Print Administration Scripts Description

This component contains scripts that facilitate common print administration tasks, as outlined below:



You can use the following scripts for managing printing from the command line: prncnfg.vbs to get and set printer configurations or to rename a printer, prndrvr.vbs to add, delete, and list printer drivers, prnjobs.vbs to pause, resume, cancel, and list print jobs, and prnqctl.vbs to print a test page, pause or resume a printer, and clear a printer queue. prnmngr.vbs is used to add, delete, and list printer connections and can also be used for getting and setting the default printer. prnport.vbs is used to add, delete, and list standard TCP/IP ports and can also be used to get and set the port configuration.



Printers on non–Windows XP and non–Windows 2000 print servers can be published in Active Directory by using the Pubprn.vbs script.

Component Configuration

There are no configuration requirements for this component.