#ifndef __BASECLS_HPP__ #define __BASECLS_HPP__ /*++ Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Module Name: ldmgr.hpp Abstract: This file contains the declararion of some base classes that are utilized by other classes(objects) in the surrogate process So far we have 2 of these o Printer Driver class o Ref Count Class Author: Khaled Sedky (khaleds) 18-Jan-2000 Revision History: --*/ class TRefCntMgr { public: TRefCntMgr( VOID ); virtual ~TRefCntMgr( VOID ); virtual DWORD AddRef( VOID ); virtual DWORD Release( VOID ); private: LONG m_cRefCnt; }; class TClassID { public: char szClassID[32]; inline TClassID(char *pszCallerID) { ZeroMemory(szClassID,32); StringCchCopyA(szClassID, 32, pszCallerID); } }; class TPrinterDriver { public: TPrinterDriver( VOID ); virtual ~TPrinterDriver( VOID ); protected: HMODULE LoadPrinterDriver( IN HANDLE hPrinter ); }; #endif //__BASECLS_HPP__