/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: print.c Abstract: This module contains the print specific WINFAX API functions. Author: Wesley Witt (wesw) 29-Nov-1996 Revision History: 4-Dec-1999 Danl Use fixed GetFaxPrinterName. --*/ #include "faxapi.h" #include "faxreg.h" #include "faxutil.h" #pragma hdrstop #include #define NIL _T('\0') BOOL WINAPI FaxStartPrintJob( IN LPCTSTR PrinterName, IN const FAX_PRINT_INFO *PrintInfo, OUT LPDWORD FaxJobId, OUT PFAX_CONTEXT_INFO FaxContextInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Starts a print job for the specified printer. This function provides functionality beyond what the caller can provide by using StartDoc(). This function disables the display of the fax send wizard and also passes along the information that would otherwise be gathered by the fax wizard ui. Arguments: PrinterName - Fax printer name (must be a fax printer) PrintInfo - Fax print information FaxJobId - Job id of the resulting print job FaxContextInfo - context information including hdc Return Value: TRUE for success. FALSE for failure. --*/ { return FaxStartPrintJob2 ( PrinterName, PrintInfo, 0, // Default resolution FaxJobId, FaxContextInfo); } #ifdef UNICODE BOOL WINAPI FaxStartPrintJobA( IN LPCSTR PrinterName, IN const FAX_PRINT_INFOA *PrintInfo, OUT LPDWORD FaxJobId, OUT FAX_CONTEXT_INFOA *FaxContextInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Starts a print job for the specified printer. This function provides functionality beyond what the caller can provide by using StartDoc(). This function disables the display of the fax send wizard and also passes along the information that would otherwise be gathered by the fax wizard ui. Arguments: PrinterName - Fax printer name (must be a fax printer) PrintInfo - Fax print information FaxJobId - Job id of the resulting print job FaxContextInfo - device context information (hdc, etc.) Return Value: TRUE for success. FALSE for failure. --*/ { return FaxStartPrintJob2A ( PrinterName, PrintInfo, 0, // Default resolution FaxJobId, FaxContextInfo);; } #else BOOL WINAPI FaxStartPrintJobW( IN LPCWSTR PrinterName, IN const FAX_PRINT_INFOW *PrintInfo, OUT LPDWORD FaxJobId, OUT PFAX_CONTEXT_INFOW FaxContextInfo ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PrinterName); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PrintInfo); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FaxJobId); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FaxContextInfo); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; } #endif PVOID MyGetJob( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD level, DWORD jobId ) /*++ Routine Description: Wrapper function for spooler API GetJob Arguments: hPrinter - Handle to the printer object level - Level of JOB_INFO structure interested jobId - Specifies the job ID Return Value: Pointer to a JOB_INFO structure, NULL if there is an error --*/ { PBYTE pJobInfo = NULL; DWORD cbNeeded; if (!GetJob(hPrinter, jobId, level, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && (pJobInfo = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(cbNeeded)) && GetJob(hPrinter, jobId, level, pJobInfo, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded)) { return pJobInfo; } MemFree(pJobInfo); return NULL; } LPTSTR GetCpField( HKEY hKey, LPTSTR SubKey ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieves the data for a coverpage field from the registry. Arguments: hKey - Registry handle SubKey - Subkey name Return Value: Pointer to the coverpage field data. --*/ { LONG rVal; DWORD RegSize=0; DWORD RegType; LPBYTE Buffer; rVal = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, SubKey, 0, &RegType, NULL, &RegSize ); if (rVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NULL; } Buffer = (LPBYTE) MemAlloc( RegSize ); if (!Buffer) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return NULL; } rVal = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, SubKey, 0, &RegType, Buffer, &RegSize ); if (rVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MemFree( Buffer ); return NULL; } return (LPTSTR) Buffer; } BOOL GetCpFields( PCOVERPAGEFIELDS CpFields ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the coverpage field structure and fills in the sender information from the registry. This function actually loads only the sender fields. Arguments: CpFields - Pointer to a coverpage field structure. Return Value: TRUE for success. FALSE for failure. --*/ { HKEY hKey; LONG rVal; rVal = RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGKEY_FAX_USERINFO, &hKey ); if (rVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } ZeroMemory( CpFields, sizeof(COVERPAGEFIELDS) ); CpFields->ThisStructSize = sizeof(COVERPAGEFIELDS); // // sender fields // CpFields->SdrName = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_FULLNAME ); CpFields->SdrFaxNumber = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_FAX_NUMBER ); CpFields->SdrCompany = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_COMPANY ); CpFields->SdrAddress = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_ADDRESS ); CpFields->SdrTitle = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_TITLE ); CpFields->SdrDepartment = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_DEPT ); CpFields->SdrOfficeLocation = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_OFFICE ); CpFields->SdrHomePhone = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_HOME_PHONE ); CpFields->SdrOfficePhone = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_OFFICE_PHONE ); CpFields->SdrEmail = GetCpField( hKey, REGVAL_MAILBOX ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); return TRUE; } VOID FreeCpFields( PCOVERPAGEFIELDS CpFields ) /*++ Routine Description: Frees all memory associated with a coverpage field structure. Arguments: CpFields - Pointer to a coverpage field structure. Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD i; LPBYTE *p; for (i = 0; i < NUM_INSERTION_TAGS; i++) { p = (LPBYTE *) ((ULONG_PTR)CpFields + sizeof(LPTSTR)*(i+1)); if (p && *p) MemFree( *p ); } } BOOL WINAPI FaxPrintCoverPage( IN const FAX_CONTEXT_INFO *FaxContextInfo, IN const FAX_COVERPAGE_INFO *CoverPageInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Prints a coverpage into the printer DC provided. Arguments: FaxContextInfo - contains servername, Printer DC CoverPageInfo - Cover page information Return Value: TRUE for success. FALSE for failure. --*/ { TCHAR CpName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR TBuffer[MAX_PATH]; COVERPAGEFIELDS CpFields = {0}; COVDOCINFO CovDocInfo; DWORD dwDateTimeLen; DWORD cch; LPTSTR s; DWORD ec = 0; LPCTSTR *src; LPCTSTR *dst; DWORD i; LPCTSTR lpctstrCoverPage,lpctstrServerName; BOOL retVal = TRUE; DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(TEXT("FaxPrintCoverPage")); // // do a little argument validation // if (CoverPageInfo == NULL || CoverPageInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof(FAX_COVERPAGE_INFOW) || FaxContextInfo == NULL || FaxContextInfo->hDC == NULL || FaxContextInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof (FAX_CONTEXT_INFOW) ) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("CoverPageInfo is NULL or Size mismatch.") ); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } lpctstrCoverPage = CoverPageInfo->CoverPageName; lpctstrServerName = FaxContextInfo->ServerName; if (!ValidateCoverpage(lpctstrCoverPage, lpctstrServerName, CoverPageInfo->UseServerCoverPage, CpName, ARR_SIZE(CpName))) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("ValidateCoverpage failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); retVal = FALSE; goto exit; } // // get the coverpage fields // // Initialize the sender fields of CpFields with sender information from the registry GetCpFields( &CpFields ); // // fixup the recipient name // if (CoverPageInfo->RecName) { if( _tcsncmp(CoverPageInfo->RecName,TEXT("\'"),1) == 0 ) { // The recipient name is single quouted. Copy only the string inside the quotes. _tcsncpy(Buffer, _tcsinc(CoverPageInfo->RecName), ARR_SIZE(Buffer)-1); TCHAR* eos = _tcsrchr(Buffer,TEXT('\0')); eos = _tcsdec(Buffer,eos); if( eos ) { _tcsnset(eos,TEXT('\0'),1); } } else { _tcsncpy(Buffer, CoverPageInfo->RecName, ARR_SIZE(Buffer)-1); } } else { Buffer[0] = 0; } // // fill in the coverpage fields with the // data that the caller passed in // CpFields.RecName = StringDup(Buffer); CpFields.RecFaxNumber = StringDup(CoverPageInfo->RecFaxNumber); CpFields.Subject = StringDup(CoverPageInfo->Subject); CpFields.Note = StringDup(CoverPageInfo->Note); CpFields.NumberOfPages = StringDup(_itot( CoverPageInfo->PageCount, Buffer, 10 )); for (i = 0; i <= ((LPBYTE)&CoverPageInfo->SdrOfficePhone -(LPBYTE)&CoverPageInfo->RecCompany)/sizeof(LPCTSTR); i++) { src = (LPCTSTR *) ((LPBYTE)&CoverPageInfo->RecCompany + (i*sizeof(LPCTSTR))); dst = (LPCTSTR *) ((LPBYTE)&CpFields.RecCompany + (i*sizeof(LPCTSTR))); if (*dst) { MemFree ( (LPBYTE) *dst ) ; } *dst = (LPCTSTR) StringDup( *src ); } // // the time the fax was sent // GetLocalTime((LPSYSTEMTIME)&CoverPageInfo->TimeSent); // // dwDataTimeLen is the size of s in characters // dwDateTimeLen = sizeof(TBuffer) / sizeof (TCHAR); s = TBuffer; // // Get date into s // GetY2KCompliantDate( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &CoverPageInfo->TimeSent, s, dwDateTimeLen ); // // Advance s past the date string and attempt to append time // cch = _tcslen( s ); s += cch; if (++cch < dwDateTimeLen) { *s++ = ' '; // // DateTimeLen is the decreased by the size of s in characters // dwDateTimeLen -= cch; // // Get the time here // FaxTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &CoverPageInfo->TimeSent, NULL, s, dwDateTimeLen ); } CpFields.TimeSent = StringDup( TBuffer ); // // start the coverpage on a new page // StartPage( FaxContextInfo->hDC ); // // print the cover page // ec = PrintCoverPage( FaxContextInfo->hDC, &CpFields, CpName, &CovDocInfo ); // // end the page // EndPage( FaxContextInfo->hDC ); FreeCpFields( &CpFields ); if (ec != 0) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("PrintCoverPage failed. ec = %ld"), ec); SetLastError( ec ); retVal = FALSE; goto exit; } exit: return retVal; } #ifdef UNICODE BOOL WINAPI FaxPrintCoverPageA( IN const FAX_CONTEXT_INFOA *FaxContextInfo, IN const FAX_COVERPAGE_INFOA *CoverPageInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Prints a coverpage into the printer DC provided. Arguments: FaxContextInfo - fax Printer context info (hdc, etc.) CoverPageInfo - Cover page information Return Value: TRUE for success. FALSE for failure. --*/ { // // assume all fields between Subject and RecName are LPCTSTR's // #define COUNT_CP_FIELDS ((LPBYTE) &CoverPageInfoW.Subject - (LPBYTE)&CoverPageInfoW.RecName)/sizeof(LPCTSTR) DWORD Rval = ERROR_SUCCESS; FAX_COVERPAGE_INFOW CoverPageInfoW = {0}; FAX_CONTEXT_INFOW ContextInfoW = {0}; LPWSTR ServerName = NULL; LPWSTR *d; LPSTR *s; DWORD i; DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(TEXT("FaxPrintCoverPageA")); if (!FaxContextInfo || !CoverPageInfo || FaxContextInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof(FAX_CONTEXT_INFOA) || CoverPageInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof(FAX_COVERPAGE_INFOA)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("CoverPageInfo is NULL or Size mismatch.") ); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } ContextInfoW.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_CONTEXT_INFOW); ContextInfoW.hDC = FaxContextInfo->hDC; if (FaxContextInfo->ServerName[0] != (CHAR)'\0') { ServerName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( FaxContextInfo->ServerName ); if (!ServerName && FaxContextInfo->ServerName) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } wcscpy(ContextInfoW.ServerName,ServerName); } CoverPageInfoW.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_COVERPAGE_INFOW); CoverPageInfoW.UseServerCoverPage = CoverPageInfo->UseServerCoverPage; CoverPageInfoW.PageCount = CoverPageInfo->PageCount; CoverPageInfoW.CoverPageName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( CoverPageInfo->CoverPageName ); if (!CoverPageInfoW.CoverPageName && CoverPageInfo->CoverPageName) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } for (i=0;i<=COUNT_CP_FIELDS;i++) { d = (LPWSTR*) ((ULONG_PTR)&CoverPageInfoW.RecName + i*sizeof(LPCWSTR)); s = (LPSTR *) ((LPBYTE)&CoverPageInfo->RecName + i*sizeof(LPSTR)); DebugPrint(( TEXT(" source: 0x%08x --> dest: 0x%08x \n"), s, d)); *d = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( *s ); if (!(*d) && (*s)) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } } CoverPageInfoW.TimeSent = CoverPageInfo->TimeSent; CoverPageInfoW.PageCount = CoverPageInfo->PageCount; if (!FaxPrintCoverPageW( &ContextInfoW, &CoverPageInfoW )) { Rval = GetLastError(); goto exit; } Assert (ERROR_SUCCESS == Rval); exit: if (CoverPageInfoW.CoverPageName) { MemFree( (LPBYTE) CoverPageInfoW.CoverPageName ); } if (ServerName) { MemFree( (LPBYTE) ServerName ); } for (i = 0; i < COUNT_CP_FIELDS; i++) { d = (LPWSTR *)((ULONG_PTR)&CoverPageInfoW.RecName + i*sizeof(LPWSTR)); if (d && *d)MemFree( (LPBYTE)*d ); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Rval) { SetLastError(Rval); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #else BOOL WINAPI FaxPrintCoverPageW( IN const FAX_CONTEXT_INFOW *FaxContextInfo, IN const FAX_COVERPAGE_INFOW *CoverPageInfo ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FaxContextInfo); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(CoverPageInfo); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; } #endif BOOL WINAPI FaxStartPrintJob2( IN LPCTSTR PrinterName, IN const FAX_PRINT_INFO *PrintInfo, IN short TiffRes, OUT LPDWORD FaxJobId, OUT PFAX_CONTEXT_INFO FaxContextInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Starts a print job for the specified printer. This function provides functionality beyond what the caller can provide by using StartDoc(). This function disables the display of the fax send wizard and also passes along the information that would otherwise be gathered by the fax wizard ui. Arguments: PrinterName - Fax printer name (must be a fax printer) PrintInfo - Fax print information TiffRes - coverpage resolution. 0 for the printer default FaxJobId - Job id of the resulting print job FaxContextInfo - context information including hdc Return Value: TRUE for success. FALSE for failure. --*/ { HANDLE hPrinter = NULL; PDEVMODE DevMode = NULL; PDMPRIVATE DevModePrivate = NULL; DOCINFO DocInfo; PJOB_INFO_2 JobInfo = NULL; PPRINTER_INFO_2 PrinterInfo = NULL; DWORD dwNeeded = 0; HDC hDC = NULL; INT JobId = 0; LPTSTR strParameters = NULL; LONG Size; LPTSTR lptstrFaxPrinterName = NULL; DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(TEXT("FaxStartPrintJob")); // // do a little argument validation // Assert (TiffRes == 0 || TiffRes == 98 || TiffRes == 196); if (PrintInfo == NULL || PrintInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof(FAX_PRINT_INFOW) || !FaxJobId || !FaxContextInfo) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("PrintInfo is NULL or Size mismatch.") ); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } if (PrintInfo->OutputFileName == NULL && (PrintInfo->RecipientNumber == NULL || PrintInfo->RecipientNumber[0] == 0)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("No valid recipient number.") ); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } if (PrintInfo->Reserved) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Reserved field of FAX_PRINT_INFO should be NULL.") ); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } // // if no printer specified, assume they want a local fax printer // if (!PrinterName) { lptstrFaxPrinterName = GetFaxPrinterName(NULL); // Need to free this pointer if (!lptstrFaxPrinterName) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("GetFaxPrinterName returned NULL.") ); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME); goto error_exit; } } else { lptstrFaxPrinterName = (LPTSTR)PrinterName; // // verify that the printer is a fax printer, the only type allowed // if (!IsPrinterFaxPrinter( lptstrFaxPrinterName )) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("IsPrinterFaxPrinter failed. Printer name = %s"), lptstrFaxPrinterName ); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME ); goto error_exit; } } // // open the printer for normal access (this should always work) // if (!OpenPrinter( lptstrFaxPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL )) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("OpenPrinter failed. Printer Name = %s , ec = %ld"), lptstrFaxPrinterName, GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } // // get the fax server's name if the fax printer isn't local // if (!GetPrinter(hPrinter,2,(LPBYTE)PrinterInfo,0,&dwNeeded)) { PrinterInfo = (PPRINTER_INFO_2)MemAlloc( dwNeeded ); if (!PrinterInfo) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Cant allocate PPRINTER_INFO_2.") ); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto error_exit; } } if (!GetPrinter(hPrinter,2,(LPBYTE)PrinterInfo,dwNeeded,&dwNeeded)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("GetPrinter failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } if (PrinterInfo->pServerName) { if (PrinterInfo->pServerName == _tcsstr (PrinterInfo->pServerName, TEXT("\\\\"))) { // // Server name starts with '\\', remove it // PrinterInfo->pServerName = _tcsninc (PrinterInfo->pServerName, 2); } _tcscpy(FaxContextInfo->ServerName, PrinterInfo->pServerName); } else { FaxContextInfo->ServerName[0] = NIL; } // // get the required size for the DEVMODE // Size = DocumentProperties( NULL, hPrinter, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); if (Size <= 0) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("DocumentProperties failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } // // allocate memory for the DEVMODE // DevMode = (PDEVMODE) MemAlloc( Size ); if (!DevMode) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Cant allocate DEVMODE.") ); SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto error_exit; } // // get the default document properties // if (DocumentProperties( NULL, hPrinter, NULL, DevMode, NULL, DM_OUT_BUFFER ) != IDOK) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("DocumentProperties failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } #ifndef WIN95 // // be sure we are dealing with the correct DEVMODE // if (DevMode->dmDriverExtra < sizeof(DMPRIVATE)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Invalid DEVMODE, wrong private data size. DevMode->dmDriverExtra = %ld, sizeof(DMPRIVATE) = %ld"), DevMode->dmDriverExtra, sizeof(DMPRIVATE)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto error_exit; } // // set the private DEVMODE pointer // DevModePrivate = (PDMPRIVATE) ((LPBYTE) DevMode + DevMode->dmSize); // // set the necessary stuff in the DEVMODE // DevModePrivate->sendCoverPage = FALSE; DevModePrivate->flags |= FAXDM_NO_WIZARD; DevModePrivate->flags &= ~FAXDM_DRIVER_DEFAULT; #endif //#ifndef WIN95 // // Set the necessary reolution // if (0 != TiffRes) { // // Set the coverpage resolution to the same value as the body tiff file // DevMode->dmYResolution = TiffRes; } // // create the device context // hDC = CreateDC( _T("WINSPOOL"), lptstrFaxPrinterName, NULL, DevMode ); if (!hDC) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("CreateDC failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } // // set the document information // DocInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO); DocInfo.lpszDocName = PrintInfo->DocName; DocInfo.lpszOutput = PrintInfo->OutputFileName; DocInfo.lpszDatatype = NULL; DocInfo.fwType = 0; // // start the print job // JobId = StartDoc( hDC, &DocInfo ); if (JobId <= 0) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("StartDoc failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } if (PrintInfo->OutputFileName == NULL) { // // HACK HACK -> pause the print job // if (FaxJobId && *FaxJobId == 0xffffffff) { SetJob( hPrinter, JobId, 0, NULL, JOB_CONTROL_PAUSE ); } // // set the job tags // this is how we communicate the information to // the print driver that would otherwise be // provided by the fax print wizard // JobInfo = (PJOB_INFO_2)MyGetJob( hPrinter, 2, JobId ); if (!JobInfo) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("MyGetJob failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } DWORD dwReceiptFlag = DRT_NONE; LPTSTR strReceiptAddress = NULL; if(PrintInfo->DrEmailAddress) { dwReceiptFlag = DRT_EMAIL; strReceiptAddress = LPTSTR(PrintInfo->DrEmailAddress); } TCHAR tszNumericData[10] = {0}; if (0 > _sntprintf (tszNumericData, ARR_SIZE(tszNumericData) -1, _T("%d"), dwReceiptFlag)) { SetLastError(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("_sntprintf failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } FAX_TAG_MAP_ENTRY tagMap[] = { // // Sender info // { FAXTAG_NEW_RECORD, FAXTAG_NEW_RECORD_VALUE }, { FAXTAG_BILLING_CODE, LPTSTR(PrintInfo->SenderBillingCode) }, { FAXTAG_RECEIPT_TYPE, tszNumericData }, { FAXTAG_RECEIPT_ADDR, strReceiptAddress }, { FAXTAG_SENDER_NAME, LPTSTR(PrintInfo->SenderName) }, { FAXTAG_SENDER_COMPANY, LPTSTR(PrintInfo->SenderCompany) }, { FAXTAG_SENDER_DEPT, LPTSTR(PrintInfo->SenderDept) }, { FAXTAG_RECIPIENT_COUNT, _T("1") }, // // Recipient info // { FAXTAG_NEW_RECORD, FAXTAG_NEW_RECORD_VALUE }, { FAXTAG_RECIPIENT_NAME, LPTSTR(PrintInfo->RecipientName) }, { FAXTAG_RECIPIENT_NUMBER, LPTSTR(PrintInfo->RecipientNumber) } }; // // Call first time to ParamTagToString to find out size of the Parameters string // DWORD dwTagCount = sizeof(tagMap)/sizeof(FAX_TAG_MAP_ENTRY); DWORD dwSize = 0; ParamTagsToString(tagMap, dwTagCount, NULL, &dwSize); // // Allocate the Buffer for the Parameters String // strParameters = LPTSTR(MemAlloc(dwSize + sizeof(TCHAR))); // dwSize does not count last NULL if (!strParameters) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, _T("strParameters = MemAlloc(%d) failed. ec = %ld"), dwSize, GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } // // Get the Parameters string from the ParamTagToString // ParamTagsToString(tagMap, dwTagCount, strParameters, &dwSize); // // set these fields or the spooler will // return ACCESS_DENIED for a non-admin client // JobInfo->Position = JOB_POSITION_UNSPECIFIED; JobInfo->pDevMode = NULL; // // set our new fax tags // JobInfo->pParameters = strParameters; if (!SetJob( hPrinter, JobId, 2, (LPBYTE) JobInfo, 0 )) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("SetJob failed. ec = %ld"), GetLastError()); goto error_exit; } } // // clean up and return to the caller // ClosePrinter( hPrinter); MemFree( PrinterInfo); MemFree( DevMode ); MemFree( strParameters ); MemFree( JobInfo ); if (!PrinterName) { MemFree (lptstrFaxPrinterName); } if (FaxJobId) { *FaxJobId = JobId; } FaxContextInfo->hDC = hDC; return TRUE; error_exit: if (hPrinter) { ClosePrinter( hPrinter); } if (PrinterInfo) { MemFree( PrinterInfo); } if (JobId) { if (EndDoc( hDC ) <= 0) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("EndDoc failed. (ec: %ld)"), GetLastError()); } } if (hDC) { if (!DeleteDC (hDC)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("DeleteDC failed. (ec: %ld)"), GetLastError()); } } if (DevMode) { MemFree( DevMode ); } if (strParameters) { MemFree( strParameters ); } if (JobInfo) { MemFree( JobInfo ); } if (!PrinterName) { MemFree (lptstrFaxPrinterName); } return FALSE; } #ifdef UNICODE BOOL WINAPI FaxStartPrintJob2A( IN LPCSTR PrinterName, IN const FAX_PRINT_INFOA *PrintInfo, IN short TiffRes, OUT LPDWORD JobId, OUT FAX_CONTEXT_INFOA *FaxContextInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Starts a print job for the specified printer. This function provides functionality beyond what the caller can provide by using StartDoc(). This function disables the display of the fax send wizard and also passes along the information that would otherwise be gathered by the fax wizard ui. Arguments: PrinterName - Fax printer name (must be a fax printer) PrintInfo - Fax print information TiffRes - coverpage resolution. 0 for the printer default FaxJobId - Job id of the resulting print job FaxContextInfo - device context information (hdc, etc.) Return Value: TRUE for success. FALSE for failure. --*/ { DWORD Rval = ERROR_SUCCESS; FAX_PRINT_INFOW PrintInfoW; FAX_CONTEXT_INFOW ContextInfoW; LPSTR ServerName = NULL; LPWSTR PrinterNameW = NULL; DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(TEXT("FaxStartPrintJobA")); if (!PrintInfo || !JobId || !FaxContextInfo || (PrintInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof(FAX_PRINT_INFOA))) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("PrintInfo is NULL or Size mismatch.") ); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } if (PrinterName) { PrinterNameW = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrinterName ); if (!PrinterNameW) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } } ZeroMemory( &ContextInfoW, sizeof(FAX_CONTEXT_INFOW) ); ContextInfoW.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_CONTEXT_INFOW) ; ZeroMemory( &PrintInfoW, sizeof(FAX_PRINT_INFOW) ); PrintInfoW.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_PRINT_INFOW); PrintInfoW.DocName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->DocName ); if (!PrintInfoW.DocName && PrintInfo->DocName) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.RecipientName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->RecipientName ); if (!PrintInfoW.RecipientName && PrintInfo->RecipientName) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.RecipientNumber = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->RecipientNumber ); if (!PrintInfoW.RecipientNumber && PrintInfo->RecipientNumber) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.SenderName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->SenderName ); if (!PrintInfoW.SenderName && PrintInfo->SenderName) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.SenderCompany = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->SenderCompany ); if (!PrintInfoW.SenderCompany && PrintInfo->SenderCompany) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.SenderDept = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->SenderDept ); if (!PrintInfoW.SenderDept && PrintInfo->SenderDept) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.SenderBillingCode = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->SenderBillingCode ); if (!PrintInfoW.SenderBillingCode && PrintInfo->SenderBillingCode) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.Reserved = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->Reserved ); if (!PrintInfoW.Reserved && PrintInfo->Reserved) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.DrEmailAddress = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->DrEmailAddress ); if (!PrintInfoW.DrEmailAddress && PrintInfo->DrEmailAddress) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } PrintInfoW.OutputFileName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( PrintInfo->OutputFileName ); if (!PrintInfoW.OutputFileName && PrintInfo->OutputFileName) { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } if (!FaxStartPrintJob2W( (LPWSTR) PrinterNameW, &PrintInfoW, TiffRes, JobId, &ContextInfoW)) { Rval = GetLastError(); goto exit; } ServerName = UnicodeStringToAnsiString( ContextInfoW.ServerName); if (ServerName) { _mbscpy((PUCHAR)FaxContextInfo->ServerName,(PUCHAR)ServerName); } else { Rval = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } FaxContextInfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_CONTEXT_INFOA); FaxContextInfo->hDC = ContextInfoW.hDC; Assert (ERROR_SUCCESS == Rval); exit: MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrinterNameW ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.DocName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.RecipientName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.RecipientNumber ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.SenderName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.SenderCompany ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.SenderDept ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.SenderBillingCode ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.DrEmailAddress ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.OutputFileName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) PrintInfoW.Reserved ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) ServerName ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Rval) { SetLastError(Rval); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #else BOOL WINAPI FaxStartPrintJob2W( IN LPCWSTR PrinterName, IN const FAX_PRINT_INFOW *PrintInfo, IN DWORD TiffRes, OUT LPDWORD FaxJobId, OUT PFAX_CONTEXT_INFOW FaxContextInfo ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PrinterName); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PrintInfo); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(TiffRes); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FaxJobId); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FaxContextInfo); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; } #endif