IBM QuickWriter Master Units 360x360 -- This allows same resolution as 3.0 driver. Graphics Resolution 120x180 180x180 Note: The manual has the resoulutions listed as Y by X rather than X by Y. All of these resolutions are single pass 24 pin modes with no interlacing. Each pass sends three bytes per column. The default CTT is CP850. The embedded fonts are all either CP437 or CP850 and it is necessary to select both the font and code page for font selection. I used the Courier 10 CPI as the default font. The driver also uses an x-move command that requires setting the printer into a known CPI state. As a result, all font de-select commands use the ESC[T command to set the printer to CP850 so that the full ANSI char set is available. NOTE: The 3.0 driver has GDI fonts mixed in with device fonts. This causes some confusion since, for example, Courier has about ten different point sizes. The 3.1 driver separates the device fonts from GDI fonts, and device fonts only have one point size. The user can use True Type to simulate any other point size. The printer cannot do italic print from normal fonts. Special italic fonts are required to do the italic text. Since fonts are called by an ID number, it is transparent to the printer whether the font is embedded, hardwired cartridge or Downloaded into the cartridge. As such, all fonts use the same commands independent of source so some font files are used for several modes. If the font is a download font, the font must be loaded into the font cartridge from DOS before running the Windows app. The driver does not support on-line downloading of fonts. (This is compatible with the 3.0 driver.) **NOTE:** I did not check the downloadable fonts since the cartridge and disk are not available. The download fonts were copied from the IBM QuietWriter driver since they seem to be the same. This will have to be checked for accuracy. The driver is set up to feed paper from: Tractor Feed Cut Sheet Feeder Auto Cut Sheet Feeder Manual Only the tractor feed option has been tested.