//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include #include #include "resource.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Menu IDM_FAX_MENU MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Answer Call", ID_ANSWER_CALL MENUITEM "&Disconnect Call", ID_DISCONNECT_CALL MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Open &Fax Console", ID_FAX_QUEUE // "View failed fax", "view new fax", MENUITEM "Open Fax &Monitor", ID_FAX_MONITOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Fax Monitor &Properties", ID_ICON_PROPERTIES END END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_MONITOR DIALOGEX DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 205, 223 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_VISIBLE | DS_CENTER CAPTION "Fax Monitor" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN CONTROL "Animate",IDC_ANIMATE,"SysAnimate32",ACS_TRANSPARENT | ACS_AUTOPLAY | WS_TABSTOP,10,1,184,29 LTEXT "",IDC_STATUS,5,33,197,8,SS_NOTIFY,0,HIDC_FaxMon_Status LTEXT "",IDC_ELAPSED_TIME,5,45,197,8,SS_NOTIFY,0,HIDC_FaxMon_Elapsed LTEXT "",IDC_MON_TITLE,5,57,197,8 CONTROL "&Keep this dialog visible at all times", IDC_ALWAYS_ON_TOP,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,5,70,197,10,0,HIDC_FaxMon_OnTop DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Hide",IDCANCEL,5,83,56,14,0,0,HIDC_FaxMon_Hide DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Disconnect",IDC_DISCONNECT,67,83,70,14,0,0,HIDC_FaxMon_Disconnect DEFPUSHBUTTON "&More >>",IDC_DETAILS,143,83,56,14,0,0,HIDC_FaxMon_More_Less CONTROL "List",IDC_LIST_DETAILS,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,5,102,194,98,0,HIDC_FaxMon_MoreInfo DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Clear list",IDC_CLEAR_LOG,5,204,60,14,0,0,HIDC_FaxMon_ClearList END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FAX_INITIALIZING "Initializing" IDS_FAX_DIALING "Dialing %s" IDS_FAX_SENDING "Sending page %d of %d" IDS_FAX_SNT_COMPLETED "The fax was sent successfully" IDS_FAX_RCV_COMPLETED "The fax was received successfully" IDS_FAX_LINE_UNAVAILABLE "Fax device error" IDS_FAX_NO_DIAL_TONE "No dial tone. The phone line is in use or not connected" IDS_FAX_BUSY "The line is busy" IDS_FAX_NO_ANSWER "There is no answer" IDS_FAX_BAD_ADDRESS "An invalid fax number has been detected." IDS_FAX_FATAL_ERROR_SND "An error occurred while sending the fax" IDS_FAX_FATAL_ERROR_RCV "An error occurred while receiving the fax" IDS_FAX_CALL_DELAYED "This number cannot be dialed at present" IDS_FAX_CALL_BLACKLISTED "This number cannot be dialed at present. The number is blacklisted" IDS_FAX_DISCONNECTED "The call was disconnected" IDS_FAX_ANSWERED "The call was answered" IDS_FAX_RECEIVING "Receiving page %d" IDS_FAX_NOT_FAX_CALL "The answered call is not a fax call" IDS_FAX_PARTIALLY_RECEIVED "Not all pages were received" IDS_FAX_RETRIES_EXCEEDED "The attempt to send the fax failed" IDS_FAX_CANCELED "The fax was canceled" IDS_FAX_CANCELING "The fax is in the process of being canceled" IDS_NEW_FAX "You have a new fax" IDS_FAX_INCOMING "You have an incoming call from %s. Click here to answer the call as a fax." IDS_FAX_INCOMING_TITLE "The fax device is ringing" IDS_DETAIL_TIME_HEADER "Time" IDS_DETAIL_EVENT_HEADER "Event" IDS_ELAPSED_TIME "The time elapsed is %d%s%02d" IDS_STATUS_IDLE "Idle" IDS_SENDING_TO "Sending fax to %s" IDS_SENDING "Sending fax" IDS_RECEIVING_FROM "Receiving fax from %s" IDS_RECEIVING "Receiving fax" IDS_MESSAGE_BOX_CAPTION "Microsoft Fax" IDS_CANNOT_ANSWER "A fax call could not be answered.\n\ Either the phone had stopped ringing before the call could be answered or\n\ the fax device is busy." IDS_RINGING "Ringing" IDS_DELETE_ACCESS_DENIED "You do not have security permissions to end the transmission.\nContact the administrator for more information." IDS_FAX_CALL_COMPLETED "The call completed" IDS_FAX_CALL_ABORTED "The call in progress was ended" IDS_FAX_READY "Ready" IDS_READY_TO_SND "Ready to send faxes" IDS_READY_TO_RCV "Ready to receive faxes" IDS_READY_TO_SND_AND_RCV "Ready to send and receive faxes" IDS_ABORT_SEND_CONFIRM "Microsoft Fax is currently sending a fax.\nDo you want to terminate the current fax call?" IDS_ABORT_RECEIVE_CONFIRM "Microsoft Fax is currently receiving a fax.\nDo you want to terminate the current fax call?" IDS_BUTTON_MORE "&More >>" IDS_BUTTON_LESS "&Less <<" IDS_BUTTON_DISCONNECT "&Disconnect" IDS_BUTTON_ANSWER "&Answer now" IDS_INCOMING_CALL "The line is ringing" IDS_INCOMING_CALL_FROM "%s is calling" IDS_CLICK_TO_ANSWER "Click here to answer this call as a fax call." IDS_NEW_FAX_BALLOON "New fax received" IDS_NEW_FAX_FROM_BALLOON "New fax received from %s" IDS_CLICK_TO_VIEW "Click here to view the fax." IDS_RCV_ERROR_BALLOON "An attempt to receive a fax has failed" IDS_RCV_FROM_ERROR_BALLOON "An attempt to receive a fax from %s has failed" IDS_SEND_OK "The fax was sent successfully" IDS_SEND_OK_BALLOON "The fax to %s was sent successfully." IDS_SEND_ERROR_BALLOON "The fax to %s failed" IDS_ERR_CANT_TALK_TO_SERVICE "Communication with the fax service cannot be established." IDS_ERR_ANSWER_ACCESS_DENIED "You do not have security permissions to answer the call.\nContact the administrator for more information." IDS_ERR_NO_DEVICES "There are no fax devices.\nPlease install a modem that supports fax operations." IDS_ERR_DEVICE_BUSY "The modem is currently busy with another fax call.\nPlease try again later." IDS_ERROR_VIRTUAL_DEVICE "You cannot use a virtual fax device to manually answer a fax call" END