/*++ BUILD Version: 0002 // Increment this if a change has global effects * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Module Name: * * immp.h * * Abstract: * * Private * Procedure declarations, constant definitions and macros for IMM. * */ #ifndef _IMMP_ #define _IMMP_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef _IMM_SDK_DEFINED_ #define _IMM_SDK_DEFINED_ #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) DECLARE_HANDLE(HIMC); DECLARE_HANDLE(HIMCC); #else typedef DWORD HIMC; typedef DWORD HIMCC; #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ typedef HKL FAR *LPHKL; typedef UINT FAR *LPUINT; typedef struct tagCOMPOSITIONFORM { DWORD dwStyle; POINT ptCurrentPos; RECT rcArea; } COMPOSITIONFORM, *PCOMPOSITIONFORM, NEAR *NPCOMPOSITIONFORM, FAR *LPCOMPOSITIONFORM; typedef struct tagCANDIDATEFORM { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwStyle; POINT ptCurrentPos; RECT rcArea; } CANDIDATEFORM, *PCANDIDATEFORM, NEAR *NPCANDIDATEFORM, FAR *LPCANDIDATEFORM; typedef struct tagCANDIDATELIST { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwStyle; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwSelection; DWORD dwPageStart; DWORD dwPageSize; DWORD dwOffset[1]; } CANDIDATELIST, *PCANDIDATELIST, NEAR *NPCANDIDATELIST, FAR *LPCANDIDATELIST; typedef struct tagREGISTERWORDA { LPSTR lpReading; LPSTR lpWord; } REGISTERWORDA, *PREGISTERWORDA, NEAR *NPREGISTERWORDA, FAR *LPREGISTERWORDA; typedef struct tagREGISTERWORDW { LPWSTR lpReading; LPWSTR lpWord; } REGISTERWORDW, *PREGISTERWORDW, NEAR *NPREGISTERWORDW, FAR *LPREGISTERWORDW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef REGISTERWORDW REGISTERWORD; typedef PREGISTERWORDW PREGISTERWORD; typedef NPREGISTERWORDW NPREGISTERWORD; typedef LPREGISTERWORDW LPREGISTERWORD; #else typedef REGISTERWORDA REGISTERWORD; typedef PREGISTERWORDA PREGISTERWORD; typedef NPREGISTERWORDA NPREGISTERWORD; typedef LPREGISTERWORDA LPREGISTERWORD; #endif // UNICODE #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) typedef struct tagRECONVERTSTRING { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwStrLen; DWORD dwStrOffset; DWORD dwCompStrLen; DWORD dwCompStrOffset; DWORD dwTargetStrLen; DWORD dwTargetStrOffset; } RECONVERTSTRING, *PRECONVERTSTRING, NEAR *NPRECONVERTSTRING, FAR *LPRECONVERTSTRING; #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ #define STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE 32 typedef struct tagSTYLEBUFA { DWORD dwStyle; CHAR szDescription[STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE]; } STYLEBUFA, *PSTYLEBUFA, NEAR *NPSTYLEBUFA, FAR *LPSTYLEBUFA; typedef struct tagSTYLEBUFW { DWORD dwStyle; WCHAR szDescription[STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE]; } STYLEBUFW, *PSTYLEBUFW, NEAR *NPSTYLEBUFW, FAR *LPSTYLEBUFW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef STYLEBUFW STYLEBUF; typedef PSTYLEBUFW PSTYLEBUF; typedef NPSTYLEBUFW NPSTYLEBUF; typedef LPSTYLEBUFW LPSTYLEBUF; #else typedef STYLEBUFA STYLEBUF; typedef PSTYLEBUFA PSTYLEBUF; typedef NPSTYLEBUFA NPSTYLEBUF; typedef LPSTYLEBUFA LPSTYLEBUF; #endif // UNICODE #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) #define IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE 80 typedef struct tagIMEMENUITEMINFOA { UINT cbSize; UINT fType; UINT fState; UINT wID; HBITMAP hbmpChecked; HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked; DWORD dwItemData; CHAR szString[IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE]; HBITMAP hbmpItem; } IMEMENUITEMINFOA, *PIMEMENUITEMINFOA, NEAR *NPIMEMENUITEMINFOA, FAR *LPIMEMENUITEMINFOA; typedef struct tagIMEMENUITEMINFOW { UINT cbSize; UINT fType; UINT fState; UINT wID; HBITMAP hbmpChecked; HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked; DWORD dwItemData; WCHAR szString[IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE]; HBITMAP hbmpItem; } IMEMENUITEMINFOW, *PIMEMENUITEMINFOW, NEAR *NPIMEMENUITEMINFOW, FAR *LPIMEMENUITEMINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef IMEMENUITEMINFOW IMEMENUITEMINFO; typedef PIMEMENUITEMINFOW PIMEMENUITEMINFO; typedef NPIMEMENUITEMINFOW NPIMEMENUITEMINFO; typedef LPIMEMENUITEMINFOW LPIMEMENUITEMINFO; #else typedef IMEMENUITEMINFOA IMEMENUITEMINFO; typedef PIMEMENUITEMINFOA PIMEMENUITEMINFO; typedef NPIMEMENUITEMINFOA NPIMEMENUITEMINFO; typedef LPIMEMENUITEMINFOA LPIMEMENUITEMINFO; #endif // UNICODE typedef struct tagIMECHARPOSITION { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwCharPos; POINT pt; UINT cLineHeight; RECT rcDocument; } IMECHARPOSITION, *PIMECHARPOSITION, NEAR *NPIMECHARPOSITION, FAR *LPIMECHARPOSITION; typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* IMCENUMPROC)(HIMC, LPARAM); #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ // prototype of IMM API HKL WINAPI ImmInstallIMEA(IN LPCSTR lpszIMEFileName, IN LPCSTR lpszLayoutText); HKL WINAPI ImmInstallIMEW(IN LPCWSTR lpszIMEFileName, IN LPCWSTR lpszLayoutText); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmInstallIME ImmInstallIMEW #else #define ImmInstallIME ImmInstallIMEA #endif // !UNICODE HWND WINAPI ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(IN HWND); UINT WINAPI ImmGetDescriptionA(IN HKL, OUT LPSTR, IN UINT uBufLen); UINT WINAPI ImmGetDescriptionW(IN HKL, OUT LPWSTR, IN UINT uBufLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetDescription ImmGetDescriptionW #else #define ImmGetDescription ImmGetDescriptionA #endif // !UNICODE UINT WINAPI ImmGetIMEFileNameA(IN HKL, OUT LPSTR, IN UINT uBufLen); UINT WINAPI ImmGetIMEFileNameW(IN HKL, OUT LPWSTR, IN UINT uBufLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetIMEFileName ImmGetIMEFileNameW #else #define ImmGetIMEFileName ImmGetIMEFileNameA #endif // !UNICODE DWORD WINAPI ImmGetProperty(IN HKL, IN DWORD); BOOL WINAPI ImmIsIME(IN HKL); BOOL WINAPI ImmSimulateHotKey(IN HWND, IN DWORD); HIMC WINAPI ImmCreateContext(void); BOOL WINAPI ImmDestroyContext(IN HIMC); HIMC WINAPI ImmGetContext(IN HWND); BOOL WINAPI ImmReleaseContext(IN HWND, IN HIMC); HIMC WINAPI ImmAssociateContext(IN HWND, IN HIMC); #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) BOOL WINAPI ImmAssociateContextEx(IN HWND, IN HIMC, IN DWORD); #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ LONG WINAPI ImmGetCompositionStringA(IN HIMC, IN DWORD, OUT LPVOID, IN DWORD); LONG WINAPI ImmGetCompositionStringW(IN HIMC, IN DWORD, OUT LPVOID, IN DWORD); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetCompositionString ImmGetCompositionStringW #else #define ImmGetCompositionString ImmGetCompositionStringA #endif // !UNICODE BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionStringA(IN HIMC, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN LPVOID lpComp, IN DWORD, IN LPVOID lpRead, IN DWORD); BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionStringW(IN HIMC, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN LPVOID lpComp, IN DWORD, IN LPVOID lpRead, IN DWORD); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmSetCompositionString ImmSetCompositionStringW #else #define ImmSetCompositionString ImmSetCompositionStringA #endif // !UNICODE DWORD WINAPI ImmGetCandidateListCountA(IN HIMC, OUT LPDWORD lpdwListCount); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetCandidateListCountW(IN HIMC, OUT LPDWORD lpdwListCount); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetCandidateListCount ImmGetCandidateListCountW #else #define ImmGetCandidateListCount ImmGetCandidateListCountA #endif // !UNICODE DWORD WINAPI ImmGetCandidateListA(IN HIMC, IN DWORD deIndex, OUT LPCANDIDATELIST, IN DWORD dwBufLen); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetCandidateListW(IN HIMC, IN DWORD deIndex, OUT LPCANDIDATELIST, IN DWORD dwBufLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetCandidateList ImmGetCandidateListW #else #define ImmGetCandidateList ImmGetCandidateListA #endif // !UNICODE DWORD WINAPI ImmGetGuideLineA(IN HIMC, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPSTR, IN DWORD dwBufLen); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetGuideLineW(IN HIMC, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPWSTR, IN DWORD dwBufLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetGuideLine ImmGetGuideLineW #else #define ImmGetGuideLine ImmGetGuideLineA #endif // !UNICODE BOOL WINAPI ImmGetConversionStatus(IN HIMC, OUT LPDWORD, OUT LPDWORD); BOOL WINAPI ImmSetConversionStatus(IN HIMC, IN DWORD, IN DWORD); BOOL WINAPI ImmGetOpenStatus(IN HIMC); BOOL WINAPI ImmSetOpenStatus(IN HIMC, IN BOOL); #if defined(_WINGDI_) && !defined(NOGDI) BOOL WINAPI ImmGetCompositionFontA(IN HIMC, OUT LPLOGFONTA); BOOL WINAPI ImmGetCompositionFontW(IN HIMC, OUT LPLOGFONTW); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetCompositionFont ImmGetCompositionFontW #else #define ImmGetCompositionFont ImmGetCompositionFontA #endif // !UNICODE BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionFontA(IN HIMC, IN LPLOGFONTA); BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionFontW(IN HIMC, IN LPLOGFONTW); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmSetCompositionFont ImmSetCompositionFontW #else #define ImmSetCompositionFont ImmSetCompositionFontA #endif // !UNICODE #endif // defined(_WINGDI_) && !defined(NOGDI) BOOL WINAPI ImmConfigureIMEA(IN HKL, IN HWND, IN DWORD, IN LPVOID); BOOL WINAPI ImmConfigureIMEW(IN HKL, IN HWND, IN DWORD, IN LPVOID); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmConfigureIME ImmConfigureIMEW #else #define ImmConfigureIME ImmConfigureIMEA #endif // !UNICODE LRESULT WINAPI ImmEscapeA(IN HKL, IN HIMC, IN UINT, IN LPVOID); LRESULT WINAPI ImmEscapeW(IN HKL, IN HIMC, IN UINT, IN LPVOID); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmEscape ImmEscapeW #else #define ImmEscape ImmEscapeA #endif // !UNICODE DWORD WINAPI ImmGetConversionListA(IN HKL, IN HIMC, IN LPCSTR, OUT LPCANDIDATELIST, IN DWORD dwBufLen, IN UINT uFlag); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetConversionListW(IN HKL, IN HIMC, IN LPCWSTR, OUT LPCANDIDATELIST, IN DWORD dwBufLen, IN UINT uFlag); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetConversionList ImmGetConversionListW #else #define ImmGetConversionList ImmGetConversionListA #endif // !UNICODE BOOL WINAPI ImmNotifyIME(IN HIMC, IN DWORD dwAction, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN DWORD dwValue); BOOL WINAPI ImmGetStatusWindowPos(IN HIMC, OUT LPPOINT); BOOL WINAPI ImmSetStatusWindowPos(IN HIMC, IN LPPOINT); BOOL WINAPI ImmGetCompositionWindow(IN HIMC, OUT LPCOMPOSITIONFORM); BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionWindow(IN HIMC, IN LPCOMPOSITIONFORM); BOOL WINAPI ImmGetCandidateWindow(IN HIMC, IN DWORD, OUT LPCANDIDATEFORM); BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCandidateWindow(IN HIMC, IN LPCANDIDATEFORM); BOOL WINAPI ImmIsUIMessageA(IN HWND, IN UINT, IN WPARAM, IN LPARAM); BOOL WINAPI ImmIsUIMessageW(IN HWND, IN UINT, IN WPARAM, IN LPARAM); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmIsUIMessage ImmIsUIMessageW #else #define ImmIsUIMessage ImmIsUIMessageA #endif // !UNICODE UINT WINAPI ImmGetVirtualKey(IN HWND); typedef int (CALLBACK *REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA)(LPCSTR, DWORD, LPCSTR, LPVOID); typedef int (CALLBACK *REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW)(LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPCWSTR, LPVOID); #ifdef UNICODE #define REGISTERWORDENUMPROC REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW #else #define REGISTERWORDENUMPROC REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA #endif // !UNICODE BOOL WINAPI ImmRegisterWordA(IN HKL, IN LPCSTR lpszReading, IN DWORD, IN LPCSTR lpszRegister); BOOL WINAPI ImmRegisterWordW(IN HKL, IN LPCWSTR lpszReading, IN DWORD, IN LPCWSTR lpszRegister); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmRegisterWord ImmRegisterWordW #else #define ImmRegisterWord ImmRegisterWordA #endif // !UNICODE BOOL WINAPI ImmUnregisterWordA(IN HKL, IN LPCSTR lpszReading, IN DWORD, IN LPCSTR lpszUnregister); BOOL WINAPI ImmUnregisterWordW(IN HKL, IN LPCWSTR lpszReading, IN DWORD, IN LPCWSTR lpszUnregister); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmUnregisterWord ImmUnregisterWordW #else #define ImmUnregisterWord ImmUnregisterWordA #endif // !UNICODE UINT WINAPI ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA(IN HKL, IN UINT nItem, OUT LPSTYLEBUFA); UINT WINAPI ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW(IN HKL, IN UINT nItem, OUT LPSTYLEBUFW); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetRegisterWordStyle ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW #else #define ImmGetRegisterWordStyle ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA #endif // !UNICODE UINT WINAPI ImmEnumRegisterWordA(IN HKL, IN REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA, IN LPCSTR lpszReading, IN DWORD, IN LPCSTR lpszRegister, IN LPVOID); UINT WINAPI ImmEnumRegisterWordW(IN HKL, IN REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW, IN LPCWSTR lpszReading, IN DWORD, IN LPCWSTR lpszRegister, IN LPVOID); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmEnumRegisterWord ImmEnumRegisterWordW #else #define ImmEnumRegisterWord ImmEnumRegisterWordA #endif // !UNICODE #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) BOOL WINAPI ImmDisableIME(IN DWORD); BOOL WINAPI ImmEnumInputContext(DWORD idThread, IMCENUMPROC lpfn, LPARAM lParam); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetImeMenuItemsA(IN HIMC, IN DWORD, IN DWORD, OUT LPIMEMENUITEMINFOA, OUT LPIMEMENUITEMINFOA, IN DWORD); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetImeMenuItemsW(IN HIMC, IN DWORD, IN DWORD, OUT LPIMEMENUITEMINFOW, OUT LPIMEMENUITEMINFOW, IN DWORD); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmGetImeMenuItems ImmGetImeMenuItemsW #else #define ImmGetImeMenuItems ImmGetImeMenuItemsA #endif // !UNICODE BOOL WINAPI ImmDisableTextFrameService(DWORD idThread); #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ // wParam for WM_IME_CONTROL #define IMC_GETCANDIDATEPOS 0x0007 #define IMC_SETCANDIDATEPOS 0x0008 #define IMC_GETCOMPOSITIONFONT 0x0009 #define IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT 0x000A #define IMC_GETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW 0x000B #define IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW 0x000C #define IMC_GETSTATUSWINDOWPOS 0x000F #define IMC_SETSTATUSWINDOWPOS 0x0010 #define IMC_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW 0x0021 #define IMC_OPENSTATUSWINDOW 0x0022 // dwAction for ImmNotifyIME #define NI_OPENCANDIDATE 0x0010 #define NI_CLOSECANDIDATE 0x0011 #define NI_SELECTCANDIDATESTR 0x0012 #define NI_CHANGECANDIDATELIST 0x0013 #define NI_FINALIZECONVERSIONRESULT 0x0014 #define NI_COMPOSITIONSTR 0x0015 #define NI_SETCANDIDATE_PAGESTART 0x0016 #define NI_SETCANDIDATE_PAGESIZE 0x0017 #define NI_IMEMENUSELECTED 0x0018 // lParam for WM_IME_SETCONTEXT #define ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW 0x00000001 #define ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW 0x80000000 #define ISC_SHOWUIGUIDELINE 0x40000000 #define ISC_SHOWUIALLCANDIDATEWINDOW 0x0000000F #define ISC_SHOWUIALL 0xC000000F // dwIndex for ImmNotifyIME/NI_COMPOSITIONSTR #define CPS_COMPLETE 0x0001 #define CPS_CONVERT 0x0002 #define CPS_REVERT 0x0003 #define CPS_CANCEL 0x0004 // the modifiers of hot key #define MOD_ALT 0x0001 #define MOD_CONTROL 0x0002 #define MOD_SHIFT 0x0004 #define MOD_LEFT 0x8000 #define MOD_RIGHT 0x4000 #define MOD_ON_KEYUP 0x0800 #define MOD_IGNORE_ALL_MODIFIER 0x0400 // Windows for Simplified Chinese Edition hot key ID from 0x10 - 0x2F #define IME_CHOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE 0x10 #define IME_CHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE 0x11 #define IME_CHOTKEY_SYMBOL_TOGGLE 0x12 // Windows for Japanese Edition hot key ID from 0x30 - 0x4F #define IME_JHOTKEY_CLOSE_OPEN 0x30 // Windows for Korean Edition hot key ID from 0x50 - 0x6F #define IME_KHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE 0x50 #define IME_KHOTKEY_HANJACONVERT 0x51 #define IME_KHOTKEY_ENGLISH 0x52 // Windows for Traditional Chinese Edition hot key ID from 0x70 - 0x8F #define IME_THOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE 0x70 #define IME_THOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE 0x71 #define IME_THOTKEY_SYMBOL_TOGGLE 0x72 // direct switch hot key ID from 0x100 - 0x11F #define IME_HOTKEY_DSWITCH_FIRST 0x100 #define IME_HOTKEY_DSWITCH_LAST 0x11F // IME private hot key from 0x200 - 0x21F #define IME_HOTKEY_PRIVATE_FIRST 0x200 #define IME_ITHOTKEY_RESEND_RESULTSTR 0x200 #define IME_ITHOTKEY_PREVIOUS_COMPOSITION 0x201 #define IME_ITHOTKEY_UISTYLE_TOGGLE 0x202 #define IME_ITHOTKEY_RECONVERTSTRING 0x203 #define IME_HOTKEY_PRIVATE_LAST 0x21F // parameter of ImmGetCompositionString #define GCS_COMPREADSTR 0x0001 #define GCS_COMPREADATTR 0x0002 #define GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE 0x0004 #define GCS_COMPSTR 0x0008 #define GCS_COMPATTR 0x0010 #define GCS_COMPCLAUSE 0x0020 #define GCS_CURSORPOS 0x0080 #define GCS_DELTASTART 0x0100 #define GCS_RESULTREADSTR 0x0200 #define GCS_RESULTREADCLAUSE 0x0400 #define GCS_RESULTSTR 0x0800 #define GCS_RESULTCLAUSE 0x1000 // style bit flags for WM_IME_COMPOSITION #define CS_INSERTCHAR 0x2000 #define CS_NOMOVECARET 0x4000 // IME version constants #define IMEVER_0310 0x0003000A #define IMEVER_0400 0x00040000 // IME property bits #define IME_PROP_AT_CARET 0x00010000 #define IME_PROP_SPECIAL_UI 0x00020000 #define IME_PROP_CANDLIST_START_FROM_1 0x00040000 #define IME_PROP_UNICODE 0x00080000 #define IME_PROP_COMPLETE_ON_UNSELECT 0x00100000 // IME UICapability bits #define UI_CAP_2700 0x00000001 #define UI_CAP_ROT90 0x00000002 #define UI_CAP_ROTANY 0x00000004 // ImmSetCompositionString Capability bits #define SCS_CAP_COMPSTR 0x00000001 #define SCS_CAP_MAKEREAD 0x00000002 #define SCS_CAP_SETRECONVERTSTRING 0x00000004 // IME WM_IME_SELECT inheritance Capability bits #define SELECT_CAP_CONVERSION 0x00000001 #define SELECT_CAP_SENTENCE 0x00000002 // ID for deIndex of ImmGetGuideLine #define GGL_LEVEL 0x00000001 #define GGL_INDEX 0x00000002 #define GGL_STRING 0x00000003 #define GGL_PRIVATE 0x00000004 // ID for dwLevel of GUIDELINE Structure #define GL_LEVEL_NOGUIDELINE 0x00000000 #define GL_LEVEL_FATAL 0x00000001 #define GL_LEVEL_ERROR 0x00000002 #define GL_LEVEL_WARNING 0x00000003 #define GL_LEVEL_INFORMATION 0x00000004 // ID for dwIndex of GUIDELINE Structure #define GL_ID_UNKNOWN 0x00000000 #define GL_ID_NOMODULE 0x00000001 #define GL_ID_NODICTIONARY 0x00000010 #define GL_ID_CANNOTSAVE 0x00000011 #define GL_ID_NOCONVERT 0x00000020 #define GL_ID_TYPINGERROR 0x00000021 #define GL_ID_TOOMANYSTROKE 0x00000022 #define GL_ID_READINGCONFLICT 0x00000023 #define GL_ID_INPUTREADING 0x00000024 #define GL_ID_INPUTRADICAL 0x00000025 #define GL_ID_INPUTCODE 0x00000026 #define GL_ID_INPUTSYMBOL 0x00000027 #define GL_ID_CHOOSECANDIDATE 0x00000028 #define GL_ID_REVERSECONVERSION 0x00000029 #define GL_ID_PRIVATE_FIRST 0x00008000 #define GL_ID_PRIVATE_LAST 0x0000FFFF // ID for dwIndex of ImmGetProperty #define IGP_GETIMEVERSION (DWORD)(-4) #define IGP_PROPERTY 0x00000004 #define IGP_CONVERSION 0x00000008 #define IGP_SENTENCE 0x0000000c #define IGP_UI 0x00000010 #define IGP_SETCOMPSTR 0x00000014 #define IGP_SELECT 0x00000018 // dwIndex for ImmSetCompositionString API #define SCS_SETSTR (GCS_COMPREADSTR|GCS_COMPSTR) #define SCS_CHANGEATTR (GCS_COMPREADATTR|GCS_COMPATTR) #define SCS_CHANGECLAUSE (GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE|GCS_COMPCLAUSE) #define SCS_SETRECONVERTSTRING 0x00010000 #define SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING 0x00020000 // attribute for COMPOSITIONSTRING Structure #define ATTR_INPUT 0x00 #define ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED 0x01 #define ATTR_CONVERTED 0x02 #define ATTR_TARGET_NOTCONVERTED 0x03 #define ATTR_INPUT_ERROR 0x04 #define ATTR_FIXEDCONVERTED 0x05 // bit field for IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW, IMC_SETCANDIDATEWINDOW #define CFS_DEFAULT 0x0000 #define CFS_RECT 0x0001 #define CFS_POINT 0x0002 #define CFS_FORCE_POSITION 0x0020 #define CFS_CANDIDATEPOS 0x0040 #define CFS_EXCLUDE 0x0080 // conversion direction for ImmGetConversionList #define GCL_CONVERSION 0x0001 #define GCL_REVERSECONVERSION 0x0002 #define GCL_REVERSE_LENGTH 0x0003 // bit field for conversion mode #define IME_CMODE_ALPHANUMERIC 0x0000 #define IME_CMODE_NATIVE 0x0001 #define IME_CMODE_CHINESE IME_CMODE_NATIVE // IME_CMODE_HANGEUL is old name of IME_CMODE_HANGUL. It will be gone eventually. #define IME_CMODE_HANGEUL IME_CMODE_NATIVE #define IME_CMODE_HANGUL IME_CMODE_NATIVE #define IME_CMODE_JAPANESE IME_CMODE_NATIVE #define IME_CMODE_KATAKANA 0x0002 // only effect under IME_CMODE_NATIVE #define IME_CMODE_LANGUAGE 0x0003 #define IME_CMODE_FULLSHAPE 0x0008 #define IME_CMODE_ROMAN 0x0010 #define IME_CMODE_CHARCODE 0x0020 #define IME_CMODE_HANJACONVERT 0x0040 #define IME_CMODE_SOFTKBD 0x0080 #define IME_CMODE_NOCONVERSION 0x0100 #define IME_CMODE_EUDC 0x0200 #define IME_CMODE_SYMBOL 0x0400 #define IME_CMODE_FIXED 0x0800 #define IME_CMODE_RESERVED 0xF0000000 // bit field for sentence mode #define IME_SMODE_NONE 0x0000 #define IME_SMODE_PLAURALCLAUSE 0x0001 #define IME_SMODE_SINGLECONVERT 0x0002 #define IME_SMODE_AUTOMATIC 0x0004 #define IME_SMODE_PHRASEPREDICT 0x0008 #define IME_SMODE_CONVERSATION 0x0010 #define IME_SMODE_RESERVED 0x0000F000 // style of candidate #define IME_CAND_UNKNOWN 0x0000 #define IME_CAND_READ 0x0001 #define IME_CAND_CODE 0x0002 #define IME_CAND_MEANING 0x0003 #define IME_CAND_RADICAL 0x0004 #define IME_CAND_STROKE 0x0005 // wParam of report message WM_IME_NOTIFY #define IMN_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW 0x0001 #define IMN_OPENSTATUSWINDOW 0x0002 #define IMN_CHANGECANDIDATE 0x0003 #define IMN_CLOSECANDIDATE 0x0004 #define IMN_OPENCANDIDATE 0x0005 #define IMN_SETCONVERSIONMODE 0x0006 #define IMN_SETSENTENCEMODE 0x0007 #define IMN_SETOPENSTATUS 0x0008 #define IMN_SETCANDIDATEPOS 0x0009 #define IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT 0x000A #define IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW 0x000B #define IMN_SETSTATUSWINDOWPOS 0x000C #define IMN_GUIDELINE 0x000D #define IMN_PRIVATE 0x000E #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) // wParam of report message WM_IME_REQUEST #define IMR_COMPOSITIONWINDOW 0x0001 #define IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW 0x0002 #define IMR_COMPOSITIONFONT 0x0003 #define IMR_RECONVERTSTRING 0x0004 #define IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING 0x0005 #define IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION 0x0006 #define IMR_DOCUMENTFEED 0x0007 #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ // error code of ImmGetCompositionString #define IMM_ERROR_NODATA (-1) #define IMM_ERROR_GENERAL (-2) // dialog mode of ImmConfigureIME #define IME_CONFIG_GENERAL 1 #define IME_CONFIG_REGISTERWORD 2 #define IME_CONFIG_SELECTDICTIONARY 3 // flags for ImmEscape #define IME_ESC_QUERY_SUPPORT 0x0003 #define IME_ESC_RESERVED_FIRST 0x0004 #define IME_ESC_RESERVED_LAST 0x07FF #define IME_ESC_PRIVATE_FIRST 0x0800 #define IME_ESC_PRIVATE_LAST 0x0FFF #define IME_ESC_SEQUENCE_TO_INTERNAL 0x1001 #define IME_ESC_GET_EUDC_DICTIONARY 0x1003 #define IME_ESC_SET_EUDC_DICTIONARY 0x1004 #define IME_ESC_MAX_KEY 0x1005 #define IME_ESC_IME_NAME 0x1006 #define IME_ESC_SYNC_HOTKEY 0x1007 #define IME_ESC_HANJA_MODE 0x1008 #define IME_ESC_AUTOMATA 0x1009 #define IME_ESC_PRIVATE_HOTKEY 0x100a #define IME_ESC_GETHELPFILENAME 0x100b // style of word registration #define IME_REGWORD_STYLE_EUDC 0x00000001 #define IME_REGWORD_STYLE_USER_FIRST 0x80000000 #define IME_REGWORD_STYLE_USER_LAST 0xFFFFFFFF #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) // dwFlags for ImmAssociateContextEx #define IACE_CHILDREN 0x0001 #define IACE_DEFAULT 0x0010 #define IACE_IGNORENOCONTEXT 0x0020 // dwFlags for ImmGetImeMenuItems #define IGIMIF_RIGHTMENU 0x0001 // dwType for ImmGetImeMenuItems #define IGIMII_CMODE 0x0001 #define IGIMII_SMODE 0x0002 #define IGIMII_CONFIGURE 0x0004 #define IGIMII_TOOLS 0x0008 #define IGIMII_HELP 0x0010 #define IGIMII_OTHER 0x0020 #define IGIMII_INPUTTOOLS 0x0040 // fType of IMEMENUITEMINFO structure #define IMFT_RADIOCHECK 0x00001 #define IMFT_SEPARATOR 0x00002 #define IMFT_SUBMENU 0x00004 // fState of IMEMENUITEMINFO structure #define IMFS_GRAYED MFS_GRAYED #define IMFS_DISABLED MFS_DISABLED #define IMFS_CHECKED MFS_CHECKED #define IMFS_HILITE MFS_HILITE #define IMFS_ENABLED MFS_ENABLED #define IMFS_UNCHECKED MFS_UNCHECKED #define IMFS_UNHILITE MFS_UNHILITE #define IMFS_DEFAULT MFS_DEFAULT #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ // type of soft keyboard // for Windows Tranditional Chinese Edition #define SOFTKEYBOARD_TYPE_T1 0x0001 // for Windows Simplified Chinese Edition #define SOFTKEYBOARD_TYPE_C1 0x0002 #endif // _IMM_SDK_DEFINED_ #ifndef _IMM_DDK_DEFINED_ #define _IMM_DDK_DEFINED_ typedef struct tagCOMPOSITIONSTRING { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwCompReadAttrLen; DWORD dwCompReadAttrOffset; DWORD dwCompReadClauseLen; DWORD dwCompReadClauseOffset; DWORD dwCompReadStrLen; DWORD dwCompReadStrOffset; DWORD dwCompAttrLen; DWORD dwCompAttrOffset; DWORD dwCompClauseLen; DWORD dwCompClauseOffset; DWORD dwCompStrLen; DWORD dwCompStrOffset; DWORD dwCursorPos; DWORD dwDeltaStart; DWORD dwResultReadClauseLen; DWORD dwResultReadClauseOffset; DWORD dwResultReadStrLen; DWORD dwResultReadStrOffset; DWORD dwResultClauseLen; DWORD dwResultClauseOffset; DWORD dwResultStrLen; DWORD dwResultStrOffset; DWORD dwPrivateSize; DWORD dwPrivateOffset; } COMPOSITIONSTRING, *PCOMPOSITIONSTRING, NEAR *NPCOMPOSITIONSTRING, FAR *LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING; typedef struct tagGUIDELINE { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwLevel; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwStrLen; DWORD dwStrOffset; DWORD dwPrivateSize; DWORD dwPrivateOffset; } GUIDELINE, *PGUIDELINE, NEAR *NPGUIDELINE, FAR *LPGUIDELINE; #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) typedef struct tagTRANSMSG { UINT message; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; } TRANSMSG, *PTRANSMSG, NEAR *NPTRANSMSG, FAR *LPTRANSMSG; typedef struct tagTRANSMSGLIST { UINT uMsgCount; TRANSMSG TransMsg[1]; } TRANSMSGLIST, *PTRANSMSGLIST, NEAR *NPTRANSMSGLIST, FAR *LPTRANSMSGLIST; #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ typedef struct tagCANDIDATEINFO { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwOffset[32]; DWORD dwPrivateSize; DWORD dwPrivateOffset; } CANDIDATEINFO, *PCANDIDATEINFO, NEAR *NPCANDIDATEINFO, FAR *LPCANDIDATEINFO; typedef struct tagIMEINFO { DWORD dwPrivateDataSize; DWORD fdwProperty; DWORD fdwConversionCaps; DWORD fdwSentenceCaps; DWORD fdwUICaps; DWORD fdwSCSCaps; DWORD fdwSelectCaps; } IMEINFO, *PIMEINFO, NEAR *NPIMEINFO, FAR *LPIMEINFO; typedef struct tagSOFTKBDDATA { UINT uCount; WORD wCode[1][256]; } SOFTKBDDATA, *PSOFTKBDDATA, NEAR *NPSOFTKBDDATA, FAR * LPSOFTKBDDATA; BOOL WINAPI ImmGetHotKey(IN DWORD, OUT LPUINT lpuModifiers, OUT LPUINT lpuVKey, OUT LPHKL); BOOL WINAPI ImmSetHotKey(IN DWORD, IN UINT, IN UINT, IN HKL); BOOL WINAPI ImmGenerateMessage(IN HIMC); #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) LRESULT WINAPI ImmRequestMessageA(IN HIMC, IN WPARAM, IN LPARAM); LRESULT WINAPI ImmRequestMessageW(IN HIMC, IN WPARAM, IN LPARAM); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImmRequestMessage ImmRequestMessageW #else #define ImmRequestMessage ImmRequestMessageA #endif // !UNICODE #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ // // Prototype of soft keyboard APIs // HWND WINAPI ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(IN UINT, IN HWND, IN int, IN int); BOOL WINAPI ImmDestroySoftKeyboard(IN HWND); BOOL WINAPI ImmShowSoftKeyboard(IN HWND, IN int); BOOL WINAPI ImmUnlockIMC(IN HIMC); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetIMCLockCount(IN HIMC); HIMCC WINAPI ImmCreateIMCC(IN DWORD); HIMCC WINAPI ImmDestroyIMCC(IN HIMCC); LPVOID WINAPI ImmLockIMCC(IN HIMCC); BOOL WINAPI ImmUnlockIMCC(IN HIMCC); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetIMCCLockCount(IN HIMCC); HIMCC WINAPI ImmReSizeIMCC(IN HIMCC, IN DWORD); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetIMCCSize(IN HIMCC); // the window extra offset #define IMMGWL_IMC 0 #define IMMGWL_PRIVATE (sizeof(LONG)) #ifdef _WIN64 #undef IMMGWL_IMC #undef IMMGWL_PRIVATE #endif /* _WIN64 */ #define IMMGWLP_IMC 0 #define IMMGWLP_PRIVATE (sizeof(LONG_PTR)) // for NI_CONTEXTUPDATED #define IMC_SETCONVERSIONMODE 0x0002 #define IMC_SETSENTENCEMODE 0x0004 #define IMC_SETOPENSTATUS 0x0006 // wParam for WM_IME_CONTROL to the soft keyboard #define IMC_GETSOFTKBDFONT 0x0011 #define IMC_SETSOFTKBDFONT 0x0012 #define IMC_GETSOFTKBDPOS 0x0013 #define IMC_SETSOFTKBDPOS 0x0014 #define IMC_GETSOFTKBDSUBTYPE 0x0015 #define IMC_SETSOFTKBDSUBTYPE 0x0016 #define IMC_SETSOFTKBDDATA 0x0018 // dwAction for ImmNotifyIME #define NI_CONTEXTUPDATED 0x0003 // dwSystemInfoFlags bits #define IME_SYSINFO_WINLOGON 0x0001 #define IME_SYSINFO_WOW16 0x0002 #define GCS_COMP (GCS_COMPSTR|GCS_COMPATTR|GCS_COMPCLAUSE) #define GCS_COMPREAD (GCS_COMPREADSTR|GCS_COMPREADATTR |GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE) #define GCS_RESULT (GCS_RESULTSTR|GCS_RESULTCLAUSE) #define GCS_RESULTREAD (GCS_RESULTREADSTR|GCS_RESULTREADCLAUSE) // bits of fdwInit of INPUTCONTEXT #define INIT_STATUSWNDPOS 0x00000001 #define INIT_CONVERSION 0x00000002 #define INIT_SENTENCE 0x00000004 #define INIT_LOGFONT 0x00000008 #define INIT_COMPFORM 0x00000010 #define INIT_SOFTKBDPOS 0x00000020 // IME property bits #define IME_PROP_END_UNLOAD 0x00000001 #define IME_PROP_KBD_CHAR_FIRST 0x00000002 #define IME_PROP_IGNORE_UPKEYS 0x00000004 #define IME_PROP_NEED_ALTKEY 0x00000008 #define IME_PROP_NO_KEYS_ON_CLOSE 0x00000010 #define IME_PROP_ACCEPT_WIDE_VKEY 0x00000020 // IME UICapability bits #define UI_CAP_SOFTKBD 0x00010000 #define IMN_SOFTKBDDESTROYED 0x0011 // flags for ImmEscape // prototype of IME APIs BOOL WINAPI ImeInquire(IN LPIMEINFO, OUT LPTSTR lpszUIClass, IN DWORD dwSystemInfoFlags); BOOL WINAPI ImeConfigure(IN HKL, IN HWND, IN DWORD, IN LPVOID); DWORD WINAPI ImeConversionList(HIMC, LPCTSTR, LPCANDIDATELIST, DWORD dwBufLen, UINT uFlag); BOOL WINAPI ImeDestroy(UINT); LRESULT WINAPI ImeEscape(HIMC, UINT, LPVOID); BOOL WINAPI ImeProcessKey(IN HIMC, IN UINT, IN LPARAM, IN CONST LPBYTE); BOOL WINAPI ImeSelect(IN HIMC, IN BOOL); BOOL WINAPI ImeSetActiveContext(IN HIMC, IN BOOL); #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) UINT WINAPI ImeToAsciiEx(IN UINT uVirtKey, IN UINT uScaCode, IN CONST LPBYTE lpbKeyState, OUT LPTRANSMSGLIST lpTransBuf, IN UINT fuState, IN HIMC); #else UINT WINAPI ImeToAsciiEx(IN UINT uVirtKey, IN UINT uScaCode, IN CONST LPBYTE lpbKeyState, OUT LPDWORD lpdwTransBuf, IN UINT fuState, IN HIMC); #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ BOOL WINAPI NotifyIME(IN HIMC, IN DWORD, IN DWORD, IN DWORD); BOOL WINAPI ImeRegisterWord(IN LPCTSTR, IN DWORD, IN LPCTSTR); BOOL WINAPI ImeUnregisterWord(IN LPCTSTR, IN DWORD, IN LPCTSTR); UINT WINAPI ImeGetRegisterWordStyle(IN UINT nItem, OUT LPSTYLEBUF); UINT WINAPI ImeEnumRegisterWord(IN REGISTERWORDENUMPROC, IN LPCTSTR, IN DWORD, IN LPCTSTR, IN LPVOID); BOOL WINAPI ImeSetCompositionString(IN HIMC, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN LPVOID lpComp, IN DWORD, IN LPVOID lpRead, IN DWORD); #endif // _IMM_DDK_DEFINED_ #if defined(_WINGDI_) && !defined(NOGDI) typedef struct tagINPUTCONTEXT { HWND hWnd; BOOL fOpen; POINT ptStatusWndPos; POINT ptSoftKbdPos; DWORD fdwConversion; DWORD fdwSentence; union { LOGFONTA A; LOGFONTW W; } lfFont; COMPOSITIONFORM cfCompForm; CANDIDATEFORM cfCandForm[4]; HIMCC hCompStr; HIMCC hCandInfo; HIMCC hGuideLine; HIMCC hPrivate; DWORD dwNumMsgBuf; HIMCC hMsgBuf; DWORD fdwInit; DWORD dwReserve[3]; UINT uSavedVKey; BOOL fChgMsg; DWORD fdwFlags; DWORD fdw31Compat; DWORD dwRefCount; PVOID pImeModeSaver; DWORD fdwDirty; #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE HIMCC hCtfImeContext; #endif // CUAS_ENABLE } INPUTCONTEXT, *PINPUTCONTEXT, NEAR *NPINPUTCONTEXT, FAR *LPINPUTCONTEXT; #endif #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUID attribute (IME share) // COMPOSITIONSTRING->dwPrivateSize = sizeof(GUIDMAPATTRIBUTE) + actual data array. // GUIDMAPATTRIBUTE* = GetOffset(COMPOSITIONSTRING->dwPrivateOffset) typedef struct tagGUIDMAPATTRIBUTE { // // IME share of GUID map attribute. // DWORD dwTfGuidAtomLen; DWORD dwTfGuidAtomOffset; // Offset based on GUIDMAPATTRIBUTE struct. // DWORD dwGuidMapAttrLen; DWORD dwGuidMapAttrOffset; // Offset based on GUIDMAPATTRIBUTE struct. } GUIDMAPATTRIBUTE, *PGUIDMAPATTRIBUTE; #endif // CUAS_ENABLE #if defined(_WINGDI_) && !defined(NOGDI) LPINPUTCONTEXT WINAPI ImmLockIMC(IN HIMC); #endif #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE // // Prototype of Cicero Unaware // HRESULT WINAPI CtfImmGetGuidAtom(IN HIMC, IN BYTE, OUT DWORD*); BOOL WINAPI CtfImmIsGuidMapEnable(IN HIMC); BOOL WINAPI CtfImmIsCiceroEnabled(); BOOL WINAPI CtfImmIsTextFrameServiceDisabled(); BOOL WINAPI CtfImmIsCiceroStartedInThread(); HRESULT WINAPI CtfImmSetCiceroStartInThread(BOOL fSet); UINT WINAPI GetKeyboardLayoutCP(HKL hKL); DWORD WINAPI ImmGetAppCompatFlags(HIMC hIMC); VOID WINAPI CtfImmSetAppCompatFlags(DWORD dwFlag); HRESULT WINAPI CtfAImmActivate(HMODULE* phMod); HRESULT WINAPI CtfAImmDeactivate(HMODULE hMod); BOOL WINAPI CtfImmGenerateMessage(IN HIMC, BOOL fSendMsg); #endif // CUAS_ENABLE #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ // wParam for WM_IME_CONTROL #define IMC_FIRST 0x0000 // 0x11 - 0x20 is reserved for soft keyboard #define IMC_LAST 0x0022 // wParam for WM_IME_SYSTEM #define IMS_DESTROYWINDOW 0x0001 #define IMS_IME31COMPATIBLE 0x0002 #define IMS_SETOPENSTATUS 0x0003 #define IMS_SETACTIVECONTEXT 0x0004 #define IMS_CHANGE_SHOWSTAT 0x0005 #define IMS_WINDOWPOS 0x0006 #define IMS_SENDIMEMSG 0x0007 #define IMS_SENDIMEMSGEX 0x0008 #define IMS_SETCANDIDATEPOS 0x0009 #define IMS_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT 0x000A #define IMS_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW 0x000B #define IMS_CHECKENABLE 0x000C #define IMS_CONFIGUREIME 0x000D #define IMS_CONTROLIMEMSG 0x000E #define IMS_SETOPENCLOSE 0x000F #define IMS_ISACTIVATED 0x0010 #define IMS_UNLOADTHREADLAYOUT 0x0011 #define IMS_LCHGREQUEST 0x0012 #define IMS_SETSOFTKBDONOFF 0x0013 #define IMS_GETCONVERSIONMODE 0x0014 #define IMS_IMEHELP 0x0015 #define IMS_IMENT35SENDAPPMSG 0x0016 #define IMS_ACTIVATECONTEXT 0x0017 #define IMS_DEACTIVATECONTEXT 0x0018 #define IMS_ACTIVATETHREADLAYOUT 0x0019 #define IMS_CLOSEPROPERTYWINDOW 0x001a #define IMS_OPENPROPERTYWINDOW 0x001b #define IMS_GETIMEMENU 0x001c #define IMS_ENDIMEMENU 0x001d #define IMS_GETCONTEXT 0x001e #define IMS_SENDNOTIFICATION 0x001f // IMS_SENDNOTIFICATION dirty bits for INPUTCONTEXT #define IMSS_UPDATE_OPEN 0x0001 #define IMSS_UPDATE_CONVERSION 0x0002 #define IMSS_UPDATE_SENTENCE 0x0004 #define IMSS_INIT_OPEN 0x0100 #define IMS_FINALIZE_COMPSTR 0x0020 #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE #define IMS_LOADTHREADLAYOUT 0x0021 #define IMS_SETLANGBAND 0x0023 #define IMS_RESETLANGBAND 0x0024 #endif // CUAS_ENABLE // for NI_CONTEXTUPDATED #define IMC_GETCONVERSIONMODE 0x0001 #define IMC_GETSENTENCEMODE 0x0003 #define IMC_GETOPENSTATUS 0x0005 // the return bits of ImmProcessHotKey #define IPHK_HOTKEY 0x0001 #define IPHK_PROCESSBYIME 0x0002 #define IPHK_CHECKCTRL 0x0004 // NT only #define IPHK_SKIPTHISKEY 0x0010 // the modifiers of hot key #define MOD_WIN 0x0008 // IME Hotkeys internal definitions #define IME_CHOTKEY_FIRST 0x10 #define IME_CHOTKEY_LAST 0x2f #define IME_JHOTKEY_FIRST 0x30 #define IME_JHOTKEY_LAST 0x4f #define IME_KHOTKEY_FIRST 0x50 #define IME_KHOTKEY_LAST 0x6f #define IME_THOTKEY_FIRST 0x70 #define IME_THOTKEY_LAST 0x8f #define IME_INVALID_HOTKEY 0xffffffff #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE #define GCS_COMPGUIDATTR 0x8000 #endif // CUAS_ENABLE #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE // bits of fdwInit of INPUTCONTEXT #define INIT_GUID_ATOM 0x00000040 #endif // CUAS_ENABLE // fdw31Compat of INPUTCONTEXT #define F31COMPAT_NOKEYTOIME 0x00000001 #define F31COMPAT_MCWHIDDEN 0x00000002 #define F31COMPAT_MCWVERTICAL 0x00000004 #define F31COMPAT_CALLFROMWINNLS 0x00000008 #define F31COMPAT_SAVECTRL 0x00010000 #define F31COMPAT_PROCESSEVENT 0x00020000 #define F31COMPAT_ECSETCFS 0x00040000 // the return value of ImmGetAppIMECompatFlags #define IMECOMPAT_UNSYNC31IMEMSG 0x00000001 // the meaning of this bit depend on the same bit in // IMELinkHdr.ctCountry.fdFlags #define IMECOMPAT_DUMMYTASK 0x00000002 // For Japanese and Hangeul versions, this bit on // indicates no dummy task is needed #define IMECOMPAT_NODUMMYTASK IMECOMPAT_DUMMYTASK // For Chinese and PRC versions, this bit on indicates // a dummy tasked is needed #define IMECOMPAT_NEEDDUMMYTASK IMECOMPAT_DUMMYTASK #define IMECOMPAT_POSTDUMMY 0x00000004 #define IMECOMPAT_ECNOFLUSH 0x00000008 #define IMECOMPAT_NOINPUTLANGCHGTODLG 0x00000010 #define IMECOMPAT_ECREDRAWPARENT 0x00000020 #define IMECOMPAT_SENDOLDSBM 0x00000040 #define IMECOMPAT_UNSYNC31IMEMSG2 0x00000080 #define IMECOMPAT_NOIMEMSGINTERTASK 0x00000100 #define IMECOMPAT_USEXWANSUNG 0x00000200 #define IMECOMPAT_JXWFORATOK 0x00000400 #define IMECOMPAT_NOIME 0x00000800 #define IMECOMPAT_NOKBDHOOK 0x00001000 #define IMECOMPAT_APPWNDREMOVEIMEMSGS 0x00002000 #define IMECOMPAT_LSTRCMP31COMPATIBLE 0x00004000 #define IMECOMPAT_USEALTSTKFORSHLEXEC 0x00008000 #define IMECOMPAT_NOVKPROCESSKEY 0x00010000 #define IMECOMPAT_NOYIELDWMCHAR 0x00020000 #define IMECOMPAT_SENDSC_RESTORE 0x00040000 #define IMECOMPAT_NOSENDLANGCHG 0x00080000 #define IMECOMPAT_FORCEUNSYNC31IMEMSG 0x00100000 #define IMECOMPAT_CONSOLEIMEPROCESS 0x00200000 // // KOR only: do not finalize the composition // string on mouse click // #define IMECOMPAT_NOFINALIZECOMPSTR 0x00400000 // // Terminal Server Client (MSTSC.EXE) only: // If client machine connected Fujitsu Oasys keyboard, disable NlsKbdSendIMENotification call // #define IMECOMPAT_HYDRACLIENT 0x00800000 #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE // // Cicero Unaware Support // per process information // #define IMECOMPAT_AIMM_LEGACY_CLSID 0x01000000 #define IMECOMPAT_AIMM_TRIDENT55 0x02000000 #define IMECOMPAT_AIMM12_TRIDENT 0x04000000 #define IMECOMPAT_AIMM12 0x08000000 #endif // CUAS_ENABLE #define IMGTF_CANT_SWITCH_LAYOUT 0x00000001 #define IMGTF_CANT_UNLOAD_IME 0x00000002 // all IME property bits, anyone add a new bit must update this !!! #define IME_PROP_ALL 0x001F003F // all IME UICapability bits, anyone add a new bit must update this !!! #define UI_CAP_ALL 0x00010007 // ImmSetCompositionString Capability bits // all ImmSetCompositionString Capability bits !!! #define SCS_CAP_ALL 0x00000007 // all IME WM_IME_SELECT inheritance Capability bits !!! #define SELECT_CAP_ALL 0x00000003 // ID for dwIndex of ImmGetProperty // The value is the offset of IMEINFO structure // last property index, anyone add a new property index must update this !!! #define IGP_LAST IGP_SELECT // bit field for IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW, IMC_SETCANDIDATEWINDOW #define CFS_SCREEN 0x0004 #define CFS_VERTICAL 0x0008 #define CFS_HIDDEN 0x0010 // all conversion mode bits, anyone add a new bit must update this !!! #define IME_CMODE_ALL 0x0FFF // // This is extended NLS mode for console and console IME // #define IME_CMODE_OPEN 0x20000000 #define IME_CMODE_DISABLE 0x40000000 #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE // bit field for extended conversion mode #define IME_CMODE_GUID_NULL 0x80000000 #endif // CUAS_ENABLE // all sentence mode bits, anyone add a new bit must update this !!! #define IME_SMODE_ALL 0x001F #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE // bit field for extended conversion mode #define IME_SMODE_GUID_NULL 0x00008000 #endif // CUAS_ENABLE #if (WINVER >= 0x040A) #ifdef CUAS_ENABLE // prototype of IME APIs for Cicero Bridge HRESULT WINAPI CtfImeInquireEx(IN LPIMEINFO, OUT LPTSTR lpszUIClass, IN DWORD dwSystemInfoFlags, HKL hKL); HRESULT WINAPI CtfImeCreateThreadMgr(); HRESULT WINAPI CtfImeDestroyThreadMgr(); HRESULT WINAPI CtfImeCreateInputContext(HIMC hImc); HRESULT WINAPI CtfImeDestroyInputContext(HIMC hImc); HRESULT WINAPI CtfImeSelectEx(HIMC hIMC, BOOL fSelect, HKL hKL); HRESULT WINAPI CtfImeSetActiveContextAlways(HIMC hIMC, BOOL fOn, HWND hWnd, HKL hkl); LRESULT WINAPI CtfImeEscapeEx(HIMC hIMC, UINT uSubFunc, LPVOID lpData, HKL hKL); HRESULT WINAPI CtfImeGetGuidAtom(HIMC hIMC, BYTE bAttr, DWORD* pAtom); BOOL WINAPI CtfImeIsGuidMapEnable(HIMC hIMC); BOOL WINAPI CtfImeProcessCicHotkey(HIMC hIMC, UINT uVKey, LPARAM lParam); #endif // CUAS_ENABLE #endif /* WINVER >= 0x040A */ // // nCode for MsctfCicNotify // #define CICN_LANGCHANGEHOTKEY 0x0001 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _IMMP_