helper EventGadget { typedef UINT (CALLBACK * EventHandler)(void * pvData, EventMsg * pmsg); }; helper Visual { struct VisualCI : public DUser::Gadget::ConstructInfo { Visual * pgvParent; }; inline HRESULT IsVisible(BOOL * pfVisible, UINT nFlags) { return IsParentChainStyle(GS_VISIBLE, pfVisible, nFlags); } inline HRESULT IsEnabled(BOOL * pfEnabled, UINT nFlags) { return IsParentChainStyle(GS_ENABLED, pfEnabled, nFlags); } inline HRESULT SetRect(UINT nFlags, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { RECT rc; rc.left = x; = y; rc.right = x + cx; rc.bottom = y + cy; return SetRect(nFlags, &rc); } }; helper Animation { enum ETime { tComplete, // Completed normally tEnd, // Jumped to end tAbort, // Aborted in place tReset, // Reset to beginning tDestroy // The Gadget being animationed has been destroyed }; struct AniCI : public DUser::Gadget::ConstructInfo { DWORD cbSize; Visual * pgvSubject; GMA_ACTION act; Interpolation * pipol; Flow * pgflow; }; static void Stop(Visual * pgvSubject, PRID prid) { DUserStopAnimation(pgvSubject, prid); } BEGIN_STRUCT(CompleteEvent, EventMsg) BOOL fNormal; // Sequenced finished normally END_STRUCT(CompleteEvent) DEFINE_EVENT(evComplete, "E90A6ABB-E4CF-4988-87EA-6D1EEDCD0097"); }; helper Flow { enum ETime { tBegin = 0, tEnd }; struct FlowCI : public DUser::Gadget::ConstructInfo { DWORD cbSize; Visual * pgvSubject; }; }; helper AlphaFlow { static PRID GetPRID() { return DUserGetAlphaPRID(); } struct AlphaKeyFrame : DUser::KeyFrame { float flAlpha; }; }; helper RectFlow { static PRID GetPRID() { return DUserGetRectPRID(); } struct RectKeyFrame : DUser::KeyFrame { UINT nChangeFlags; RECT rcPxl; }; }; helper RotateFlow { enum EDirection { dMin = 0, dShort = 0, // Shortest arc dLong = 1, // Longer arc dCW = 2, // Clock-wise dCCW = 3, // Counter clock-wise dMax = 3, }; static PRID GetPRID() { return DUserGetRotatePRID(); } struct RotateKeyFrame : DUser::KeyFrame { float flRotation; EDirection nDir; }; }; helper ScaleFlow { static PRID GetPRID() { return DUserGetScalePRID(); } struct ScaleKeyFrame : DUser::KeyFrame { UINT nChangeFlags; float flScale; }; }; helper Sequence { struct AnimationInfo { DWORD cbSize; }; }; helper DropTarget { struct DropCI : DUser::Gadget::ConstructInfo { HWND hwnd; Visual * pgvRoot; }; static DropTarget * BuildDropTarget(HWND hwnd, Visual * pgvRoot) { DropTarget::DropCI ci; ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci)); ci.hwnd = hwnd; ci.pgvRoot = pgvRoot; return DropTarget::Build(&ci); } };