@rem ***** GPD and Font resource conversion @rem 1 "Star NX-2420HT" @rem 2 "Star XB-2415HT" @rem 3 "Star XB-2425HT" @rem 4 "Star XT-15" gpc2gpd -S1 -Istar24ec.gpc -M1 -Rst24tres.dll -Ostn220ht.gpd -N"Star NX-2420HT" awk -f star24ec.awk stn220ht.gpd > temp.gpd & copy temp.gpd stn220ht.gpd gpc2gpd -S1 -Istar24ec.gpc -M2 -Rst24tres.dll -Ostx215ht.gpd -N"Star XB-2415HT" awk -f star24ec.awk stx215ht.gpd > temp.gpd & copy temp.gpd stx215ht.gpd gpc2gpd -S1 -Istar24ec.gpc -M3 -Rst24tres.dll -Ostx225ht.gpd -N"Star XB-2425HT" awk -f star24ec.awk stx225ht.gpd > temp.gpd & copy temp.gpd stx225ht.gpd gpc2gpd -S1 -Istar24ec.gpc -M4 -Rst24tres.dll -Ostxt15t.gpd -N"Star XT-15" awk -f star24ec.awk stxt15t.gpd > temp.gpd & copy temp.gpd stxt15t.gpd @if exist *.log del *.log @if exist temp.gpd del temp.gpd @rem mkgttufm -vac star24ec.rc3 s24ecres.cmd > s24ecres.txt @rem Create codepage txt file. @rem Run epap1000.cmd @rem Create NT5.0's RC file @rem Change sources to build NT5.0's RC file. @rem Build.