/*************************************************************************** FILE spool.cpp MODULE Printers ISAPI DLL PURPOSE Spool Print Jobs DESCRIBED IN HISTORY 01/16/96 ccteng Stub 02/14/97 weihaic 11/11/97 sylvan IPP PrintJobRequest 11/20/97 chriswil Asynchronous read rewrite ****************************************************************************/ #include "pch.h" #include "spool.h" #include "printers.h" #ifndef HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT #define HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT ((DWORD)1010) #endif PINIJOB pIniFirstJob = NULL; /***************************************************************************** * EnterSplSem * LeaveSplSem * *****************************************************************************/ #define EnterSplSem() EnterCriticalSection(&SplCritSect) #define LeaveSplSem() LeaveCriticalSection(&SplCritSect) /***************************************************************************** * Spl_StrSize (Local Routine) * * Returns the size (in bytes) of the string (includes null-terminator). * *****************************************************************************/ inline DWORD Spl_StrSize( LPCTSTR lpszStr) { return (lpszStr ? ((lstrlen(lpszStr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) : 0); } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_CallSSF (Local Routine) * * Calls the ISAPI ServerSupportFunction * *****************************************************************************/ inline BOOL Spl_CallSSF( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, DWORD dwCmd, LPVOID lpvBuf, LPDWORD lpdwBuf, LPDWORD lpdwType) { return pECB->ServerSupportFunction(pECB->ConnID, dwCmd, lpvBuf, lpdwBuf, lpdwType); } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_SetAsyncCB (Local Routine) * * Calls the ISAPI ServerSupportFunction to set an asynchronous callback. * *****************************************************************************/ inline BOOL Spl_SetAsyncCB( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, LPVOID pfnCallback, LPDWORD lpdwCtx) { return pECB->ServerSupportFunction(pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION, pfnCallback, NULL, lpdwCtx); } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_ReadClient (Local Routine) * * Calls the ISAPI ServerSupportFunction to do an asynchronous read. * *****************************************************************************/ inline BOOL Spl_ReadClient( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, LPVOID lpvBuf, DWORD cbBuf) { DWORD dwType = HSE_IO_ASYNC; return pECB->ServerSupportFunction(pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT, lpvBuf, &cbBuf, &dwType); } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_WriteClient (Local Routine) * * Calls the ISAPI WriteClient to do a write. * *****************************************************************************/ inline BOOL Spl_WriteClient( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, LPVOID lpvBuf, DWORD cbBuf) { return pECB->WriteClient(pECB->ConnID, lpvBuf, &cbBuf, (DWORD)NULL); } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_EndSession (Local Routine) * * Calls the ISAPI ServerSupportFunction to end our session. * *****************************************************************************/ inline BOOL Spl_EndSession( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB) { DWORD dwStatus = HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; return pECB->ServerSupportFunction(pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, &dwStatus, NULL, NULL); } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_WriteJob (Local Routine) * * Writes the byte-stream for a print-job. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_WriteJob( DWORD dwJobId, LPBYTE lpbData, DWORD cbBytes) { DWORD cbLeft; DWORD cbWritten; BOOL fRet = TRUE; for (cbLeft = cbBytes; (cbLeft > 0) && fRet; ) { if (fRet = WriteJob(dwJobId, lpbData, cbBytes, &cbWritten)) { lpbData += cbWritten; cbLeft -= cbWritten; } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("Spl_WriteJob() call failed.\r\n")); break; } } return fRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_AllocPrtUri (Local Routine) * * Returns a PrinterURI string. * *****************************************************************************/ LPTSTR Spl_AllocPrtUri( LPCTSTR lpszShare, LPDWORD lpcbUri, BOOL bSecure) { DWORD cch; DWORD cbSize; LPTSTR lpszUri; // Get the size necessary to hold the printer-uri. // *lpcbUri = 0; cch = 0; GetWebpnpUrl(g_szHttpServerName, lpszShare, NULL, bSecure, NULL, &cch); if (cch && (lpszUri = (LPTSTR)AllocSplMem(sizeof(TCHAR) * cch))) { if (GetWebpnpUrl(g_szHttpServerName, lpszShare, NULL, bSecure, lpszUri, &cch)) { *lpcbUri = cch * sizeof(TCHAR); return lpszUri; } FreeSplMem(lpszUri, cch * sizeof(TCHAR)); } return NULL; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_AllocJobUri (Local Routine) * * Returns a JobURI string. * *****************************************************************************/ LPTSTR Spl_AllocJobUri( LPCTSTR lpszShare, DWORD idJob, LPDWORD lpcbUri, BOOL bBase, BOOL bSecure) { LPTSTR lpszPrt; DWORD cbSize; DWORD cbPrt; DWORD cch; LPTSTR lpszUri = NULL; static CONST TCHAR s_szFmt1[] = TEXT("%s?IPP&JobId=%d"); static CONST TCHAR s_szFmt2[] = TEXT("%s?IPP&JobId="); // Set our return-count to zero. // *lpcbUri = 0; // Get the printer-uri, and append a job-id to the end // as our job-uri. // cbPrt = 0; if (lpszPrt = Spl_AllocPrtUri(lpszShare, &cbPrt, bSecure)) { cbSize = cbPrt + sizeof(s_szFmt1) + 40; if (lpszUri = (LPTSTR)AllocSplMem(cbSize)) { if (bBase) StringCbPrintf(lpszUri, cbSize, s_szFmt2, lpszPrt); else StringCbPrintf(lpszUri, cbSize, s_szFmt1, lpszPrt, idJob); *lpcbUri = cbSize; } FreeSplMem(lpszPrt, cbPrt); } return lpszUri; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_GetJI2 (Local Routine) * * Returns a JOB_INFO_2 struct. * *****************************************************************************/ LPJOB_INFO_2 Spl_GetJI2( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD idJob, LPDWORD lpcbSize) { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwLE; LPJOB_INFO_2 pji2 = NULL; // Clear return-size. // *lpcbSize = 0; // Get the size necessary for the job. // cbSize = 0; GetJob(hPrinter, idJob, 2, NULL, 0, &cbSize); // Get the job-information. // if (cbSize && (pji2 = (LPJOB_INFO_2)AllocSplMem(cbSize))) { if (GetJob(hPrinter, idJob, 2, (LPBYTE)pji2, cbSize, &cbSize)) { *lpcbSize = cbSize; } else { dwLE = GetLastError(); FreeSplMem(pji2, cbSize); pji2 = NULL; } } else { dwLE = GetLastError(); } if (pji2 == NULL) SetLastError(dwLE); return pji2; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_AllocAsync * * Allocate a spool-async-read structure. This is basically a structure * that we use to track where we are in the asynchronous read processing. * * Parameter/Field descriptions * ---------------------------- * wReq - IPP Request identifier. * * hPrinter - handle to printer. We are in charge of closing this when * we're done processing the asynchronous reads. * * lpszShare - share-name of printer. This is necessary when we respond * back to the client when done processing the job. * * cbTotal - Total number of bytes to expect in job. * * cbRead - Current bytes read during async read. * * cbBuf - Size of read-buffer. * * lpbRet - Return-Buffer dependent upon IPP Request identifier. * *****************************************************************************/ LPSPLASYNC Spl_AllocAsync( WORD wReq, HANDLE hPrinter, LPCTSTR lpszShare, DWORD cbTotal) { LPSPLASYNC pAsync; if (pAsync = (LPSPLASYNC)AllocSplMem(sizeof(SPLASYNC))) { if (pAsync->hIpp = WebIppRcvOpen(wReq)) { if (pAsync->lpbBuf = (LPBYTE)AllocSplMem(SPL_ASYNC_BUF)) { if (pAsync->lpszShare = AllocSplStr(lpszShare)) { pAsync->wReq = wReq; pAsync->hPrinter = hPrinter; pAsync->cbTotal = cbTotal; pAsync->cbRead = 0; pAsync->cbBuf = SPL_ASYNC_BUF; pAsync->lpbRet = NULL; return pAsync; } FreeSplMem(pAsync->lpbBuf, SPL_ASYNC_BUF); } WebIppRcvClose(pAsync->hIpp); } FreeSplMem(pAsync, sizeof(SPLASYNC)); } DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Spl_AllocAsync() : Out of Memory\r\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return NULL; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_FreeAsync * * Free our asynchronous read structure. This also closes our printer * handle that was setup prior to the beginning of the job. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_FreeAsync( LPSPLASYNC pAsync) { LPIPPRET_JOB pj; // Close the printer-handle. We do this here as oppose to in // (msw3prt.cxx), since if we had performed asynchronous reads // we would need to leave the scope the HttpExtensionProc() call. // // NOTE: CloseJob() closes the printer-handle. Only in the case // where we were not able to open a job should we close it // here. // pj = (LPIPPRET_JOB)pAsync->lpbRet; if ((pAsync->wReq == IPP_REQ_PRINTJOB) && pj && pj->bRet) { CloseJob((DWORD)pj->bRet); } else { ClosePrinter(pAsync->hPrinter); } // Free up our Ipp-handle, and all resources allocated. // if (pAsync->lpbBuf) FreeSplMem(pAsync->lpbBuf, pAsync->cbBuf); if (pAsync->lpszShare) FreeSplStr(pAsync->lpszShare); if (pAsync->lpbRet) WebIppFreeMem(pAsync->lpbRet); if (pAsync->hIpp) WebIppRcvClose(pAsync->hIpp); FreeSplMem(pAsync, sizeof(SPLASYNC)); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_OpenPrn (Local Routine) * * Opens a printer-handle with administrator rights. * *****************************************************************************/ HANDLE Spl_OpenPrn( HANDLE hPrinter) { PPRINTER_INFO_1 ppi; PRINTER_DEFAULTS pa; DWORD cbSize; HANDLE hPrn = NULL; cbSize = 0; GetPrinter(hPrinter, 1, NULL, 0, &cbSize); if (cbSize && (ppi = (PPRINTER_INFO_1)AllocSplMem(cbSize))) { if (GetPrinter(hPrinter, 1, (LPBYTE)ppi, cbSize, &cbSize)) { // Since the OpenPrinter call in msw3prt.cxx has been // opened with the share-name, the (pName) field of this // call will already have the server-name prepended to the // friendly-name. We do not need to do any further work // on the friendly-name to accomodate clustering. If in the // future the OpenPrinter() specifies the friendly-name over // the share-name, then this routine will need to call // genFrnName() to convert the friendly to \friendly. // ZeroMemory(&pa, sizeof(PRINTER_DEFAULTS)); pa.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS; OpenPrinter(ppi->pName, &hPrn, &pa); } FreeSplMem(ppi, cbSize); } return hPrn; } /***************************************************************************** ** Spl_AllocSplMemFn (Local Routine) ** ** The WebIppPackJI2 call takes an allocator, however AllocSplMem is a #define ** if we are not using a debug library, so in this case, we have to create ** a small stub function ourselves. ** *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef DEBUG #define Spl_AllocSplMemFn AllocSplMem #else LPVOID Spl_AllocSplMemFn(DWORD cb) { return LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb); } #endif // #ifdef DEBUG /***************************************************************************** * Spl_CreateJobInfo2 (Local Routine) * * This creates a JobInfo2 structure from the various printer details that have * been passed in to us. * *****************************************************************************/ LPJOB_INFO_2 Spl_CreateJobInfo2( IN PIPPREQ_PRTJOB ppj, // This provides some info that is useful for constructing // our own JOB_INFO_2 if necessary IN PINIJOB pInijob, // This is also used for constructing a JOB_INFO_2 OUT LPDWORD lpcbSize ) { ASSERT(ppj); // This should never be NULL if this code path is reached ASSERT(lpcbSize); ASSERT(*lpcbSize == 0); // This should be passed in zero LPJOB_INFO_2 pji2 = NULL; // The packed and allocated JI2 if (pInijob) { // This could conceivably be NULL DWORD cbNeeded = 0; GetPrinter( pInijob->hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded ); if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && cbNeeded) { LPPRINTER_INFO_2 ppi2; // The printer info to fill out DWORD cbNextNeeded; ppi2 = (LPPRINTER_INFO_2)AllocSplMem( cbNeeded ); if (ppi2 && GetPrinter( pInijob->hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)ppi2, cbNeeded, &cbNextNeeded) ) { JOB_INFO_2 ji2; // The ji2 we will fill out, a properly packed one will // be returned ZeroMemory( &ji2, sizeof(ji2) ); ji2.JobId = pInijob->JobId; ji2.pPrinterName = ppi2->pPrinterName; ji2.pMachineName = ppi2->pServerName; ji2.pUserName = ppj->pUserName; ji2.pNotifyName = ppj->pUserName; ji2.pDocument = ppj->pDocument; ji2.pDatatype = ppi2->pDatatype; ji2.pPrintProcessor = ppi2->pPrintProcessor; ji2.pParameters = ppi2->pParameters; ji2.pDriverName = ppi2->pDriverName; ji2.Status = pInijob->dwStatus; ji2.Priority = ppi2->Priority; ji2.StartTime = pInijob->dwStartTime; ji2.UntilTime = pInijob->dwStartTime; GetSystemTime (&ji2.Submitted); pji2 = WebIppPackJI2(&ji2, lpcbSize, Spl_AllocSplMemFn); } if (ppi2) FreeSplMem( ppi2, cbNeeded ); } } return pji2; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_ConfirmJob (Local Routine) * * This confirms that a Job has been printed if it returns a JOB_INFO_2 if * this is possible. GSNW printers can return an ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED for the * first GetJob call and then fail on the second call. In this case we need to * build a shell JOB_INFO_2 with whatever data we can find and return it. We pass * this in to WebIppCreateJobRet which packs the correct strings and returns a * Legitimate JOB_INFO_2 structure. * *****************************************************************************/ LPJOB_INFO_2 Spl_ConfirmJob( IN HANDLE hPrinter, // This is the printer handle we are using IN DWORD idJob, // This is the job id given to us by StartDocPrinter OUT LPDWORD lpcbSize, // This is the size of the allocated block IN PIPPREQ_PRTJOB ppj, // This provides some info that is useful for constructing // our own JOB_INFO_2 if necessary IN PINIJOB pInijob // This is also used for constructing a JOB_INFO_2 ) { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwLE; LPJOB_INFO_2 pji2 = NULL; ASSERT(lpcbSize); // Clear return-size. // *lpcbSize = 0; // Get the size necessary for the job. // cbSize = 0; GetJob(hPrinter, idJob, 2, NULL, 0, &cbSize); dwLE = GetLastError(); switch(dwLE) { case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: // Get the job-information. // if (cbSize && (pji2 = (LPJOB_INFO_2)AllocSplMem(cbSize))) { if (GetJob(hPrinter, idJob, 2, (LPBYTE)pji2, cbSize, &cbSize)) { *lpcbSize = cbSize; } else { dwLE = GetLastError(); FreeSplMem(pji2, cbSize); pji2 = NULL; } } else { dwLE = GetLastError(); } break; case ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED: // This is special-cased for GSNW masq printers where the job cannot // be retrieved from the Server, but we do not want to fail the EndDocPrinter // call if (pji2 = Spl_CreateJobInfo2( ppj, pInijob, lpcbSize) ) SetLastError(dwLE = ERROR_SUCCESS); break; case ERROR_SUCCESS: dwLE = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } if (pji2 == NULL) SetLastError(dwLE); return pji2; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobDataPrt (Local Routine) * * Handles the IPP_REQ_PRINTJOB request. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppJobDataPrt( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, HANDLE hPrinter, LPCTSTR lpszShare, LPBYTE lpbHdr, DWORD cbHdr, LPBYTE lpbDta, DWORD cbDta, LPBYTE* lplpbRet) { PIPPREQ_PRTJOB ppj; JOB_INFO_IPP ipp; DWORD cbUri; DWORD cbPrn; DWORD cbJI2; WORD wError; DWORD idJob = 0; LPJOB_INFO_2 pji2 = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (ppj = (PIPPREQ_PRTJOB)lpbHdr) { // Initialize job-information. // ZeroMemory(&ipp, sizeof(JOB_INFO_IPP)); // See if we're only to validate the job. // if (ppj->bValidate) { // NOTE: We'll return only a success for now until // we can build a table of validation criteria. // // 30-Jul-1998 : ChrisWil // wError = IPPRSP_SUCCESS; idJob = (DWORD)TRUE; } else { // Start the job. // PINIJOB pInijob; if (idJob = OpenJob(pECB, hPrinter, ppj, cbHdr, &pInijob)) { if (pji2 = Spl_ConfirmJob(hPrinter, idJob, &cbJI2, ppj, pInijob)) { wError = IPPRSP_SUCCESS; ipp.pJobUri = Spl_AllocJobUri(lpszShare, idJob, &cbUri, FALSE, IsSecureReq(pECB)); ipp.pPrnUri = Spl_AllocPrtUri(lpszShare, &cbPrn, IsSecureReq(pECB)); } else { wError = WebIppLeToRsp(GetLastError()); } // Delete the pIniJob (if it has been allocated) if (pInijob) FreeSplMem( pInijob, sizeof(INIJOB) ); } else { wError = WebIppLeToRsp(GetLastError()); } } // Build the return structure. // *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreateJobRet(wError, (BOOL)idJob, ppj->bValidate, pji2, &ipp); // Free allocated resources. // WebIppFreeMem(lpbHdr); if (pji2) FreeSplMem(pji2, cbJI2); if (ipp.pJobUri) FreeSplMem(ipp.pJobUri, cbUri); if (ipp.pPrnUri) FreeSplMem(ipp.pPrnUri, cbPrn); // If we failed to get a job-id, then we need to // return with no further processing. // if (idJob == 0) return FALSE; bRet = TRUE; } else { // If we had no header, then we are processing stream data // for the job. In this case we would have already been through // the code-path above where the job-id was set as our return // code. // if (*lplpbRet) idJob = (DWORD)((PIPPRET_JOB)*lplpbRet)->bRet; } // If we were able to get a data-stream, then we // need to process that in the write. If we are chunking // data and the lpbHdr is NULL, then the (lpdwJobId) is // passed in as input to this routine to be used in chunk // writes. // if (lpbDta) bRet = Spl_WriteJob(idJob, lpbDta, cbDta); return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobDataSet (Local Routine) * * Handles the SetJob requests. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppJobDataSet( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, HANDLE hPrinter, LPBYTE lpbHdr, DWORD cbHdr, LPBYTE* lplpbRet) { PIPPREQ_SETJOB psj; JOB_INFO_2 ji2; WORD wError; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (psj = (PIPPREQ_SETJOB)lpbHdr) { // Initialize job-information. // ZeroMemory(&ji2, sizeof(JOB_INFO_2)); // Perform the SetJob command. // bRet = SetJob(hPrinter, psj->idJob, 0, NULL, psj->dwCmd); // Get LastError for return to the client. // wError = (bRet ? IPPRSP_SUCCESS : WebIppLeToRsp(GetLastError())); // Return the SetJobRet structure. // *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreateJobRet(wError, bRet, FALSE, &ji2, NULL); // Free allocated resources. // WebIppFreeMem(lpbHdr); } return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobDataAth (Local Routine) * * Handles the Authentication request. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppJobDataAth( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, LPBYTE lpbHdr, DWORD cbHdr, LPBYTE* lplpbRet) { PIPPREQ_AUTH pfa; WORD wError; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (pfa = (PIPPREQ_AUTH)lpbHdr) { // Call authentication check. // bRet = !IsUserAnonymous(pECB); // Get LastError for return to the client. // wError = (bRet ? IPPRSP_SUCCESS : IPPRSP_ERROR_401); // Return the SetJobRet structure. // *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreateAuthRet(wError, bRet); // Free allocated resources. // WebIppFreeMem(lpbHdr); } return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobDataEnu (Local Routine) * * Handles the IPP_REQ_ENUJOB request. This returns a complete enumeration * of jobs. It is up to the client to determine which job they are * interested in (if they're only interested in one-job). * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppJobDataEnu( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, HANDLE hPrinter, LPCTSTR lpszShare, LPBYTE lpbHdr, DWORD cbHdr, LPBYTE* lplpbRet) { LPIPPREQ_ENUJOB pgj; LPIPPJI2 lpIppJi2; LPTSTR lpszJobBase; LPJOB_INFO_2 lpji2; DWORD cbJobs; DWORD cJobs; DWORD cbNeed; DWORD cNeed; DWORD cbUri; WORD wError; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (pgj = (LPIPPREQ_ENUJOB)lpbHdr) { // Initialize IPP return variables. // cbJobs = 0; cJobs = 0; lpji2 = NULL; // Get the size necessary to hold the enumerated jobs. We // will return JOB_INFO_2, since that has the most information. // cbNeed = 0; bRet = EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0, pgj->cJobs, 2, NULL, 0, &cbNeed, &cNeed); // If we have jobs to enumerate, then grab them. // if (cbNeed && (lpji2 = (LPJOB_INFO_2)AllocSplMem(cbNeed))) { bRet = EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0, pgj->cJobs, 2, (LPBYTE)lpji2, cbNeed, &cbJobs, &cJobs); DBGMSG(DBG_INFO,("Spl_IppJobDataEnu(): cJobs(%d), cbJobs(%d)\r\n", cJobs, cbJobs)); } wError = (bRet ? IPPRSP_SUCCESS : WebIppLeToRsp(GetLastError())); // Convert the enumerated-jobs to an IPPJI2 structure. This // allows us to pass information that is not part of a JOB_INFO_2. // lpszJobBase = Spl_AllocJobUri(lpszShare, 0, &cbUri, TRUE, IsSecureReq (pECB)); lpIppJi2 = WebIppCvtJI2toIPPJI2(lpszJobBase, &cbJobs, cJobs, lpji2); if (lpszJobBase) FreeSplMem(lpszJobBase, cbUri); // Return the EnuJobRet structure as an IPP stream. // *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreateEnuJobRet(wError, bRet, cbJobs, cJobs, lpIppJi2); // Free allocated resources. // WebIppFreeMem(lpbHdr); if (lpIppJi2) WebIppFreeMem(lpIppJi2); if (lpji2) FreeSplMem(lpji2, cbNeed); } return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobDataGet (Local Routine) * * Handles the IPP_REQ_GETJOB request. This returns the information for a single * job. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppJobDataGet( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, HANDLE hPrinter, LPCTSTR lpszShare, LPBYTE lpbHdr, DWORD cbHdr, LPBYTE* lplpbRet) { PIPPREQ_GETJOB pgj; LPJOB_INFO_2 pji2; JOB_INFO_IPP ipp; DWORD cbUri; DWORD cbPrn; WORD wError; DWORD cbJI2; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (pgj = (PIPPREQ_GETJOB)lpbHdr) { // Initialize job-information. // ZeroMemory(&ipp, sizeof(JOB_INFO_IPP)); if (pji2 = Spl_GetJI2(hPrinter, pgj->idJob, &cbJI2)) { wError = IPPRSP_SUCCESS; ipp.pJobUri = Spl_AllocJobUri(lpszShare, pgj->idJob, &cbUri, FALSE, IsSecureReq(pECB)); ipp.pPrnUri = Spl_AllocPrtUri(lpszShare, &cbPrn, IsSecureReq(pECB)); } else { wError = WebIppLeToRsp(GetLastError()); } // Set the return value. // *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreateJobRet(wError, bRet, FALSE, pji2, &ipp); // Free allocated resources. // WebIppFreeMem(lpbHdr); if (pji2) FreeSplMem(pji2, cbJI2); if (ipp.pJobUri) FreeSplMem(ipp.pJobUri, cbUri); if (ipp.pPrnUri) FreeSplMem(ipp.pPrnUri, cbPrn); } return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppPrnDataGet (Local Routine) * * Handles the IPP_REQ_GETPRN request. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppPrnDataGet( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, HANDLE hPrinter, LPCTSTR lpszShare, LPBYTE lpbHdr, DWORD cbHdr, LPBYTE* lplpbRet) { LPIPPREQ_GETPRN pgp; LPPRINTER_INFO_2 lppi2; PRINTER_INFO_IPP ipp; DWORD cbSize; DWORD cbUri; WORD wError; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (pgp = (LPIPPREQ_GETPRN)lpbHdr) { // Initialize the default information. // ZeroMemory(&ipp, sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_IPP)); ipp.pPrnUri = Spl_AllocPrtUri(lpszShare, &cbUri, IsSecureReq(pECB)); // Get PRINTER_INFO_2 information. // cbSize = 0; GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &cbSize); if (lppi2 = (LPPRINTER_INFO_2)AllocSplMem(cbSize)) { bRet = GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)lppi2, cbSize, &cbSize); if (!bRet) { // lppi2 might be full of garbage, so free it and pass NULL FreeSplMem( lppi2, cbSize ); lppi2 = NULL; } } // Grab last-error if call failed. // wError = (bRet ? IPPRSP_SUCCESS : WebIppLeToRsp(GetLastError())); // Return the printer-structure. // *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreatePrnRet(wError, bRet, lppi2, &ipp); // Free allocated resources. // if (lppi2) FreeSplMem(lppi2, cbSize); if (ipp.pPrnUri) FreeSplMem(ipp.pPrnUri, cbUri); WebIppFreeMem(lpbHdr); } return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppPrnDataSet (Local Routine) * * Handles SetPrinter Requests. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppPrnDataSet( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, HANDLE hPrinter, LPBYTE lpbHdr, DWORD cbHdr, LPBYTE* lplpbRet) { PIPPREQ_SETPRN psp; PRINTER_INFO_2 pi2; HANDLE hPrn; WORD wError; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (psp = (PIPPREQ_SETPRN)lpbHdr) { // Initialize default information. // ZeroMemory(&pi2, sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2)); // Open the printer with admin-priviledges to get // the printer information. // if (hPrn = Spl_OpenPrn(hPrinter)) { // Set the job for SetPrinter. // if ((bRet = SetPrinter(hPrn, 0, NULL, psp->dwCmd)) == FALSE) wError = WebIppLeToRsp(GetLastError()); else wError = IPPRSP_SUCCESS; ClosePrinter(hPrn); } else { wError = WebIppLeToRsp(GetLastError()); } // Return the printer-information structure. // *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreatePrnRet(wError, bRet, &pi2, NULL); // Free allocated resources. // WebIppFreeMem(lpbHdr); } return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobData (Local Routine) * * Processes ipp stream data. This returns a structure specific to the * type of request. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppJobData( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, WORD wReq, HANDLE hPrinter, LPCTSTR lpszShare, HANDLE hIpp, LPBYTE lpbBuf, DWORD cbBuf, LPBYTE* lplpbRet) { DWORD dwIpp; LPBYTE lpbHdr; DWORD cbHdr; LPBYTE lpbDta; DWORD cbDta; BOOL bRet = FALSE; // Convert the stream. // dwIpp = WebIppRcvData(hIpp, lpbBuf, cbBuf, &lpbHdr, &cbHdr, &lpbDta, &cbDta); // See how to process it. // switch (dwIpp) { case WEBIPP_OK: switch (wReq) { case IPP_REQ_FORCEAUTH: bRet = Spl_IppJobDataAth(pECB, lpbHdr, cbHdr, lplpbRet); break; case IPP_REQ_PRINTJOB: case IPP_REQ_VALIDATEJOB: bRet = Spl_IppJobDataPrt(pECB, hPrinter, lpszShare, lpbHdr, cbHdr, lpbDta, cbDta, lplpbRet); break; case IPP_REQ_CANCELJOB: case IPP_REQ_PAUSEJOB: case IPP_REQ_RESUMEJOB: case IPP_REQ_RESTARTJOB: bRet = Spl_IppJobDataSet(pECB, hPrinter, lpbHdr, cbHdr, lplpbRet); break; case IPP_REQ_ENUJOB: bRet = Spl_IppJobDataEnu(pECB, hPrinter, lpszShare, lpbHdr, cbHdr, lplpbRet); break; case IPP_REQ_GETJOB: bRet = Spl_IppJobDataGet(pECB, hPrinter, lpszShare, lpbHdr, cbHdr, lplpbRet); break; case IPP_REQ_GETPRN: bRet = Spl_IppPrnDataGet(pECB, hPrinter, lpszShare, lpbHdr, cbHdr, lplpbRet); break; case IPP_REQ_PAUSEPRN: case IPP_REQ_RESUMEPRN: case IPP_REQ_CANCELPRN: bRet = Spl_IppPrnDataSet(pECB, hPrinter, lpbHdr, cbHdr, lplpbRet); break; } break; case WEBIPP_MOREDATA: // More processing. Do nothing here. // *lplpbRet = NULL; bRet = TRUE; break; case WEBIPP_NOMEMORY: DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("Spl_IppJobData() failed (%d)\r\n", dwIpp)); *lplpbRet = NULL; bRet = FALSE; break; case WEBIPP_BADHANDLE: *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreateBadRet(IPPRSP_ERROR_500, FALSE); bRet = FALSE; break; default: case WEBIPP_FAIL: *lplpbRet = (LPBYTE)WebIppCreateBadRet(WebIppGetError(hIpp), FALSE); bRet = TRUE; break; } return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobRsp * * Sends back a job-response in IPP format. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL Spl_IppJobRsp( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, WORD wReq, LPREQINFO lpri, LPBYTE lpbRet) { LPBYTE lpIpp; DWORD cbIpp; DWORD cbHdr; DWORD dwIpp; DWORD cch; LPCSTR lpszErr; CHAR szHdr[1024]; BOOL bRet = FALSE; static CONST CHAR s_szErr400[] = "400 Failed Response"; static CONST CHAR s_szErr401[] = "401 Authentication Required"; static CONST CHAR s_szHtpHdr[] = "Content-Type: application/ipp\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n"; if (lpbRet) { // Convert to an IPP-Buffer from the return-buffer structure. For // failure cases, the last-error is initialized in the (lpbRet) // structure so that the appropriate stream can be generated. // dwIpp = WebIppSndData((IPP_RESPONSE | wReq), lpri, lpbRet, *((LPDWORD)lpbRet), &lpIpp, &cbIpp); if (dwIpp == WEBIPP_OK) { // If we had an access-denied, then we will need to include // error 401. This will force the client to prompt for // validation. // if (((LPIPPRET_ALL)lpbRet)->dwLastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) lpszErr = s_szErr401; else lpszErr = NULL; // Build header information. // StringCbPrintfA( szHdr, sizeof(szHdr), s_szHtpHdr, cbIpp); cch = lstrlenA(szHdr); // First we send a standard SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER w/our // content-type ServerSupportFunction only handles szText, // ANSI ??? see URL: // // http://www.microsoft.com/WIN32DEV/APIEXT/ISAPIREF.HTM // // see include httpfilt.h // Spl_CallSSF(pECB, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER, (LPVOID)lpszErr, (LPDWORD)&cch, (LPDWORD)szHdr); // For binary data we use WriteClient. // bRet = Spl_WriteClient(pECB, lpIpp, cbIpp); WebIppFreeMem(lpIpp); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("Warn: WebIppSndData failed (%d)", dwIpp)); } } // Send an HTTP error header if we had big problems... // if (bRet == FALSE) { cch = lstrlenA(s_szErr400); Spl_CallSSF(pECB, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER, (LPVOID)s_szErr400, (LPDWORD)&cch, (LPDWORD)NULL); } return bRet; } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobAsyncCB * * Process the asynchronous reads. This is called by a random ISAPI thread. * *****************************************************************************/ VOID Spl_IppJobAsyncCB( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, PVOID pInfo, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError) { LPSPLASYNC pAsync; REQINFO ri; BOOL bRet; if (pAsync = (LPSPLASYNC)pInfo) { if ((dwError == 0) && cbIO) { // Process the return from the IPP-Receive. This will // process the bytes to the job. // bRet = Spl_IppJobData(pECB, pAsync->wReq, pAsync->hPrinter, pAsync->lpszShare, pAsync->hIpp, pAsync->lpbBuf, cbIO, &pAsync->lpbRet); // Read another chunk if we haven't read it all yet.. // pAsync->cbRead += cbIO; // If an error occured, or we reached the end of our reads, // then we need to bail out of the asynchronous callback. // if ((bRet == FALSE) || (pAsync->cbRead >= pAsync->cbTotal)) { goto SplCBDone; } // Read another chunk. // Spl_ReadClient(pECB, pAsync->lpbBuf, pAsync->cbBuf); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("Spl_IppJobAsyncCB() : Called with error or zero-bytes\r\n")); bRet = (pAsync->cbRead >= pAsync->cbTotal); SplCBDone: // Send our response-header. // WebIppGetReqInfo(pAsync->hIpp, &ri); Spl_IppJobRsp(pECB, pAsync->wReq, &ri, pAsync->lpbRet); Spl_FreeAsync(pAsync); Spl_EndSession(pECB); } } else { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Spl_IppJobAsyncCB() : No Context Value\r\n")); Spl_EndSession(pECB); } } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobAsync * * This routine processes the job as an asynchronous read. * It is only called once, the rest of the packets are handled by the async call back. * * How IIS's Async reads work: * 1) ISAPI's HTTPExtensionProc gets called for the first chunk of data as usual. * 2) In that call: * - The ISAPI sets up a context, allocs a buffer and registers a call back for * async reads. * - Consumes the first chunk of the data. * - Calls ServerSupportFunction( HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT...) passing the buffer * for IIS to write to. This call returns immediately with no data. When * IIS has got more data from the client, it writes it to the ISAPI's buffer, then * calls the call back passing the context handle that points to the buffer. * 3) The call back consumes the data, then calls ServerSupportFunction( * HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT) again to repeat the cycle. IIS calls the call back * once per ISAPI's call to ServerSupportFunction( HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT ). * *****************************************************************************/ DWORD Spl_IppJobAsync( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, WORD wReq, LPCTSTR lpszShare, HANDLE hPrinter) { LPSPLASYNC pAsync; REQINFO ri; BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; // Allocate our structure that contains our state // info during asynchronous reads. // if (pAsync = Spl_AllocAsync(wReq, hPrinter, lpszShare, pECB->cbTotalBytes)) { // Set our asynchronous callback. Specify our (pAsync) structure // as the context which is passed to each callback. // if (Spl_SetAsyncCB(pECB, (LPVOID)Spl_IppJobAsyncCB, (LPDWORD)pAsync)) { // Process our first buffer. Our first chunk will utilize // what's already in the ECB-structure. For other chunks, // we will specify our own buffer. // bSuccess = Spl_IppJobData(pECB, wReq, pAsync->hPrinter, pAsync->lpszShare, pAsync->hIpp, pECB->lpbData, pECB->cbAvailable, &pAsync->lpbRet); if (bSuccess) { // Increment our read-count for the bytes we've // just processed. // pAsync->cbRead += pECB->cbAvailable; // Do our first asynchronous read. Return if all is // successful. // if (Spl_ReadClient(pECB, pAsync->lpbBuf, pAsync->cbBuf)) return HSE_STATUS_PENDING; } WebIppGetReqInfo(pAsync->hIpp, &ri); Spl_IppJobRsp(pECB, wReq, &ri, pAsync->lpbRet); Spl_EndSession(pECB); bRet = TRUE; // We must return HSE_STATUS_PENDING if we call // HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION } // Free our async-structure. This indirectly frees the // return buffer as well. // Spl_FreeAsync(pAsync); } else { ClosePrinter(hPrinter); } return (bRet ? HSE_STATUS_PENDING : HSE_STATUS_ERROR); } /***************************************************************************** * Spl_IppJobSync * * This routine processes the job as a synchronous-read. This implies that * our entire job made it in one-post, and thus doesn't need to perform * any reads. * *****************************************************************************/ DWORD Spl_IppJobSync( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, WORD wReq, LPCTSTR lpszShare, HANDLE hPrinter) { HANDLE hIpp; LPIPPRET_JOB pj; REQINFO ri; LPBYTE lpbRet = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE; // Initialize request structure. // ZeroMemory(&ri, sizeof(REQINFO)); ri.idReq = 0; ri.cpReq = CP_UTF8; ri.pwlUns = NULL; ri.bFidelity = FALSE; ri.fReq[0] = IPP_REQALL; ri.fReq[1] = IPP_REQALL; // Open an IPP-Receive channel and call the routine to process // the job. // if (hIpp = WebIppRcvOpen(wReq)) { bRet = Spl_IppJobData(pECB, wReq, hPrinter, lpszShare, hIpp, pECB->lpbData, pECB->cbAvailable, &lpbRet); WebIppGetReqInfo(hIpp, &ri); } // Send the job-response back to the client. If we weren't able // to open an IPP-Receive handle, or our job-processing failed, // then our error is FALSE. // bRet = Spl_IppJobRsp(pECB, wReq, &ri, lpbRet); // Free up the receive-handle only after the response. We need to // insure the integrity of the unsupported-list-handle. // if (hIpp) WebIppRcvClose(hIpp); // Close the printer-handle. We do this here as oppose to in // (msw3prt.cxx), since if we had performed asynchronous reads // we would need to leave the scope the HttpExtensionProc() call. // // NOTE: CloseJob() closes the printer-handle. Only in the case // where we were not able to open a job should we close it // here. // pj = (LPIPPRET_JOB)lpbRet; if((wReq == IPP_REQ_PRINTJOB) && pj && pj->bRet) { CloseJob((DWORD)pj->bRet); } else { ClosePrinter(hPrinter); } // Free our return-structure. // if (lpbRet) WebIppFreeMem(lpbRet); return (bRet ? HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS : HSE_STATUS_ERROR); } /***************************************************************************** * SplIppJob * * Process the IPP Job Request. * * Get the print-job. If we can't handle the entire post within this * scope, then we setup for asynchronous reads. * *****************************************************************************/ DWORD SplIppJob( WORD wReq, PALLINFO pAllInfo, PPRINTERPAGEINFO pPageInfo) { DWORD dwRet; // If our bytes aren't contained in one-chunk, then // we need to start an asynchronous read. // // Otherwise, if our available amounts to the total-bytes // of the job, then we can process the entire command sychronousely. // if (pAllInfo->pECB->cbAvailable < pAllInfo->pECB->cbTotalBytes) { dwRet = Spl_IppJobAsync(pAllInfo->pECB, wReq, pPageInfo->pPrinterInfo->pShareName, pPageInfo->hPrinter); } else { dwRet = Spl_IppJobSync(pAllInfo->pECB, wReq, pPageInfo->pPrinterInfo->pShareName, pPageInfo->hPrinter); } return dwRet; } /***************************************************************************** * OpenJob * * Starts a job. This creates a new spool-job-entry, the returns a jobid. * * *****************************************************************************/ DWORD OpenJob( IN LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pECB, IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PIPPREQ_PRTJOB pipr, IN DWORD dwSize, OUT PINIJOB *ppCopyIniJob) { PINIJOB pIniJob; DWORD JobId = 0; LS_HANDLE hLicense; if ((NULL == hPrinter) || (NULL == pipr) || (dwSize < sizeof(IPPREQ_PRTJOB))) return 0; if( RequestLicense( &hLicense, pECB )) { // Enforce the Client Access Licensing if (pIniJob = (PINIJOB)AllocSplMem(sizeof(INIJOB))) { DWORD dwNeeded; DOC_INFO_1 di = {0, 0, 0}; ZeroMemory( pIniJob, sizeof(INIJOB) ); // This ensures that unset fields are NULL pIniJob->signature = IJ_SIGNATURE; pIniJob->cb = sizeof(INIJOB); pIniJob->hLicense = hLicense; di.pDocName = pipr->pDocument; if (JobId = StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, (LPBYTE)&di)) { // we successfully add a job to spooler // pIniJob->JobId = JobId; // keep the hPrinter until CloseJob // pIniJob->hPrinter = hPrinter; pIniJob->dwStartTime = GetCurrentMinute(); pIniJob->dwStatus = JOB_READY; pIniJob->pECB = pECB; if (ppCopyIniJob) // Allocate and copy the new ppIniJob structure out, some of the elements // will be null if (*ppCopyIniJob = (PINIJOB)AllocSplMem( sizeof(INIJOB) ) ) CopyMemory( *ppCopyIniJob, pIniJob, sizeof(INIJOB) ); AddJobEntry(pIniJob); } else { // StartDocPrinter Failed // DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("StartDocPrinter Failed %d\n", GetLastError())); FreeSplMem(pIniJob, pIniJob->cb); FreeLicense( hLicense ); } } else // if alloc failed FreeLicense( hLicense ); } else { // if failed to update a license // Spl_IppJobRsp() will check for this and send down // proper error to the client. // SetLastError( ERROR_LICENSE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED ); } #ifdef DEBUG if (JobId) DBGMSG(DBG_INFO,("OpenJob : succeed, JobID == %d\r\n", JobId)); else DBGMSG(DBG_WARN,("OpenJob : failed!\r\n")); #endif // what is this for in the failure case ??? // // AuthenticateUser(pAllInfo); // return JobId; } /***************************************************************************** * WriteJob * * Write the job. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL WriteJob( DWORD JobId, LPBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwSize, LPDWORD pWritten) { PINIJOB pIniJob; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (pIniJob = FindJob(JobId, JOB_BUSY)) { bRet = WritePrinter(pIniJob->hPrinter, pBuf, dwSize, pWritten); pIniJob->dwStatus = JOB_READY; return bRet; } return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************** * CloseJob * * Close job and remove from the list. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL CloseJob( DWORD JobId) { PINIJOB pIniJob; BOOL ret = FALSE; if (pIniJob = FindJob(JobId, JOB_BUSY)) { ret = EndDocPrinter(pIniJob->hPrinter); ClosePrinter(pIniJob->hPrinter); DeleteJobEntry(pIniJob); // CleanupOldJob needs to do the same to take care of orphan Async jobs. FreeLicense( pIniJob->hLicense ); FreeSplMem(pIniJob, pIniJob->cb); } return ret; } /***************************************************************************** * DeleteJob * * TBD : Unimplemented. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL DeleteJob( DWORD JobId) { return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * AddJobEntryToLinkList * * Add an entry from a double linked list * *****************************************************************************/ VOID AddJobEntryToLinkList( PINIJOB &pIniFirstJob, PINIJOB pIniJob) { PINIJOB pIniJobTmp; pIniJob->pNext = NULL; pIniJob->pPrevious = NULL; if (!(pIniJobTmp = pIniFirstJob)) { pIniFirstJob = pIniJob; } else { // add pIniJob to the end of the list for (; pIniJobTmp->pNext; pIniJobTmp = pIniJobTmp->pNext) ; pIniJob->pPrevious = pIniJobTmp; pIniJobTmp->pNext = pIniJob; } } /***************************************************************************** * DeleteJobEntryFromLinkList * * Delete an entry from a double linked list * *****************************************************************************/ VOID DeleteJobEntryFromLinkList( PINIJOB &pIniFirstJob, PINIJOB pIniJob) { if (pIniJob->pPrevious) pIniJob->pPrevious->pNext = pIniJob->pNext; else // pIniJob must be the first job pIniFirstJob = pIniJob->pNext; if (pIniJob->pNext) pIniJob->pNext->pPrevious = pIniJob->pPrevious; } /***************************************************************************** * AddJobEntry * * I just use a simple double linked list for now. Can be changed to * something else such as a hash table later, if desired. * *****************************************************************************/ VOID AddJobEntry( PINIJOB pIniJob) { EnterSplSem(); AddJobEntryToLinkList(pIniFirstJob, pIniJob); LeaveSplSem(); } /***************************************************************************** * DeleteJobEntry * * Delete job from the job-list. * *****************************************************************************/ VOID DeleteJobEntry( PINIJOB pIniJob) { EnterSplSem(); DeleteJobEntryFromLinkList (pIniFirstJob, pIniJob); LeaveSplSem(); } /***************************************************************************** * * FindJob * * Looks for job in the job-list and dwStatus * *****************************************************************************/ PINIJOB FindJob( DWORD JobId, DWORD dwStatus) { PINIJOB pIniJob; EnterSplSem(); // pIniJob will end up being NULL if a match is not found for (pIniJob = pIniFirstJob; pIniJob; pIniJob = pIniJob->pNext) { if (pIniJob->dwStatus == JOB_READY && pIniJob->JobId == JobId) { // found the match, break and return pIniJob // Set the status pIniJob->dwStatus = dwStatus; break; } } LeaveSplSem(); return pIniJob; } /***************************************************************************** * CleanupOldJob * * This function is called by Sleeper->Work() about every 15 minutes to cleanup * the pending unclosed jobs due to the failure of the network or any other * possible reasons. * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL CleanupOldJob() { DWORD dwCurrentTime = GetCurrentMinute(); PINIJOB pIniJob; PINIJOB pIniTmpJob; PINIJOB pIniFirstOldJob = NULL; if (!pIniFirstJob) return TRUE; DBGMSG (DBG_WARN, ("Enter Cleanup...\r\n")); EnterSplSem(); for (pIniJob = pIniFirstJob; pIniJob; pIniJob = pIniTmpJob) { pIniTmpJob = pIniJob->pNext; if (pIniJob->dwStatus == JOB_READY) { DWORD dwDiff = (1440 + dwCurrentTime - pIniJob->dwStartTime) % 1440; if (dwDiff > MAX_JOB_MINUTE) { DBGMSG (DBG_WARN, ("OldJob found %x\r\n", pIniJob->hPrinter)); DeleteJobEntry (pIniJob); AddJobEntryToLinkList (pIniFirstOldJob, pIniJob); } } } LeaveSplSem(); DWORD dwStatus = HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT; // Delete the job outside the critical section for (pIniJob = pIniFirstOldJob; pIniJob; pIniJob = pIniTmpJob) { pIniTmpJob = pIniJob->pNext; EndDocPrinter(pIniJob->hPrinter); ClosePrinter(pIniJob->hPrinter); FreeLicense( pIniJob->hLicense ); // CleanupOldJob needs to do the same to take care of orphan Async jobs. #ifdef ASYNC_READ_ENABLED // Disable it because we're not trying to manage the cleanup for // http sessions. If there is a session pending because we close // the job, the callback function (Spl_JobPrintCB) // will close the session itself. // pIniJob->pECB->ServerSupportFunction(pIniJob->pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, &dwStatus, NULL, NULL); #endif FreeSplMem(pIniJob, pIniJob->cb); } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * GetCurrentMinute * * Get the current minute since midnight * *****************************************************************************/ DWORD GetCurrentMinute () { SYSTEMTIME CurTime; GetSystemTime (&CurTime); return CurTime.wHour * 60 + CurTime.wMinute; } #ifdef DEBUG DWORD dwSplHeapSize = 0; /***************************************************************************** * AllocSplMem (Helper) * * Routine Description: * * This function will allocate local memory. It will possibly allocate extra * memory and fill this with debugging information for the debugging version. * * Arguments: * * cb - The amount of memory to allocate * * Return Value: * * NON-NULL - A pointer to the allocated memory * * FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available * using GetLastError. * * *****************************************************************************/ LPVOID AllocSplMem( DWORD cb) { PDWORD pMem; DWORD cbNew; cbNew = cb+2*sizeof(DWORD); if (cbNew & 3) cbNew += sizeof(DWORD) - (cbNew & 3); pMem=(PDWORD)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbNew); if (!pMem) { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Memory Allocation failed for %d bytes\n", cbNew)); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } *pMem=cb; *(PDWORD)((PBYTE)pMem+cbNew-sizeof(DWORD))=0xdeadbeef; dwSplHeapSize += cbNew; return (LPVOID)(pMem+1); } /***************************************************************************** * FreeSplMem (Helper) * * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL FreeSplMem( LPVOID pMem, DWORD cb) { DWORD cbNew; LPDWORD pNewMem; if (!pMem) return FALSE; pNewMem = (LPDWORD)pMem; pNewMem--; cbNew = cb+2*sizeof(DWORD); if (cbNew & 3) cbNew += sizeof(DWORD) - (cbNew & 3); if (*pNewMem != cb) { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Corrupt Memory Size in inetsrv-spool : %0lx %0lx != %0lx\n", pNewMem, *pNewMem, cb)); return FALSE; } if (*(LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)pNewMem + cbNew - sizeof(DWORD)) != 0xdeadbeef) { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Memory Overrun in inetsrv-spool : %0lx\n", pNewMem)); return FALSE; } LocalFree((LPVOID)pNewMem); dwSplHeapSize -= cbNew; return TRUE; } #endif // DEBUG /***************************************************************************** * AllocSplStr (Helper) * * Routine Description: * * This function will allocate enough local memory to store the specified * string, and copy that string to the allocated memory * * Arguments: * * pStr - Pointer to the string that needs to be allocated and stored * * Return Value: * * NON-NULL - A pointer to the allocated memory containing the string * * FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available * using GetLastError. *****************************************************************************/ LPTSTR AllocSplStr( LPCTSTR lpszStr) { DWORD cbSize; LPTSTR lpszCpy = NULL; if (cbSize = Spl_StrSize(lpszStr)) { if (lpszCpy = (LPTSTR)AllocSplMem(cbSize)) StringCbCopy(lpszCpy, cbSize, lpszStr); } return lpszCpy; } /***************************************************************************** * FreeSplStr (Helper) * * *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef DEBUG #define FREE_PTR_TO_LONG(X) (X) #else #define FREE_PTR_TO_LONG(X) (PtrToLong(X)) #endif BOOL FreeSplStr( LPTSTR lpszStr) { DWORD cbSize; cbSize = Spl_StrSize(lpszStr); return (BOOL)(lpszStr ? FREE_PTR_TO_LONG(FreeSplMem(lpszStr, cbSize)) : FALSE); } /***************************************************************************** * AuthenticateUser (Helper) * * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL AuthenticateUser( PALLINFO pAllInfo) { // If we don't specify a header (szAuthHdr), and just submit a 401 error, IIS // would include (in the automatically generated header) what authenticaitons it is setup // to use (NTLM and/or Basic). So the client can pick the first one on the list and use it // (this is what IE does). // // Note: for NTLM to work, you need adirect socket connection. So it won't work across // firewalls (IIS admins are supposed to know this). Secure socket seems to do it though, // so for the new MS Proxy, it might be doable. // return Spl_CallSSF(pAllInfo->pECB, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER, (LPVOID)"401 Authentication Required", (LPDWORD)NULL, (LPDWORD)NULL); }