; NTPRINT.INF (for SUR) ; ; List of supported printers, manufacturers ; [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=%MS% LayoutFile=layout.inf ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer [SourceDisksNames] 41 = %Disk1%,,,"" [SourceDisksFiles] [ClassInstall32.NT] AddReg=printer_class_addreg [printer_class_addreg] HKR,,,,%PrinterClassName% HKR,,Icon,,"-4" HKR,,Installer32,,"ntprint.dll,ClassInstall32" HKR,,NoDisplayClass,,1 ; ; Manufacturer section. ; ; This section lists all of the manufacturers ; that we will display in the Dialog box ; [Manufacturer] "%CASIO%"=CASIO.JPN ; ; Model sections. ; ; Each section here corresponds with an entry listed in the ; [Manufacturer] section, above. The models will be displayed in the order ; that they appear in the INF file. ; [CASIO.JPN] "CASIO CP-2100" = CSCP210J.GPD, CASIO_CP-2100 "CASIO CP-2120" = CSCP212J.GPD, CASIO_CP-2120 "CASIO CP-2150" = CSCP215J.GPD, CASIO_CP-2150 "CASIO CP-2200" = CSCP220J.GPD, CASIO_CP-2200 "CASIO CP-2200W" = CSCP22WJ.GPD, CASIO_CP-2200W "CASIO CP-3250" = CSCP325J.GPD, CASIO_CP-3250 "CASIO CP-3500" = CSCP350J.GPD, CASIO_CP-3500 ; ; Installer Sections ; ; These sections control file installation, and reference all files that ; need to be copied. The section name will be assumed to be the driver ; file, unless there is an explicit DriverFile section listed. ; [CSCP210J.GPD] CopyFiles=@CAPPLRES.DLL,@CAPPLRES.INI,@CSCP210J.GPD,UNIDRV DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=CSCP210J.GPD [CSCP212J.GPD] CopyFiles=@CAPPLRES.DLL,@CAPPLRES.INI,@CSCP212J.GPD,UNIDRV DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=CSCP212J.GPD [CSCP215J.GPD] CopyFiles=@CAPPLRES.DLL,@CAPPLRES.INI,@CSCP215J.GPD,UNIDRV DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=CSCP215J.GPD [CSCP220J.GPD] CopyFiles=@CAPPLRES.DLL,@CAPPLRES.INI,@CSCP220J.GPD,UNIDRV DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=CSCP220J.GPD [CSCP22WJ.GPD] CopyFiles=@CAPPLRES.DLL,@CAPPLRES.INI,@CSCP22WJ.GPD,UNIDRV DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=CSCP22WJ.GPD [CSCP325J.GPD] CopyFiles=@CAPPLRES.DLL,@CAPPLRES.INI,@CSCP325J.GPD,UNIDRV DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=CSCP325J.GPD [CSCP350J.GPD] CopyFiles=@CAPPLRES.DLL,@CAPPLRES.INI,@CSCP350J.GPD,UNIDRV DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=CSCP350J.GPD ; Copy Sections ; ; Lists of files that are actually copied. These sections are referenced ; from the installer sections, above. Only create a section if it contains ; two or more files (if we only copy a single file, identify it in the ; installer section, using the @filename notation) or if it's a color ; profile (since the DestinationDirs can only handle sections, and not ; individual files). ; [UNIDRV] UNIDRV.DLL UNIRES.DLL UNIDRVUI.DLL STDNAMES.GPD UNIDRV.HLP ; ; Data Sections ; ; These sections contain data that is shared between devices. ; [UNIDRV_DATA] DriverFile=UNIDRV.DLL ConfigFile=UNIDRVUI.DLL HelpFile=UNIDRV.HLP ; ; Call SetupSetDirectoryId with 66000 to set the target directory at runtime ; (depending on which environment drivers are getting installed) ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 [SourceDisksFiles] CAPPLRES.DLL = 41 ,, CAPPLRES.INI = 41 ,, CSCP210J.GPD = 41 ,, CSCP212J.GPD = 41 ,, CSCP215J.GPD = 41 ,, CSCP220J.GPD = 41 ,, CSCP22WJ.GPD = 41 ,, CSCP325J.GPD = 41 ,, CSCP350J.GPD = 41 ,, ; ; Control Flags ; [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = 2369 ; ; Localizable Strings ; [Strings] ;MS="Microsoft Windows NT 6.0" MS="Local Testing - CAPPL" PrinterClassName="Printer" PJL_MONITOR="PJL Language Monitor,PJLMON.DLL" CASIO="Casio"