntireReply[REPLYBUFSIZE+1]; // Used only for storing TO toDialog, toZero; CMDTAB CurrCmdTab; MODEMCAPS CurrMdmCaps; // Following point to the location of the profile information. # define MAXKEYSIZE 128 DWORD dwProfileID; char rgchKey[MAXKEYSIZE]; } FCOM_MODEM; // Inst from fxrn\efaxrun.h typedef enum { IDLE1, BEFORE_ANSWER, BEFORE_RECVCAPS, SENDDATA_PHASE, SENDDATA_BETWEENPAGES, /** BEFORE_HANGUP, BEFORE_ACCEPT, **/ BEFORE_RECVPARAMS, RECVDATA_PHASE, RECVDATA_BETWEENPAGES, SEND_PENDING } STATE; typedef struct { USHORT Encoding; DWORD AwRes; USHORT PageWidth; USHORT PageLength; USHORT fLastPage; } AWFILEINFO, FAR* LPAWFI; typedef struct { STATE state; AWFILEINFO awfi; HANDLE hfile; BC SendCaps; BC RemoteRecvCaps; BC SendParams; BC RecvParams; PROTPARAMS ProtParams; } INSTDATA, *PINSTDATA; //memory management #define STATICBUFSIZE (MY_BIGBUF_ACTUALSIZE * 2) #define STATICBUFCOUNT 2 typedef struct { HANDLE hComm; CHAR szDeviceName[1]; } DEVICEID, FAR * LPDEVICEID; // Note: DEVCFG and DEVCFGHDR are received from Unimodem through lineGetDevConfig // Therefore, they must match Unimodem internal declarations typedef struct tagDEVCFGHDR { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD fdwSettings; } DEVCFGHDR; typedef struct tagDEVCFG { DEVCFGHDR dfgHdr; COMMCONFIG commconfig; } DEVCFG, *PDEVCFG, FAR* LPDEVCFG; #define IDVARSTRINGSIZE (sizeof(VARSTRING)+128) #define ASYNC_TIMEOUT 120000L #define ASYNC_SHORT_TIMEOUT 20000L #define BAD_HANDLE(h) (!(h) || (h)==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // ASCII stuff typedef struct _FAX_RECEIVE_A { DWORD SizeOfStruct; LPSTR FileName; LPSTR ReceiverName; LPSTR ReceiverNumber; DWORD Reserved[4]; } FAX_RECEIVE_A, *PFAX_RECEIVE_A; typedef struct _FAX_SEND_A { DWORD SizeOfStruct; LPSTR FileName; LPSTR CallerName; LPSTR CallerNumber; LPSTR ReceiverName; LPSTR ReceiverNumber; DWORD Reserved[4]; } FAX_SEND_A, *PFAX_SEND_A; typedef struct _COMM_CACHE { DWORD dwMaxSize; DWORD dwCurrentSize; DWORD dwOffset; DWORD fReuse; char lpBuffer[4096]; } COMM_CACHE; typedef struct { UWORD cbLineMin; // Output filtering (DLE stuffing and ZERO stuffing only) // All inited in FComOutFilterInit() LPB lpbFilterBuf; UWORD cbLineCount; // Has to be 16 bits BYTE bLastOutByte; // Stuff: last byte of previous input buffer // Input filtering (DLE stripping) only. // All inited in FComInFilterInit() BYTE fGotDLEETX :1; BYTE bPrevIn; // Strip::last byte of prev buffer was DLE UWORD cbPost; #define POSTBUFSIZE 20 BYTE rgbPost[POSTBUFSIZE+1]; } FCOM_FILTER; #define MAXDUMPFRAMES 100 #define MAXDUMPSPACE 400 typedef struct { USHORT uNumFrames; USHORT uFreeSpaceOff; USHORT uFrameOff[MAXDUMPFRAMES]; // arrays of offsets to frames BYTE b[MAXDUMPSPACE]; } PROTDUMP, FAR* LPPROTDUMP; typedef struct { DWORD fAvail; DWORD ThreadId; HANDLE FaxHandle; LPVOID pTG; HLINE LineHandle; HCALL CallHandle; DWORD DeviceId; HANDLE CompletionPortHandle; ULONG_PTR CompletionKey; DWORD TiffThreadId; DWORD TimeStart; DWORD TimeUpdated; DWORD CkSum; } T30_RECOVERY_GLOB; typedef struct { DWORD dwContents; // Set to 1 (indicates containing key) DWORD dwKeyOffset; // Offset to key from start of this struct. // (not from start of LINEDEVCAPS ). // 8 in our case. BYTE rgby[1]; // place containing null-terminated // registry key. } MDM_DEVSPEC, FAR * LPMDM_DEVSPEC;