// Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Microsoft Corporation, // All rights reserved. // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and Microsoft // QuickHelp and/or WinHelp documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. // Inlines for AFXEXT.H ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main inlines #ifdef _AFXEXT_INLINE _AFXEXT_INLINE CCreateContext::CCreateContext() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } // CSplitterWnd _AFXEXT_INLINE int CSplitterWnd::GetRowCount() const { return m_nRows; } _AFXEXT_INLINE int CSplitterWnd::GetColumnCount() const { return m_nCols; } // control bars _AFXEXT_INLINE int CControlBar::GetCount() const { return m_nCount; } _AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CToolBar::LoadBitmap(UINT nIDResource) { return LoadBitmap(MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource)); } _AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CDialogBar::Create(CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nStyle, UINT nID) { return Create(pParentWnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDTemplate), nStyle, nID); } // CRectTracker _AFXEXT_INLINE CRectTracker::CRectTracker() { Construct(); } // CBitmapButton _AFXEXT_INLINE CBitmapButton::CBitmapButton() { } // CPrintInfo _AFXEXT_INLINE void CPrintInfo::SetMinPage(UINT nMinPage) { m_pPD->m_pd.nMinPage = nMinPage; } _AFXEXT_INLINE void CPrintInfo::SetMaxPage(UINT nMaxPage) { m_pPD->m_pd.nMaxPage = nMaxPage; } _AFXEXT_INLINE UINT CPrintInfo::GetMinPage() const { return m_pPD->m_pd.nMinPage; } _AFXEXT_INLINE UINT CPrintInfo::GetMaxPage() const { return m_pPD->m_pd.nMaxPage; } _AFXEXT_INLINE UINT CPrintInfo::GetFromPage() const { return m_pPD->m_pd.nFromPage; } _AFXEXT_INLINE UINT CPrintInfo::GetToPage() const { return m_pPD->m_pd.nToPage; } // CEditView _AFXEXT_INLINE CEdit& CEditView::GetEditCtrl() const { return *(CEdit*)this; } #endif //_AFXEXT_INLINE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VBX specific inlines #ifdef _AFXVBX_INLINE _AFXVBX_INLINE BOOL CVBControl::SetNumProperty(int nPropIndex, LONG lValue, int index /* = 0 */) { return SetPropertyWithType(nPropIndex, TYPE_INTEGER, lValue, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE BOOL CVBControl::SetNumProperty(LPCSTR lpszPropName, LONG lValue, int index /* = 0 */) { return SetPropertyWithType(GetPropIndex(lpszPropName),TYPE_INTEGER,lValue,index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE BOOL CVBControl::SetFloatProperty(LPCSTR lpszPropName, float value, int index /* = 0 */) { return SetFloatProperty(GetPropIndex(lpszPropName), value, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE BOOL CVBControl::SetStrProperty(int nPropIndex, LPCSTR lpszValue, int index /* = 0 */) { return SetPropertyWithType(nPropIndex, TYPE_STRING, (LONG)lpszValue, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE BOOL CVBControl::SetStrProperty(LPCSTR lpszPropName, LPCSTR lpszValue, int index /* = 0 */) { return SetPropertyWithType(GetPropIndex(lpszPropName), TYPE_STRING, (LONG)lpszValue, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE BOOL CVBControl::SetPictureProperty(int nPropIndex, HPIC hPic, int index /* = 0 */) { return SetPropertyWithType(nPropIndex, TYPE_PICTURE, (UINT)hPic, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE BOOL CVBControl::SetPictureProperty(LPCSTR lpszPropName, HPIC hPic, int index /* = 0 */) { return SetPropertyWithType(GetPropIndex(lpszPropName), TYPE_PICTURE, (UINT)hPic, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE LONG CVBControl::GetNumProperty(int nPropIndex, int index /* = 0 */) { return GetNumPropertyWithType(nPropIndex, TYPE_INTEGER, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE LONG CVBControl::GetNumProperty(LPCSTR lpszPropName, int index /* = 0 */) { return GetNumPropertyWithType(GetPropIndex(lpszPropName), TYPE_INTEGER, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE float CVBControl::GetFloatProperty(LPCSTR lpszPropName, int index /* = 0 */) { return GetFloatProperty(GetPropIndex(lpszPropName), index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE CString CVBControl::GetStrProperty(LPCSTR lpszPropName, int index /* = 0 */) { return GetStrProperty(GetPropIndex(lpszPropName), index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE HPIC CVBControl::GetPictureProperty(int nPropIndex, int index /* = 0 */) { return (HPIC) GetNumPropertyWithType(nPropIndex, TYPE_PICTURE, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE HPIC CVBControl::GetPictureProperty(LPCSTR lpszPropName, int index /* = 0 */) { return (HPIC) GetNumPropertyWithType(GetPropIndex(lpszPropName), TYPE_PICTURE, index); } _AFXVBX_INLINE HCTL CVBControl::GetHCTL() { return m_hCtl; } _AFXVBX_INLINE CVBControlModel* CVBControl::GetModel() { return m_pModel; } #endif //_AFXVBX_INLINE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////