// Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Microsoft Corporation, // All rights reserved. // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and Microsoft // QuickHelp and/or WinHelp documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. #ifndef __AFXRES_H__ #define __AFXRES_H__ #define _AFXRES 1 // this is an MFC project #ifdef RC_INVOKED #ifndef _INC_WINDOWS #define _INC_WINDOWS #include // extract from windows header #endif #endif #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #define APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MFC resource types (see Technical note TN024 for implementation details) #ifdef RC_INVOKED #define DLGINIT 240 #else #define RT_DLGINIT MAKEINTRESOURCE(240) #endif #define WM_VBXINIT (WM_USER+0) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #undef APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General style bits etc // Tab Control styles #ifndef TCS_MULTILINE // new in later versions of Win32 #define TCS_MULTILINE 0x0200 #endif // ControlBar styles #define CBRS_NOALIGN 0x00000000L #define CBRS_LEFT 0x00001400L // align on left, line on right #define CBRS_TOP 0x00002800L // align on top, line on bottom #define CBRS_RIGHT 0x00004100L // align on right, line on left #define CBRS_BOTTOM 0x00008200L // align on bottom, line on top ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard window components // Mode indicators in status bar - these are routed like commands #define ID_INDICATOR_EXT 0xE700 // extended selection indicator #define ID_INDICATOR_CAPS 0xE701 // cap lock indicator #define ID_INDICATOR_NUM 0xE702 // num lock indicator #define ID_INDICATOR_SCRL 0xE703 // scroll lock indicator #define ID_INDICATOR_OVR 0xE704 // overtype mode indicator #define ID_INDICATOR_REC 0xE705 // record mode indicator #define ID_SEPARATOR 0 // special separator value #ifndef RC_INVOKED // code only // Standard control bars (IDW = window ID) #define AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_FIRST 0xE800 #define AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_LAST 0xE8FF #define AFX_IDW_TOOLBAR 0xE800 // main Toolbar for window #define AFX_IDW_STATUS_BAR 0xE801 // Status bar window #define AFX_IDW_PREVIEW_BAR 0xE802 // PrintPreview Dialog Bar #define AFX_IDW_RESIZE_BAR 0xE803 // OLE in-place resize bar // Macro for mapping standard control bars to bitmask (limit of 32) #define AFX_CONTROLBAR_MASK(nIDC) (1L << (nIDC - AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_FIRST)) // parts of Main Frame #define AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST 0xE900 // first pane (256 max) #define AFX_IDW_PANE_LAST 0xE9ff #define AFX_IDW_HSCROLL_FIRST 0xEA00 // first Horz scrollbar (16 max) #define AFX_IDW_VSCROLL_FIRST 0xEA10 // first Vert scrollbar (16 max) #define AFX_IDW_SIZE_BOX 0xEA20 // size box for splitters #define AFX_IDW_PANE_SAVE 0xEA21 // to shift AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST #endif //!RC_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED // common style for form views #define AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER) #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard app configurable strings // for application title (defaults to EXE name or name in constructor) #define AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE 0xE000 // idle message bar line #define AFX_IDS_IDLEMESSAGE 0xE001 // message bar line when in shift-F1 help mode #define AFX_IDS_HELPMODEMESSAGE 0xE002 // application title when OLE 2.0 object is in-place active #define AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE_INPLACE 0xE003 // document title when editing OLE 2.0 embedding #define AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE_EMBEDDING 0xE004 // object name when server is inplace #define AFX_IDS_OBJ_TITLE_INPLACE 0xE006 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard Commands // File commands #define ID_FILE_NEW 0xE100 #define ID_FILE_OPEN 0xE101 #define ID_FILE_CLOSE 0xE102 #define ID_FILE_SAVE 0xE103 #define ID_FILE_SAVE_AS 0xE104 #define ID_FILE_PAGE_SETUP 0xE105 #define ID_FILE_PRINT_SETUP 0xE106 #define ID_FILE_PRINT 0xE107 #define ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW 0xE108 #define ID_FILE_UPDATE 0xE109 #define ID_FILE_SAVE_COPY_AS 0xE10A #define ID_FILE_SEND_MAIL 0xE10B #define ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1 0xE110 // range - 16 max #define ID_FILE_MRU_FILE2 0xE111 #define ID_FILE_MRU_FILE3 0xE112 #define ID_FILE_MRU_FILE4 0xE113 // Edit commands #define ID_EDIT_CLEAR 0xE120 #define ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL 0xE121 #define ID_EDIT_COPY 0xE122 #define ID_EDIT_CUT 0xE123 #define ID_EDIT_FIND 0xE124 #define ID_EDIT_PASTE 0xE125 #define ID_EDIT_PASTE_LINK 0xE126 #define ID_EDIT_PASTE_SPECIAL 0xE127 #define ID_EDIT_REPEAT 0xE128 #define ID_EDIT_REPLACE 0xE129 #define ID_EDIT_SELECT_ALL 0xE12A #define ID_EDIT_UNDO 0xE12B #define ID_EDIT_REDO 0xE12C // Window commands #define ID_WINDOW_NEW 0xE130 #define ID_WINDOW_ARRANGE 0xE131 #define ID_WINDOW_CASCADE 0xE132 #define ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ 0xE133 #define ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT 0xE134 #define ID_WINDOW_SPLIT 0xE135 #ifndef RC_INVOKED // code only #define AFX_IDM_WINDOW_FIRST 0xE130 #define AFX_IDM_WINDOW_LAST 0xE13F #define AFX_IDM_FIRST_MDICHILD 0xFF00 // window list starts here #endif //!RC_INVOKED // Help and App commands #define ID_APP_ABOUT 0xE140 #define ID_APP_EXIT 0xE141 #define ID_HELP_INDEX 0xE142 #define ID_HELP_USING 0xE143 #define ID_CONTEXT_HELP 0xE144 // shift-F1 // special commands for processing help #define ID_HELP 0xE145 // first attempt for F1 #define ID_DEFAULT_HELP 0xE146 // last attempt // Misc #define ID_NEXT_PANE 0xE150 #define ID_PREV_PANE 0xE151 // OLE commands #define ID_OLE_INSERT_NEW 0xE200 #define ID_OLE_EDIT_LINKS 0xE201 #define ID_OLE_EDIT_CONVERT 0xE202 #define ID_OLE_EDIT_CHANGE_ICON 0xE203 #define ID_OLE_VERB_FIRST 0xE210 // range - 16 max #ifndef RC_INVOKED // code only #define ID_OLE_VERB_LAST 0xE21F #endif //!RC_INVOKED // for print preview dialog bar #define AFX_ID_PREVIEW_CLOSE 0xE300 #define AFX_ID_PREVIEW_NUMPAGE 0xE301 // One/Two Page button #define AFX_ID_PREVIEW_NEXT 0xE302 #define AFX_ID_PREVIEW_PREV 0xE303 #define AFX_ID_PREVIEW_PRINT 0xE304 #define AFX_ID_PREVIEW_ZOOMIN 0xE305 #define AFX_ID_PREVIEW_ZOOMOUT 0xE306 // View commands (same number used as IDW used for control bar) #define ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR 0xE800 #define ID_VIEW_STATUS_BAR 0xE801 // -> E8FF reserved for other control bar commands // RecordForm commands #define ID_RECORD_FIRST 0xE900 #define ID_RECORD_LAST 0xE901 #define ID_RECORD_NEXT 0xE902 #define ID_RECORD_PREV 0xE903 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard control IDs #define IDC_STATIC -1 // all static controls ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard string error/warnings #ifndef RC_INVOKED // code only #define AFX_IDS_SCFIRST 0xEF00 #endif //!RC_INVOKED #define AFX_IDS_SCSIZE 0xEF00 #define AFX_IDS_SCMOVE 0xEF01 #define AFX_IDS_SCMINIMIZE 0xEF02 #define AFX_IDS_SCMAXIMIZE 0xEF03 #define AFX_IDS_SCNEXTWINDOW 0xEF04 #define AFX_IDS_SCPREVWINDOW 0xEF05 #define AFX_IDS_SCCLOSE 0xEF06 #define AFX_IDS_SCRESTORE 0xEF12 #define AFX_IDS_SCTASKLIST 0xEF13 #define AFX_IDS_MDICHILD 0xEF1F #define AFX_IDS_DESKACCESSORY 0xEFDA // General strings #define AFX_IDS_OPENFILE 0xF000 #define AFX_IDS_SAVEFILE 0xF001 #define AFX_IDS_ALLFILTER 0xF002 #define AFX_IDS_UNTITLED 0xF003 #define AFX_IDS_SAVEFILECOPY 0xF004 #define AFX_IDS_PREVIEW_CLOSE 0xF005 // Printing and print preview strings #define AFX_IDS_PRINTONPORT 0xF040 #define AFX_IDS_ONEPAGE 0xF041 #define AFX_IDS_TWOPAGE 0xF042 #define AFX_IDS_PRINTPAGENUM 0xF043 #define AFX_IDS_PREVIEWPAGEDESC 0xF044 // OLE strings #define AFX_IDS_OBJECT_MENUITEM 0xF080 #define AFX_IDS_EDIT_VERB 0xF081 #define AFX_IDS_ACTIVATE_VERB 0xF082 #define AFX_IDS_CHANGE_LINK 0xF083 #define AFX_IDS_AUTO 0xF084 #define AFX_IDS_MANUAL 0xF085 #define AFX_IDS_FROZEN 0xF086 #define AFX_IDS_ALL_FILES 0xF087 // dynamically changing menu items #define AFX_IDS_SAVE_MENU 0xF088 #define AFX_IDS_UPDATE_MENU 0xF089 #define AFX_IDS_SAVE_AS_MENU 0xF08A #define AFX_IDS_SAVE_COPY_AS_MENU 0xF08B #define AFX_IDS_EXIT_MENU 0xF08C #define AFX_IDS_UPDATING_ITEMS 0xF08D // COlePasteSpecialDialog defines #define AFX_IDS_METAFILE_FORMAT 0xF08E #define AFX_IDS_DIB_FORMAT 0xF08F #define AFX_IDS_BITMAP_FORMAT 0xF090 #define AFX_IDS_LINKSOURCE_FORMAT 0xF091 #define AFX_IDS_EMBED_FORMAT 0xF092 // General error / prompt strings #define AFX_IDP_INVALID_FILENAME 0xF100 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_DOC 0xF101 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_DOC 0xF102 #define AFX_IDP_ASK_TO_SAVE 0xF103 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DOC 0xF104 #define AFX_IDP_FILE_TOO_LARGE 0xF105 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_START_PRINT 0xF106 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_LAUNCH_HELP 0xF107 #define AFX_IDP_INTERNAL_FAILURE 0xF108 // general failure #define AFX_IDP_COMMAND_FAILURE 0xF109 // command failure #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_MEMORY_ALLOC 0xF10A #define AFX_IDP_VB2APICALLED 0xF10B // DDV parse errors #define AFX_IDP_PARSE_INT 0xF110 #define AFX_IDP_PARSE_REAL 0xF111 #define AFX_IDP_PARSE_INT_RANGE 0xF112 #define AFX_IDP_PARSE_REAL_RANGE 0xF113 #define AFX_IDP_PARSE_STRING_SIZE 0xF114 #define AFX_IDP_PARSE_RADIO_BUTTON 0xF115 // CFile/CArchive error strings for user failure #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_INVALID_FORMAT 0xF120 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_INVALID_PATH 0xF121 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_DISK_FULL 0xF122 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_ACCESS_READ 0xF123 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_ACCESS_WRITE 0xF124 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_IO_ERROR_READ 0xF125 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_IO_ERROR_WRITE 0xF126 // OLE errors / prompt strings #define AFX_IDP_STATIC_OBJECT 0xF180 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_CONNECT 0xF181 #define AFX_IDP_SERVER_BUSY 0xF182 #define AFX_IDP_BAD_VERB 0xF183 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_NOTIFY 0xF185 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_LAUNCH 0xF186 #define AFX_IDP_ASK_TO_UPDATE 0xF187 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_UPDATE 0xF188 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_REGISTER 0xF189 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_AUTO_REGISTER 0xF18A #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_CONVERT 0xF18B #define AFX_IDP_GET_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xF18C #define AFX_IDP_SET_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xF18D #define AFX_IDP_ASK_TO_DISCARD 0xF18E // MAPI errors / prompt strings #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_MAPI_LOAD 0xF190 #define AFX_IDP_INVALID_MAPI_DLL 0xF191 #define AFX_IDP_FAILED_MAPI_SEND 0xF192 // 0xf200-0xf20f reserved for use by VBX library code // Database errors / prompt strings #ifndef RC_INVOKED // code only #define AFX_IDP_SQL_FIRST 0xF280 #endif //!RC_INVOKED #define AFX_IDP_SQL_CONNECT_FAIL 0xF281 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_RECORDSET_FORWARD_ONLY 0xF282 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_EMPTY_COLUMN_LIST 0xF283 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_FIELD_SCHEMA_MISMATCH 0xF284 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_ILLEGAL_MODE 0xF285 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_MULTIPLE_ROWS_AFFECTED 0xF286 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_NO_CURRENT_RECORD 0xF287 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_NO_ROWS_AFFECTED 0xF288 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_RECORDSET_READONLY 0xF289 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_SQL_NO_TOTAL 0xF28A #define AFX_IDP_SQL_ODBC_LOAD_FAILED 0xF28B #define AFX_IDP_SQL_DYNASET_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xF28C #define AFX_IDP_SQL_SNAPSHOT_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xF28D #define AFX_IDP_SQL_API_CONFORMANCE 0xF28E #define AFX_IDP_SQL_SQL_CONFORMANCE 0xF28F #define AFX_IDP_SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND 0xF290 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_ROW_UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xF291 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_ODBC_V2_REQUIRED 0xF292 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_NO_POSITIONED_UPDATES 0xF293 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_LOCK_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xF294 #define AFX_IDP_SQL_DATA_TRUNCATED 0xF295 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AFX implementation - control IDs (AFX_IDC) // Parts of dialogs #define AFX_IDC_LISTBOX 100 #define AFX_IDC_CHANGE 101 // for print dialog #define AFX_IDC_PRINT_DOCNAME 201 #define AFX_IDC_PRINT_PRINTERNAME 202 #define AFX_IDC_PRINT_PORTNAME 203 #define AFX_IDC_PRINT_PAGENUM 204 // Property Sheet control id's #define ID_APPLY_NOW 0xEA00 #define AFX_IDC_TAB_CONTROL 301 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IDRs for standard components // AFX standard ICON IDs (for MFC V1 apps) #define AFX_IDI_STD_MDIFRAME 1 #define AFX_IDI_STD_FRAME 2 #ifndef RC_INVOKED // code only // These are really COMMDLG dialogs, so there usually isn't a resource // for them, but these IDs are used as help IDs. #define AFX_IDD_FILEOPEN 28676 #define AFX_IDD_FILESAVE 28677 #define AFX_IDD_FONT 28678 #define AFX_IDD_COLOR 28679 #define AFX_IDD_PRINT 28680 #define AFX_IDD_PRINTSETUP 28681 #define AFX_IDD_FIND 28682 #define AFX_IDD_REPLACE 28683 #endif //!RC_INVOKED // Standard dialogs app should leave alone (0x7801->) #define AFX_IDD_NEWTYPEDLG 30721 #define AFX_IDD_PRINTDLG 30722 #define AFX_IDD_PREVIEW_TOOLBAR 30723 // Dialogs defined for OLE2UI library #define AFX_IDD_INSERTOBJECT 30724 #define AFX_IDD_CHANGEICON 30725 #define AFX_IDD_CONVERT 30726 #define AFX_IDD_PASTESPECIAL 30727 #define AFX_IDD_EDITLINKS 30728 #define AFX_IDD_FILEBROWSE 30729 #define AFX_IDD_BUSY 30730 // Standard cursors (0x7901->) // AFX_IDC = Cursor resources #define AFX_IDC_CONTEXTHELP 30977 // context sensitive help #define AFX_IDC_MAGNIFY 30978 // print preview zoom #define AFX_IDC_SMALLARROWS 30979 // splitter #define AFX_IDC_HSPLITBAR 30980 // splitter #define AFX_IDC_VSPLITBAR 30981 // splitter #define AFX_IDC_NODROPCRSR 30982 // No Drop Cursor #define AFX_IDC_TRACKNWSE 30983 // tracker #define AFX_IDC_TRACKNESW 30984 // tracker #define AFX_IDC_TRACKNS 30985 // tracker #define AFX_IDC_TRACKWE 30986 // tracker #define AFX_IDC_TRACK4WAY 30987 // tracker #define AFX_IDC_MOVE4WAY 30988 // resize bar (server only) // Tab Control bitmap IDs #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL 30989 #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL_LEFT 30990 #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL_RIGHT 30991 #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL_LEFT_DIS 30992 #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL_RIGHT_DIS 30993 // Property Sheet control id's #define ID_APPLY_NOW 0xEA00 // Property Sheet button strings #define AFX_IDS_PS_OK 0xF220 #define AFX_IDS_PS_CANCEL 0xF221 #define AFX_IDS_PS_APPLY_NOW 0xF222 #define AFX_IDS_PS_HELP 0xF223 #define AFX_IDS_PS_CLOSE 0xF224 #ifdef _AFXCTL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AFX OLE control implementation - control IDs (AFX_IDC) // Font property page #define AFX_IDC_FONTPROP 1000 #define AFX_IDC_FONTNAMES 1001 #define AFX_IDC_FONTSTYLES 1002 #define AFX_IDC_FONTSIZES 1003 #define AFX_IDC_STRIKEOUT 1004 #define AFX_IDC_UNDERLINE 1005 #define AFX_IDC_SAMPLEBOX 1006 // Color property page #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_BLACK 1100 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_WHITE 1101 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_RED 1102 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_GREEN 1103 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_BLUE 1104 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_YELLOW 1105 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_MAGENTA 1106 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_CYAN 1107 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_GRAY 1108 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_LIGHTGRAY 1109 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_DARKRED 1110 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_DARKGREEN 1111 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_DARKBLUE 1112 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_LIGHTBROWN 1113 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_DARKMAGENTA 1114 #define AFX_IDC_COLOR_DARKCYAN 1115 #define AFX_IDC_COLORPROP 1116 #define AFX_IDC_SYSTEMCOLORS 1117 // Picture porperty page #define AFX_IDC_PROPNAME 1201 #define AFX_IDC_PICTURE 1202 #define AFX_IDC_BROWSE 1203 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IDRs for OLE control standard components // Standard propery page dialogs app should leave alone (0x7E01->) #define AFX_IDD_PROPPAGE_COLOR 32257 #define AFX_IDD_PROPPAGE_FONT 32258 #define AFX_IDD_PROPPAGE_PICTURE 32259 #define AFX_IDB_TRUETYPE 32384 // Tab Control bitmap IDs #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL 30989 #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL_LEFT 30990 #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL_RIGHT 30991 #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL_LEFT_DIS 30992 #define AFX_IDB_SCROLL_RIGHT_DIS 30993 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard OLE control string error/warnings #define AFX_IDS_DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE 0xFE00 #define AFX_IDS_PROPPAGE_UNKNOWN 0xFE01 #define AFX_IDS_FRAMECAPTIONFORMAT 0xFE02 #define AFX_IDS_PROPERTIES 0xFE03 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_DESKTOP 0xFE04 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_APPWORKSPACE 0xFE05 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_WNDBACKGND 0xFE06 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_WNDTEXT 0xFE07 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_MENUBAR 0xFE08 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_MENUTEXT 0xFE09 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_ACTIVEBAR 0xFE0A #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_INACTIVEBAR 0xFE0B #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_ACTIVETEXT 0xFE0C #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_INACTIVETEXT 0xFE0D #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER 0xFE0E #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER 0xFE0F #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_WNDFRAME 0xFE10 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_SCROLLBARS 0xFE11 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_BTNFACE 0xFE12 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_BTNSHADOW 0xFE13 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_BTNTEXT 0xFE14 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT 0xFE15 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_DISABLEDTEXT 0xFE16 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT 0xFE17 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT 0xFE18 #define AFX_IDS_REGULAR 0xFE19 #define AFX_IDS_BOLD 0xFE1A #define AFX_IDS_ITALIC 0xFE1B #define AFX_IDS_BOLDITALIC 0xFE1C #define AFX_IDS_SAMPLETEXT 0xFE1D #define AFX_IDS_DISPLAYSTRING_FONT 0xFE1E #define AFX_IDS_DISPLAYSTRING_COLOR 0xFE1F #define AFX_IDS_DISPLAYSTRING_PICTURE 0xFE20 #define AFX_IDS_PICTUREFILTER 0xFE21 #define AFX_IDS_PICTYPE_UNKNOWN 0xFE22 #define AFX_IDS_PICTYPE_NONE 0xFE23 #define AFX_IDS_PICTYPE_BITMAP 0xFE24 #define AFX_IDS_PICTYPE_METAFILE 0xFE25 #define AFX_IDS_PICTYPE_ICON 0xFE26 #define AFX_IDS_PROPFRAME 0xFE27 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_PPG 0xFE28 #define AFX_IDS_COLOR_PPG_CAPTION 0xFE29 #define AFX_IDS_FONT_PPG 0xFE2A #define AFX_IDS_FONT_PPG_CAPTION 0xFE2B #define AFX_IDS_PICTURE_PPG 0xFE2C #define AFX_IDS_PICTURE_PPG_CAPTION 0xFE2D #define AFX_IDS_STANDARD_FONT 0xFE2E #define AFX_IDS_STANDARD_PICTURE 0xFE2F #define AFX_IDS_PICTUREBROWSETITLE 0xFE30 #define AFX_IDS_BORDERSTYLE_0 0xFE31 #define AFX_IDS_BORDERSTYLE_1 0xFE32 // OLE Control verb names #define AFX_IDS_VERB_EDIT 0xFE40 #define AFX_IDS_VERB_PROPERTIES 0xFE41 // OLE Control internal error messages #define AFX_IDP_PROPFRAME_OOM 0xFE80 #define AFX_IDP_PROPFRAME_OOR 0xFE81 #define AFX_IDP_PROPFRAME_NOPAGES 0xFE82 #define AFX_IDP_PICTURECANTOPEN 0xFE83 #define AFX_IDP_PICTURECANTLOAD 0xFE84 #define AFX_IDP_PICTURETOOLARGE 0xFE85 #define AFX_IDP_PICTUREREADFAILED 0xFE86 // Standard OLE Control error strings #define AFX_IDP_E_ILLEGALFUNCTIONCALL 0xFEA0 #define AFX_IDP_E_OVERFLOW 0xFEA1 #define AFX_IDP_E_OUTOFMEMORY 0xFEA2 #define AFX_IDP_E_DIVISIONBYZERO 0xFEA3 #define AFX_IDP_E_OUTOFSTRINGSPACE 0xFEA4 #define AFX_IDP_E_OUTOFSTACKSPACE 0xFEA5 #define AFX_IDP_E_BADFILENAMEORNUMBER 0xFEA6 #define AFX_IDP_E_FILENOTFOUND 0xFEA7 #define AFX_IDP_E_BADFILEMODE 0xFEA8 #define AFX_IDP_E_FILEALREADYOPEN 0xFEA9 #define AFX_IDP_E_DEVICEIOERROR 0xFEAA #define AFX_IDP_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS 0xFEAB #define AFX_IDP_E_BADRECORDLENGTH 0xFEAC #define AFX_IDP_E_DISKFULL 0xFEAD #define AFX_IDP_E_BADRECORDNUMBER 0xFEAE #define AFX_IDP_E_BADFILENAME 0xFEAF #define AFX_IDP_E_TOOMANYFILES 0xFEB0 #define AFX_IDP_E_DEVICEUNAVAILABLE 0xFEB1 #define AFX_IDP_E_PERMISSIONDENIED 0xFEB2 #define AFX_IDP_E_DISKNOTREADY 0xFEB3 #define AFX_IDP_E_PATHFILEACCESSERROR 0xFEB4 #define AFX_IDP_E_PATHNOTFOUND 0xFEB5 #define AFX_IDP_E_INVALIDPATTERNSTRING 0xFEB6 #define AFX_IDP_E_INVALIDUSEOFNULL 0xFEB7 #define AFX_IDP_E_INVALIDFILEFORMAT 0xFEB8 #define AFX_IDP_E_INVALIDPROPERTYVALUE 0xFEB9 #define AFX_IDP_E_INVALIDPROPERTYARRAYINDEX 0xFEBA #define AFX_IDP_E_SETNOTSUPPORTEDATRUNTIME 0xFEBB #define AFX_IDP_E_SETNOTSUPPORTED 0xFEBC #define AFX_IDP_E_NEEDPROPERTYARRAYINDEX 0xFEBD #define AFX_IDP_E_SETNOTPERMITTED 0xFEBE #define AFX_IDP_E_GETNOTSUPPORTEDATRUNTIME 0xFEBF #define AFX_IDP_E_GETNOTSUPPORTED 0xFEC0 #define AFX_IDP_E_PROPERTYNOTFOUND 0xFEC1 #define AFX_IDP_E_INVALIDCLIPBOARDFORMAT 0xFEC2 #define AFX_IDP_E_INVALIDPICTURE 0xFEC3 #define AFX_IDP_E_PRINTERERROR 0xFEC4 #define AFX_IDP_E_CANTSAVEFILETOTEMP 0xFEC5 #define AFX_IDP_E_SEARCHTEXTNOTFOUND 0xFEC6 #define AFX_IDP_E_REPLACEMENTSTOOLONG 0xFEC7 #endif //_AFXCTL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif //__AFXRES_H__