//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "coreres.h" #include "burnslib.h" #include "windows.h" #include "resourcedspecup.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SYSTEM32 "system32" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE "An error with no description has occurred." IDS_LOW_MEMORY_MESSAGE "The system is low on memory. Close some programs, then click Retry.\r\nClick Cancel to attempt to continue." IDS_LOW_MEMORY_TITLE "Low Memory Error." IDS_HRESULT_SANS_MESSAGE "The operation failed. (0x%1!08X!)" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CANT_TARGET_MACHINE "Unable to access the computer ""%1""." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TARGET_IS_NOT_DC "The computer ""%1"" is not a domain controller." IDS_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_DC "Unable to connect to the domain controller ""%1""." IDS_UNABLE_TO_READ_DIRECTORY_INFO "Unable to read information from Active Directory Services." IDS_ERROR_BINDING_TO_OBJECT "An error occurred while attempting to bind to object %1 using the path %2." IDS_INVALID_CSV_UNICODE_ID "Invalid CSV file (no Unicode ID) for csv file: %1." IDS_MISSING_LOCALES "CSV file %1 did not have all locales necessary." IDS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_IN_CSV "Object %1 not found for locale %2!3X! in csv file %3." IDS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND_IN_CSV "Property %1 was not found in csv file %2." IDS_QUOTES_NOT_CLOSED "Quotes not closed for line in csv file %1." IDS_NO_CSV_VALUE "No values in CSV file for locale %1!3X!, object %2." IDS_ERROR_BINDING_TO_CONTAINER "An error occured while attempting to bind to container %1." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_COULD_NOT_START_EXE "Could not start ""%1.""" IDS_EXE_NOT_FOUND "The required program was not found: %1." IDS_NO_WORK_PATH "Could not retrieve a working path." IDS_COULD_NOT_CREATE_FILE "Could not create file %1." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_RPT_OBJECT_FORMAT " Object ""%1"" in locale %2!x!." IDS_RPT_CONTAINER_FORMAT " Container %1!x!." IDS_RPT_ADD_VALUE_FORMAT " Add to property ""%1"" the value: %2." IDS_RPT_DEL_VALUE_FORMAT " Remove from property ""%1"" the value: %2." IDS_RPT_CONFLICTING_WITH_NEW_WHISTLER_OBJECTS "\r\n\r\n ATTENTION: The following objects are new and conflict with existing objects. They will not be changed:\r\n" IDS_RPT_ACTIONS "\r\n\r\n Values to be added or deleted as indicated:\r\n" IDS_RPT_CREATEW2K "\r\n\r\n Objects that were not found and will be created:\r\n" IDS_RPT_CREATE_WHISTLER "\r\n\r\n New objects to be created:\r\n" IDS_RPT_CONTAINERS "\r\n\r\n Locale containers that where not found and will be created:\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_RPT_HEADER "\r\n\r\nReport of actions to be performed during update:\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_RPT_CUSTOMIZED "\r\n\r\n Custom values that will not be replaced by the new values:\r\n" IDS_RPT_EXTRANEOUS "\r\n\r\n Additional values that will be removed:\r\n" IDS_RPT_VALUE_FORMAT "Value %1 in locale %2!x!, object %3, property %4." IDS_NO_ANALYSIS "In order to run the repair you must have successfully run the analysis." IDS_FILE_NAME_UNDO "DisplaySpecifierUpgradeUndo" IDS_FILE_NAME_REPORT "DisplaySpecifierUpgradeReport" IDS_FILE_NAME_CSV_ACTIONS "DisplaySpecifierUpgradeCsvActions" IDS_FILE_NAME_LDIF_ACTIONS "DisplaySpecifierUpgradeLdifActions" IDS_FILE_NAME_CSV_ERROR "DisplaySpecifierUpgradeCsvError" IDS_FILE_NAME_CSV_LOG "DisplaySpecifierUpgradeCsvLog" IDS_FILE_NAME_LDIF_ERROR "DisplaySpecifierUpgradeLdifError" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FILE_NAME_LDIF_LOG "DisplaySpecifierUpgradeLdifLog" IDS_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES "%1!d! properties found instead of the %2!d! expected for line:%3 of file %4." IDS_NO_LOG_FILE_PATH "Invalid path to log files." IDS_COULD_NOT_FIND_FILE "Could not find file %1." IDS_COULD_NOT_MOVE_FILE "Could not move file %1 to %2." IDS_COULD_NOT_GET_TEMP "Could not get temporary file name in path: %1." IDS_COULD_NOT_FIND_PATH "Could not find path %1." IDS_ERROR_WAITING_EXE "Error while waiting command ""%1"" to run." IDS_ERROR_GETTING_EXE_RETURN "Error while retrieving result from ""%1""." IDS_ERROR_EXECUTING_EXE "Error(%1!ld!) while running ""%2"". " IDS_SEE_ERROR_FILE "See error file: ""%1.""" IDS_NO_GUID "The caller didn't provide a necessary guid." IDS_NO_OPERATION_GUID "The provided guid does not correspond to an operation." END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED